Chapter VI
Based on the variants model, an explanation is given for some paranormal phenomena and
strange phenomena of space and time.
Strange Reality
In conclusion, I would like to strengthen the ground under the feet of reason a little more. Alas, there are so many unbelievable things in transurfing that one has to constantly explain to the mind that all this is indeed real.
Whatever model is the basis of transurfing, its principles remain valid. In other words, all these principles are invariant to the model. And the overriding principle
is that the radiation of our thoughts has not only an indirect but a direct effect on the reality around us. Official science still refuses to recognize this fact, as experimental verification brings ambiguous results. But you and I need to solve our problems now, and not wait for scientists to say their weighty word.
We are all used to the fact that our world obeys the law of causality, when any consequence has its own reason. A cause is usually understood as an action. But the fact is that the very thoughts of man are usually considered only as a guide to his subsequent actions, and not as a material radiation capable of influencing the surrounding world. And yet facts are stubborn things.
Inexplicable manifestations of the workings of external intention could not be completely ignored by science. The famous Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung investigated phenomena related to the interaction of thoughts and material reality. He analyzed hundreds of strange occurrences that manifested themselves as incomprehensible coincidences that had no apparent cause. Jung defined such coincidences by the term synchronicity. In his lecture “On Synchronicity,” he gives one classic example from his practice.
“On April 1, 1949, in the morning I wrote in my notebook an inscription containing the image of a half-fish, half-man. I was served fish for breakfast. In conversation, someone mentioned the custom of making someone an “April fish.” In the afternoon one of my former patients, whom I had not seen for several months, showed me some impressive paintings of fish. In the evening I was shown a piece of tapestry with sea monsters and fish depicted on it. The next morning I met a former patient of mine who had last seen me ten years ago. That night she had dreamed about fish. A few months later, when I included this case in one of my papers and had just finished describing it, I left the house for the lake, a place I had already visited several times during that morning. This time I found on the
on the breakwater, a fish about thirty centimeters long. Since there was no one around, I had no idea how it had gotten there.”
I cannot resist quoting another passage from Jung's lecture, for a reason you will learn about later. He writes: “I could tell you a great many such stories, which, in principle, are no more surprising or incredible than the incontrovertible results obtained by Rein (meaning experiments with psychic perception, such as guessing cards. - Author's note), and you will soon realize that almost every case requires an individual explanation. But causal explanation, the only possible explanation from the point of view of natural science, turns out to be untenable because of the psychic relativity of space and time, which are prerequisites for causal relationships.
The heroine of this story is a young patient who, despite mutual efforts, found herself psychologically closed. The difficulty was that she considered herself the most knowledgeable on every subject. Her excellent education gave her the perfect “weapon” for the purpose.
for this purpose, namely a slightly ennobled Cartesian rationalism, with its impeccably “geometric” idea of reality. After several fruitless attempts to “dilute” her rationalism with a somewhat more humane thinking, I was forced to confine myself to hoping for some unexpected and irrational event, something that would shatter the intellectual retort in which she had sealed herself.
And so one day I sat across from her, my back to the window, listening to the flow of her rhetoric. That night she had had an impressive dream in which someone had given her a golden scarab, a valuable piece of jewelry. She was still telling me about the dream when I heard a quiet knock on the window. I turned around and saw a rather large insect banging on the glass, obviously trying to get from the street into the dark room. It seemed very strange to me. I immediately opened the window and caught the insect as soon as it flew into the room. It was a scarab beetle or common crustacean (Se1osha aiga!a), whose yellow-green coloring very much resembled that of a golden scarab. I held out the beetle to my patient with the words, “Here is your scarab.” This event pierced the desired breach in her rationalism and broke the ice of her intellectual resistance. The treatment could now bring satisfactory results.”
So, half an hour after I had been pondering Jung's bug and wondering whether I should include
it as an example, a Wanderer of very imposing appearance flew into my window. It was a beetle similar in description to the aforementioned one. Believe it or not. I have to admit that despite the fact that such visits are extremely rare, it didn't surprise me at all. But not because I am accustomed to calm attitude to the phenomena of synchronism. On the contrary, absorbed in my reflections, I did not attach any importance to this event. I machine-gently released the beetle into the vent, so that it would not look for it. It was only after a while that I was horrified: God, what an idiot I was! As many times as the external intention announces its presence to me, I open my eyes wide in surprise. After all, I was sleeping sound asleep when I was roused from my sleep to show the sign. If I were superstitious, I would consider it a sign from above. You can imagine people constantly dreaming and not noticing obvious manifestations of external intent.
There are a great number of such examples. From the point of view of transurfing the situation here is quite clear: visualization in individual cases causes a strong gust of wind of external intention. But Jung is not in a hurry to draw a final conclusion about what caused the coincidences: the thoughts themselves shaped the events or the thoughts arose as a result of an unconscious premonition of the events. On the one hand, he says that “thoughts created the basis for a series of random events”, and on the other hand, “it is sometimes difficult to escape the impression that there is a premonition of the occurrence of a series of certain events”.
In his work “Synchronicity: The Acausal Unifying Principle” (1960), Jung defined synchronicity as “the simultaneous occurrence of some mental state and one or more events in the external world that have significant parallels with the subjective state of the moment. Jung was hesitant to publish his work for a long time because the phenomenon of synchronicity did not fit within the framework of traditional scientific thinking.
Jung draws a vague but rather bold conclusion by the standards of traditional science. “Synchronic phenomena prove the possibility of simultaneous semantic
equivalence of heterogeneous, causally unrelated processes; in other words, they prove that the content perceived by the observer can at the same time be represented by some external event, and without any causal connection. It follows that either the psyche is located outside space, or space is related (connected) to the psyche.”
Obviously, there is no violation of the law of causality here. There is always a cause, it is just that the mechanism of interaction between thoughts and environment is manifested in an implicit and still unclear way. What is the cause in synchronistic coincidences: events are formed by thoughts or thoughts arise as a premonition of events? From the point of view of transurfing there is both. The soul gains access to the data in the field of information, which can then be interpreted by the mind. The mind, in turn, forms thoughts, which, in the presence of the unity of soul and mind, can be embodied in material realization. These provisions are the basis of the transurfing model. But I again emphasize that the model of variants does not pretend to an exact description of the world, but serves only as a starting point, a basis for understanding the
principles. We still know too little about the world. But this does not prevent us from using the principles of transurfing. And you can see for yourself that they work.
All phenomena connected with the influence of mental energy on the surrounding world can be substantiated by the theorem of John Bell, known from quantum physics, which sounds as follows: “There are no isolated systems; each particle of the Universe is in “instantaneous” (exceeding the speed of light) connection with all other particles. The entire System, even if its parts are separated by vast distances, functions as a Unified System.” This theorem has been proved theoretically and has already found practical confirmation. True, the “instantaneous connection” is in contradiction with the special theory of relativity, which states that energy cannot propagate faster than light. Nevertheless, the theorem has a place.
It turns out that external intention does not obey the theory of relativity. In general, quantum physics is based on unprovable postulates. This means that it also represents a certain model. And incomprehensible contradictions there is not one, but a whole lot. This once again confirms that one should not attach much importance to the model. And it should be noted that Jung's ideas were supported by the very founders of modern physics - Wolfgang Pauli and Albert Einstein.
Einstein. However, it is quite possible that the process of information transfer has nothing to do with energy at all, so it can occur faster than the speed of light.
Contradictions can also be found in the variant model, but nevertheless it explains a lot. The model of variants, if not eliminates, at least “smooths out” some known paradoxes of space and time. So far, we have considered moving to other life lines with time synchronization. Life lines have always been parallel to the time axis. In other words, the transition was always from one point in time to the same point in time.
Now imagine two life lines that are not parallel with respect to the time axis. The projections of the same point of these lines onto the time axis will lie in different places. Transitioning between them means moving through time to the past or the future, depending on the direction of the slope. The relative steepness of the slope determines the range of time travel.
Similarly, if two lifelines are not parallel with respect to a chosen axis of space, transition between them will mean instantaneous (or unrealistically fast) movement in space. The steepness and direction of inclination of the lines determines the range and direction of travel. This is a rather crude explanation, but it is quite acceptable for our understanding.
An inveterate Reader may object: well, what about the paradox of violation of cause-and-effect relations when traveling in time? Suppose I travel back in time before I was born and there... I brutally murder my parents. How was I born? This paradox within the options model is only apparent. On that lifeline, I really can't be born. So what? After all, I was born on another line. Recall, there are infinitely many life lines - variants where I am and where I am not. The most bloodthirsty lover of paradoxes can even travel to his childhood, meet himself there and slaughter an innocent creature. But in this case he will not meet himself, but with the realization of his separate variant.
variant that exists alongside all sorts of others.
The past really cannot be changed, it has already happened. But it didn't just happen
because of the realization of a passed segment of the life line, but because the variants of past events already existed. About the future in this sense we can also say that it has already happened. Therefore, cause-and-effect relations are not broken when passing from one life line to another. You can take a movie tape and cross out one frame, but the subsequent frames are not affected. Time is static. Only the realization of options on the line changes dynamically. In the same way a spot of light from a flashlight in a dark forest moves.
What is really impossible is moving into the past or future on the same lifeline. The paradoxes are precisely only in this case. Isn't that why clairvoyant predictions are very approximate and often erroneous? Psychics are able to scan segments of the future in some way. If the scanned segments lie on other life lines, then the errors in predictions are easily explainable. According to the variant model, the further
the further away one line is from the other, the greater the differences in the scenario.
Scientists are puzzled by the manner in which UFOs move: instant acceleration, stop,
sudden changes of direction at right angles. Given the inertia of such a movement is impossible, in addition, the inhabitants of these apparatuses would have to experience huge overloads. From the point of view of the transurfing model, there's nothing supernatural here. Aliens do not experience overloads at all, because UFOs do not fly like our airplanes and rockets. Most likely, we observe the movement not of the object itself, but its realization in the space of variants.
In matters concerning the soul and mind, there is also a great deal that is unclear. Materialistic science presents the world as a mechanistic system. In other words, matter is primary and determines consciousness. In light of recent advances in the same science, this model is increasingly losing its position. However, the change of models will be repeated again and again, if a person mistakenly believes that he can penetrate into the very essence of the fundamental laws of nature. With the same success a hen can formulate his conception of origin, structure and development of a poultry farm. Man in his intellectual development is a step higher, but the infinite complexity of the world does not become closer. It is not given to the man to know and understand everything.
The pendulums of science and religion, claiming to be the final authority of truth, have gained their dominance not so much by correctly interpreting the truth as by persecuting all dissenters. A constant feud exists not only between the pendulums of science and religion in general, but also between the individual branches within these pendulums. The battle does not cease. But this battle is not for truth, but for adherents.
When I justified the inability of the brain to store all information, I proceeded from the model of representing information as computer bits. But this model may not apply to the neurons of the brain at all. Who knows how that information is actually stored? Can you imagine how a scientist from a time when there was no television or radio would have investigated a television set? He would have tried pressing buttons, pulling out different parts and observing what changes occur on the screen. Not knowing the principle of the TV set operation and based on the results of his “scientific” observations, such a scientist would come to various conclusions based on one seemingly unquestionable fact: the TV set itself generates all these TV programs. They are born there, in those transistors and microchips.
In much the same way, the adherents of the mechanistic model study the human brain. Indeed, damage to certain parts of the brain has a predictable effect on perception and psyche. The working principle of human intelligence remains unsolved. Nevertheless, adherents conclude that it is matter that determines consciousness, and nothing else. Conservative followers of the mechanistic model, proudly calling themselves scientists, arrogantly declare: they are engaged in true science, which is based on factual data, not the speculations of dilettantes. Everything that does not fit into the framework of the theory is declared anti-scientific and is not just rejected, but persecuted. Fortunately, there are fewer and fewer of them.
You can argue or agree with it, but do not forget that'it is only a model. No one knows how things really work. The mind has a tendency to reject things that don't fit
that doesn't fit into a reasonable explanation. Until the mind is convinced of the rationality of knowledge, it will not let it into its worldview template. Transurfing certainly works, but in order to use it, you have to have some explanation for the mind.
The options model gives us a sense of the ground beneath our feet. But no more than that. It remains just a schema. It can be transformed into another, more sophisticated model. For example, we can discard the assumption that there are so-called lifelines, which made it easier to understand at the beginning of the book. Then the space of options turns from discrete to continuous. There are no more paths in the forest, there is just a forest. However, the essence of transurfing does not change from this. Whatever the model is, it will only reflect reality more or less adequately. The way of cognition of reality is infinite, as the forms of manifestation of reality are infinite.
Perhaps you will note for yourself that the principles of transurfing echo the principles of other similar teachings. There is nothing surprising in this. Every teaching is relatively self-contained and is a self-sufficient model. But since we are all human beings with roughly
the same quality of worldview, so the models can have similar areas. It is useless to ask which one describes the world more adequately. All that matters is what practical results can be derived from one or the other model.
Take mathematics, for example. Different branches of mathematics are separate models for describing material realization. The same physical problem can be solved in several ways using different mathematical apparatus. There is no point in arguing about whether analytic geometry or differential calculus is better. You can only choose what you like best. Make your choice.
The intention of the ancient magicians
To summarize, I would like to echo the intention of the ancient magicians. I mean the keepers of Knowledge who lived in our reality before the collapse of the last civilization. Fragments of this Knowledge have reached our days in the form of scattered esoteric teachings and practices.
There are reports, though not verifiable, that some of the ancient magicians have gone to another reality and are now trying to transmit their Knowledge to mankind in a transcendental way.
Not so long ago I myself would have been skeptical, to put it mildly. But in the last few decades, there's been an increasing number of cases where different people in different parts of the world,
independently of each other, giving similar interpretations of the same knowledge. And now I myself had to face this Knowledge, which, as I have already said, could not be born in my head in any way.
I cannot say with certainty that the Caretaker, about whose meeting I wrote in the first chapter of the book, exists, at least in our reality. But I have plenty of reasons to believe that he does exist.
In my dreams I have met many characters of all kinds, but they had absolutely no influence on my very conservative worldview. But the meeting with the Caretaker not only changed my worldview, but my whole life.
Suddenly, out of the blue, a former physicist with no special talents started writing books. It's quite incredible and extravagant, if you accept that the impetus for all this was a common dream.
Since that first encounter, the Caretaker has never appeared again. But sometimes I think I feel his invisible presence. Anyway, I have never considered and do not consider transurfing as my Knowledge.
I am just a relay tuned to the corresponding area in the space of variants. And I do not feel my merit, though, it is necessary to admit, I managed with great difficulty to formulate the Knowledge of transurfing and to bring it into a system. It is one thing to know, but it is quite another to be able to tell about it.
You, in your turn, will have not only to learn, but to feel all this Knowledge. If you swallow the book in one gulp, you do not get Knowledge, but awareness. These are different things!
Transurfing offers quite specific methods of turning dreams into reality. But some people may find this not enough. If you are looking for techniques like the procedure of tying a tie, you can spend your whole life uselessly on it, because the control of destiny does not fit into the rules like “one, two, three”.
You can't reduce transurfing to the technique of performing some tricks. It is not about technique, but about the realization of inner freedom and the feeling of being the master of the layer of your world. When this feeling comes, everything will roll by itself, without any technique.
But to achieve this realization, it is necessary to make transurfing a way of your life. There is no other way. And it is not burdensome at all, but rather fascinating, like playing a mirror game.
The world is a mirror of your attitude to it, only with a delayed reaction. By comparing your attitude with the subsequent reaction of the mirror, you accustom your mind to one simple but difficult to realize truth: you form the layer of your world with your intention.
You still need to get used to the equally simple but unfamiliar truth that the means and ways of accomplishing the goal should not be a concern. This statement is based on one fundamental principle: the direction of intention determines the vector of flow of options.
It is only necessary to maintain this direction and not to interfere with the flow of options. The means to achieve the goal will find themselves, you cannot and should not know how it will be realized.
will be realized. No matter what happens, if you keep the target slide in your mind and observe the principle of coordination, the flow of variants will carry you to the goal. This is the law.
Realization of the principles of transurfing will not happen immediately after reading the book. Awareness will turn into realization only as a result of practice. Do not expect instant results. If you are intentional, everything will work out sooner or later.
Perhaps, in this book I have not managed to fulfill the intention of the ancient magicians to a sufficient extent and to convey to you the Knowledge of transurfing in its entirety. But I intend to continue this work, and soon the next book will be ready - “Apples Falling into the Sky”.
In this book you will discover new facets of our wonderful and beautiful mirror world.
Well, our magical excursion into the world of transurfing has come to an end. If you have only satisfied your curiosity, then transurfing will remain nothing more than an excursion for you, and you should not expect to return here. But if something in this book has touched the sensitive strings of your soul, then the magical journey is just beginning.
I don't care if you believe it all or not. Because after my encounter with the Caretaker
in dream space, I didn't believe it myself. I do not intend, like pendulums, to gather a cohort of adherents around me and to prove something to everyone.
Applying the principles of transurfing in practice, you will not only see for yourself that they work, but you will also make many new amazing discoveries that no one has ever suspected. Then perhaps you will write to me and we will rejoice and wonder together.
We are all, in fact, lonely Wanderers in a limitless space of options. Transurfing lights a flame of hope for the tired Wanderer, wandering in the darkness of false limitations and stereotypes. Exercise your right to freedom of choice, and then you will hear the rustling of the morning stars, and your apples will fall into the sky. Good luck to you, lonely Wanderer!