Chapter Two

II. The Gatekeeper of Eternity
My world and I are going after a toy.
In the previous chapter you learned the principles of reality management. Now let us speak of specific methods. The first necessary condition, without which Transurfing is not possible at all, is the presence of a sufficiently high level of energy.
Energy is of two kinds: physiological and free. The first one you feel as warmth and physical strength - it is produced as a result of metabolism. To maintain physiological energy at the proper level it is enough to eat a full meal, rest and move in the fresh air.
Free energy comes from the cosmos, flows through energy channels and manifests itself as vigor or vitality. This is, in fact, the energy of intention, thanks to which a person feels himself capable of active, decisive actions. If you are dragging your feet from day to day, when you have enough strength only to perform routine actions, and the main thing is that you do not want to do anything, then it indicates an extremely low level of energy.
. We can say that free energy and vitality are one and the same thing. Youthfulness is when the energy of intention is booming. Imagine an old woman of a sickly appearance. Here she is waddling, grunting, every movement is difficult for her. And then she suddenly sprints, jumps, leaps high, and with a triumphant cry of “Yes!” cuts through the air with a sharp blow of her hand. It seems incredible, but that's exactly what the old lady will want to do if she brings her energy up to the proper level.
Why is it that man creates all of his best creations in the first half or third of his life? It's all about the energy of intention. If it is maintained at the proper level, then masterpieces can shine at any age.
Life and creative power atrophies when a person stops striving for something. There are people who look at the world with indifferent eyes. They know everything, have experienced everything, and seem to enjoy this feeling of satiety. For them, the whole world is like a park, where there is nothing to be surprised about. They indifferently and lazily instruct others, showing that they are already familiar with everything. Such people grow old early. Do not get tired of looking at the world with wide-open eyes, and there will be more energy - that is its property.
If a person stops being surprised and striving for new goals, then he does not just stop developing - he degrades, that is, grows old. Life - is a process in which there can be no stopping. There is movement either forward or backward. There is no such state as stopping and remaining motionless in nature. Even rocks transform their appearance. To activate the energy of intention, it is necessary to “hook” it with a goal.
The energy is ignited by the attitude to active action. A kind of feedback loop is created: active action generates intention, intention ignites the life force. If you are sitting there and you don't want to do anything, do something, and energy will appear. Sometimes you need some initial push to move from a place.
It may seem that you don't have enough energy and that you need to get it from somewhere, but you don't. In fact, you have plenty of energy - it comes from the cosmos, and you can take as much as you can carry. The thing is that you have already taken as much as you can. The energy has not disappeared - it is just that it is almost fully utilized. All the titanic power is spent to support loads of two varieties.
First of all, these are the responsibilities and limitations you have burdened yourself with. Imagine this picture. You have taken upon yourself the obligation to do something - a heavy weight hangs on you at once. You set yourself some conditions - another one hangs on you. You promised something to yourself or to someone - the next one. How many such weights do you have around your neck? As long as they are not too many, you can live. But one day there comes a moment when the weight becomes unbearable. Then a breakdown occurs: cornered in a corner, a person gets sick, depressed or has a misfortune. He begins to look at the world tensely, with distrust and fear. As a result, reality, as a reflection of thoughts, actually takes on more and more gloomy colors - a black streak begins, which can last for a very long time.
In second place is the burden of excessive potentials. By giving excessive importance to various things, you burden yourself with an exorbitant burden. It is a whole mountain of unsupportable load. Feelings of inferiority: I need to be “cool”, to protect and strengthen my importance. A sense of guilt, responsibility: I have to do my duty, fulfill my duty. Exaggerating the complexity of problems: I have a lot of work to do. Doubts and anxiety are also eternally oppressive.
Many people go through life like this, weighed down on all sides by the weight of all sorts of responsibilities, unfinished business, rigid conditions, plans and multiple goals. A goal activates the energy of intention, but only if it is realized, not hanging in the project. There is nothing easier than planning some work, setting conditions and making promises. You just need to know that by binding yourself to any, the smallest commitment, you are placing a weight on yourself that takes away some of the energy of intention. With this load you have to move on.
On top of that, one of the main causes of weak energy is mundane slagging of the body. It's very simple. Energetic channels are narrowed, as in an old pipe overgrown with scale, as a result of which the flow of energy turns into a thin trickle. Hence the deficiency of free energy, which entails the rest of the problems. There's poor physical fitness, low creativity, disease, and all that follows.
It turns out that of all the energy squeezed through the narrow energy channels, the lion's share goes to support a whole garland of useless weights. That miserable miser, which turned out to be in the residue, makes up the whole amount of vital tonus, which makes up vigor, activity, cheerfulness, optimism, desire for everything at once, and the feeling of being able to roll mountains. Judging by their condition, everyone can estimate how much of this cash they have left. There are hardly many “wealthy citizens”.
Thus, all the free energy turns out to be utilized for a number of unrealized potential intentions (plans), which only aggravate. In order to free up resources, it is necessary to either throw out some of the potential intentions, or trigger their realization.
Pay attention: what is burdening you? Upon reflection, many weights can be discarded without regret. Most of these weighty trinkets seem very necessary, but what good are they if you carry them around with you all the time and you can't realize them? For example: I have to be better than everyone else; I need to always be on top; I will prove to everyone and myself what I am worth; I have to pass the path I have chosen; I need only victory, otherwise I will cease to respect myself; I have no right to make mistakes. And so on, like, quit smoking, learn a foreign language and in general, start a new life from Monday.
Agree, everything that is endlessly postponed for later is a useless load. It should either be realized or thrown away, because it takes away energy, which is just stupid to waste. For example, when a person is in the process of quitting a bad habit, a double portion of energy is diverted: on the one hand, you still have to pay interest on the loan to the pendulum, and on the other hand, you have to bear the heavy burden of the obligation to quit. Such a canniness can go on for years. Violence against yourself in any case must be turned into conviction, that is, if you refuse, then by conviction, not by necessity. Cornering himself into a corner by willful methods, a person builds up even more tension, which is inevitably followed by a breakdown. Therefore, it is advisable to choose one of two things: either to resolutely realize the intention, or to throw off the weight of duty and introduce the habit in a manageable direction.
Instead of shooting cigarettes and collecting bulls, it is better to start a solid pipe and buy good tobacco. It is better to carry a decent flask in your pocket than to snoop around in a diner and drink around the corner. It means establishing a partnership with your creditor. As a result, a harmful vice becomes more moderate and manageable. The bank will give a solid client favorable terms. Not to mention that a habit let loose does far less harm than one you hate but can't let go of. The declaration of intention here makes the whole thing worse. But, of course, it is not the best solution to the problem. Before turning a bad habit into a civilized manner, you need to have a very serious talk with yourself.
There is another very burdensome weight - study, in the sense of cramming. If the intention is to stuff one's head with information, a lot of tension is created. In this case, the intention is not realized, it is pressed. There is no movement - there is only tension. So, although I am going to say a simple truth, it is worth repeating. There is no point in memorizing information - it will be dead baggage, which will take an unreasonable amount of effort to “load”. Knowledge, unlike data, is learned only in action, through concrete examples, when the intention is realized. For example, if you are used to explaining lessons to your children, do the opposite - let them explain them to you, you will immediately feel the difference. It's all about the direction of the intention: it needs to be reoriented - passive to turn into active. Unnecessary weight that requires memorization will immediately fall off.
Or maybe you have one big weight, which you have been secretly thinking about getting rid of for a long time, but do not dare to do so? Imagine the lightness that will appear if you drop it. Let yourself go, give yourself more freedom. Make a list of restrictions that depress you, and throw them off your shoulders. Then immediately the reserves of intention energy will be released, which will allow you to move forward.
As already mentioned, the goal activates the energy of intention in the process of realization. It is better, of course, to find your goal. If you succeed in this, then the question of energy deficit will probably disappear by itself. After all, the soul and mind, having perked up, will rush with enthusiasm to the cherished dream. But if at this point you do not feel the ability to actively act, to take new heights, then there is nothing to try and look for your goal. In this case, there is a high probability that the pendulums, taking advantage of your weakness, will impose someone else's goals on you. To find your own, it is necessary to have a sufficient degree of freedom, and this is, first of all, freedom from obligations to others and to yourself. And first of all, for the success of this endeavor, it is necessary to free yourself from one more weight: you must allow yourself not to have your own goal yet. To find it requires free energy - that is what you should do first of all.
You can use three ways to increase energy: releasing occupied resources, training energy flows, expanding energy channels.
By releasing engaged resources, you get a tangible increase in power. Previously, if you gave energy to pendulums, e.g. alcohol, tobacco, now this energy is at your disposal. Before, you used to spend energy on preoccupation and worry. Now this energy has been transformed into a determination to act. You used to spend energy on hesitation and doubt, questioning whether you were doing the right thing. Now you determine for yourself what is right and what is wrong for you. Before, energy was spent on worries and responsibilities associated with guilt. Now that energy is free. You used to be tormented by the need to validate your worth. Now you allow yourself to live according to your credo and you are at ease. All former expenses have turned into income - into the energy of intention, with which you can shape your reality.
In the first book of Transurfing it was already mentioned that the energy of intention is trainable. Just as physical exercise develops muscles, so Achieving new goals raises your energy level. But when all the major peaks are taken and life goes into a calm course, the energy of intention atrophies. The decrease in level can be compensated by energy exercises. The principle is that while doing any physical exercise, one should fix attention on the upward and downward flows, as described in the first book. If you add to this the visualization of the process, when you scroll a slide in your mind that your intention energy is increasing more and more each day, the exercises become much more effective. The energy of intention by induction increases itself.
If you train your energy intensely today, then expect consequences the next day. Do you think there will be a boost? Not at all. On the contrary, a complete collapse of strength. After all, if you resume intensive physical exercises after a long break, then the next day all your muscles are sore. The same thing happens with practicing the energy of intention. Only in this case you do not feel pain, but fatigue and depressed state. You should not worry about it, because soon everything will go back to normal. The main thing is to practice systematically. Every day give yourself the attitude: “My energy of intention is increasing day by day. After a few sessions you will feel such a boost that you will want to literally jump and fly.
And finally, the most direct way to increase energy is to cleanse the body and switch to eating natural products without heat treatment. Why? This is a separate and far from trivial topic - it will be discussed in detail in the next book. Meanwhile, for the sake of brevity, we can make such an analogy. Energy flows in the organism like water in a pipeline. In a clean organism, as in a clean pipe, the water pressure is stronger.
So, cleansing and keeping the body clean is simple and natural. Although one can do it differently: to clean the pipe with a strong pressure of water. This is the way meditative practices are followed. But it will be long and difficult, and therefore I suggest the simplest and most direct way - physiological cleansing.
A high level of energy leads a person into a state called inspiration. In this state you are able to generate ideas, find ingenious solutions, create masterpieces. The muse, like a moth, is always drawn to the light. Skepticism and apathy indicate a low level of energy. With energy deficit you will always look at the world with pessimism, which will certainly be reflected in reality. When you have a high vitality, you translate into the mirror of the world a strong image of a successful person, and then luck itself comes to you.
There is one more thing to be said about this. You may have noticed that inspiration sometimes behaves in a strange way. Sometimes there are moments of spiritual uplift, when the impossible seems possible, but for some reason the enthusiasm soon fades and is replaced by pragmatism. The optimistic fire quickly burns out, and around reigns the same old dull picture of a gray world, in which the inspiring ideas begin to seem hopeless again. What is the use of such inspiration, which can only erect air castles?
The fact is that this is not inspiration at all, but euphoria. This state occurs when there is a sharp transition from a low level of energy to a high one. Such a transition occurs when using strong stimulants, or simply when some unusual information excites the imagination. An abnormal burst of energy opens the consciousness access to sectors of the space of variants lying far away from the current, realized ones. Theoretically, these variants can also be realized, but they are far away from the stream of variants, and therefore require greater energy inputs. For the same reason, the ideas that seemed brilliant in a dream are extinguished after awakening. In dreams, the soul most often flies into areas that have very little to do with reality.
Truly real ideas are born only with the steady energy of intention. And they lie not far from the current of options. But for the consciousness to go beyond the material world and reach these ideas requires either a special gift or a stable high level of energy. So the lack of talent can well be compensated for.
The energy of intention gives a person not only a high vitality that allows one to act effectively in the material world. Much more interesting is another thing - the higher the energy, the faster the desired is realized. The energy of the cosmos, passing through the human body, is modulated by his thoughts and acquires an ordered form. In the same way a radio transmitter transforms electricity into a signal carrying information. Having received informational ordering, a person's energy “illuminates” the corresponding sector of the space of variants. As a result, the metaphysical variant receives its real embodiment on the physical side of the dual mirror - the thought materializes.
Obviously, the greater the power of radiation, the more effective the process of materialization. As you know from the previous chapter, the realization of thoughts does not happen instantly, otherwise our life would be like a computer game in a world of total chaos. To form a reflection, you need a clear image born in the unity of soul and mind, or long enough purposeful concentration of attention. Perhaps someday a “materializer” of the space of variants will be invented. If, of course, God allows it. Artificial intelligence is still out of reach - and maybe it's better that way, because we don't know how it will turn out. The most important thing for us is that we are able to turn our dreams into reality.
High energy does not mean the use of force. To more effectively shape the layer of your world, you need to feel unity and even identity with it. It is necessary to look at the surrounding reality in a new way: I own my reality as I own my body. To enter the same time mode with reality - not to wait for instant changes, but to be calm, patient and purposeful.
You can easily control your body - it is a common thing for you. But there are some people who due to some diseases have lost this ability. The body may perform uncontrolled movements or may be paralyzed and not obey the intention at all. When you are confused, your body is also not completely under your control. For example, a clamped and shy person's hands may perform uncontrolled movements. There is no unity of soul, mind and body.
Much worse is the relationship between the person and the layer of his world. The person feels isolated from the surrounding reality. It is as if the layer is somewhere outside - it makes uncontrolled movements, and it seems that it cannot be influenced in any way. But if a person feels unity with his world, he will be able to control it like his own body.
. This ability has completely atrophied, but it can be restored. To do this, it is necessary to train yourself to pay attention to your surroundings, to feel yourself a part of this world, to be in its context, to look for the links that connect you to it. In other words, be a separate part of the world and at the same time dissolve into it.
I will not hide the fact that this is not an easy task. It cannot be taught - a person can find unity with the world only through his daily experience. And this path can be a life-long one. Therefore, for those who are not attracted by the labor-intensive practice of spiritual perfection, there are simple and accessible instructions.
. Here's the thing. You do not always get what you want immediately. But in any case you get only what your intention is directed at. For example, if you need muscle mass, your attention should be focused on the slide in which the muscle grows. If you need to lose weight, all thoughts should be about the body getting slimmer and slimmer. If your goal is to increase the energy of the intention, you need to focus on the energy flows and the shell. Well, if the intention is not directed anywhere, you will not get anything.
Doing exercises aimlessly, you are wasting your time and energy. When the attention is focused not on the goal, but on the effort, then it is simply spent physiological energy, that's all. After all, effort is the path to the goal, the means to achieve it. So you will be on the road all the time, because the mirror reflects only what is contained in the image.
Children have energy, but it is uncontrollable and uselessly dispersed into space. Similarly, if you bring your energy of intention to a high level but do not give it a clear direction, it will be useless. A simple light bulb can only illuminate a nearby space. A narrowly directed laser beam, on the other hand, can hit many kilometers away. Therefore, if you want your energy to work, it is necessary to give it a clear direction to the goal.
Purposefulness directs the energy of intention in a strictly defined direction. Concentration is necessary - not tension, but focus. Usually the thought-stirrer works by itself. Ideas are born and extinguished uncontrollably, thoughts jump from one topic to another. The mind “fidgets” like a baby. To manage reality, you must strive to keep your thoughts under control. At first it is a bit stressful, but then it becomes a habit.
And in order to develop such a habit, it is enough to fulfill one simple rule: accustom yourself to think about what you are doing at the moment. Don't just do anything mindlessly, floating in an amorphous swirl of uncontrollable thoughts. Proclaim a declaration of intention. This doesn't mean you have to be on standby number one all the time. Let your thoughts drift as much as you like... but do it intentionally, on the principle that if my mind wanders, it's because I'm allowing it to. And just as intentionally return to a centered state when necessary.
In general, the point is to ensure that the image of your thoughts for the most part contains the picture you would like to see in the reflection of the dual mirror. Thus, it is not necessary to be in a perfect state of organic unity with the world to achieve a goal, but rather to systematically fix your attention on the target slide. By controlling the course of your thoughts, you subordinate reality to your will.
It doesn't matter that your thoughts get out of control every now and then. The main thing is to get in the habit of bringing them back to the target slide. When habitually your thoughts return to the target again and again, the slide becomes a constant companion - its picture is always in the background, in the context of everything that is happening to you. In this case you can have no doubt - the image will be formed, and the mirror of the world will inevitably reflect it in reality cleaning the world
Each person has a separate layer of the world. We can say that the reflective surface of the dual mirror is multi-layered. Every living being, having been born, gets its own mirror plate at its disposal. An individual's thoughts and intentions form an image, which in reflection creates a separate reality. The multiplicity of all realities overlap to form what we observe in material reality.
If we talk about an individual, the layer of his world is the space of existence, that is, everything that surrounds him. Individual reality is formed in two ways: physical and metaphysical. In other words, a person creates his world by his actions and thoughts. It is difficult to assess which of these aspects has a greater influence on reality. Most likely, thought patterns play a dominant role here, as they create a significant portion of the material problems that a person has to struggle with most of the time. As you realize, Transurfing deals with an exclusively metaphysical aspect.
Each person lives in his own particular environment, he is surrounded by many people and material objects. How can a separate sphere of existence be distinguished from this motley environment? Very simply. If we set aside all material things, we are left with one basic essence that interests us above all: how are things going, good or bad? The environment can be rich and poor, friendly and aggressive, comfortable and not so comfortable - but that is not what matters. The main thing is how happy a person is in these conditions, whether he or she gets everything he or she aspires to, whether the circumstances are fortunate. This quality of the layer - its shade - has a decisive influence on everything that happens in material reality.
The layer of the world can have both light and somber tones. Everything depends on how a person constructs the image of his thoughts - the more negativity there is, the gloomier the reality. And the worse things go, the more rejection accumulates, which in a feedback loop darkens the layer even more. It follows from all this that one's separate reality, like one's body, must be kept clean.
All negative thoughts must be decisively and firmly cast away so that they do not spoil your world. Away! In the same way, one should take out the garbage and remove the dirt from the house. You need to get rid of all junk. Otherwise, no matter how hard you try, things will go bad all the time.
However, there is a kind of junk that can not be so easily thrown out of your world. These are first of all feelings of guilt, then inferiority complex, doubts, worries, fears, dissatisfaction, dislike and worst expectations. They are like sores that you'd like to get rid of, but you can't. So we'll treat them. The means are available.

Imagine this picture: a man and his world are going on a magic bus to the place where dreams turn into reality.
- Here, my good one, we're going after your toy.
- Yes, peace is great!"
The joyful journey promises much. Everything is going beautifully, what else is missing! But the restless mind is not used to it, it's always looking around for trouble. Everything can't be all right!
- Hey, stop that. I think there's some righteous people over there who are judging me. I should give them a ride to make it up to them. - No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! - I must, or I'll never rest.
The bus stops, and sticky subjects get in and start making some claims and demanding something.
- We are your judges!
There's nothing to do, we keep going. On the whole, it's not so bad, but the man is angry again.
- Look, - he says to the world, - what wonderful people are there, let's take them, we will have someone to take an example from.
- Have mercy, my dear fellow, why do we need unnecessary companions?
The world makes weak attempts to object, but is forced to agree, and the bus is filled with arrogant personalities, who show that you are far from them.
- We are your ideal!
And Fear, Anxiety, Doubt and Worst Expectations are already voting on the road. And of course, a person tries to reason with a smart look:
- Maybe these wise travelers will point us in the right direction and keep us from taking the wrong step?
- As you wish, my dear fellow, - the world agrees and lets in the galloping audience.
- We are your common sense! - they declare, and with their sensible wailing they make the trip a living hell. To top it all off, the road is blocked by Discontent, Condemnation and Dislike. The man can't make sense of it. 46

wants to meet them, but the world is used to taking with it all those to whom the mind pays attention.
- We are your worst dream! - The unpleasant types shout and cackle through the doors. The man would be glad to get rid of the pesky fellow travelers, but it's too late. The bus is full and can't move any further. Manipulators, cardboard idols, cliches, counselors and other evil things have spoiled everything. But who's to blame? Why should we have brought them along?
The most destructive of all this garbage is guilt - conscious or not - it doesn't matter. If you notice that the world punishes you or humiliates you, acts as if it is bullying you, tries to subjugate you, then all the signs of illness are present. Kick this disease away. Guilt is an arrogant guest in your home, who, sprawled in a chair with his feet on the table, dictates its terms to you. You are quite capable of throwing him out if you realize that it is in your power. Even in the case that you really in something wronged, you have the right to ask for forgiveness only once.
Guilt breeds punishment in a variety of forms, from minor annoyances to major problems. You can cut your finger, or you can get into a car accident. The external intention is bound to include some kind of punishment in the scenario. This is the pattern of human worldview: a misdemeanor must be followed by retribution, and the soul together with the mind are completely unanimous in this.
In addition, the feeling of guilt strongly stretches the polarization. As a result, the equilibrium forces bring all sorts of misfortunes upon the “guilty head”. And the most annoying of all troubles - manipulators, which, like annoying flies, and stick. They have a knack for inducing guilt in their “clients”. If a person has a tendency to take the blame, the manipulator will do everything to heap even more on him.
The guilt complex is externally imposed as early as childhood. Adults sometimes use forbidden techniques to make their pupils obey. If a child stays for a long time in the care of a typical manipulator, a kind of microchip in the form of an unconscious sense of duty or obligation to work off some kind of duty is firmly embedded in his fragile psyche.
“Programmed” is doomed to bear his heavy cross and remain a puppet in the hands of manipulators as long as this microchip is in the subconscious. But how to get it out of there? You can't suffocate guilt and you can't just get rid of it - it's too deeply embedded. The soul and mind have lived with this feeling for a very long time: to be forever obliged to everyone. And to take them out of this state can only be a specific way of action.
Namely, it is necessary to stop making excuses. Here we have that special case when the treatment of a disease as a consequence eliminates its cause. You do not need to convince yourself that you do not owe anyone anything. Just watch out your usual actions, which will require awareness. If you used to be in the habit of apologizing at the slightest occasion, now get another habit: explain your actions only when it is really necessary.
Don't convince yourself that you don't have to. Let the guilt remain inside. But outwardly you should not show it. Manipulators, not receiving from you the same return, will gradually fall away. At the same time, your soul and mind will slowly get used to the new feeling: you do not justify yourself, so, it seems so, and therefore, your guilt simply does not exist. As a result, there will be fewer and fewer reasons for “redemption”. This is how the external form will gradually bring the internal content in order - the feeling of guilt will disappear, and the corresponding problems will disappear after it.
. Another disease, which suffers to a greater or lesser extent almost everyone, is an inferiority complex. With this burden a person feels unworthy or incapable, which is reflected in reality. In the first book of Transurfing it was discussed in detail about inner importance - what problems arise when a person, feeling in some way inferior, strives to increase his importance in every possible way. The paradox is that a law similar to the uncertainty principle in quantum physics is at work here: importance becomes smaller the more one tries to emphasize it. And vice versa, a person who does not care about his importance has it unconditionally.
The desire to strengthen one's position, to emphasize one's merits is an illusion, a chase for reflection in a mirror circle. But how to convince yourself that you are worth something and there is no need to prove it? There is another feedback loop here, where the effect eliminates the cause. You need to consciously reorient your intention: instead of trying to prove yourself, you need to stop all attempts to increase your importance. If a person does not do this (and you know that almost everyone does it, each in his or her own way), the people around him or her intuitively feel that his or her importance does not need to be confirmed. And if so, they begin to treat a person with more sympathy and honor. As a result, the soul and mind gradually become convinced that “I am really worth something”. The mirror circle freezes at some point, then turns around and begins to move towards. As a result, self-esteem rises and the inferiority complex is gone.
Doubts, anxiety and fear also thoroughly spoil the picture of the world. Do not forget that after such thoughts are reflected in the mirror, the layers of the world will penetrate what really have to fear. But the greatest harm fear does to the goal, because, as you know from the previous chapter, it turns desire into lust.
The more desire burns as fear of failure, the greater the external importance and the less likely it is to succeed. Expectation in the form of lust must be abandoned or nothing will come of it. In order to achieve a goal, one must intention - it is devoid of doubt and appears when one moves from mere “wanting” to action.
To extinguish this itch of impatience, it is necessary to find a safety net, a fallback route in case of failure, and to accept defeat from the start. But the question arises: how can you accept defeat in advance, if you are tormented by an unbearable thirst to get their own? And you will see, when you will not work out, despair, and maybe even anger will make you give up on the expected result.
You can also get rid of inner importance, that is, a painful sense of your own importance, with despair. If you have something does not work out and thus strongly beats on your ambitions, the feeling of hopelessness will make you spit on everything and throw your own importance as a shabby weight. Immediately you will feel easy and free. And things will immediately get better.
Doubts in the successful completion of the planned usually arise when the mind is thinking about ways and means to achieve the goal. In the book “The Transurfing of Reality” much has been said about why you should not think about it at all. You cannot know exactly how things will work out. Your task is to focus on the goal as if it has already been achieved, then the external intention will open the right doors in due time.
Now that you know the rules of handling the dual mirror, nothing should bother you anymore. The most effective remedy for doubts and fears is mirror principles. First, direct your intention to maintain the amalgam of “my world takes care of me.” Second, rigorously follow the last three mirror principles.
For example, you are about to enter an institute and you want to pass the competitive selection process safely. Before the test, say to yourself: maybe failure is your luck? And then cheerfully and carefree go to the exam. This is called accepting defeat and going with the flow of options. Do what is required of you while thinking about the end result with indifference. Or rather think of any outcome as a success.
You don't have to “pretend” that you don't want to accomplish the goal - you can't fool yourself. You don't have to think about how the goal will be achieved, and you don't have to dwell on your scenario. Your job is to do the work of visualizing the slide and move your feet in the direction of the goal. Mind control should not be directed toward the script, but toward following the mirror principles.
What is there to worry about if you are going to succeed anyway? After all, it's up to you to determine your attitude - towards positivity or negativity. Everyone is used to treat their failures unambiguously negative, so they are forced to obey the rules of the game, in which success is difficult to achieve by definition. And you make an inadequate step: dub your failure your success. That's when you will be able to get out of the general system, and victory will be ensured.

Here, as in the case of guilt and significance, a feedback loop is at work. By shifting your attention from the mirror to the image and stopping chasing the reflection, you stop the mirror circle. You don't need to believe in success or convince yourself. All that is required is to redirect your intention to adhere to the principles. Once they begin to take effect, you will notice a significant change in reality. Your mind will become convinced that the mirror really does work. It will finally realize that success doesn't happen the way it imagined. As a result, your soul and mind will calm down, fear and doubt will disappear, and the mirror circle will move towards you.
The remaining junk that needs to be thrown out of your world is judgment, discontent, resentment and worst expectations. Regarding the first one, you need to realize that criticizing anyone, even if it is fair, is extremely unprofitable. It is a very thankless business. Equilibrium forces with the purpose of restoring the balance of good and bad will do everything to put the accuser himself in the dock. There will always be a reason and an excuse. So it is better to put a taboo on any condemnation from your side.
Regarding the rest of the negative relationships can only say one thing. Playing a play called “I am not satisfied with my world, I do not like my life”, you form and support this reality. Remember over and over again that you are standing in front of a mirror. Amalgam and the last three mirror principles will help transform a layer of your world into a cozy corner. There's not much more to add here.
One last thing. Let's say you're feeling really bad right now - so bad that you just don't have the energy to force yourself to follow any principles. Where to start, how to straighten out the reality?
There are times when life becomes completely unbearable. As if an alcoholic gets sober and discovers a gloomy and uncomfortable reality around him. In fact, let's take as an illustration a typical example, when after a fun party comes a gloomy morning and you have to drag yourself to work. After the holidays there are problems in enterprises. It is understandable that people do not have time to get into the working rhythm, but something similar happens with machinery. According to statistics, on Mondays the most cars, computers and other equipment break down. What happens to reality?
This reality is created by people themselves when their layers overlap. During the period of hangover syndrome a person has to pay back the pendulum “interest on the loan”. When there is a deficit of free energy, the mental image contains a large proportion of negativity. That's why there is a nervous situation, work does not go well. The mirror reacts accordingly, and reality is distorted. If household appliances fail at home, the cumulative distortion at the enterprise leads to more tangible consequences: accidents occur, mechanisms break down, complex and, especially, precision equipment works unstable.

The fact is that if a person is depressed or in an altered state of consciousness, a layer of their world is drawn into the murky regions of option space. It is as if reality becomes enveloped in a veil. All the surroundings remain in place, conditions are the same, even the weather can be beautiful, and yet something oppressive hangs in the air. If on such days you have not been paying attention to the shades of reality - observe. You will feel that the material world looks at you with cold hostility. The quality of its layer has changed: “things are not going well.” This quality - a murky veil - has a quite tangible effect on everything, including technology.
A black streak begins either with physical malaise due to a deficit of free energy, or with negative emotions when expectations are not met. In order not to allow the cloudy area into your reality in the future, you must first of all increase your energy - when it reaches the proper level, irritability will stop. Well, and of course, to do everything mentioned above - to keep the layer of the world clean.
But now, if you are depressed, you need to straighten your reality first - to bring the layer of your world from a cloudy cloud to a clean area of the space of options. How do you do that?"
There is one recipe available, simple as anything ingenious. When a child cries, how to calm him down? Persuasion won't work. It is necessary to deal with him, to show care, participation, to give him attention. So, when you feel bad - it's a child crying inside you. Take care of him. Even though many of us look serious, solid, cool, etc.. - we are all, in essence, still children. “Take yourself for a ride on the merry-go-round,” which means take up the things you enjoy most. Take a special time out to fix reality, during which you will just rest, not thinking about problems:
“My world and I are going for a walk.” This time is worth it, because the layer needs to be peeled back - a lot depends on it. Buy your favorite treat: “Eat, eat, my good one, get well”. Devote the whole day to yourself, to your pleasures. Take care of yourself, carefully put yourself to bed: “Sleep, my good one, your world will take care of everything”.
That's it. The next day, if you are not lazy to observe the mirror principles, you will feel how the surrounding reality begins to acquire more and more warm, cozy shades - the layer comes out of the murky area.
If you are observant, you will be struck by how real it all is. The material world, which previously seemed so stationary, begins to transform plastically before your eyes. The oppressive atmosphere subsides, the stopped clock ticks again, people begin to be more sympathetic. The effect of this giant dual mirror is staggering. Reality moves in the space of options imperceptibly, like a minute hand - but it moves!

This is how the “cosmetic repair” of reality is accomplished. But this is not all. Don't you want to do a major overhaul? Remember how it was in your youth - all colors seemed so bright and festive, life was beautiful and full of hope. You felt good. Good because your layer, like your body, was clean and fresh. The world took care of you, though you did not appreciate it very much, but you did not make any special claims. However, as time went by, the claims and negativity in your way of thinking became more and more. As a result, the shades of the layer faded and life entered the period when they say: “It used to be!..”
. This effect is described in the first book of Transurfing as a generational shift. Time flies rapidly. Everything was as if yesterday, and everything was very long ago. Age tenaciously and inevitably takes its toll. Hopes grow old, the world falls apart. Is the party coming to an end?
No, it can still come back. The old colors, the newness of feeling, the excitement of hope. If you adhere to the mirror principles, you will encounter an amazing phenomenon: the layer of the world will return to its former freshness. When you manage to straighten out the generational shift for yourself, you will fully experience what it is to manage reality.

At all times, man has created all sorts of models of controlled reality, from cave paintings to complex devices and mechanisms. All these models have one thing in common - they are subject to the inner intention of man.
The inner intention, being a product of pure reason, acts in a straightforward manner, according to the principle “where I turn, there I will go”. A man is able to subordinate to his will only that part of reality, which he has made an attribute of his game. For example, it is possible to control a part of the river and receive energy. But the river as a whole will still remain an independent part of the ungoverned reality.
You can move a donkey with an inner intention by applying direct force to it. But convincing it to do something it doesn't want to do is impossible. Independent reality is subject only to external intention, which is born in the unity of soul and mind.
Man has two ways of controlling reality. The first way is to turn the objects of the surrounding world into attributes. Then they will obey the inner intention. The second way is to use the external intention and live in unity with nature. These are two fundamentally opposite ways of civilization development.
Our society is developing along the first way, which is the least effective and at the same time destructive for the planet and man himself. It is impossible to tame all the nature, that is why man is in a state of constant struggle with the environment. He clogs it, or takes to protect it - in general, he acts according to the same principle: he tries to turn everything into his attributes in order to subordinate them to his inner intention.
The untamed reality exists independently and behaves like a mirror in which the attitude of man to the surrounding reality is reflected. But this mirror is an unusual one.
Suppose a person wants the reflection in the mirror of the world to turn to the right. Acting within the framework of inner intention, he tries to turn the reflection itself. As a result, excess potential is created and equilibrium forces turn the reflection in the opposite direction. The world does not comply because the mirror has become crooked.
The mirror of the world is warped by polarization. As you know, polarization appears for two reasons. The first is dependency relationships based on comparison, juxtaposition, or certain conditions. For example: “I am good because you are bad”, or ‘You are good if you recognize my superiority’ .

The second cause of polarization can be defined as “tightening the screws.” When a person tries to press the reflection with his inner intention, he fails. He thinks that it is necessary to push more, and with dull zeal continues to bend his line.
The equilibrium forces eliminate polarization through the collision of opposites. As a result, a person gets a result completely opposite to the direction of the inner intention.
The mirror can be straightened by eliminating polarization. This is done quite simply, similar to aligning a bicycle wheel. Distortion occurs where the spokes are severely over-tightened. If the world does not listen and behaves as if “out of spite”, it is necessary to understand what caused the polarization and weaken the corresponding potential.
. Indigo children will help us to understand how to do this, because they are very sensitive to excessive potentials. Distinctive features of Indigos are: awareness, desire for independence, intuition, individuality. All these qualities are manifested in children as a reaction to the attempts of others to squeeze them into the framework of a rigid social structure.
Any cell of the structure, including the family, seeks to order the behavior of children, to subordinate control. To some extent this is indeed necessary. But not to such an extent, when they try to turn a child into an attribute of their own game, in which the rule prevails: “You will do what I want you to do”.
Obviously, such a primitive approach creates polarization. As a result, children become unruly, like leaves swept by the wind of equilibrium forces. Disgruntled and stupid adults, as usual, do what they can, which is to tighten the disciplinary screws. And children in response either become even more loose, or break down and turn into attributes - elements of the structure, which in life “everything is right, but nothing is good”.
Of course, no one would wish their child to become an outcast. But the fate of the ordinary cog is also unenviable. Many people can recognize that in their life was either “everything right but nothing good” or “nothing good and everything wrong”. Every parent wants things to be different for their children, and so they become more and more polarizing, persisting in their ignorance.
The entire inner intention of the ignorant parent boils down to one idiotic formula: “I wish you well with all my might (with all my stupid urine), and therefore you will do as I want you to do."
Meanwhile, all the problems of upbringing are effectively solved, if we abandon the narrow-minded inner intention and reflect on what may have caused the distortion of the mirror.
First, it is necessary to determine where the opposite poles of polarization are located. If on one side of the wheel the spokes are overextended, on the other side they must loosen. Indigo children's desire for independence and lack of control are “loosened spokes.” What are the spokes on the opposite side overtightened by? The pressure of others in their desire to subjugate children to their will.
It turns out that orderliness creates more disorder. What happens if you keep tightening the spokes? The spokes will become even more loose, and eventually something may break.
Obviously, in order to reduce polarization, you need to loosen the over-tightened spokes. How to do this. Orderliness should be diluted with a fraction of reasonable disorder. There are many ways: jumping on the bed, hitting each other with pillows, screaming or making unintelligible noises, pushing, running on all fours, and finally, think of other ways to make a mess.
You can also trap another family member and attack him or her or do something ugly. At the table it is useful to smear each other with jam, if there are no cakes at hand. Or let's say, if in the summer on vacation near a pond will be a muddy puddle, so it's good luck - you know what to do.
In general, the more of these “reasonable” nonsense, the more obedient child. The reason for this paradox should be clear to you.
Orderliness is also well destroyed by English humor, when seriousness is brought to idiocy. In general, fun, like boredom, is a state of mind. We have already said that boredom, as such, does not exist, but only the eternal need to control reality. This need is an inherent property of the soul.
And why should the soul have fun? Well, probably because it is good to have fun. And why is it good? Because humor and fun reduce importance. It is impossible to control reality in the presence of excess potentials that block the energy of intention and distort the mirror of the world.
After all, if a person is bent threefold and tied up, won't his body feel discomfort? Exactly the same discomfort is felt by the soul, clamped in the grip of excessive potentials, and they are always present, in one degree or another. The restless mind is constantly “twisting” the soul's arms.
When fun relieves tension, the soul gets freedom. That's why it's good to have fun - it's a feeling of mental comfort, and it's as real as any physical one.
But in principle, the correction of the mirror can be done without humor. If by the fold of character you are not located to cheerful and mischievous pranks, then you just need to think about where there is an opportunity to loosen the rudder of control.

Coercion, where it is unavoidable, should be diluted with freedom of choice. For example: “Are you going to wash the dishes or go to the store?” Even discipline becomes free will if it is based on a perceived need.
If an adult dictates the rule “you can't, and that's it,” backing it up with a “because because” argument, then it's not an adult at all, but a stupid child with power. Wouldn't it be better to discuss and model the situation as equals on the principle of “what happens if...”
Coercion distorts the mirror and therefore produces the opposite result. In order to remove polarization, you need to revise your policy and move from demonstrating power to gaining respect, and change authoritarianism to trusting relationships.
Instead of coercion, it is better to make the child himself want to do what is required of him. To do this, you just need to figure out how to turn a burdensome duty for the child in a way to increase his value. Reaffirming and reinforcing one's own importance is at the heart of motivation for all people, and for children in particular. For communication with children as best suited to the principles of Freiling, set out in the book “The Transurfing of Reality”.
Tendency to intuition - another quality that should be developed in every possible way. Indigos have a dominant right brain hemisphere. Our educational system uses a “left-hemispheric” approach, which is not aimed at developing abilities and skills. The system forces children to learn lessons and report back. The intention is not to gain knowledge, but to report correctly.
This approach works mainly with the left hemisphere, and even then in passive mode. The desire to stuff the head with information generates an unambiguous reaction: “I don't want to!” The knowledge obtained in this way is useless - it can only stay in memory for a short time in a passive form, like cargo in a warehouse, and very quickly become unusable - forgotten.
Meanwhile, it is very easy to correct the current situation with education. For this purpose it is necessary only to redirect the intention of the learner in another direction.
First, to fundamentally change the method of learning: not to learn, but to do practically. In this case, the brain will work as it should - as a creator, not a storage room.
Second, change the purpose of learning: not to report, but to teach others. Yes, that's exactly right. There are special schools where children literally teach each other, that is, they play the roles of students and teachers alternately. Students of such schools brilliantly master complex programs in record time. And all this thanks to the fact that the intention has become active.

By the way, such schools are few and very difficult to get into. It would seem that why not introduce this advanced method, which has proved its hundred percent efficiency, everywhere? You can not, by no means!
The thing is that the structure does not benefit from it - it needs not talents, not outstanding personalities, not bright individuals, but well-functioning elements. So it's all right, the educational system is perfection itself! It prepares serviceable elements and does it exactly as the structure - the world of pendulums - requires. But, as it happens, trees grow on rocks and sometimes geniuses grow up in the grip of universal routines. If you do not want your child to become such an outstanding exception, press on him in all the canons of the system. Well, if you really wish your children well, then when communicating with them must constantly monitor the level of polarization, which distorts the mirror and makes the child unmanageable.
Indigo children (and these are now the majority) have wonderful qualities, the most important of which is individuality. In the world of pendulums it is very difficult for children to preserve this quality in themselves. That is why one should always remember the main rule of Transurfing: “Let yourself be yourself, and let the other be another”.
But one should not weaken the spokes too much. It is good to know the measure in everything. How to find this golden mean?
It is necessary to observe, think and use the principle of mirror correction, not blindly bend your line. In your power to help children to become outstanding personalities. And they will be able to fit into the structure themselves.

So far we have talked about how to turn your life into a conscious dream, and the layer of the world into a cozy corner. The mirror principles have an albeit tangible, but still gentle effect on reality. Now you will be introduced to more powerful techniques.
The main tool of Transurfing is the target slide - visualization of a picture in which the goal has already been achieved. I will not repeat what is already described in detail in the first book. I will remind only the main points.
You cannot look at the slide as an external movie picture. You must be inside the imaginary events: what you are doing when the goal has been achieved, what you feel, how you feel, what surrounds you, what is happening. Being in the center of the slide, you imagine having all the things you are striving for. This is not a technique, there are no hard rules here. You just do it the way you are able to do it. The principle is the same: you stand in front of the mirror of the world and form in your mind the image that you want to get in reality.
The target slide determines the vector of the flow of options. If you spin it in your mind systematically, the flow of events and circumstances will be directed to the goal. At the beginning of the path you do not need to have a clear plan and know how it can be realized. You should not think about the means. At the right time, the right doors will open - specific paths and opportunities - and you will see them. You can't put rigid conditions on how the goal should be accomplished. Your business is to focus on the end result.
In addition to the goal slide, there is also a process visualization, also described in the first book. When you are on the way to the goal, that is, you already know how it should be realized, and you do everything that is necessary for this in the material world, the process can be accelerated by its visualization. The principle here is as follows: I do everything just fine, today I do everything better than yesterday, and tomorrow will be better than today. You can say - this is working with a paddle along the current of options. But the main thing is the direction of the flow of options. If you keep the target slide in your mind, all circumstances are working towards the goal, even if it seems that it is not so.
You can scroll through the slide whenever you want and as much as you want. But be sure to do it at least half an hour a day if you really intend to achieve your goal. There are several specific techniques to enhance the effect of visualization.
The first of them is energy flows. A sector of the space of options is materialized by energy, which, passing through the human body, is modulated by thoughts and transformed into the energy of intention. The greater the power of radiation, the stronger the effect. The power can be increased if concentrate your attention on the energy flows. To do this, imagine that from the center of the body, somewhere at the level of the abdomen or solar plexus, opposite arrows half a meter long come out. Mentally turn them simultaneously so that the front one looks up and the back one looks down. Such a “turn of the key” activates the descending and ascending streams. Imagine, without straining, how they flow along the spine in two opposite directions and go away - one to the sky, the other to the earth. Having fixed part of your attention on the flows, start the slide and spin it at your pleasure. It is best to do this on a walk, where it is not very crowded.
The next technique is framing. Think about what you like to do when your goal is achieved, what is an integral part of the target slide, its indispensable attribute? Let's say you are sitting in a rocking chair by the fireplace, standing at the helm of your yacht, planting roses in the garden of your home, shaking hands with your partners, having concluded a successful deal - any characteristic fragment of the slide. Scroll this picture in your mind several times. It should create some kind of integral impression - an instant impression of the slide, containing the flashed image and the accompanying feeling. This is the frame. You may want to briefly title it for convenience. Now you should occasionally turn it on in your memory for a moment, like a light bulb. Do this whenever you like, again without much effort. The frame is another string that connects you to the target sector of the option space.
You can increase the effectiveness of the frame by using what is known as a blast wave. Form a frame in your mind, or simply a picture that you want to realize. Immediately after that, visualize a sphere rushing away from you in all directions, as if your energy shell were exploding. The explosive wave spreads as far as you can imagine. You can do it several times until you get bored. What happens when you do this? You create a mental image and send it to the world around you. You can be sure that your thought will not disappear without a trace. You only need to keep in mind that the mirror works with a delay.
Another technique is the external sphere. Perhaps, you have never managed to feel your energy shell and you cannot feel how it expands, obeying your imagination. This is because you are acting with an inner intention. Now imagine a sphere around you that does not belong to you. Imagine that this sphere is pulling you. You feel something outside of you trying to stretch your body. Somewhere within a radius of five to seven meters is an invisible front. Try to stretch and squeeze it slightly - it will resist elastically.
Now you have felt the sphere more clearly. This is the boundary that connects you with the outside world. Inside the sphere is yours, and outside is external - not yours. And at the same time the sphere belongs to you insofar as you feel it pulling you. The intention has reversed: the active beginning is no longer inside you, but outside.

Similarly, trying to influence an object by inner intention, for example, moving a pencil by an effort of will, you will not achieve anything. Try to imagine how the pencil itself attracts you through invisible threads. You will be able to move it yourself with this connecting link. In the same way, forcing yourself into the air will not make you fly. Imagine the opposite, as if the world around you were lifting you into the air. Perhaps you will succeed if you manage to turn your inner intention into an external one. The point is to cross that line where your will to “make the world obey” turns into “let it do it itself.”
It's not easy. But it is not necessary for our purposes. It is quite enough to feel at least the presence of the outer shell. Catch this sensation, fix a part of your attention on it and start spinning the target slide. The sphere will serve as a kind of antenna for the transmission of mental energy, which will greatly enhance the effect of the slide.
Another technique is to bring the scenery. Try to bring every thought that comes into your head to the common denominator of your goal. Usually thoughts, even arbitrary ones, line up in a logical series, clinging to each other. Complete the logical chain with some fragment of your goal slide. Just remind yourself from time to time of what you are ultimately aiming for. Whatever you are thinking about, whatever you are doing, bring your attention back to the goal. Let the slide become the background - every event, every block of information should be seen in its context. Then you will most effectively form a layer of your world, and your intention will materialize.
You can also align your surroundings with what awaits you at your goal. Let's say you're walking in the park and you're spinning a target slide in your mind in which you're working in the garden in front of your house. Look at the grass and trees around you through the lens of this slide. You will feel the picture transforming - the scenery taking on new hues. You may feel as if you are already virtually in your garden. This effect occurs due to the superimposition of the slide on the surroundings. Part of your attention is fixed on a sector of the option space where your future garden is located, while your eyes see the material reality. There is a kind of transformation of the current reality to the sector of your goal. At such moments the process of materialization of the image of your thoughts goes most intensively.
Remember also how in your childhood, when you were easy and comfortable, the world took care of you. You did not realize it then. You just felt good. But as time went on, you became more and more cranky and dissatisfied, and the world grew cold to you. What was that feeling of peace and comfort from your childhood associated with? This association can be the key to bringing the scenery among which you feel comfortable and safe. Remember sometimes that former cozy and carefree environment, and your world will gradually become welcoming and comfortable again.

Well, and the last technique especially for the lazy - target amalgam. The main condition for successful visualization is that you should not force yourself to do it. In case you spin a target slide in your head and you do not manage to simply give yourself pleasure, but have to act with pressure, excessive potential will arise. As a result, the equilibrium forces will negate all your work. In such a case it is better to give up this oppressive duty and put all the work on the shoulders of your world. Ask to him “on his hands”, let him himself take care of that your choice was realized.
Give yourself the attitude: everything will work itself out, without my knowledge. By declaring this intention, you set a program for your world, according to which events will spontaneously unfold in such a way as to bring you closer to your goal. It turns out that you let go of your grip and allow the external intention to realize the goal. Now you can relax and still allow yourself the pleasure of just enjoying the goal slide. You no longer have to work on it - your world does. Sitting on its “arms”, don't forget to remind the world from time to time what you expect to get from it. And of course, do not dwell in the clouds, but fulfill on the physical plane everything that is required of you to achieve the goal.
Whatever technique you use, always remember that you are not making a wish, but expressing a firm intention and seeing the goal as an inevitable end. If you can't say “I have,” at least say “I intend to have.” To actually intend to have your order, you must do something concrete that confirms the seriousness of the intention. For example, if you wished to get up at a certain time in the morning, you might oversleep. But if you set the alarm clock, you are likely to wake up a few minutes before the call.
The point is to fix the intention. You do this every time you “knock on wood” or spit over your left shoulder. Any folk omens that involve performing some sort of ritual are based on this principle. For example, in order to keep a timid bird of happiness, in ancient times people resorted to the help of clover. At the moment of good luck it was necessary to hold on to the thing with its image, at the moment of danger - too. Trefoil was also considered a means of protection from evil forces.
The point here is not that a certain thing has exceptional properties and therefore can serve as a talisman. The magic power of objects lies in the attitude towards them. If a person is imbued with the belief that a talisman or a ritual can produce some magical effect, - he thus fixes the intention. You can also think of any “nail” on which it will be convenient for you to hang your intention. But this, as they say, is for amateurs. It is not necessary to invent magic rituals, but you should take concrete steps that indicate that you are determined. For example, if you want to have your own home, act as if you are about to move: look through ads and catalogs, choose in stores furniture and appliances, interested in everything that relates to this, now. Fixing the intention - a very effective tool.

The wide variety of ways to reinforce a slide does not mean that some are more effective and some less so. You can use several techniques or choose just one. The criterion for choosing; the one you personally prefer is the one you like best and think works best for you.
When applying techniques in practice, you should not go to extremes, showing either overzealousness or carelessness. Some techniques recommend to perform visualization with all the vigor and passion, others suggest to formulate a thought and let it go into free flight - not even to remember, so as not to interfere with the implementation of the order. As you understand, the best is the golden mean. And so that you do not break your head, where it is, take as a rule of thumb this principle: as you get, so it is necessary, you are able to develop your own methodology and successfully use it. The main thing is that your soul and mind agree that you are acting correctly. You form your reality as a reflection in a mirror. How you stand in front of the mirror is up to you. Create a layer of your world as you see fit. What do I mean by that?
You should not feel mental discomfort when you are visualizing. External intention only appears in the unity of soul and mind. This unity cannot be achieved if you force yourself to do the necessary work. So you will not achieve anything, but only waste your time.
Visualization of the target slide should be done in the way that is convenient, pleasant, comfortable for you, with the only reservation: you should look at the slide not from the outside, as a picture, but live in it at least virtually. Imagine yourself inside the slide, not outside. All the rest you can do as you prefer.
What you shouldn't do is overzealous. Just regularly, every now and then, give yourself the pleasure of thinking about your goal as if it has already been achieved. After all, you like to think about all the different consequences of success, right? So make yourself feel good about it. Don't make it a chore. Thinking about pleasurable things keeps you moving toward your goal. And knowing that you are moving - give yourself pleasure. You can be sure: if you have such a “closed joyful circle”, the goal will inevitably be achieved.
Regularity is the main condition for success. It may seem unbelievable to you that you can shape your reality so easily, with your thoughts. Have you ever tried, even for a month, to systematically, consciously direct your thoughts toward a goal? Probably not. You're used to letting your thoughts run wild. They are atomized into a shapeless mass in space, so you don't see tangible results. Only the worst expectations, that is, things that bother you and therefore occupy all your thoughts, really come true.

Imagine this ridiculous situation. You have planted an apple tree and seriously hope that the apples will appear right away. But since nothing happens, you lose patience and walk away, waving goodbye. And the apple tree wants to exclaim: “Just wait, damn you!” The same thing happens with the goal. Reality cannot be formed by a single wish.
These are all the basic techniques for actively influencing reality. If you practice them, you will encounter one curious phenomenon. Let's say that today you were enthusiastically and intensively enough engaged in visualization. Then the next day you will notice that something unusual is happening to reality. For example, during the day you may meet several people with unusual appearance - too high, strangely dressed, ugly. Can draw attention and inexplicable irritability of people, when there are conflicts in an empty place. Or there is something so strange, as in a dream.
The explanation is as follows. The layer of your world in a usual state moves in space along the flow of variants, i.e. in the channel of the least energy consumption. And intensive visualization leads to the fact that the channel straightens and goes to the goal along the shortest path. Narrowly directed energy of thoughts brings your separate reality into transitional areas of the space of options, lying away from the normal flow, and where not everything is optimal and expedient. These are transit zones that are commonly found in dreams but are rarely realized in reality because they have unnatural scenarios and scenery and require increased energy inputs.
The energy of your thoughts forcefully influences reality, and it deforms like the surface of water under the influence of disturbance. Circles on water do not surprise you for a long time. But now you will see something amazing - circles of unreality. All this does not mean that the observed anomaly is random, that irritability of people on such days is connected with some magnetic storms and that subjects with strange appearance just sometimes meet. Unusual reality breaks into the layer of your world when it passes through transit zones. It is after intense visualization practice that the circles appear. When you see it, you will understand everything. It is quite impressive.
Thus, reality can be influenced by force of one degree or another, depending on the technique used. In principle, a single amalgam is enough to turn a layer of your world into a cozy corner. But if you utilize the intention of the Supreme in conjunction with the above techniques, you can achieve much more.
For the sake of comparison, imagine a picture where two babies meet: one is being carried by the world in a stroller, and the other is walking by the hand with his world. The first one, as it is common among children, proudly declares:
- My world takes care of me! The other responds:
- And my world and I are going to get a toy! See the difference?
One last thing I would like to say. Once I received a letter from a reader in which she unwittingly formulated the main idea of the practice: “I don't know much about Transurfing techniques, but after I changed my attitude to life, I have a strong feeling that everything is going fine, and it will be even better. Everything will be just as it should be”, You can forget about any techniques at all, but if you manage to maintain such an integral feeling in yourself, it will be enough. Integration of the intention according to the formula “everything is fine and everything is going as it should” creates a generalized image of success, which is reflected in reality.
So your possibilities are limited only by your intention. Own your reality!

With the beginning of life every human being finds himself in a certain situation: I was born in poverty and I cannot make it; I have to make do with what is available to me; I have to do what I am supposed to do. This situation hypnotizes, captivates, and the person finds himself at the mercy of a waking dream that happens to him. As he dreams this situation, it becomes more and more established in the mirror of the world. Thus man, while being at the mercy of his reality, simultaneously maintains it. The poor get poorer and the rich get richer.
Remember in the previous chapter about the illusion of the dual mirror? It is the fixation on the reflection that turns life into an unconscious dream in which you are completely at the mercy of your circumstances. Reality overpowers you while you anxiously watch what is happening in the mirror like a mesmerized person. In the same way your attention is immersed in a movie on a screen, only in life this immersion is much deeper. You are hypnotized by the reflection - it literally pulls you along in a mirror circle. How to turn your existence from unconsciousness into a conscious dream, which can be controlled?
. You need to realize one simple thing: there is you and there is a mirror in this world. As long as your attention is focused on the reflection, you are inside the mirror. Everything that happens there happens independently of you. Your life is like a computer game where the rules are not determined by you. Of course, you are allowed to make some attempts to influence what is happening there. But you are deprived of the main thing: you have no way to get out of the game.
Meanwhile, the only thing that keeps you locked up is your attention. You are able to get out of the mirror. Inside it is an unconscious dream, outside it is a conscious dream. Reality is the same on this side as on the other side, because the mirror is dual. But there, in the looking-glass, it is not you who controls reality - it controls you. There you are in the power of illusion, as if the reflection can be changed by touching it with your hands. But this is possible only from this side, where the inner intention becomes the outer intention. In order to go outside, you need to shift your attention from the reflection to the image. By realizing that you are standing in front of a mirror, you gain the ability to shape reality in the image of your thoughts.
Having freed yourself from the illusion, you should redirect the course of thoughts in accordance with the fifth principle: from “you don't want” to “what you want”, from “don't like” to “what you like”, from illness to health, from means to ends. If you observe, at every step you have to put up with circumstances and submit to things that seem inevitable to you. You are used to taking the dream passively, as it is. At best, you try to resist events, defend your scenario, fight the flow of options. And all you have to do is change your attitude - the image in front of the mirror. Then you will no longer be a prisoner of the game - it will begin to develop outside of you and at your will. From a chip you will turn into the one who throws the dice.

But now a new rule comes into effect: if a combination that you think is unsuccessful falls out, you must accept it and declare it a success. This rule must be followed if you do not want to find yourself inside the mirror again. It is not enough to redirect the course of thoughts - it is still necessary to switch the control of razim from the development of the scenario to its dynamic adjustment. You are the master of your world as long as you observe the sixth and seventh mirror principles.
Usually the mind resists if the coming event does not fit into its ideas. Now it should be the other way around. Whenever the mind shows dissatisfaction with the inconsistency with the scenario, you must wake up and readily accept the change: everything is as it should be.
The mind cannot get used to the idea that at the beginning of the journey, when nothing is known, there is no need to worry about the means. It constantly catches itself thinking about how it can be realized, and replaying all kinds of negative options. I would like to say to him: “Understand, asshole, it's not your concern! Your business is to fix your attention on the final goal!"
People themselves do not let their plans come true. When making a wish, the mind always makes an approximate plan for the development of events in advance - that's how human thinking works. When the coming events do not fit into the scenario, it seems that nothing works out. But in fact everything is going as it should! But since the mind, accustomed to thinking in stamps, does not want to make changes in its scenario, a person begins to act in such a way as to spoil everything.
. This is the paradox of it all. No one can know exactly how events should develop in order for the order to be realized. But if a person does insist on knowing, then the result is nothing. Your dreams seem hard to achieve because you are at the mercy of patterns and simply do not let these dreams come true. Your doors are locked with the locks of stereotypes.
Form a desired image in your mind - a goal - and then simply move your feet in the direction towards it. No matter what happens, everything is done to fulfill your order. Take yourself the intention of the Verifier: everything goes as it should, because I have decreed it so. In my world, I dispose of things as I wish. I am no longer at the mercy of circumstances, but I am no longer trying to control them. As I scroll through the target slide in my mind, I form not the circumstances, but the final picture of the world I intend to live in. Trying to influence events is the work of the inner intention of the mind, which is trying to defend its script. The mind cannot know what awaits it on the path to its goal. Circumstances are shaped by external intention and the flow of options. My business is to set the vector of the current, and I don't care what course it will follow.
Imagine: one day you wake up in your mirror dream. There's something going on around you. Ordinary events and scenery, but you're looking at a everything differently, as if you had broken out of the flow of events and found yourself in the center of a huge spherical mirror. A giant kaleidoscope slowly rotates around you, sparkling with the facets of reality. You are a part of this reality and at the same time you exist separately, independently. In the same way you realize your “separateness” when you wake up in a dream and realize that now the dream depends on you, not you on it. In a mirror dream in reality, it's the same, with the only difference being that reality doesn't react as quickly. But it is only necessary to get used to its slowness, as something amazing is revealed - the reality is plastic changes, following the image of your thoughts. What does it all mean? Where have you gone?
You found yourself outside this world - out of the mirror.

Now, dear Reader, you know everything you need to control reality. You cannot change the whole world. But a separate reality is at your disposal. When you free yourself from the illusion of dual reflection and find yourself outside the mirror world, the Eternity will open before you, concealing unlimited possibilities. And there is not a drop of excessive pathos in these words. In the space of options stored three truly priceless gifts: your future, which you are able to materialize, the hidden Knowledge, which can turn you into a genius, and something else that just takes your breath away.
. You will learn about the latter a little later, but first let's talk about Knowledge. It may seem to you that the answers to your questions are known to some outstanding minds, so you search for the necessary information in various sources, i.e. learn from someone. And so it can go on indefinitely. You will only turn to those enlightened ones who supposedly know what and how to do. Well, how do they know all this? Maybe they have read a lot of books and that's why they became so smart, or maybe they have some special talent unlike you? Neither.
Imagine that you have come to Earth from a distant planet. Everything here is different, unfamiliar, incomprehensible. The people in your group split up and went in different directions. As a result, everyone made some kind of discovery. It turned out that in the forest you can collect edible mushrooms and berries, in the sea you can swim and fish, in the mountains you can ski. And also on the Earth live all sorts of creatures - some are harmless, and others are not averse to eating you themselves.
In the same way, mankind is constantly discovering new things. The flow of knowledge is endless. But only a few invent and create, and the rest look on in amazement: how did this man manage to think of such a thing? He must be the chosen one. What makes a man chosen?
His goals and doors are his unique, inherent path. Once you follow your own path, the treasures of the world will be revealed to you. And then others will look at you and wonder how you did it. It's as simple as that.
The paradox is that this simple principle, although it is on the surface, is hard to realize. All people guess that in order to achieve new, unconquered peaks of success, it is necessary to leave the general ranks and go their own way, but still continue to persistently walk in other people's footsteps, trying to repeat someone else's experience.
Once, when I was little, my parents took me for the first time into the woods. Every now and then my father and mother found mushrooms and happily announced it to the whole forest. And I could not find anything and desperately rushed between them, naively believing that just follow one of the adults, as happiness will immediately smile - because if they find, it means they know where to go. But everything was in vain. And only when I went on my own to another side, I finally came across a big mushroom. My parents shrieked with envy, and I was filled with pride for myself - the discoverer.
At that moment I understood something, but I never fully realized it. Afterward, the world showed me many times that if you go off the beaten path that most people follow and go your own way, you can find treasure. But then I was again and again drawn into the general flow, succumbing to the herd instinct.
This is where the difference between conscious knowledge and awareness comes into play. You can be vaguely aware of something, but it doesn't help. There is a whole gulf between a vague notion and clearly articulated knowledge. The first unlike the second is not suitable as a guide to action, and therefore has no practical value. Transurfing in this respect sets all the dots over <<1”, turning vague guesses into clear formulations - what and how to do.
. Namely: at some point you can stop studying the old and start creating new things yourself. More precisely, not even to create, but to take from the place where all discoveries and masterpieces come from - from Eternity. In order to get access to the information stored in the space of variants, you must lay the foundation of elementary knowledge from the area of interest. Without such an initial foundation, you will not be able to tune in to the corresponding sector of the space of variants, in other words, to connect to the data bank. Once you have internalized the initial information, you can forget what you have been taught. From this moment you are ready to make discoveries and create new masterpieces.
A book, a painting, a melody - all of these are “pulled” from the space of options. You just need to “hook” into a sector. Two or three characteristic chords can serve as a clue for a melody. For a painting - a mood. For a book, a situation. To write a book, it is not necessary to invent a plot - you will recognize it later. The whole plot is built from the situation, if you tame the arrogant mind and let the characters themselves out of the situation. There is no need to compose - it is already there - 1guzhno only calmly follow the flow of options. After all, everything ingenious is unexpectedly simple. And the flow of variants just follows such an unexpectedly simple way, to which a person is usually not able to think up.
Even computer programs and technical equipment can be written in this way, without a plan, starting from a certain starting point. Of course, in some cases you can't do without a project, but where you can do without it, at least in a certain area, you should follow the flow of options - let the concept grow on its own. The mind, trying to design everything in advance, piles up a complex structure. The current of options always gives out the most elegant and optimal solution, which then remains only to wonder: how it all came together so well, without a carefully designed scheme?
. So it is better not to compose, and just do business, consistently moving from beginning to end. The starting point in any case is

The idea is the main thing; the rest will follow the flow of options. The idea should not be invented either. Where will it come from? The same place. All ingenious conjectures reside in Eternity and enter the mind through the soul. The task of the mind is not to invent an idea, but to recognize it when it falls on your head. And this is bound to happen if you leave the general formation and go your own way, obeying the dictates of the heart.
The soul has direct access to the space of options, and the mind, catching vague guesses and insights, interprets them. The mind does not know - the soul knows, you just need to turn to it. And this seemingly facile statement can be relied upon. The only obstacle is that here again there is not a clear realization of the principle, but a vague awareness. Everyone seems to agree that the soul supposedly knows everything, but no one takes it seriously. Everyone passes it by, thinking it's a metaphor, and doesn't give it any significance. Common sense argues: “Of course, there are insights, there is an inner voice, intuition, but all this is shaky, intangible, unreliable. That's my iron logic, based on irrefutable facts."
So, if you have basic information from a certain area, your soul can tune in to the corresponding area of the space of variants and receive new Knowledge from there, which you will not read about anywhere else. Ask the question to yourself, formulate it clearly and forget it for a while. In a few days the answer will come by itself. If it does not come, ask the question again from time to time. Maybe the answer will come in a few months, but it will come without fail.
The only question is whether you will have the courage to break the established stereotypes and get out of submission to conventional norms - to break the rule of the pendulum. You need to have the courage to exercise your right to Knowledge, to stop looking for answers in other people's books. Just change the direction of intention: not to receive, but to create. How are you different from the authors of the books you read? Only because they changed the direction of their intention - they stopped searching and started creating. They stopped following recognized authorities and dared to set out on their own path. Take your right to be right.
Here we come to what I meant by the third gift that awaits you in the space of options.
Try to imagine how one feels as a superstar. The fans only see what lies on the surface - the glow of talent, the glitter of fame, the wealth. One gets the impression that this person is not a mere mortal, but is endowed with some exceptional virtues. Is this possible for an ordinary person: to rise to the very top of success and hold there so confidently that no one dares to question its exclusivity?
. But for the chosen one himself, all the attributes of his fame are ordinary, even almost commonplace. He hardly counts himself among the inhabitants of Olympus, because in private he realizes that he is one of many - just like everyone else. What is difference? What separates a provincial girl and a show business star, a timid student and a luminary of science, the ordinary and the chosen?
. Just one step. Some dare to take their right, and others still do not dare, and do not believe that they are capable and worthy. In the minds of the shy ones there is a strong belief that in this world the chosen ones exist only insofar as they have been chosen by everyone else for their outstanding qualities.
. In fact, this is a false stereotype. The chosen ones chose themselves. And it was only after that and for that reason that others paid attention to them.
Take the right to be chosen. Say: from now on, I have chosen myself. You do not have the right because you are worthy and capable, you just have it. In the space of options there is everything, and there is something, the most important thing, intended for you personally - the verdict on your right. It is your pass to Eternity, a sanction for the privilege to rule your reality.
You have been instructed all your life and continue to be taught what you should be, how to act, what to honor, what to strive for. Now take the legal right to set your own canons. It is up to you to decide what is right and what is wrong for you, because you are the one who forms the layer of your world. You have the right to determine what others consider wrong to be right, as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. By exercising the privilege of making your own verdict, you live your life according to your credo.
In our lives, there are as many people as there are opinions. Some say it's black, others say it's white. Who should we believe? And you remember that the world is a mirror - it agrees with everyone who dares to give his verdict. But you are not a mirror! You are either the one who accepts other people's verdicts, or the Verdictor who gives his own verdicts. Therefore, the question of what truth to consider as the only true one, on whose side to go - to the black or white - disappears. Now you can define your own truth for yourself: I have decided so, because I am the Verifier of my reality. And it will work, because you have at your disposal the space of options and the dual mirror - everything that is necessary for the realization of the conceived into reality.
It's that simple, isn't it? There is only one condition: you really must have the audacity to exercise your right. The point is that if you have doubts or remorse, then your verdict becomes null and void and you turn from a lawmaker to a defendant. By doubting, you will act wrongly in any case. The point is not how right you think and act, but how sure you are of your rightness. So you need to be well aware of all this, get used to it, so that soul and mind merge in unity. You have the explanation, what remains is to turn awareness into knowledge. How? By experience. Act and be convinced.
We must not allow the will of the Supreme to become a dictate of reason. The verdict is valid only if soul and mind are one. He who does not listen to the voice of his heart, does not verify, but makes mistakes. Everywhere you can meet people who do something out of hand. For example: neither  hearing nor voice, but loves to sing. Sometimes there are obvious mediocrities who are convinced that they are stars, but success never comes to them. Why does not work their verdict? Because in their hearts they realize that in fact everything turns out badly, but their mind does not want to accept it, so they try their best to prove the opposite. Untalented, as such, there is no such thing - it is those who are not engaged in their own business, goes on someone else's path.
The third gift provides a lot of advantages. The right to give your verdict is freedom from oppressive circumstances, from everything that overshadows your life and creates obstacles on the way to the goal. It will help you gain a calm confidence. My world takes care of me, and I have such strength that I allow myself the weakness to accept that care.
From the moment you have taken your right to give your verdict on what is good or bad, right or wrong for your world, you can discard any judgments that are imposed on you from the outside, including Transurfing itself. Only if you do not experience doubts, hesitations and remorse and your verdict does not harm anyone.
. Finally, I have one last thing to say. In the space of options there is everything, and everything you desire with your soul and mind is yours. But you should know that on the threshold of Eternity stands the Gatekeeper, an absolute law guarding access to everything there. This inexorable gatekeeper lets in only those who have the audacity to exercise their right of the Supreme. The pass will be your verdict: I can and am worthy because I choose to. I do not wish or hope - I intend. Take your right, and the Gatekeeper will open before you the gates to Eternity.

Body clogging, excess potentials and unrealized intentions reduce energy.
In order to free up energetic resources, it is necessary to either throw out some of the potential intentions or trigger their realization.
For energy to work, concentration on the end goal is required. Concentration is not tension, but focus.
Train yourself to think about what you are doing in the moment.
You need to systematically fix your attention on the target slide. Stop making excuses.
Stop all attempts to validate your importance. Maintain an amalgam and adhere to mirror principles.
To reduce polarization, loosen the overstretched spokes.
Reality management techniques: target slide, process visualization, energy flows, framing, blast wave, outer sphere, bringing decorations, target amalgam, fixation of intention, integration.
The technique you personally prefer is the technique that you feel works best for you.
Do everything as you feel comfortable.
Regularity of practice is the main condition of success.
You need to get out of the mirror.
Having received basic knowledge, change the direction of intention from “receive” to “create”.
Not to invent an idea, but to be able to recognize it.
Coming out of the starting point, move along the flow of options.
Take your right to be right. To step out of line and render your verdict - to exercise your right to be Right. I have so decreed, because I am the Verifier of my reality.

And I am the Verifier of my reality.