Chapter One

I. A Mirrored World
My world takes care of me.
. Reality manifests itself in two forms: the physical, which can be touched with the hands, and the metaphysical, which lies beyond perception. Both forms exist simultaneously, mutually permeating and complementing each other. Dualism appears as an inherent property of our world. Many things have their opposite side.
Imagine yourself standing in front of a mirror. You yourself appear as a real existing physical object. And your reflection, .having no material substance, is imaginary, metaphysical, but at the same time it is as real as the image itself.
The whole world can be visualized as a giant dual mirror, on one side of which lies the physical universe, and on the other side stretches the metaphysical space of options. In contrast to the situation with an ordinary mirror, the material world acts as a reflection, the image of which is the intention and thoughts of God, as well as all living beings - His incarnations.
The space of variants is a kind of matrix, a template, according to which “cutting”, “sewing”, and also “fashion demonstration” - the movement of all matter - takes place. Information about what and how should happen in the material world is stored there. The number of different potentialities is infinite. A variant is a sector of space that contains the script and the setting, that is, the trajectory and form of the movement of matter. In other words, the sector defines what in each individual case should happen and how it should look.
Thus, the mirror divides the world into two halves: the real and the imaginary. Everything that has taken material form is on the real half and develops in accordance with the laws of natural science. Science, as well as the ordinary worldview, deals only with what happens in “reality.” Reality is commonly understood as everything that can be observed and directly influenced.
If we set aside the metaphysical side of reality and take into account only the material world, then the activity of all living beings, including man, will be reduced to primitive movement within the framework of inner intention. With the help of inner intention, as we know, the goal is achieved by directly influencing the surrounding world. To achieve something, it is necessary to take certain steps, to push, to move elbows, in general, to do concrete work.
Material reality is really tangible - it reacts instantly to the direct impact, and this creates the illusion that this is the only way to achieve any results. However, within the material world, the circle of actually achievable goals is greatly narrowed. Here one has to rely only on what is available. Everything rests on means, which are usually insufficient, and opportunities, which are very limited.
In this world absolutely everything is imbued with the spirit of competition. Too many people want to achieve the same thing. And within the limits of inner intention, of course, there is not enough for everyone. And where will the conditions and circumstances necessary to achieve the goal come from? They will come from there - from the space of options.
On the other side of the mirror, everything is in abundance, and without any competition. There are no goods in stock, but the whole beauty is that you can choose any of them, as if from a catalog, and place an order. Sooner or later the order will be fulfilled, and you do not have to pay for it - you just need to fulfill certain, not very onerous conditions, that's all. Well, isn't it a fairy tale?
Not at all. It is more than real. The energy of thoughts does not disappear without a trace - it is able to materialize a sector of the space of options, according to its parameters corresponding to the mental radiation. It only seems as if everything that takes place in our world is the result of interaction of material objects. No less important role is played here by the processes that take place on the subtle plane, when virtually existing variants are embodied in reality. Cause-and-effect relations of subtle processes are not always visible, and nevertheless they form a good half of the whole reality.
Materialization of sectors of the space of variants, as a rule, is made independently of the will, as a human being does not use the energy of thoughts purposefully, and less developed beings - and even more so. As it was shown in the first book of Transurfing, the influence of mental images on reality manifests itself mainly in the form of realization of the worst expectations.
A person, being grounded in the “realities of life”, wanders among empty store shelves, trying to reach out his hand to the goods on which the sign “Sold” is already hanging. Only low-quality products are available, but even for them he has to pay decent money. And instead of just look at the catalog and make an order, a person begins to randomly rush around in search, stand in long lines, trying hard to squeeze through the crowd, as well as to get into conflicts with sellers and buyers. As a result, the desired thing is not given in their hands, and the problems are becoming more and more.
Meanwhile, such a bleak reality originates first of all in the human consciousness, from where, gradually materializing, it passes into reality. Every living being creates a layer of his world by his direct actions on the one hand and thoughts on the other. All these layers are superimposed on each other, and in this way each being contributes to the formation of reality.
The layer of the world is characterized by a certain set of conditions and circumstances that make up the way of life of an individual being (in the following we will speak only about man). The conditions of existence can be different: favorable and not so favorable, comfortable and harsh, benevolent and aggressive. Of course, the environment in which a person is born is of no small importance. But later life develops mostly depending on how a person treats himself and the surrounding reality. His worldview largely determines the subsequent changes in the way of life. That sector of the space of options, the scenario and scenery of which correspond to the direction and character of a person's thoughts, is embodied in reality.
Thus, two factors take part in the formation of a separate layer: on one side of the mirror - the inner intention, and on the other - the external one. By direct actions a person influences the objects of the material world, and by his thoughts he embodies into reality what is not there yet.
If a person is convinced that all the best things in this world have already been sold out, then there are indeed only empty shelves for him. If he thinks that for good goods one has to stand in a huge queue and pay dearly, so it happens. If expectations are pessimistic and filled with doubts, they are sure to be fulfilled. And if a person expects to meet with an unfriendly environment, his premonitions come true. However, a person should be imbued with the innocent thought that the world has saved all the best for him, as it also somehow works.
An oddball, who does not know that everything is not easy, one day inexplicably finds himself at the counter, which has just brought the goods, as if especially for him. And it turns out that the first customer gets everything for free. And later there is a long line of those who are convinced: the realities of life is much darker, and fools - they are just lucky.
Life is a game in which the world constantly asks its inhabitants the same riddle: “Well, guess what I am?” And everyone answers according to their own ideas: “you're aggressive” or ‘you're cozy’. Or “you are cheerful, gloomy, friendly, hostile, happy, unhappy”.

But here's the interesting thing: in this quiz, everyone wins! The world agrees and appears before everyone in the guise that was ordered. And if a lucky weirdo, once faced with the “realities of life”, changes his attitude to the world, reality will change accordingly, throwing the “seeing eye” to the very end of the line.
This is how a person forms a layer of his world by the way of his thoughts. The explanation of this process fits into several principles. Let us formulate the first mirror principle: the world, as a mirror, reflects your attitude to it.
The world literally agrees with what you think of it. But why, as a rule, the worst expectations are met, and hopes and dreams do not come true? There are reasons for this - the second mirror principle: the reflection is formed in the unity of the soul and mind.
If the intellect does not contradict the dictates of the heart and vice versa, there is an incomprehensible force - an external intention, which materializes the sector of the space of options, corresponding to the image of thoughts. In the unity of soul and mind, this image acquires clear contours, and therefore immediately materializes into reality.
However, in life it happens most often that the soul strives, but the mind doubts and does not let it in, or vice versa, the intellect brings convincing arguments, but the heart remains indifferent. When the unity is broken, the image is blurred - it is like a split: the soul desires one thing, and the mind says another. And only in one thing they agree unconditionally - in dislike and fears.
If a person hates, then from the bottom of his heart, and fears, so with all his nature. In the unity of aversion a clear image of what one seeks to avoid is born. Soul and mind as two manifestations of reality: material and metaphysical, converge at one point, and the thought-form is embodied in reality. As a result, what you do not accept, you get.
Desires, unlike fears, do not come true so easily, because unity in this case is rarely achieved. The soul resists the mind, because the latter, yielding to the influence of pendulums, rushes to other people's goals. And the mind, in its turn, either does not realize its true desires or does not believe in the reality of their fulfillment.
There is such an opinion that in order to achieve a goal one should clearly formulate one's order, and then let this thought-form go into space and for some time not to remember, so as not to interfere with the fulfillment of the desire. If only everything were so simple...
Such a technique works exclusively on condition of fulfillment of the second mirror principle. However, the unity of soul and mind can be achieved only in rare cases, because it is almost impossible to get rid of treacherous doubts. What to do?

There is a third mirror principle: the dual mirror reacts with a delay. If the second principle cannot be fulfilled, the fortress must be taken by a long siege.
Imagine such an unusual situation. You stand in front of the mirror, and there is nothing visible there - emptiness. And only after some time the image begins to appear gradually, as if on a photo. At a certain moment you begin to smile, but in the reflection you see the same serious expression. You raise your hands, but the mirror is still the same. You immediately put your hands down, and nothing has changed in the mirror either. In order to see yourself with your hands up, you will have to hold them up for a certain period of time.
The dual mirror works the same way. Only the delay time there is incomparably longer, and therefore the changes are not perceptible. Material realization is as inert as tar. Nevertheless, a mental image, or, as it is called in Transurfing, a slide, can be materialized. And it requires only one elementary condition: the slide must be rotated in your mind systematically, for a sufficiently long time.
As you can see, the secret is simple, but this is really all that is necessary. I can not even believe that everything is so trivial. Ordinary, routine labor and no magic. But it really works. It's just that people, as a rule, do not have enough patience. They are excited about an idea, but then quickly cool down and put it in a distant box. So, in order to materialize a thought-form, it is necessary to perform a specific work with a slide. Otherwise, you should not count on a miracle.
Exactly how much time will be needed to realize the slide depends on the complexity of the goal. As long as the mind doubts the reality of the realization of the conceived, the image is blurred. But sooner or later at least some image will begin to appear in the mirror. You will see it yourself when the external intention opens the necessary doors - opportunities to achieve the goal. That's when the mind will be convinced that the technique bears fruit and the goal, as it turns out, is realizable. Gradually the soul and mind will come to unity, and the mental radiation will be focused, creating a clear image. As a result, a reflection will be formed, and what is commonly called a miracle will happen: a dream that seemed unrealizable will turn into reality.

With the help of the slide technique described in the first book of Transurfing, it is possible to form an image that the mirror of the world will translate into reality. But, in addition to the concrete image, it would be quite good to maintain in the layer of your world some unchanging background, which creates a constant favorable atmosphere.
Perhaps, you may have noticed that your reflection looks different in different mirrors. The face seems to be the same, but each mirror reveals separate nuances. Weak, but quite catchable shades stand out: emotional coloring, mood and even psychological type. In different mirrors the reflection is good and evil, healthy and sickly, attractive and not very, warm and cold.
It would seem that what can be caused by such a difference, because the reflecting surface should impartially transmit an exact copy of the same image. However, there are a number of factors that have a tangible impact on the image transmission. As in photography, here much depends on the lighting, color background, as well as the mirror itself.
Even in the Middle Ages, the peculiar charm of Venetian mirrors was recognized. Venetian glass was famous all over the world for its marvelous quality. But it was not the glass that gave mirrors that very special property. People noticed that for some unknown reason it was much more pleasant to look in a Venetian mirror than in an ordinary one. The face in the reflection acquired a noticeable attractiveness.
It turns out that the masters from Venice had their own special secret. They added gold to amalgam - the composition of the reflecting surface, due to which warm shades began to prevail in the spectrum of reflection.
. In the same way you can improve a piece of dual mirror specifically for yourself. In order to cozily arrange the layer of your world, you need to form your own special amalgam. The layer of the world is formed of a set of reactions - a person's relations to himself, as well as to these or those manifestations of the surrounding reality. From this spectrum of relations it is necessary to single out one main line defining the prevailing background.
As a dominant line one can choose, for example, this formula: “My world takes care of me"-. A person willingly expresses his attitude in the form of dissatisfaction when there is a reason for it, and takes everything good almost indifferently, as a matter of course. He does it unconsciously, reacting, like an oyster, by force of habit.
Now rise a step above the oyster, wake up and use your advantage to express your attitude consciously. Adjust your worldview in a purposeful, dominant way, and then you will see how the mirror reacts. This will be your first step toward controlling reality.
Think back to when you were a child, the world really cared about you and you didn't appreciate it and took it for granted. Take a look back in time. Maybe something like this was at your grandmother's house in the village? The mental gaze goes back to those distant days when you felt comfortable and serene. Fragments of memories sometimes appear very vividly. It seems as if a divine aroma is coming from the kitchen - your grandmother is baking pies. Or maybe you are sitting on the river bank with a fishing rod or rolling down the mountain on a sled.... What was it like? Do you recall that characteristic feeling of serenity?"
It was so because the world took care of you and you vaguely suspected about it, but did not pay attention to it. Although you didn't make much of a claim either. You just felt good, that's all. A child, even when he is cranky, does not put his soul into his discontent. He will roar, stomp his feet, wave his arms, but the world carefully and gently carries him, affectionately saying: “Well, piglet, soiled, dirty? Come on, let's go and wash up!"
And the little man grows up, and the world saves for him all the best, and gives him all new wonderful toys, and takes care of him with love. The world takes care of its pet. A favorite and a pamper of the world! Lucky discovers a lot of new pleasures, because everything is for the first time and again, but he does not realize that at this moment he is enjoying life. He realizes this only after many years, when he remembers how good and great everything was compared to what it is now.
But why do all the colors of life fade with time and the light serenity is replaced by anxious preoccupation? Is it because the number of problems increases with age? No, because as a person grows older, he or she tends to express negative attitudes. Dissatisfaction is a stronger feeling than just the satisfaction of comfort and tranquility.
Not realizing that now he is still, despite everything, happy, a person demands more and more from the world. The pet's demands grow, he becomes more and more spoiled and ungrateful. The world, of course, does not have time to satisfy the rapidly growing needs, and the pampered already begins to make claims. He changes his attitude to the world: “You are bad! You don't give me everything I want! You don't care!” And in this negative attitude is already invested all the force of unity of the discontented soul and capricious mind.
But after all, the world is a mirror, and there is nothing left for it but to sadly spread its hands and answer: “As you wish, my little dove. Have it your way.” As a result, reality, as a reflection of a person's thoughts, changes for the worse. And if so, the reasons for dissatisfaction are added, which, in turn, further worsens the relationship of man with the world. And so the former favorite and pampered turns into a destitute grouch who is always complaining that the world owes him a lot.

It is a sad picture. A man does not realize that he himself has ruined everything. Seeing some unpleasant features in the mirror reflection, a person focuses attention on them and reflexively expresses his negative attitude, as a result of which everything becomes even worse than before. The reality in the reflection gradually fades after the image. This is how the layer of the world of a single person loses the former freshness of colors and becomes more and more gloomy and uncomfortable.
. But it is possible to take it all back! And that feeling of calm serenity, and the taste of ice cream from childhood, and the feeling of novelty, and hope for the best, and the joy of life. And it's very easy to do. So simple that it's hard to believe. Don't believe it, just try it. It does not occur to anyone that a layer of the world can be renewed if you take your attitude to reality under your conscious control. As you make your worldview, so will the world around you. This is not an empty call to look at life with optimism, but a concrete work on the formation of their reality.
From now on, no matter what happens, make it a rule to keep your attitude under control. It doesn't matter if you are not feeling as good as you would like at the moment. In any case, things are not that bad and could certainly be much worse. After all, rocks do not fall from the sky, the ground under your feet is not burning and wild animals at every step do not pursue.
Yes, the world has changed a lot since you've been cold to it. Remember when he used to rock you in his arms, feed you grandma's cakes, tell you stories? But you've grown up, and a wall of alienation has grown between you and the world. Warm spontaneity has grown into detachment, trust replaced by apprehension, and friendship turned into a sober calculation. And yet the world did not get angry and did not abandon you. He just sadly quieted down and in thoughtfulness steps beside, like an old friend who was offended by the cold reception.
Look around you. Your world still cares. These are the trees and flowers it planted for you. There's the sun, the sky, the clouds - you don't pay attention to them, but imagine: what if they weren't there? And in the evening, after a hard day's work, you have the opportunity to relax and enjoy the coziness and comfort, while outside the window blows cold wind and pours rain. The world is still feeding you and putting you to bed. Looking at you, it sighs with longing for those happy times. And you indifferently turn away and fall asleep in the firm conviction that the world has become worse and the past is not back.
But the world has not changed, as a mirror cannot change. Your attitude has become different, and it was followed by reality as a reflection of your thoughts.
Now wake up, open your eyes, lift yourself up on your crib and look around: it is he - the old world, which took care of you and with whom you once had such a good time. Can you imagine how happy he will be that you have finally woken up from the obsession?
Now you're back together and everything will be the same again. Just don't ever offend that old faithful servant again with your ungrateful attitude. And most importantly, don't rush him. Because according to the third mirror principle, it will take time for him to return to his former state. At first you will need patience and self-control. You must realize that you are doing a specific job of shaping your reality.
The work is as follows. Encountering any, even the most insignificant circumstances, repeat to yourself the formula of amalgam - in any case, whatever happens - bad or good. If you encounter good fortune, don't forget to confirm to yourself that the world really cares about you. Constate this affirmation in every little thing. When you encounter an unfortunate circumstance - still say that everything goes as it should, according to the principle of coordination of intention.
No matter what the circumstances, your reaction should be unequivocal - the world is taking care of you anyway. If you are lucky, pay special attention to it, and if not - observe the principle of coordination of intention, and you will always stay on a successful line of life. After all, it is not given to you to know what troubles the world protects you from and how it does it. Trust it.
It is necessary to learn to trust. Finding himself in a difficult situation, a person is more inclined to rely on their own strength, rather than on a favorable coincidence of circumstances. An adult child stubbornly says, “I'll do it myself!” Then the world brings him down to earth and gives him the opportunity to cope on his own: “All right, all right, my good man. Go with your feet."
Melt the ice of mistrust. When faced with a problem, even the smallest one, say to yourself, “I'm letting the world take care of me.” This is not about doing nothing at all and sitting back. It's about accustoming yourself to the idea that everything should work out well by itself, by definition. The mirror will correctly reflect your view: “So be it, if you think so”.
Make a habit of letting the world take care of you, from the smallest things to the most important issues. You leave the house without an umbrella, and it looks like it's going to rain. You don't have to go back. Say to yourself, “My world and I are going for a walk.” Say to your world, “You will take care of it, won't you?” And of course it will say, “All right, all right, my good man.” You can count on it. It won't rain, and if it does, the world will provide shelter in time.
However, in case of failure, do not take offense that the world did not take care if you had any doubts about it. Do not forget that you are standing in front of a mirror - it simply reflects your worldview exactly - no more no less. There is no need to get very upset, and even less to fight with doubts - it is useless. Leave room for mistakes and failures. The main thing is to maintain the main course.
In general, you can rely on the world in many ways, if you let it take care of you. Man is not capable of dealing with all the problems himself. Give them to the world - it has immeasurably more opportunities than *you* have.

For example, you will not be able to avoid all dangers with your intention because the layer of your world overlaps with many other people's layers. Instead of directing your intention toward your own safety, direct it toward forming a world that cares for you and keeps you safe. Then the intention of your world will work.
Depending on what you are most concerned about, you can choose a particular amalgam for yourself. Here, for example, is something like this. “My world chooses the best for me. If I move with the flow of options, the world comes my way. I myself, by my intention, shape the layer of my world. My peace keeps me safe. My peace gets me out of trouble. My world makes sure that my life is easy and comfortable. I place an order and my world fulfills it. I may not know, but my world knows how to take care of me. My intention is being realized, everything is coming to fruition, and everything is going right."
And you can come up with a new, your own amalgam, or even several. The main thing, I repeat, is to be patient and not to get tired of stating the amalgam formula at every opportunity. Persistence will be required only for the first time, until it becomes a habit. Then everything will go as usual.
In this simple technique lies such a powerful force that you do not realize. By controlling your relationship to the world, you control reality. The dual mirror will bring into reality those areas of the option space where the world itself cares about your well-being. Over time, you will form a very cozy reality for yourself.
Get ready, a magnificent cascade of pleasant events awaits you. I say this without the slightest bit of exaggeration. A layer of your world will literally transform before your eyes in such a way that you will only have time to marvel. And now, at this moment, you already realize that you will never look in the mirror of the world the way you did before. You have just felt the winds of change rise. You and your world are together again. It will take care of everything - know this.

In Pursuit of Reflection
Man creates an individual layer of the world with his worldview - a separate reality. This reality, depending on the attitude of the person, takes on a different hue. Figuratively speaking, certain “weather conditions” are established there: morning freshness in the sunshine or cloudy and raining, and it happens that a hurricane is raging, or a natural disaster is happening in general.
To some extent the surrounding reality is formed, as it is considered, as a result of direct human actions. But thought-forms have no less power, it is just that their work is not so obvious. In any case, the greatest number of problems arise because of negative attitudes. And then all this metaphysically brewed mess has to be cleared up on the physical level, which only complicates the matter.
In general, the picture of a separate reality depends on how a person's attitude towards everything that surrounds him. But at the same time his attitude is conditioned by what is going on around him. It turns out to be a closed feedback loop: reality is formed as a reflection of the image of a person's thoughts, and the image, in turn, is largely determined by the reflection itself.
A person standing in front of a mirror directs all his attention to it without trying to look at himself from inside. So it turns out that it is not the image, but the reflection that plays the leading role in the feedback chain. A person is at the mercy of the mirror, because, as if mesmerized, he looks at his copy. It does not occur to him that it is possible to change the original itself. It is because of this fixation of attention on the reflection that we get what we actively do not want.
Usually, negative experiences have complete control over a person's attention. He is preoccupied with what he is dissatisfied with. He thinks about what he doesn't want and doesn't want what he thinks about. It's a paradox. But the mirror does not take into account a person's desire or unwillingness - it just exactly conveys the content of the image - no more, no less.
It is a completely ridiculous situation. A man is always carrying around what he does not accept. Not “my tongue is my enemy”, but my thoughts are my enemies. Despite the absurdity of it all, this is exactly the case. What happens when a person hates something? He puts into this feeling the unity of soul and mind. The distinct image, flawlessly reflected in the mirror, fills the entire layer of the world with itself. What you hate, you get in your life in abundance. As a result, a person becomes even more irritated, thereby increasing the strength of his feelings. Mentally he sends everyone “far away”: “Fuck you all...” And the mirror returns this boomerang back. You sent, and you were sent back. Does that increase the amount of trouble? If you stand in front of a mirror and yell, “Fuck you!” - what kind of reflection would you get? How you fall in with your world.

Similarly, the object of condemnation penetrates the layer of the “accuser”. Imagine this characteristic example: an angry elderly person looks at the whole world with reproach. She herself is the living embodiment of stern and infallible justice - “before men and the conscience of right”. And the rest of the world has to answer for not pleasing her. The picture is formulated very specifically and clearly. By looking in the mirror with such arrogance, she creates around herself an equivalent reality, that is, total injustice. How else should the world react? It does not condemn her, and it does not justify itself. The world, with its inherent characteristic, becomes exactly as it is presented.
The same thing happens in the case of rejection of something. For example, if a woman has a strong negative attitude toward alcohol consumption, she is doomed to encounter it at every turn. She will constantly be annoyed by drinking in various manifestations, up to the point of marrying an alcoholic. The more disgusted the wife is, the more the husband drinks. From time to time he may make attempts to quit. But she hates drunkenness so much that she literally relishes her dislike and with vehemence she says: “You will not give up drinking!” Indeed, unless the husband has a firm intention, the wife, “stubborn” in her dislike, can embed her thought-form into the layer of his world.
The tendency toward pessimistic expectations in general looks unattractive from the outside. A mood like, “Ah, it's not going to work out anyway!” - is like sadomasochism. The pessimist gets a perverse satisfaction, reveling in his plight: “The world is so bad that there is nothing further to go. So much for it and me along with it!” This pathological habit of finding delight in negativism develops along with a predisposition to resentment. “I'm so wonderful! And you don't appreciate me! Here it is, the height of injustice! That's it, I'm offended, and don't persuade me! When I die, then you'll know!” And what do you get in the end? The mirror not only reflects, but reliably reinforces the picture of fatal disadvantage. The offended person himself orders an unsuccessful scenario and then triumphs: “Well, what did I say?” And the mirror only fulfills the order: “As you wish!”
With the same fatal doom the loser states his unenviable situation: “All life is darkness, and there is no light ahead”. He does not want this fate as much as he can, and so he uses all his mental energy to complain and lament. But what can the mirror reflect if the image is one of discontent? What is the image; “I am dissatisfied! I don't want to!” - so is the reflection: “Yes, you are dissatisfied, and you don't want.” Again, it is just the fact itself - no more, no less.
Dissatisfaction with oneself has the same paradoxical nature - it generates itself. There is a golden rule that could be included in a textbook for complete idiots: “If I don't like myself, I don't like myself.” And in this tautology lies the principle that, strangely enough, guides most people.

Take appearance, for example. You can see that almost all young children are very good-looking. Where do so many adults who are dissatisfied with their appearance come from? All from the same place - from the mirror, which brings back all the claims. Grow up beautiful those who have a predominant tendency to admire themselves - that is their secret. They are guided by the rule: “If I like myself, I have more and more reasons to do so”.
It is quite another thing when the image says to its reflection: “Something I have gained weight, I should lose weight!” To which the mirror nonchalantly replies: “Yes, you're fat, you need to lose weight.” Or, “I've gotten skinny, I need to bulk up!” To which the answer follows: “Yes, you're skinny, you need to work out.” Reality echoes, confirming what you heard.
This is how the inferiority complex nurtures itself. Low self-esteem is followed by a corresponding verdict, which the mirror translates into reality. “I have no special talents?” - “Yes, you are untalented.” - “I'm not worthy of a better fate?” - “Yes, you have nothing else to look forward to.”
And if you have an innate sense of guilt on top of that, then you're screwed. “Am I guilty? “Do I have to do my duty?” - “Yes, you deserve to be punished, and you will be punished.” Well, how could it be otherwise? If a person, even if unconsciously, feels guilty, what should be reflected in the mirror? Retribution - by all means!
Needless to say, anxiety and fears are also realized immediately? Man fears so many things that most of them do not happen just because it requires a lot of energy expenditure. Misfortunes and catastrophes are always anomalies out of the equilibrium flow of options. But if an undesirable event is not far from the current, it is bound to happen, because a person attracts it with his thoughts.
But doubts work the other way around. Unlike fear, which fixes attention on the possible realization of an event, doubt is more concerned with the fact that it will not happen. And of course, in many cases doubts, as a spite, are justified. But why spitefully? It only seems to a person that the “law of meanness” is at work here. In fact, the mirror simply reflects the content of thoughts, and only that.
In any case, the desire to avoid something greatly increases the likelihood of collision. Everything is done contrary, from which a person often comes to a state of irritation, and even stays in it most of the time. The irritated state completes the overall picture of the worldview. The result is an integral image: “I feel discomfort”. In accordance with this, an individual reality is built up, in which everything goes to make this discomfort persist and become even more acute.
The individual, by his negative attitude, colors the layer of his world in black tones. Any attitude in which the fierce feeling of the soul and the firm conviction of the mind are invested is reflected in reality. And

literally, one to one, regardless of what one is trying to express: attraction or rejection. The fourth mirror principle is at work here: the mirror simply states the content of the attitude, ignoring its orientation.
What does a person do when he sees that something he does not want is being realized? Instead of looking at the image, he directs all his attention to the reflection and tries to change it. The reflection is a physical reality, and one has to act here only within the framework of inner intention. That is, if the world doesn't listen and moves in the wrong direction, you have to grab it by the throat and drag it as hard as you can to where you want it to go. It is a difficult task. And in many cases it's impossible. And all because the situation is absolutely ridiculous: a person standing in front of a mirror is trying to grab his reflection with his hands and do something with it.
. The inner intention by direct influence seeks to change the already accomplished reality. A house is built, but not as we would like it to be. It has to be dismantled and remodeled, but in the end it still turns out wrong. One feels as if one is driving an out-of-control automobile. The brakes don't work, and the engine stalls or roars at full throttle. The driver tries to fit into reality, but the car behaves completely unpredictably.
By all logic, in order to pass an obstacle, it is necessary to turn to the side, but it turns out quite the opposite: from the moment when the dangerous obstacle has captured the attention, the collision becomes inevitable. You turn the steering wheel to one side, and you are carried to the other. And the harder you put pressure on the brakes, the higher the speed.
It turns out that it's not the person who controls reality, but reality controls the person. It feels like in a distant childhood: here I am running and roaring with all my might. The world does not want to obey me - that's how it offended me! I don't want to hear or understand anything. I just run and scream, and my roar is modulated by feet hitting the ground. Remember how it happens? And why am I so stupid? The adults try to explain things, but I have no desire to figure it out. Everything has to be my way, and that's it!
I've grown up, but nothing has changed - I still don't understand anything. I still stomp my foot and demand that the world obey me. But it does everything out of spite, so I run and scream again. I run towards reality, and the wind of inner intention blows in my face. But all in vain - reality controls me, it forces me, like an oyster, to react negatively, and from this itself becomes worse.
So how does one drive this crazy car? What should a person do, what is his mistake? The mistake is that he looks, without looking away, at the reflection. Hence all his problems. And this is what should be done.
The first thing to do is to stop chasing the reflection and stop. This means that you must take your eyes off the mirror and give up your inner intention to turn the world in the direction you want. At that moment, the crazy car will stop, reality will stop too. And then the unbelievable will happen: the world itself will move towards you.

The world is moving towards you. The ordinary human mind tries unsuccessfully to influence the reflection in the mirror, whereas the image itself must be changed. The image is the direction and character of a person's thoughts. The trouble is that people first look in the mirror and only then express their attitude to what they see. By doing so, they, willingly or unwillingly, express their intention, which further aggravates the reality.
The tendency to negativism generates more and more negative features in the mirror. The individual layer of the world is colored in gloomy tones and filled with events unpleasant for its owner. When a person falls into despondency, in the mirror, accordingly, the clouds thicken more and more. And it is worth it to set himself aggressively, as the world in response immediately bristles. Pay attention: if you quarreled with someone, sharply expressed your discontent, then after this is bound to come some other trouble. And the more irritated you are, the more tenaciously cling to new misfortunes - all around begin to annoy you with something.
A person is tied to the mirror by threads of importance. Everything that happens there is actually his life, and it is of great importance. Man either likes what he sees or he does not. But in either case, his thoughts coincide in content with the reflection and thus further reinforce the status quo. Since the image is at the mercy of the reflection, insofar as the man falls into complete dependence on the reality around him.
The more violent the feeling, the stronger the attachment to the mirror. What you think is not important, the main thing is what you think about. Whether you like the reflection or not, you still think about it. What matters is the content of the thoughts. Rejection is always directed in the opposite direction: “Get lost!” or “I'm sick of all this!” But regardless of the direction, the attitude carries the object of discontent. And the furious feeling, born in the unity of soul and mind, gives the image a clear outline. As a result, everything that corresponds to the content of the image begins to prevail in the reflection.
That is why the poor get poorer and the rich get richer - all of them look into the mirror of the world, and each in his own way states the shape of the reality surrounding him. This reality sucks them in like a swamp. An old woman in line for her pension. A tired woman with heavy bags on a packed bus. A sick person wandering through medical facilities. All their thoughts are in this gloomy reality. And someone at the same time is enjoying life: the sea, yachts, traveling, luxury hotels, expensive restaurants - whatever your heart desires. In all cases, regardless of the nature of the situation, a statement of fact is made: “This is how we live”. More precisely, we live as we think our existence. The mirror confirms and increasingly strengthens the content of the way of thinking.

And it is not necessary to cite the standard objections that everyone has different starting conditions: some were born in poverty, while others have a rich inheritance. Yes, the starting point largely determines how the lifestyle will begin and how it will develop in the future. But this does not mean that the “starting capital” decides everything. There are many examples when people from the lowest strata got into the highest society, and vice versa. Maybe these are rare exceptions that only confirm the rule? Right, but if exceptions are possible, it means that this rule is not so immutable. No matter how deep the hole you are in, know that everything can be changed, and radically. And it does not matter that you have no idea how to do it. You do not need to know the specific way out - it will find itself.
It seems to you that you are at the mercy of circumstances that you cannot change. In fact, this is an illusion - a sham, which can be easily destroyed if you wish. The fact is that we all unconsciously walk in a vicious circle: we observe reality - we express an attitude - the mirror fixes the content of the attitude in reality. In order to transform reality, we just need to get out of this circle.
You look at the surrounding reality, and it seems to you that it is impossible to change it. And it really is. You try to influence the reflection with your inner intention, but you are unable to make any significant impact on it. There are too few possibilities on this side of the mirror. But you are able to take control of your attitude to reality, and then the external intention will take over, and there is nothing impossible for it. On the reverse side of the mirror there are such variants of the development of events, which the human mind does not even suspect.
So, to start the mechanism of external intention it is necessary to fulfill the fifth mirror principle: it is necessary to switch attention from the reflection to the image. In other words, you need to take control of your thoughts. Think not about what you don't want and try to avoid, but about what you want and strive to achieve.
Take another look at the closed circle formula. A person literally moves through this mirror circle like a donkey. Bound to the mirror by his attitude - a primitive reaction to reality - he is just as uncomplicatedly trying to catch up with the reflection in an effort to change something in it. And now let's try to reverse the mirror circle: we express the attitude - the mirror fixes the content of the attitude in reality - we observe reality. What is the result?
The primitive and helpless statement of reflection ceases, and in its place comes the intentional and purposeful statement of the image. Instead of habitually expressing dissatisfaction about what I see in the mirror, I turn away from it and start forming in my mind the image I would like to see. This is the way out of the mirror maze. The world stopped, and then moved towards me, And now I am no longer running, but standing on the spot, and now reality itself is coming at me, and already another wind is blowing in my face - the wind of external intention.
I did the opposite: I interrupted the futile pursuit of the reflection, let go of the world and let it unfold according to my thoughts. The mirror circle remained closed, but now it is not me who goes around the circle - it turns itself, driven by an external intention. My inner intention has been replaced by an outer intention, because I have given up trying to influence the reflection. I only purposefully form the desired image in my thoughts, and the dual mirror itself embodies the corresponding sector of the space of options in reality.
The only difficulty lies in the unusual nature of the situation. It is unusual that the element “observing reality” is placed at the very end of the circle. Man is more accustomed to acting according to the rule: “What I see, I report. He sends his vision to the world, and the world, like an echo, brings back only the emasculated essence: “I don't want it to rain!” - “Rain, rain...”; “I don't want to study!” - “To study, to study...”; “I don't want to work!” - “To work, to work...” As a result, the refined content of the attitude is embodied in reality.
One can imagine the following monologue of a mirror tired of all this nonsense.
“You feel bad. All right, what do you need that it was good? You don't want to. Will you finally deign to make it clear what you want? You don't like it. Well, then tell me, my good man, what do you want?"
It's very simple. Negative attitudes must be replaced with positive attitudes. It is necessary to make an inventory of thoughts and remove from there all the particles “not”. Dissatisfaction, unwillingness, rejection, disapproval, hatred, disbelief in success and so on - all this garbage should be pushed into a bag and thrown to the trash. Your thoughts should be directed to what you want and like. Then only pleasant things will be reflected in the mirror.
It should be understood that a favorable reality will not be formed at once. Patience and awareness will be needed. Now everything is not the same as before: you do not react to the surrounding reality, but take the command on yourself and intentionally send your thought-forms to the world. Contrary to the apparent negative reflection, you express a positive attitude. Yes, it is, let's say, unusual, but what is better: to be at the mercy of circumstances, as all ordinary people, or to dispose of fate at your own discretion?
. People's moods are formed as a reaction to the circumstances, successful or unsuccessful. The tendency to negativism, as a rule, keeps the mood at a low level. What we need to do differently is to intentionally create our moods. The mere knowledge that I am able to control reality lifts my spirits considerably. With his with my intention, I choose the colors of my reality. Regardless of the circumstances, I set myself in a major mood. I do this consciously, rather than reacting primitively to an external stimulus. It is necessary to get such a habit. A slide will help to create a mood - musical, visual - whatever you prefer. Ideally, it should be a picture in which your goal is achieved and you feel great.
On the other hand, be prepared to see no change in the layer of your world for a while. Or, on the contrary, all sorts of trouble will pop up. So, what is it? These are all temporary inconveniences connected with “moving” to a new level of relations with reality. After all, you know that the mirror works with a delay. You need to bend your line, no matter what. Calmly hold a pause during which nothing happens. It should be literally, as in that fairy tale: “If you look back, you'll be petrified!” I know that the mirror is still a mess, but I know that it is not going anywhere - sooner or later it will reflect the image I create in my thoughts. If I don't give in to the temptation to look back and stand my ground, my reality will form in the mirror. Everything will be my way. The world feeling should be as if you already have what you want or are about to get. Remember: the mirror materializes what is contained in your thoughts. For example, if you are not satisfied with your appearance, you look in the mirror without pleasure. All your attention is directed to the unsightly features that you do not like in yourself, which you state. It is necessary to realize that you are reflected in the mirror of the world according to your attitude to yourself.
Take a new rule - not to look, but to peek in the mirror of the world. Look out for the good and ignore the bad - let everything pass through this filter. Focus your attention on what you want to get. What have you done before? Stated the fact: “I'm fat and ugly. I don't like myself that way.” And the mirror kept reinforcing that fact: “That's right, you are.” Now you have another task - to look for only those features that you like in yourself, and at the same time to imagine in your mind the desired image. From this point on, all you do is look for and find more and more evidence of positive change: every day is better and better. If you do this technique regularly, soon you will only have time to open your mouth in amazement.
In general, you should first form an attitude and only then look in the mirror, not the other way around. Of course, it will take some time to get used to it. But the game is worth the candle. Now you will control reality, not it controlling you. Taking into account the inertness of material realization, the reflection will little by little transform into a positive one. The layer of your world will accumulate so many pleasant things that it will not be necessary to persuade yourself to cheer up. The mirror circle will turn easily and effortlessly. The main thing is to move it out of place and disperse it with your intention, and then everything will go as usual.

“Come on! I don't believe it... - the boring Reader will say. - If only everything were so simple...” Well, if you don't want to believe, then turn around, and goodbye to you on a mirror circle - behind the reflection - maybe you'll catch up. And if you do not believe, then I will tell you that faith is not required here at all. You do not need to believe - just follow the suggested technique, and there you will see for yourself what will happen. For the ordinary mind such things will forever remain incomprehensible, because the work of external intention is imperceptible. The mind will never understand how a dream that is unfulfilled from its point of view can be realized. It will never believe that such a thing is possible until it bumps its forehead against a fait accompli. So leave it - let the mind swarm in its doubts, and you in the meantime do what you have to do.
“Oh, come on! It's not working...” - the lazy Reader will say. Indeed, the mirror technique is too simple to be believed in its efficacy. We are all used to difficult solutions to complex problems. People do not believe that their thoughts can really influence reality, and do not take such things seriously, and therefore do not try it. This is the first reason for the lack of visible results. The second reason, however, is the usual inconsistency in actions. Usually people quickly catch fire with an idea and then cool down just as quickly. But miracles do not happen! You need to do some work, only in this case not with your hands, but with your head. Can a mirror, which has a delay, form your reflection, if you only stood in front of it for a moment and immediately ran away?
Now that you are familiar with the basic mirror principles, all you have to do is put them into practice. It is really simple. In order for a thought-form to be fixed in the material reality, it is necessary to reproduce it systematically. In other words, you need to regularly spin the target slide in your thoughts. Unlike useless dreams, which occur from case to case, this is a concrete work.
Thus, by taking control of your feelings that bind you to the reflection, you gain freedom from the mirror. You should not only suppress emotions; they are only a consequence of attitude. You need to change the attitude itself - your way of reacting and perceiving reality. By gaining freedom, you gain the ability to shape the reflection you want. In other words, by controlling the course of your thoughts, you control reality. Otherwise, reality controls you.
Controlling reality can be done in varying degrees of rigor. The simplest and easiest way is amalgam. It allows you to create a general background of comfort and well-being, which in most cases is enough. The realization of dreams already requires more patience and determination. Everyone can use the mirror technique to the extent of their needs.
In general, the statement that the world is a reflection of our thoughts is not new. It seems to be clear to everyone, but at the same time it sounds somehow vague and indefinite. That is why such knowledge is of little use. What to do and how? There is no time to engage in spiritual enlightenment, to comprehend the secret forces of nature and to develop your own.
But now you have a specific technique in your hands. You know why it works and what you need to do. Just do it. Stop your run on the mirror circle and you will see the world move toward you.

The intent of the believer
So, in order to get the desired reality in the mirror of the world, it is necessary to do elementary things: to deliberately form the corresponding image in your thoughts, not paying attention to the delayed reflection, and only peek, looking for all new manifestations of the emerging reality.
. However, even if one is aware of the delay, it is very difficult to adjust to this strange mirror. The belief that reality either obeys at once, like a stick in the hand, or cannot be controlled at all, is firmly rooted in the human consciousness. It would seem that if a wish is not fulfilled immediately, then it is simply impossible: what you can not, you can not. And a person can only dream and treat magic as something forbidden, inaccessible.
We are all used to the fact that magic stands apart from reality. The fantasy world is somewhere out there, in the imagination, and real life is here, you can't get away from it and you can't change anything. Magicians and psychics also dwell in their own special world, and we, ordinary people with ordinary problems, are suffering here, in this gray reality.
. But in fact there is no magic - there is only knowledge of the principles of the dual mirror. This knowledge lies on the surface. It is so ingenuous and ordinary that by all canons it cannot be “magic”. But still, Aladdin's lamp looked like an ordinary old tin, and the Grail cup was not made of gold. Everything great is incomprehensibly simple - it has no need to show off or hide. The empty and useless, on the contrary, is always hidden under a cloak of significance and mystery.
Magic, deprived of fairy-tale attributes and introduced into everyday life, ceases to belong to the realm of the mystical and mysterious. Magic loses its mesmerizing mystery as it finds its place here, in everyday life. But the beauty of this transformation lies in the fact that everyday reality, in turn, ceases to seem ordinary and turns into an unfamiliar reality that can be managed like a dream in reality. And it requires only observance of mirror principles.
Suppose you are already familiar with Transurfing and know how to work with the target slide. But here, time goes by, and nothing happens. You feel as if you have sent a letter, but there is no answer. The mind begins to stir restlessly, it can't wait. Maybe I'm doing something wrong. Or maybe all this is nothing at all?
In fact, the world does not stand still - the process of materialization of reflection in the mirror is going on. It's just that this process is unnoticeable, that's why it seems that nothing happens. At such a moment the scale of the mind oscillates between the knowledge that the mirror reacts with a delay and the old habit of observing an almost instantaneous correlation between the immediate action and the result following it.
What does the mind think about when no result is seen? About the fact that the action is ineffective or wrong, What does the mirror then reflect? That's right. The same thing. So the process is slowed down or sidetracked. You can imagine a dialog between the mind and the world. - I want a toy! - Of course you do, my little dove, you want one. - But you promised!
- Yeah. You asked for it and I said I'd give you a toy. I think you're quite satisfied that I'll give it to you. - You've got it all wrong! I want the toy now, right now! - No, I understand. You want it now. - Well, where's the toy? - Where is it? - Looks like one of us is an idiot. - No doubt about it. - Damn it! I forgot you're just a stupid mirror. How do I treat you? Oh, that reminds me. You're giving me a toy. - All right, all right, my good man. - So, are we going to go get it? - Sure, sweetie, come on, come on. And so they set off on their journey to get the gift. Now all that's left to do is to be patient and devote their time to the joyous preparations. The soul sings and the mind rubs its hands together in satisfaction. Why not be satisfied? After all, they go in peace to get the toy! A transerfer must understand: the choice he makes becomes an immutable law, which will inevitably be fulfilled. And this requires only fixation of attention on the final goal. But everything is always wrong with man.
- Hey, are we going the right way? I don't see a toy store in sight. - Don't worry, my good man, we'll be there soon.
- When? No, I think we've wandered into some back alleys. - You think so? - Well, that's right, we're lost!
- Whatever you say, dearie, you know I always agree.
- Stupid mirror! I knew I couldn't depend on you! Where are you taking me? - I just wanted to stop by the park on my way to take you on the merry-go-round...
A man feels insecure when he's being driven blindfolded. His mind cannot accept the fact that nothing is happening or events are not unfolding as planned. The mind is organized like a cybernetic automaton: if the algorithm is broken, a red light bulb comes on. The only difference between them is that the mind itself creates a program-scenario, naively believing that it is able to calculate all the moves ahead. The primitivism of so-called common sense is that it not only sets a stereotyped program of action, but insists on it.
At the moment when a choice is made, i.e. the final goal-image is set, the mirror of the world receives the order and proceeds to its realization according to a certain plan. What way the reflection of the image should be formed, only the mirror knows - for the mind this way is incomprehensible. But when the mind sees that events are developing according to some strange scenario, it starts to sound an alarm, and a person grabs the world by the throat. After all, something must be done! He thinks that nothing is working, and thus distorts the target image. And on top of that, he takes action to support his scenario, and again only hinders the realization of that unknown to him plan, which will really lead to success. In general, “in the box does not get in, out of the box does not go and the box does not give”.
Thus, a person, clinging with a dead grip to his scenario, which, as it seems to him, should be the way to the goal, he himself does not allow this goal to be realized. But that is not all. With his irrepressible desire to get a toy as soon as possible, a person builds up such excessive potential that the mirror is literally distorted. And what can be expected from a crooked mirror?
Desire, as such, is also necessary, because without it there is no aspiration. If you add to it the determination to act, you get the intention to achieve your goal. But if you add doubt in the reality of its achievement plus the fear of failure, you get lust. This is the very importance that must be consciously reduced. Desire itself does not create a noticeable excess potential - it arises when you grab the world by the throat with your doubts and fears.

A person's reasoning is usually as follows: I want to do something, but I am afraid it won't work out, or I doubt whether it will work out. Under the pressure of responsibility to himself for victory or defeat, he imposes harsh conditions on himself and the world. He expects from the world and demands from himself. The result is a triple distortion of the mirror: I want, I fear, I won't let go. A crooked trellis.
If you think that intention is a determined determination to demand from the world what is supposedly owed to you, you will get nothing. And if you ask the world for what you want, again you will be left with nothing. Understand, all you have to do is make an order and let the world fulfill it. After all, you simply do not let it do it, because you demand, ask, fear and doubt. In this case, the world also demands, asks, fears and doubts something, i.e. it reflects your attitude perfectly. After all, it is just a mirror.
It is necessary to feel it. Let go of the world, let it be comfortable for you right now. It is a shaky, fleeting feeling, it passes quickly, but you must catch it. Imagine an incredible thing for a moment: a hostile, problematic, difficult, uncomfortable world suddenly becomes joyful and comfortable for you. You allow it to be. It's up to you.
The question is not about being happy by definition, but about letting happiness into your life. We are only as happy as we allow ourselves the possibility of incredible good fortune. You don't have to force yourself to be happy, you have to allow yourself that luxury. Just trust the world - it knows best how to get to the goal and will take care of everything. After all, you don't worry about how an ordinary mirror manages to reproduce the image so marvelously accurately, do you? When you stand in front of it, you only think about what you want to see in the reflection. Here and the mirror of the world works just as flawlessly, only with a delay.
Well, and just in case you do not manage to penetrate the conviction that the world can really be relied on, there are two more mirror principles. Perhaps, acting according to the instructions will be even easier for someone. But before we familiarize ourselves with the sixth and seventh principles, let's remember the fifth.
Suppose you have identified your goal and have begun to work systematically on your target slide. You are aware that results cannot come instantly. And yet your mind begins to fidget restlessly: time goes by, but nothing happens or not at all what was expected. In such moments, when doubts are about to take over all thoughts, activate your awareness. After all, you have forgotten the rule: “if you look back, you will be petrified”.
The attention should be fixed on the final goal, as if it has already been achieved. The world is moving towards you as long as you are focused on the image. But you should turn to the reflection in the mirror, where God knows what is going on (or nothing at all), as the world immediately stops, and you again resume your exhausting and fruitless running in a mirror circle.

You will have to constantly remind your mind that the mirror works with a delay and needs a certain pause to form a reflection, i.e. to realize the image in reality. During the pause, you must steadfastly stand your ground, believe in success in conditions when it seems that everything is flying into tatters. As far as you have the courage not to give in to despondency, you will get so much. This is the real magic, devoid of magical attributes, but possessing real power.
To look back at the mirror, that is, to express your attitude to what is happening, should only in order to notice positive shifts and allow yourself to experience a pleasant surprise. In other words, your eyes should be wide open to everything that indicates that the world is moving toward the goal, and closed tightly to the accompanying (and inevitable) negative manifestations. If you have the stamina to “not look back,” the results are usually superior. You will not only be given a toy, but also ride on a merry-go-round, and treat ice-cream.
In the most general sense, the rule of handling the mirror can be formulated in the following form. Looking in the mirror, it is necessary to move not the reflection, but the image itself - your attitude and the direction of thoughts. In other words, one should “move oneself” and not try to grasp the reflection, like a kitten playing with its “double” but not realizing that it is itself. In a song by the famous musician and philosopher Boris Grebenshchikov there are such words: “She can move herself...”. To its full height."
Spinning around your axis, you watch the world begin to turn slowly and belatedly after you. You take the time to grab it to force it to spin. This is the difference between inner and outer intention. With inner intention, you try to influence the reflection. With external intention, on the other hand, you leave the mirror alone and focus your attention on the image of your thoughts, thereby gaining the real power to move the world. “Mom, what are we going to do when she moves herself!"
The secret of power lies in letting go of the grip. The human mind meets the slightest contingency unforeseen by it, as well as the slightest deviation from its script, with a bayonet. This is immediately followed by a reaction that is as natural as it is primitive - to try to correct the situation, i.e. to object, to refuse, to stand on one's own, to argue, to make sharp movements, to actively undertake something, and so on. In general, the mind grasps at the reflection and tries to bend its line.
Of course, if the attention is fixed on the mirror, there is an illusion that it is only necessary to stretch out a hand, and reality - because it is here, in front of your nose - will immediately obey. Not so. An inarticulate kitten succumbs to the deception, playing with an ordinary mirror. But a person standing a step higher in consciousness falls into the same trap. The only difference is that the illusion of the dual mirror is more sophisticated, and that's all.

So, it is necessary to take your hands away from the mirror and allow the world to move. In most cases it is not necessary to take active action at all - it is quite enough to follow what is happening in a flexible and gentle way. As we know from the book “The Transurfing of Reality”, the flow of options, if not interfered with, directs the course of events in the most optimal way. The primitive mind tends to beat its hands on the water and row against the current, defending its ideas. Now, in order to free yourself from the illusion, you need to turn the narrow-minded mind's intention in the opposite direction - let it dynamically adjust its scenario, including everything unforeseen. Such a task is unusual for it, but it is the only effective means to get out of the role of a kitten.
So, the sixth mirror principle says: let go of your grip and let the world go with the flow of options. Inner intention reverses its direction, which leads to a paradox: by relinquishing control, you gain real control over the situation.
Look at everything around you through the eyes of an observer. You are a participant in the play and at the same time you are acting in a detached way, noticing any movement in the environment. You are offered something - do not hurry to refuse. You receive advice - try to reflect on it. You hear someone else's opinion - do not hurry to enter into a discussion. It seems to you that someone is doing something wrong - so be it. Circumstances have changed - no need to sound the alarm, try to accept the changes. Whatever you do, do what is easiest for you. When faced with a choice - give preference to the option that is given more easily.
This doesn't mean you have to agree with everything. It is one thing to close your eyes and surrender to the power of the stream that carries you away, and quite another to deliberately and consciously move with the flow. You will realize yourself where you should tighten the reins, and where to deliberately give slack. Let go of the world and watch it move. Watch it like a wise mentor, leaving the adolescent freedom of choice, only occasionally nudging in the right direction. You will see the world spinning around you.
Now we come to the point of familiarizing ourselves with the last - the most important and most powerful mirror principle. Along with its perfect reflectivity, the mirror has one peculiarity: the right in it becomes the left, and the space running away into the distance is actually moving in the opposite direction. People have long been accustomed to this property and have learned in their minds to make the transformation of illusion into reality. But the mind still does not know how to deal with the illusion of the dual mirror.
The problem lies in the human tendency to see bad in good, to turn positive into negative, and to interpret one's own good as an evil fate. In fact, the world is not situated to build intrigues. Adversity is not the norm because it always takes more energy. And nature does not waste energy. The current of options always follows the path of least resistance. We can say that it follows the path of fortunate coincidence of circumstances. The main mass of problems is created by man himself, when he beats hands on the water and paddles against the smooth flow. But the main thing is that the tendency to negativism generates a corresponding image, which the mirror embodies in reality.
Remember: the world is merely a flawless reflection of your relationship to reality. No matter how bleak the reflection may seem, it will become worse if you treat it as negative. Likewise, a negative will turn into a positive if you willfully declare it as such. Every circumstance or event has both undesirable and beneficial potential for you. Expressing your attitude at this fork, you determine the further course of events - in the favorable direction or not.
Under any, even the most unfavorable circumstances, you will ultimately always remain in the win-win, if you will fulfill the seventh mirror principle: every reflection to perceive as positive. Whatever it is, you cannot know for sure whether it is good or evil for you. Choose the best for you!
Moreover, when everything is going well, you should not take it indifferently, as a matter of course, but meet it with joy, focusing your attention on the fact that everything is going well. No matter what happens, everything goes as it should. This is nothing else but the well-known principle of coordination of intention - its action is described in detail in the first book of Transurfing.
For example, you are faced with some problem. At the fork, only you decide whether to declare it complex or simple. Tendency to negativism and fatigue from difficult life make you bend under the pressure of the problem and gloomily state:
- Oh, how hard! A very difficult task. And the world immediately agrees:
- As you wish, my dove.
It always agrees. And if so, do the opposite, say to yourself: “Everything is solved very simply”. Even with all your strength, call this problem simple. Let it be a postulate. After all, the problem, in essence, is made complex by one small detail - the accompanying circumstances. Now, that little thing is determined by your attitude. And the world will once again be okay with it. No matter what happens.
- Everything goes down? No,” you say, ”everything is just fine! And with the look of a complete idiot, as it may seem to a “sane” person, you rub your hands together in satisfaction (“So, very good!”), or clap your hands, or jump for joy. And then you soon discover that, indeed, the circumstance that seemed unfortunate is actually playing into your hands. This property of the mirror always acts so unexpectedly and surprisingly that it is impossible to get used to it. Whenever defeat before your eyes will begin to turn into victory, you will experience an incomparable delight, when you want to exclaim:
- No, this can't be! It's mystical!
But earlier, from the point of view of “common sense”, you reasoned quite differently, and therefore received all the hardships and deprivations of life to the fullest. From now on, whenever you face any trouble or problem, remember that the world in any case agrees with your attitude to what is happening:
- Whatever you say, my good man.
Can you imagine what you own from now on? You no longer have to hope and wait for the Bluebird to deign to visit you and for the wheel of Fortune to turn in the right direction. You are the owner of your luck. With your will you declare any event or circumstance favorable, playing in your favor.
This is not trusting in the goodwill of the world, which cares out of love for you. After all, the world is an impassive mirror, and if it cares, it is only because you “look” into it. It is not a certainty that circumstances can shake at any moment. It's not arrogance based on blind faith in success. It is not even optimism as a character trait. This is the intention of the Supreme. You shape the layer of your world yourself - you shape your reality.
You are a Ruler of reality if you know how to “move yourself”, giving the world the freedom to move as well. To move yourself means to follow the last three mirror principles. A reality-mover is not so much an active agent as an observer. Not to subdue, but to allow - that is what distinguishes his will.
Now you know how to deal with this marvelous dual mirror. You no longer have anything to fear in a world that others consider hostile, problematic, and intractable. It is yours! Take it by the handle and say to yourself, “My world and I are going toy shopping!”

It would seem that in Transurfing there is no question about destiny - it can be arbitrary due to the existence of the space of variants, and it can be controlled, guided by the principles of the dual mirror. And yet it is worth paying a little more attention to this topic.
Opinions are divided here. Some believe that fate is in the hands of its owner. Others believe that it is predetermined. Others go even further, considering fate as a destiny or fate, sent down to man from above and conditioned by his deeds in past lives. Which viewpoint stands closest to the truth?
Each. All these positions are true and even equal. And can it be otherwise in the world, which is a mirror? Everyone standing in front of it receives confirmation of the way he thinks. It makes no sense to ask the mirror whether I am destined to see my face sad or cheerful in the reflection. On the one hand, it reflects what I am, and on the other hand, what I wish to see myself as, I will be. Therefore, the question of destiny is a question of choice: whether to choose a destiny predestined or to prefer a free destiny. It's all about your conviction - what you choose is what you get.
If a person is convinced that fate is predetermined and one cannot escape from it, then a certain predetermined scenario is really realized. In the space of options, there is certainly a separate stream along which the ship of life will move, if it is let go by the will of the waves. “Doomed”, floundering in his infantilism, raises his head reverently to the heavens, whence, like lumps, the ‘blows of fate’ fall down: “Oh, the power of providence! Oh, the right hand of fate!” In reality it is not “written on your fate” at all, but it is stamped on your forehead that you, oaf, are only at the mercy of an unconscious and very useless dream, to which you have doomed yourself.
But when a man takes control, his life ceases to depend on circumstances. The ship can be directed in any direction from the “fate” that is supposedly destined. It is very simple: life is like a river. If you row yourself, you have the opportunity to choose the direction, and if you just give in to the current, you are forced to swim in the stream in which you find yourself. If you want karma, you will get karma. Thinking that your fate depends on some inexorable circumstances or mistakes of past lives, you realize the corresponding variant. Your will is yours, because you are a son of God. And if you wish to be a Decider, it is in your power. The dual mirror will agree to everything. The only question is whether you know how to handle it.
Within the framework of the Transurfing model all this is quite obvious. The only unfathomable mystery is the space of options. Who “put” there all that is there? Where did it come from? And why? And what was there before it was put there?

I'll be honest: I don't know. I can only put forward a hypothesis: nobody “created” the space of options - it has always existed. The human mind is so organized that it seems to it as if everything in this world is created by something or someone, and also has its beginning and end. Apparently, not everything does. I am afraid that even if one were to raise the awareness of the human mind to the extent that it surpasses the awareness of an oyster, it would not be enough to comprehend such things. There are matters in the world that lie far beyond the capacity of the mind. After all, the mind is just a logical automaton, albeit one that has the ability to think abstractly.
So, the level of my abstract thinking only allows me to construct a primitive mathematical model. If one takes one's conditional degree of awareness to infinity, at which point one's level of awareness turns to a point, then the question posed boils down to the following: “Why am I, a point, allowed to occupy any positions on the coordinate plane? Who created the coordinate grid? Who needs it? And what happened before that...? Unfathomable...” And if you tell this point that in addition to the plane there is also three-dimensional and N-dimensional space, it will “go crazy”.
It is easier to believe that fate is predestined by some higher forces and that it can be “calculated” and predicted than to believe in the existence of an inconceivable space of options in which absolutely everything exists. In any case, people are uncomfortable to live in the unknown, they seek to get at least some hint of the future, so they go to astrologers, soothsayers, interpreters. And here again there is a question of fundamental choice. What is my intention: to know what awaits me, or to create what I want?
If the passive position is chosen, then, of course, there is only one thing left to do - to turn to someone who has the audacity to declare that he knows the Book of Fates. But is it possible? Is anyone capable of predicting or “calculating” the future? Undoubtedly. Moreover, such a thing is possible precisely because of the existence of the space of options. Otherwise, where do clairvoyants get fragments of the past and the future from?
Undoubtedly, events cannot develop in an arbitrary way. Sectors of the space of variants are connected in chains of cause-and-effect relations - lines of life, which obey certain regularities. And how can we judge about these regularities? Obviously, by some external manifestations and signs, which can be the positions of celestial bodies, dreams, falling combinations of cards and even coffee grounds. There is no such thing as chance. The concept of randomness is only a special form of perception of the consequence in the absence of detailed information about the causes.
But again, it is precisely because of the existence of the space of variants - this repository of movies about the past and the future - that predictions are not always confirmed. The number of variants is infinite, so there is no guarantee that “the very film” that is destined to “get into the projector” is taken from the shelf. We can only talk about the proportion of probability.

One of the most “accurate” was the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vangelia Dimitrova, the world-famous Vanga. Having lost her sight as a child, she gained the gift of “seeing” the space of options. But even with her unique abilities, the “percentage of hits”, both in the past and the future, fluctuated around seventy to eighty.
Predictions are distorted both by the perception of the clairvoyants themselves and their subsequent interpretation. “Centuries” Nostradamus is still interpreted in a variety of variations. In the predictions often try to see what is not there, and, conversely, do not notice the obvious. When Vanga predicted that “Kursk will go under water”, no one understood anything. After all, from Kursk to the sea is quite far. But when the submarine with the same name sank, then, probably, those who knew about this prediction, a chill went down their spine.
And yet, if we can only talk about the probability that the diviner will see “that” sector of the space of options, then why the accuracy of the hit is quite high? Because the prediction, imprinted in a person's memory, willy-nilly turns into his intention.
The attitude to all kinds of interpretations and horoscopes is special - it is a balance of faith and distrust. On the one hand, a person is not inclined to rely entirely on such things, and on the other - somewhere in the depths of his subconsciousness sits the thought: what if? The importance of interpretation is minimal: maybe it will come true, maybe not. This is a kind of game, which is played both fake and serious at the same time. The result is a kind of underlying unity of soul and mind. Under such conditions, a fleeting but clear image is created, which the mirror of the world willingly translates into reality. The man himself unwittingly realizes what he was predicted - that's why the probability is above average.
From the biography of Vanga herself gives the impression that she even in childhood games as if deliberately programmed her future fate. Her favorite occupation was “treatment” of neighboring children - “patients”. And she was also able to tell various fictional stories, which all listened to as mesmerized. In addition, Vanga was fond of one strange game: something hidden in a secluded place, and then began to look for this object blindly, moving to it by touch. As you can see, the pictures created by her images were so flawless that the mirror of the world exactly reproduced them in reality. Vanga became a healer and clairvoyant, and lost her sight in an accident. When she was twelve years old, she was caught in a hurricane, after which the girl was found in the field, covered with sand.
It should be noted that Vanga was convinced that it is impossible to escape from fate, no efforts of anyone can not change the destined. Receiving visions of misfortunes that were to happen in the future, she tried to prevent the disaster, but she did not succeed. There were cases when Vanga, knowing that people expect death, discouraged them to go on a trip or asked them to leave this or that place. And it did not help - they did not listen to her. So, there is some contradiction with Transurfing and fate is predetermined after all?

Actually, there is no contradiction at all. One person is not able to significantly influence the life of another person by his intention. Man has the power to shape only a layer of his world. Even when from the outside it seems that an influential politician disposes of the fate of entire nations, in reality he is only fulfilling the will of the structure that gave birth to him.
Everyone is capable of controlling his own destiny, but only if he takes the steering wheel into his own hands. It all depends on what position a person takes: active or passive. It is possible to live as it is, reading horoscopes and accepting fate as given from above. But on the other hand, if you take up the cause with all the diligence of idle mind, you can create such a fate that God forbid. That's why under active position we will understand not the ability to beat the water with our hands and row against the current, but the intention to control the course of our thoughts in accordance with mirror principles.
Such position gives real power over destiny. Services of soothsayers lose all meaning. I do not mean to say that their predictions are false. No, individual predictions are often confirmed, but they are necessary only for those who have chosen life as an unconscious dream - and such people, by the way, will always be the vast majority. If you intend to turn your life into a conscious dream, which can be managed, then the services of mirrors for you really do not make sense.
. Well, who are astrologers, interpreters, fortune tellers, if not mirrors? After all, they provide not just a harmless forecast, but a surrogate part of your destiny - a piece of mirror, in which you will be forced to look. And how could it be otherwise? Whether this forecast will be taken seriously by you or not - it does not matter, you took it, and it will remain sitting in your subconscious, programming your future destiny. Even if we don't talk about money, do you think you can get a piece of the future for nothing? You can't look into the Book of Destiny without consequences. And the payment for this product is always one: you will have to take it with you and make it a part of your life, whether you want it or not.
Such a payment can be fatal. And the blame or, let's say, responsibility here lies not on those who sell destiny as a commodity, but on those who buy this commodity. Being interested in a forecast, you buy a mirror and ask the mirror-maker if you can smile there today. But after all, you already have a mirror - a layer of your world that you can do whatever you want with. With my mirror I am free: if I want, I can turn any defeat into a victory with the will of the Supreme, and so it will be - and I don't care about predictions.
. Well, if there is no desire to be the Decider of one's reality, one can successfully use the services of mirrors - this is also a choice and a way of existence. More precisely, a way of safe movement along the course of fate. Forecasts here can play a role of signs, both warning against possible troubles and capable to give hope for success. In this respect, mirrors are engaged in a useful business. But not all. The most harmful of them are predictors of global events. Foreshadowing forthcoming catastrophes and “ends of the world”, they thus organize the thoughts of large groups of people in a destructive direction or, in other words, program the collective consciousness. It does not go in vain.
What is interesting, scientists are also in the league of mirrors, although they do not have a direct impact on the fate of people. Throughout history, they have been doing nothing but trying to explain to us how the world works. Once the Earth was flat, resting on three whales, elephants, a turtle, or something else. The celestial luminaries used to revolve around the Earth. Many millennia have passed, some things have become clearer, but the process of trying on new models is still going on. Classical physics is being replaced by quantum physics. The objects of the microcosm are first declared to be particles. Then it turns out that they are waves, which from time to time do not mind to be particles. Then another theory follows - it announces that these elusive objects are neither waves nor particles, but strings in ten-dimensional space-time. The world, standing in the fitting room, agrees with this model as well. However, still, something is not clear, something is not right. Scientists are forced to add another, eleventh dimension, resulting in the birth of the supernova M-theory, in which the string turns into a membrane. Funny, isn't it? What's next?"
In all likelihood, this process will continue indefinitely. The next model will be followed by new ones. If you stand in front of one mirror while holding another, you will understand why the world has an infinite number of models. In the mirror in front of you you see yourself with the mirror in which you are reflected in the mirror with the mirror in which.... Do you understand?
Most likely, there is no answer to the question of how the world works. Within the concepts of the human mind, if we climb to the most abstract top of definitions, the world looks like nothing. It is simply a mirror of our perceptions. What we think about it is what we get. The only thing that can be asserted with certainty is that reality is multifaceted, and to state some of its regularities.
The process of investigating the structure of the world is similar to the above example. When one of the manifestations of reality is taken as a basis, a separate version is obtained - a piece of mirror. Standing together with it in front of the main mirror of the world, we will see a new aspect in the reflection. Taking one of the manifestations of this aspect, we will again get a separate version of reality. And again a new mirror will emerge from the next mirror, reflecting in the image of the previous one.
What is the world really like? You can try to imagine it (if you can) on the example of two identical mirrors set close to each other. Both mirrors reflect the neighboring one, standing in front of it. In both mirrors there is nothing, reflected from itself countless times. A black infinity of images in which nothing is reflected from nothing. Is the resulting picture describable within the limits of the concepts our mind has at its disposal? Hardly, In conclusion, it remains to add that the mirror pendulums in any case do not care about your fate.

They need a constant supply of “clients” to fulfill their interests. People want to know every day about what awaits them tomorrow, so they go ceaselessly to the “informed”, contributing their energy, and in return receiving a surrogate - a piece of fabricated fate. If a person's attention is caught in the loop of the pendulum, trading in destiny, he can no longer feel confident until he reads another horoscope or learns the interpretation of his dream. A kind of addiction arises, a drug dependence. The dose is required constantly to maintain the illusory confidence in the future. And pendulums swing and prosper.
Transurfing does not need such feeding: learn the principles and go on your way. Knowledge itself is not a pendulum - it arises only if a corresponding structure arises. Again, Transurfing does not explain the structure of the world, but offers a utilitarian model that allows us to understand why it is possible to control reality and how to do it. Similarly, one can successfully drive an automobile without having any idea of its structure. The mission of Transurfing is to hand people a “driver's license.”
The mirrors assure the point that it should move along a strictly defined line of the function graph - there is no other way. And this is indeed true, but only if the point itself accepts such conditions. Reality exists independently of you. As long as you accept it. You will not be able to change the whole world, but a separate layer of it is at your disposal. And for this you do not need to change yourself - you just need to use your right to be a Decider.
Now you have a dual mirror - it is like a genie that fulfills all wishes. This is no longer a fairy tale, but a reality that may have been hidden from you until now under the cover of everyday life. Unlike a fairy tale, the mirror genie can not be ordered. It makes no sense to beg him, as well as to seek his sympathy. But you should declare your intention - and the magic mirror will willingly agree: “All right, all right my good”. You are the true Ruler of your destiny, if you intend to be one. Do not give your destiny to the mirrors!

Mirror principles:
1. The world, like a mirror, reflects your attitude toward it.
2- The reflection is formed in the unity of soul and mind.
3. The dual mirror reacts with a delay.
4. The mirror states the content of the attitude, ignoring its directionality.
5. Think not about what you don't want, but about what you strive to achieve.
6. Let go of your grip and allow the world to move with the flow of options.
7. View any reflection as positive.
By controlling the course of your thoughts, you control reality.
State the amalgam formula every chance you get.
It is necessary to move not the reflection, but the image itself - your attitude and direction of thoughts.
The attention should be fixed on the final goal, as if it has already been achieved.
To materialize the slide, it is necessary to rotate it in your thoughts systematically, for a long enough time.
You should not suppress your emotions, but change your attitude.