Chapter Five

Chapter V
Letters from the Past
Excerpts from the book “The Transurfing of Reality” were published in the form of
mailing list on the Internet. This chapter was born as a result of correspondence with the pioneers
of the space of options. I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to you, dear Readers, for your warm letters, for your enthusiastic responses, for the enthusiasm with which you have accepted the ideas of transurfing. Thank you!
“And you should not distinguish between defeat and victory.” B. Pasternak Black Stripes. “I have questions to which I myself can not find an answer. According to your theory, if I find good things in everything, I will get on the wave of positive events. It hasn't worked for me, and more than once, or I wouldn't have paid attention.
Here's an example. Six months ago I had a wonderful job, which completely satisfied me and brought me joy. I lived it. There were good friends, acquaintances, a favorite person, home, parents. I was really happy, and quite consciously, one could say, envied myself. I had an understandable quiet life. But I was afraid that it could not last long. I had to leave. Now I have no home, fewer friends, a job that doesn't fit my plans and my education...
Another example. I was graduating from an institute. The last two years I spent a lot of time in the department. in the department and really bonded with the faculty and students. The last semester, I almost physically felt that it was a wonderful time, and unlikely to ever be repeated. I tried to memorize every day. I was offered to stay working at the institute. I was terribly happy! But the cuts began, and I was not hired, and as a result, I was unemployed at home for six months. These were just black days for me.
That is, more than once there were situations where I was really satisfied with life and thanked God for it, but then began such a black streak! The law did not work in my case, I was carried away on a wave of negative actions. And also, when I feel very bad and I start to “howl” (complain), it is as if they give me a hint, help, though, according to your theory, I should have been carried away very far...
. There are such inconsistencies. I will be glad if you help me to understand them.
In fact, there are no inconsistencies in your case. On the contrary, everything is exactly as it should be. You do not understand why white stripes in life suddenly change to black. But in your letter you yourself perfectly formulated the reason.
The reason has always been and is the same: the world is a mirror of your attitude to it. The real one. The only difference between the first and the second is that an ordinary mirror reflects changes at once, while the world responds with a delay, sometimes a few days or even months.
Look at what you write: “I had an understandable quiet life. But I was afraid that it could not last long. ...The last semester I almost physically felt that it was a wonderful time and it is unlikely that it will ever be repeated."
Where do you see the inconsistency? You set the program with your attitude, and the world executed it flawlessly. The world always perfectly implements your choices. That's all it does.
You formulate your claim to the mirror as follows: “...more than once there were situations where I was really satisfied with my life and thanked God for it, but then
“but then I've had a black streak!” What was it that started the black streak?"
Now, if I told you where the black streaks come from, you wouldn't believe it. Even without the key phrases I quoted in your letter, it is not difficult to name the source of black bars. This case is not unique because we all make the same mistake. the same mistake. The point is that the black streak that followed the white streak was not a black streak at all. It was you who painted it black. Bad cannot follow good. In fact, the good was followed by better. But it didn't seem that way to you. You didn't accept the impending change and put a negative attitude out into the world. And the world had to mirror this attitude and thus realize your choice.
It is a property of the human mind that it always stubbornly defends its own scenario. Anything that does not fit into the script is considered a failure. Conversely, only what was intended is considered a success. This stubbornness of mind has its origins in its own arrogance and in

established societal stereotypes.
How can your mind know what is really good and bad for it? How can it can it predict how things will turn out? Big luck never knocks on the door beforehand - it always literally falls on your head. Have you ever wondered why this happens? Yes, because in such cases, the hesitant mind does not have time to prevent the luck to be realized.
. It is only when the mind releases the dead grip of its control over the scenario that luck is able to break through this deafening defense. Luck can't be planned, can it? Otherwise, why all this talk? Plan and you get what you plan! No, this is very rarely the case.
The mind is not capable of developing an algorithm for success. Sometimes Readers ask me how they should act in this or that particular case. How should I know? Do not believe anyone who claims to know the recipe for success in every particular case. No one can know that.
Then who knows and where can the answer be found? Your world, which is your mirror, knows! Transurfing contains the most amazing discovery imaginable. It is that all you have to do is make a choice, and then do not prevent the world from realizing it. from realizing it. That's the paradox: a person does not have to know exactly how you should
to be successful. In fact, it's better not to know at all. Did you think that transurfing will give you another recipe for success? The mind is not able to find such a recipe. All the beauty is that he will find it himself.
The task of the mind is not to interfere with the flow of variants, i.e. the course of events, by its control. The flow of options is always directed towards your choice. That is why, if the choice is made, you can safely rely on the principle of coordination of intention: my intention is realized; everything goes to that; and everything goes as it should.
Back to the black streak. Whenever the black streak came, you apparently missed some chance. It was a chance to make the white streak even whiter. But the mind did not accept the coming events, or rather, regarded them as negative, and as a result, the negativity really manifested itself in all its glory.
But you should not be upset about it. If you define your goal and adhere to the principle of coordination, you will have a wonderful discovery. You will find that all the mistakes you have made have served this very purpose. You would not have reached this goal of yours if you had not made all the past mistakes. On the other hand, if you had not committed them, again you could have gotten to your goal. But it would have been a different goal. For your goal is not the only goal. That is how unfathomable, magnificent and generous our world is.
So don't despair: the past is ahead of you if you move toward your goal. Maybe until now you have been carried away only by other people's goals?
Partner Play
“You said that in married couples, seemingly incompatible personalities come together as if to punish each other. That was written about me. Could you give practical advice on how to get out of this situation: what to do and think?"
I tried many times to establish a relationship, the effect was, but not long, then I realized that we are incompatible and I need to try to establish them with another woman. I chose divorce. I really want to complete the relationship, but there is a common real estate, and the circumstances prevent me from smoothly, with minimal damage to realize the intended.
When I get angry and think I'm ready to end things immediately and on any terms, the relationship improves for a while for no apparent reason. But very soon things start all over again. What do I need to do from a transurfing perspective to change the situation?"
I won't be wrong if I say that most divorces happen for a banal reason: partners don't allow each other to be themselves. You probably think they are wrong here, and I want to show you where they are wrong? You're wrong. It's not about who's right and who's wrong. Conflicts over trifles have one non-trivial, but the most important aspect - awareness, or rather, its absence.
Irritation is an unconscious reaction. In an unconscious dream, a dream with a person

happens because he is totally absorbed in this game and does not realize that it is only a dream. In the same way a person sleeps in the waking world, reacting negatively, like an oyster, to an external stimulus. Everyone seems to realize that everyone is entitled to his peculiarities and oddities. And if he's not like you, he doesn't have to be. But everyone realizes this only at the moment when they are asked about it. Otherwise. the trigger of irritation is triggered unconsciously. A person in an unconscious dream in reality does not allow himself to be himself, and
to be others. Relationships of dependency arise, generating polarization, which causes a wind of equilibrium forces. Equilibrium forces tend to push opposites of characters together to extinguish heterogeneity.
On top of that, the pendulums, sensing the polarization, induce in the partners actions that generate even more irritation. You have not noticed that the partner sometimes behaves as if purposely trying to annoy you?
. Well, know that in most cases he does it unconsciously, under the influence of the pendulum, which feeds on the energy of your irritation and seeks to direct the actions of the partner in such a way as to annoy you even more.
You yourself in your letter illustrate how polarization works. See, “When I get angry and think I'm ready to end things immediately and on any terms, the relationship improves for a while for no apparent reason.”
When you agree to “any terms,” you release your grip, as if to say, “Ah, burn it all with fire!” This is the moment when polarization weakens, the wind of equilibrium forces subsides, the pendulum leaves you alone and, as a consequence, the relationship improves.
In general, it should be said that incompatible people are more likely to be the same than different. When they say “we are incompatible with each other” or “did not match the characters”, in translation into the language of facts it should be understood as “did not allow each other to be themselves”.
In reality, people with opposite characters can and should live in happiness and harmony. It is not without reason that equilibrium forces collide opposites, thus maintaining the status quo.
I, and maybe you know couples who during their long union divorced many times. And divorced in earnest, with suitcases out, dishes broken, family photos burned, marriage licenses torn up, and other frightening rituals. All these mind-boggling dramas were accompanied by terrible vows that this time it was final and irrevocable. But the storm subsided, the two warriors calmed down and began to live together again.
All these conflicts armed with rolling pins and plates can be avoided if one consciously descends from the stage into the audience and looks at the game, i.e. joint life, from the outside. At least one of the partners needs to do this.
Why is life together a game? Because everyone has taken a role: I am such-and-such, I do this and that, and annoys me that. But people are immersed in this game with their heads, and therefore act unconsciously, as if they were dreaming. Life “happens” to them, and they are unable to influence the scenario, although they try their best to do so.
Now remember how you played adult games as a child. Children, unlike adults, are aware that everything is done “for fun”. They remember at every moment: it is a game, and therefore act consciously, as a playful spectator. Children are able to change the scenario of their game because they realize that it is not reality. Similarly, in a conscious dream, the dreamer is able to control the events that occur.
As people grow up, they lose the ability to play detached, fall headfirst into their games as if in a deep sleep, and eventually lose awareness. Well, as people sleep in reality, they turn into willless puppets, obedient to the pendulums, and life with them “happens” in the manner of a dream.
Try to play together like children. Take the roles already assigned and play them aloofly, “for fun”. For example, as soon as your partner begins to do something that you do not like, start to get annoyed, as you did before, but now play your role pictorially, with grotesque and humor.

As a result, the mechanism of the conflicts you have been stirring up while in an unconscious dream in reality will become immediately clear. You will truly realize how much all quarrels are “sucked out of a finger”, as in TV series. And when you realize, you can finally allow yourself to be yourself, and the other to be different.
“I have been immersed in stock trading (ROKEH) for the last two years. And I can't come to successful, stable trading. Two years - solid losses. Maybe it is true, as a colleague writes: the market is a devil's invention. “To God be God, to Caesar be Caesar”. When we play the market, we lose our souls. Our soul. Unfortunately, that's true. And it's true. The only way out for me is to donate to the temple. But that doesn't take away the karmic consequences.'...
Then what about the multiverse of fate? Isn't it possible to secure your life by trading on the stock exchange? Are all these tales about billionaires a myth? Or is it necessary to remove the very idea of enrichment from the subconscious and put there the idea of helping one's neighbor? I am not a theorist or a beginner, everything I write about has been felt on my own skin and not one hundred times. What, in your opinion, should be my choice?"
You're asking me what I think your choice should be. Am I or anyone else or anyone else in a position to tell you the true path? Only your soul knows that. I can only evaluate mistakes, and only subjectively.
You write: “The only way out for me is to donate to the temple”. I realize, of course, that you yourself do not consider it the only way out. But what makes you think that donation can be considered as a way out at all?
Adherents not of God, but of the pendulum of religion have insinuated to you that by giving money to the temple you will “save your soul” or get rid of some karmic problems. Any true servant of God will tell you that indulgence cannot be bought with any money.
Let's call things by their proper names: the pendulum of religion is not God. It is not the Almighty who needs the temple, but the pendulum. God does not need your donations. If you see a donation as a solution to your problems, then you are trying to make a deal with Him.
Charity can eliminate the excess potential of accumulated money if you have an excess of stale funds. But since you are in stock trading, there is probably no stagnation in your finances.
Charity is a good deed in the true sense only if it is sincere. For example, a rich person helps an orphanage, but never goes there himself. In such a case it is not a good deed, but a transaction. His help is directed indifferently, serves a beautiful idea framed by a pious phrase: “I help children!”
But this man's motives are insincere. He has no need of fellowship with the children he is helping, and therefore does not love them. He values himself helping children. Well, let's say, is it bad that this person is helping in an unloving, insincere way? It's not bad, it's great. Just don't expect that this will somehow “count” for him.
He can increase his rating in public opinion, but his soul will not receive exactly no compensation. It is better to love oneself sincerely than to love others insincerely. I would even say that it is absolutely necessary to love yourself.
You write: “Or should we remove the very idea of enrichment from our subconsciousness and put there the idea of helping our neighbor?”. Do not force yourself with these ideas of helping your neighbor if you do not feel a sincere urge. On the contrary, get busy with your own enrichment. This is what you do sincerely, and there is nothing to be ashamed of. Do not pay attention to the cries of pendulum followers who impose their “spiritual” values on you. Remember: truly spiritual individuals will never impose anything on you.
Your first spiritual value is your soul. Turn away from the pendulums, turn to your soul and occupy yourself, for example, with your enrichment. But this enrichment should be approached not from where you are trying to enrich yourself.
The soul wants not money, but what you can buy with it. Do you know exactly what you want? Probably not. So ask yourself what you really want out of life. What will make your life a celebration? Define your purpose.
Your mind solves this problem head-on: money can buy almost anything, so therefore. What should we do then? Determine your goal and move towards it without thinking about the means to achieve it. The means will find themselves - that's the trick. In other words, if the soul and the mind move towards your goal hand in hand, doors that previously seemed impregnable will open before you.
Is playing the stock market your door? I don't dare to judge. You write: “...I cannot come to successful, stable trading. For two years I have been losing money. Draw your own conclusions. Billionaires are those who move to their goal, not to money.
When a person moves to it through his door, his soul sings, and his mind rubs its hands in satisfaction. Does playing the stock market bring joy to your soul? Does it give satisfaction to the mind? These questions you must answer for yourself.
Esoteric knowledge
“I am already familiar with various literature of this kind, and what is most surprising - in
in principle, everyone wants to say the same thing, but still differ in many respects.
I, for example, from such a quantity of information already begin to be confused, how right and how wrong. Almost everyone says that all information should not be taken to heart. But what about people who are impressionable and, let's say, those who give alms every day? on a daily basis? After all, without accepting and understanding other people's grief, the world will become callous and evil,
In the future I want to become a journalist and I am already working in one of the publications, where I mainly deal with women's problems and write essays based on their stories. It is impossible to work productively without letting their concerns pass through you. What should journalists do when they are faced with different kinds of information on a daily basis? Does this mean that I'm gonna have to spend my life a lifetime of swinging pendulums or suffering myself? Maybe there's something I don't understand. And also sometimes I think that all such ideas, including transurfing, are utopian. After all, if you understand, and transurfing - a pendulum, which you created and swing thoughts
. by other people's thoughts. So why not make its laws more simple?"
Transurfing isn't made up, so you can't remake its laws. And it is impossible to “invent” such things at all. One cannot learn it from others either. Esoteric Knowledge is neither invented nor learned. It simply exists in a public place. I call this place the space of options. Others may call it differently, but the essence of it does not change.
In your letter you say that you are confused about some issues. How to make sense of all this multitude of teachings, which, according to you, speak about the same thing, but still diverge? You won't believe how easy it is.
After reading a mountain of literature on psychology and ezote: rics, you can at a certain point stop and forget everything that other people wrote about in their books. If you have accumulated the minimum necessary foundation in some area, you can get further information directly from the option space.
To do this, you need to have the courage to stop looking for answers in other people's books and
and turn to yourself. As long as your mind is turned to the wise men of this world, you will be confused and in the position of an eternal student. Change your orientation: turn your mind to your soul and get answers to all your questions.
Do you know what distinguishes those who make discoveries, create masterpieces of culture and art, and write books from others who marvel at these discoveries, marvel at these masterpieces, and read these books? What distinguishes creators from connoisseurs and teachers from students?
The former had the audacity to tear their minds away from other people's creations and turn them to their own souls. Connoisseurs and disciples are not at all lacking in talent! They just have a different intention - to appreciate other people's work and learn from others.
You may think I am trying to engage in empty demagoguery or chew on some well-known truths. Turn your mind to your soul? Something here is unspecific, unclear and smacks of some kind of luscious spirituality.
But in fact I am talking about absolutely concrete things. To say that your soul already knows everything

knows everything, that wouldn't be accurate. The soul does not know, but it has, unlike the mind, access to the field of information, where data about the past and the future are stored, and where all masterpieces and discoveries are.
The mind perceives the soul's feelings as intuitive knowledge and insights, and then interprets them into the form of generally accepted concepts and designations.
The mind cannot invent anything new. It can only assemble a new version of a house from old cubes. Everything fundamentally new is created in the unity of soul and mind. But to achieve this unity you need to take simple and concrete steps.
Accept the fact that any knowledge is available to you. Address the question to yourself. To follow your own path. Exercise your right to individuality. Utilize your access to knowledge.
Knowledge will be available once you manage to reorient your intention from others to yourself. Simply tell yourself that you are individual, unique and all knowing. Ask yourself a question and wait for the answer. It will come, maybe immediately, maybe in a few days or even months, depending on the complexity. But it will come for sure!
Each person's mind communicates with the soul in a different way. The main thing is to turn the intention of the mind to the soul. The whole secret is that few people think of trying to do it. to try to do it. But whoever has tried it, begins to discover new things and create masterpieces.
The only thing that prevents soul and mind from uniting is internal and external importance. Importance locks creativity in the case of common stereotypes. Here's what you write about readers' concerns: “It's impossible to be productive without letting their. concerns pass through you.”
That's a properly stamped phrase, isn't it? You could also add that without letting a person's problem pass through you, it's impossible to help them in any way at all. And that sounds right too. But in fact - a false stereotype formed by pendulums.
You solve people's problems not by letting them pass through you, but in spite of it. Moreover, plunging headlong into other people's problems, you are no longer able to solve them objectively.
People have problems because they are immersed in their own game. Life “happens” to them, and they are at the mercy of circumstances, as in an unconscious dream. But it is worth going down to the auditorium and looking at the game from the outside, as much will become clear.
As long as you are head over heels in people's problems, you are in the same position as them. In order to understand and solve their problems, you have to act detached.
Not callous, not indifferent, but detached! That is the difference between lack of importance and callousness.
Problems, both your own and others', will be solved only if you take the role of a spectator. And as long as you “live” your own and other people's problems, you are helpless.
Many Readers cannot grasp this difference between detachment and callousness. Once again I repeat: lack of importance is detachment, not indifference. Play your roles “pretend” like children. Then you will be the puppeteer, i.e. the master of the situation. And if being with the head in the game, you - a puppet.
Indeed, you should not take everything too close to heart. If you think about it, everything is not as important as it seems. You need to help those who need your help. But you need to do it in a detached way, without being imbued with feelings and without torturing yourself with worries. Your feelings can only hurt. And then, help should be given only to those who ask for it.
To your question: “What to do people who are impressionable and, say, those who give alms daily?”, there is a very concrete, but unexpected for you answer -- to give up the feeling of guilt.
. If you systematically give alms, then you feel an obligation. And obligation comes from guilt. You do not so much feel compassion for the needy as you feel an obligation to help them. This is not compassion, but a manifestation of importance.
If you suddenly feel compassion for a particular poor sick old lady, that is compassion. But if you can't walk calmly, without inner turmoil, past any beggar. Just realize your freedom. You don't owe anyone anything. Take your right to know. You are capable of creating and providing your own answers. If you're not free from importance, you have doubts. If you are free, then you are right. And when you are free, you can afford to sympathize and empathize.
How to get your loved ones back
“I ask you very much, please answer, please, how to return the beloved man?"
If he left on his own, then it is unlikely that he can be returned. More precisely, you will not be able to bring him back by efforts of internal intention, that is, by taking some actions aimed at his “return”. Such actions include any attempts to directly influence this person. Even if you succeed, he will not be the same.
The only way to get him back is through external intention. With inner intention, you are trying to directly influence the world to achieve your goals. External intention works in such a way that the world itself comes towards you. Briefly, I can explain the mechanism of external intention as follows.
Partners in their relationship are guided by inner intention, i.e. they want to get something from each other. If one of the partners does not get it, he breaks the relationship.
Each person seeks satisfaction in a relationship in a different way. It can be the need for love, sex, respect, recognition, mutual understanding, communication, escape from loneliness, entertainment and so on.
Is there something common that unites such different personal aspirations? This commonality has always been and remains the defense and confirmation of one's own importance. No matter what a person is guided in his actions, any of his motives are in one way or another connected with the feeling of his own importance. This is the way man is organized.
The inner intention in human relationships is always to protect and affirm one's self worth in one form or another. What is the inner intention of your lover? To search for a partner from whom he will get satisfaction of his own importance.
And what is your inner intention? To return the beloved, and thus, firstly, to restore your significance, and secondly, to resume the relationship in which you received some satisfaction.
Now think, will you be able to satisfy the aspirations of your partner, if you will be guided only by your inner intention?
. In order to get your lover back, it is necessary to give him what his inner intention is aimed at. Do not judge him if he wants from you to get satisfaction of his own importance in one form or another. After all, you yourself also want to get something from him.
As you know, the first principle of Freiling says: give up the intention to receive, replace it with the intention to give, and you will get what you gave up.
Renounce your inner intention, wherever it is directed. Determine where your partner's intention is directed. Turn your aspiration to satisfy his intention. to satisfy his intention. Once your actions are refocused on satisfying your partner's needs, your inner intention will turn into an outer intention.
As a result, you will be able not only to make your partner happy, but also to get from him everything you want, and in abundance. If you can give up the intention to receive, replacing it with the intention to give, you will certainly get what you gave up.
This principle works so effectively that one gets the feeling that some magic power is involved. But that's exactly what real magic is. And no conspiracies or potions of enchantment are required. But actually, it's very difficult to get back what you've lost, just like entering the same river twice. It is better to try to adhere to the principles of Freyling before the relationship begins to deteriorate.
In any case, before you do anything, I would think carefully if I were you: do you really want him back or is it a burning irresistible desire to regain your lost (abandoned by him) importance?

If you feel neglected, it hurts a lot. I know. But even if I knew all the circumstances, I couldn't advise anything specific. I can only give you a tool, but how you use it is up to you.
Do not forget that the layer of your world is your mirror. If you prefer to suffer, then that's the way it will be for you. If at this moment you use the principle of coordination of intention and will consider the circumstances as exceptionally favorable, then it will be so.
Maybe breaking up with your lover saves you from unknown problems. And it seems to you that everything goes badly. Tell yourself that everything goes as it should, because you yourself must decide - to rejoice or suffer. If I were you, I would rejoice, jump and clap my hands. Let the mirror give you pleasure.
“I have the same problem. The woman I love - my wife (three years dating, four years married) is leaving me.
The main reason for the breakup is financial instability on my part. In many matters I am too soft person, unbold, overly cautious. My wife thinks that with my experience and knowledge I should open my own company. It's hard, with my soft nature. to climb up the ladder, to get ahead in my career. And then, career is not in the spirit of the creative.
I agree with my wife on a lot of things. In most matters, I am overly thorough in seeking additional information, trying to earn additional experience. Basically my entire career is so structured that I don't stay in one place for more than a year or two. (Which gives me experience and business knowledge.) A big plus to my character is being responsive. It's also my minus, which prevents me from making a career.
My wife needs stability, reliability, children. My inner motives are also aimed at that. are aimed at these things too. But not in terms of career, but on the principle of developing a system (business scheme) that will bring profit. This requires experience and knowledge, which have always been one of the highest priorities for me.
Three months ago, my wife and I divorced. Quite gently. My wife now rents a separate apartment, the salary allows. She's looking for herself. But our relationship is getting colder and colder. There is no desire to communicate with me. How can I get back my beloved?"
A specific recipe for solving your problems I can not give. I undertake to do this only if the situation is clear. But even in this case, my opinion is subjective, and therefore may be wrong.
If I don't know the answer, I turn to my intuition. If my intuition doesn't tell me anything, I can recommend to use one of the principles of transurfing, because I know that it won't do any harm. In this case, my intuitive answer coincides with the principle that you should steadfastly follow the voice of your heart. Others say that success is career, stability, high salary. These things cannot be attributed to purpose. Is a person's path is to move up the career ladder?
Career, stability, high salary are not really goals, but associated attributes. Your purpose is what will make life a celebration. By substituting purpose with an attribute, you will achieve nothing. Attributes come by themselves, as a result of achieving the goal. For example, by becoming a unique class specialist, you get all the benefits.
Therefore, you should strive for the goal, not for the benefits it brings. It would seem that the fact is obvious. Everyone understands it. But the paradox is that it only flashes briefly in people's minds, and then is overshadowed by the glitter of attributes.
People rush to the trappings like moths to a light bulb, but they never achieve anything. How can they succeed if they strive not for the goal but for its trappings? Hence the myth that high prosperity is the domain of the chosen ones.
Public opinion imposes its stereotypes on you. But this opinion is based on visible end results.
Success comes in the process of moving towards the goal. The end results are always visible, but the process of moving towards the goal remains in the shadows. As a result, the stereotype is formed: achieve career and money, in other words, “fly to the light bulb”.

Everyone sees only the brilliance of the stars that have already risen. But few pay attention to the path they have traveled to the heights of success. All stars have passed through a dense forest of failures. Fortune smiles sooner or later only to those who are convinced that he goes his way. You just need to move steadily toward your goal and remember: whatever happens, the flow of options directed to where it is necessary. No one can know when and how the goal will be achieved.
If you follow the generally accepted stereotypes, you can achieve some success. But these successes will be average, and they will be given to you with great difficulty. In order to achieve truly great success, you need to define your goal and move towards it steadily, without listening to anyone. You can take note of what others advise, but the final decision should be made with your heart. Only in this way you will stop beating like a moth against a light bulb.
The right decision is born in the unity of mind and soul. An unambiguous criterion for a wrong decision can be the state of mental discomfort. If you have made a decision and at the same time experience even the slightest heavy feeling, similar to the feeling of forced necessity, it means that your soul says “no” to you. If you do not experience any mental discomfort in the context of the made decision, then the soul says “yes” or “I do not know”. In that case. your mind has the final say. If the decision is right, the soul sings, and the mind rubs its hands in satisfaction.
On the other hand, if you cannot define your purpose, stop torturing yourself with this question. Is it impossible to live without a purpose? If you just want to live, without aspiring to anything, why not? In this case, we can advise only one thing: it is necessary not to swim, but to move with the flow. In other words, it is necessary to observe the principle of coordination, then life will enter a calm and comfortable course. Well, the goal is likely to make itself known when you stop frantic attempts to find it. As for the question of how to get back his wife, here I can not advise anything. On the key phrase: “Looking for herself. But our relationship is getting colder. Already no desire to communicate with me,” you can understand that the matter here is not at all in the financial stability. If he does not love - to return impossible.
“I have such a question: does the law of trans-surfing apply to other people? For example, can a mother cure her children (mentally ill), or if you (well, or I) have an intention - to make Russia a rich country, and people in it lived happily?”.
. Intention can do anything. The question is what is its power. If you have the intention of Christ, of course you can heal. But the power of intention is not the power of desire. If you want something very badly, you are not likely to get it. It is not even faith, because where there is faith, there is always room for doubt.
Intention is 'the impassioned, unquestioning, unconditional, unquestioning determination to get your will translated into reality and the calm realization that it will be just that. Free from desire, fear, doubt and other potentials of importance, it is pure. For example, the intention to get the mail out of the box is pure.
If the willingness to heal your children is as pure, you will do it. Just don't think that it can be accomplished through effort. A paralyzed person, no matter how much effort no matter how much effort he puts in, he won't budge. And at the same time, he will easily regain his mobility if he happens to “remember” how exactly he did it.
Neither I nor anyone else can teach to possess the intention. But there are methods in Transurfing that allow you to make the intention work independently of your will. This is the so-called external intention.
In this case, if the treatment does not work, you need to give up trying to cure your children. What is a mental disorder? It is when a person's soul is attuned to an unrealized area of the option space. Normal people are attuned to our realized world, and the mentally ill are not sick at all, but simply “hover” in an unrealized, and therefore “abnormal”, from our point of view, area.
Accept your children for who they are. They are not sick, they are just different, not like everyone else. It is very good when a person is different - that is what is normal. What is not normal is the current situation where everyone thinks and acts the same.

Trying to make your children normal will not achieve that. As I said before, intention cannot be mastered by force. By trying, by effort and frustration, you create powerful overpotentials that only make the whole matter worse.
But if you manage to accept your children as they are and recognize their normalcy, then get intention bypassed. In that case, your inner intention will turn into an outer intention.
Give your children attention, care and, as much as possible, freedom. Free the children from the need to be “normal” and free yourself from the need to make them “normal”. And then not immediately, but after some time you will see the results.
In the meantime, decide for yourself whether or not to take my advice. As you realize, I gave an answer without being a psychiatric specialist. Do I have the right to give such advice at all?
Your soul can give answers to any questions that concern you. Trust the voice of your heart more than the opinions of others, not excluding me.
The only advantage I have is that I don't care about your children. In that sense, I have no excess potentials towards them, and therefore my intention to give an answer is
is pure. But in general I do not understand why you care about the fate of Russia if your children are sick? Isn't that a little too broad? I don't like these ideas of making everyone happy.
Each person forms only a layer of his world, so one person is not able to make all of Russia happy. Only all people together can do it. But people united by a common idea eventually create a pendulum. And he sooner or later begins its destructive activity: takes adherents away from the path and unleashes a battle with his
competitors. You know very well how all ideas to make people happy ended. Any such idea, including the brightest, based on love for God, generates a pendulum. Whole nations were destroyed in the name of God and in the name of happiness on Earth.
The pendulum cannot make all people happy. In any case, many people will suffer and be unhappy. Happiness cannot be universal. It is a purely individual concept. If the whole society is mobilized for the construction of universal happiness, there is the very devastation, which, according to Bulgakov, “is not in the closets, but in the heads”.
Pendulums are profitable to pass off concern for others for the breadth of the soul. They can skillfully form very convincing stereotypes. But all this is just a beautiful demagogy. All people will be happy only if everyone goes to His goal through His door. In this sense, the transurfing is a pendulum for individualists. But it is the only real path to true, not ephemeral happiness.
You need to turn away from the pendulums, let your soul out of the stereotype case and get busy with your happiness. On the way to your goal you will create a lot of truly good and useful deeds. And, of course, you will help many poor and unhappy people, because you will have great opportunities.
“You say, when a person is on the waves of luck, he is happy and fortunate in everything,
the main thing is not to be influenced by destructive pendulums. What about the fact that usually a person can't have everything going well? Either at work career, growth, success, or at home cozy, calm, love. And in most cases, you want everything to be fine there and there."
You are the one who says that a person cannot have everything good. It's a personal choice. Since you feel that way, then that is the way it will be. The world always realizes your choice for you. You write: “And in most cases, you want everything to be fine there and there.” The world realizes the choice here too. It perfectly reflects the fact that you want everything to be perfect. But no more than that. Do you want it? That's what you get yourself, wanting.
When you stop just wanting and intend to have, then you will get it. Pay attention to the motto of the transurfing: “I neither want nor hope. I intend."
Potentials of Importance
“Can you tell me how to get away from fears, anxieties, panic? How to do it practically?"

For example: a loved one has left - a daughter, a son. And anxiety comes and consumes: how did they get there, why don't they call?"
You have touched on an interesting but difficult topic. There is no universal recipe for fear. And if there were some simple and effective remedy that dissolves fear without changing consciousness, it would be one of the greatest discoveries of all time.
Fear in terms of transurfing is an excessive energy potential, which arises when the object of fear is given too much importance. Excessive potential breaks the balance in the energy field and therefore generates forces aimed at its elimination.
Suppose you have to walk along the edge of a cliff and you are panic-stricken about falling down. How can the equilibrium forces eliminate this potential? The least energy-intensive way is to throw you into the precipice and be done with it. Nature always takes the path of least energy expenditure.
But since this option does not suit you, you have to overcome the resistance of equilibrium forces, i.e. to keep yourself in your hands. It turns out that in order to balance the potential of fear, you need to make additional efforts. As a result, your energy is spent. twice as much to balance the potential as it is to hold it. There is almost no free energy left, that is why there is a kind of torpor.
If the potential of fear is large enough, you cannot keep it under control, and then the equilibrium forces do what they want with you. In other words, panic arises, and you are carried away by forces in the direction of extinguishing the potential, i.e. to your destruction.
If you consciously lower the bar of importance of the situation, the fear will disappear. But the problem is that you can't consciously lower the importance. Therefore, the only effective means is insurance, or a workaround. The type of it in each case is different.
If there is no insurance, then all you can do in such a case is not to fight anxiety. Persuading yourself not to be afraid is useless. Self-deception will not help. Any form of struggle with fear only takes away your energy and aggravates excessive potential. If it is impossible not to be afraid - be afraid. Act as you know how, but do not fight with fear itself.
For example, if you are nervous before a performance - you are welcome. Worry naturally and with all the pleasure. Give yourself entirely to this wonderful feeling. Allow yourself to go as crazy as you like. As soon as you allow yourself to do this, all the excitement will miraculously evaporate to some unknown place. This is so because much of your energy is spent fighting the excitement.
Anxiety and worry are lesser manifestations of fear. The importance here is generated by the anticipation of the unknown. It is then possible to consciously lower the bar of importance. If you are anxious about something, explain to yourself that it is extremely disadvantageous to you. Fears and worst expectations tend to be realized.
One way to eliminate anxiety is to take action - no matter what kind. The potentials of anxiety and worry dissipate in action. Inactivity anxiety will hang around until you begin to actively take action. The type of activity may not even have anything to do with the subject of anxiety. It's enough to keep yourself busy, and you will immediately feel how
the anxiety has diminished. A good reference point for lowering the bar of importance can serve as a principle
of coordinated intention: everything is going as it should. Allow yourself to not know how events should unfold. Let go of the grip of control over the scenario and allow the situation to resolve itself favorably.
Circumstances will begin to unfold favorably on their own if you consciously move with the flow rather than treading water. The principle of coordinating intention works, you can be sure. The world is not going to make trouble for anyone. Not because there are forces that supposedly care about you. It's because less energy is wasted that way.
Nature doesn't waste energy. It is not profitable for her to waste energy on you. Trouble is always associated with excessive energy expenditure. Well-being, on the contrary, is the norm and requires minimal energy expenditure. The human mind, having no concept of the path of least resistance, struggles with the flow of options and piles up obstacles and problems for itself. And

where else would they come from? No one has canceled the law of conservation of energy.
It is not necessary to understand the principle of coordination literally. For example, to get into the thick of it. and saying that everything is going just fine. But in general, this principle can be safely relied on.
“My problem is this: I have set very high goals for myself, but I am constantly surrounded by pendulums that interfere with me. I can't talk to anyone about my goal, discuss my interests, and even my relatives tell me that I won't succeed. As I observe people, I see that almost everyone is the same face. Give me some guidance, please."
Naturally, pendulums will interfere with you, they interfere with everyone. To minimize their opposition, you need to keep the bar of importance low, that is, do not attach too much importance to anything. This recommendation sounds unusual, but most problems arise precisely because of high internal and external importance.
“Very high goals” are not hard to achieve by definition. It is the habitual stereotypes of the mind that make them difficult to achieve. You can break these stereotypes with the help of the principle of coordination of intention.
You can achieve any goal if it is yours. If it's someone else's, you'll experience some mental discomfort when you think of a picture in your mind as if the goal has already been achieved.
As for the issues of choosing your goal and specific ways to achieve it, you can only take note of what others say, but nothing more. The guide to action should be the dictates of the heart, not the advice of other people, especially those close to you, who “wish you well”.
But in general, from the letter I can't define exactly what your problem is. Especially such phrase is not clear: “Observing people, I see that almost everyone is the same face.”
“I want to clarify: all the people around me, including parents and friends, do not understand me, my desires, force me to act in their own interests. They don't even understand how one can think the way I do. And I am a person who prefers strict discipline, planning my day, activity, perseverance, persistence in achieving my goal; striving to gain new knowledge, etc. And my parents force me to forget about it, tell me to get a job and live quietly (in my opinion, these are low goals). And all my friends have a life philosophy, in my opinion, even worse: how to skip a lesson, how to make someone else bad, can even insult the teacher, discuss topics that are not interesting, in my opinion. They also interfere with my lessons. Besides, my parents are always quarreling”.
Now the picture is a little clearer. I don't know if you will like my advice? But my business is to offer it, and you decide for yourself. I'm not imposing anything on anyone. You ask - I answer.
So, to solve this problem, you have to play dumb. In the truest sense. I'm talking quite seriously, do not think that I'm mocking.
The fool must be chosen very carefully. Here you must show all the positive qualities that you possess: pedantry, focus, purposefulness. It is desirable that it was an inanimate object, so as not to cause him inconvenience. Think very carefully about what you can do. that you can use for this. I can offer one option - a teddy bear.
When a suitable teddy bear is found, develop a competent plan: where, when and how you will roll it. It would be very useful to make an instruction with a detailed description of actions, something like: “Felling the above fool is carried out by turning him around the longitudinal axis. The fool should be on a flat surface in a position that does not prevent it from turning over. The turning over of the fool being felting shall be done by applying successive efforts made by the felter's hands”. And so on
in the same spirit.
In general, the instruction and plan should be drawn up very scrupulously, specifying
all sorts of details, including safety regulations. Take this matter seriously. As a result, you should have an impressive project. I recommend to make it office presentable and formalize it in a business folder.
Once the project is ready, proceed to its realization. Prepare thoroughly

for this event and diligently perform all the necessary actions, strictly following the instructions. You must perform all actions seriously and carefully, looking at the instructions from time to time. Your face should be very intelligent and concentrated. If attacks of idiotic laughter will interfere, you can stop this activity for a while, sniff properly, calm down, and then continue.
Do you still think I'm kidding? The fact is that the cause of the problems lies in the overestimated potential of inner importance. You write: “...I am a person who prefers strict discipline, planning my day, being active, perseverance, persistence in achieving my goal.... but I am constantly surrounded by pendulums that get in my way."
You are placing too many demands on yourself (and perhaps others). I can't say, but I assume that you yourself have taken on the role of someone who is “seriously and responsibly engaged in an important endeavor.” If so, people with the exact opposite qualities should be constantly hustling around you. For example, will be annoying irresponsible, uncollected, undisciplined, squabbling. In general, all sorts of frills will seek to destroy the clear planning.
Why does this happen? Because your excessive potential for inner importance creates a strong polarization. People with opposite qualities will be attracted to you like iron filings to a magnet. This is how equilibrium forces work to eliminate potential. The world around you is your mirror. But if you create excessive potentials of internal and external importance, the mirror becomes distorted. This warping of reality is what manifests itself in the fact that you are surrounded by hindering pendulums.
To be more precise, the interfering people are not the pendulums, but their puppets. The pendulums sense the energy of your potential and make people behave in ways that annoy you. You get annoyed, and the pagliacci jumps even more frantically - it is a pendulum swings it and receives the energy of irritation.
However, it is worth resetting the potential of importance, and the picture of the world around you is gradually transformed. The same people may remain, but they will behave quite differently towards you. As soon as polarization disappears, the mirror will smooth out and reality will return to normal.
But what is causing this polarization? Is it your positive qualities? Not at all. You have very good qualities, they do you honor and will certainly help you in life. Polarization arises as a consequence of a relationship of dependence.
Your qualities do not produce any change in the surrounding energetic picture until you start comparing yourself to others. For example, you think: I am disciplined and they are slackers; they are goofy and I am goal-oriented. This is the opposition and “pulls” polarization.
By performing this ritual, you will negate all your inner importance. But you may find this ritual unacceptable for you. Then it will be better if you just stop opposing yourself to the people around you. Let yourself be yourself and let others be others. Let go of your grip on yourself. As soon as you do this, polarization will disappear, and the world around you will change its face in an unfathomable way - it will stop interfering with you. That's when you'll realize what “Transurfing Reality “The Transurfing of Reality.”
“Here is one serious reader you advised to “fool around”. And what to do for those who are too fond of “fooling around”? How do you make yourself do serious things?"
You don't want to do serious things not because they are serious, but because they are not your things. Laziness is a state of mind. Of course, she has no desire to do things that are foreign to her. Maybe she came into this world not to grub for some pendulum, but then to bask in the sun near the warm sea, or skiing in the Alps, or traveling, are there few pleasures in this world?"
“And who will work?” - asks the angry pendulum. Well, it can be answered lightly, with words from a cheerful student song: “Let the shaggy bear work, and don't bother to wander around the forest and roar”. Exactly so, because the sense of duty and necessity are inventions of pendulums.
Our world is in fact so rich and generous that there is enough for everyone, if

every one moves toward His purpose through His door. It will hardly ever be so. But an individual person, if he wants to, can transform a layer of his world into a very cozy corner.
To do so, you need to find your purpose and your door. If you move towards your goal, you will not have to coax or force yourself. The soul will sprint toward its goal through its door. Your door may seem like a burdensome job to others, but to you it will be a pleasant pleasure.
As you move toward someone else's goal through someone else's door, you are working for the pendulum. On this path, your soul will always say “don't want to” and your mind will say “must.” This is a path to nowhere, no matter what reasonable arguments and beautiful decorations it may be furnished with. There is only one way out - to define your goal and move towards it.
Well, in the meantime, the cure for the forced necessity can be a game. Remember how in childhood played in adult games: in the store or hospital, for example. Here and now imagine that it is necessary not to labor, and play.
You suffer from forced necessity only if you immerse yourself in this game with your head. Take the role of a playing spectator. Act with detachment. Do not give yourself to the task that must be done. Pretend it's a game. Rent yourself out. Reality Inversion
Reality moves its frames inexorably across the ribbon of time. Holidays come and go. It's a shame they end so quickly. Hemingway was right: you should always carry the holidays with you. But it rarely does. Suddenly it is lost somewhere, and all the colors of life fade. There is emptiness and oppressive sadness, sometimes understandable, sometimes having no apparent reason.
The most unpleasant thing is that the world plunges into darkness rapidly and willingly, and enlightenment comes out very slowly, after a languid wait. The human tendency to negativism does its black work. Oppression is a state of unity of soul and mind in the fact that a person feels bad.
In such a case, external intention steadily shifts reality into the dark regions of option space. The mirror reacts quickly, without delay. And then enlightenment does not appear for a long time, because the person feels bad, and with his attitude he increasingly paints a layer of his world in black colors.
Sometimes it can be so bad that there is no strength even to remember about transurfing or something similar. How to break out of this enchanted circle and straighten out reality? In general, it is practically quite difficult. And yet there is one radical method called inversion of reality.
It was a very long time ago, but not long ago - only twenty years ago. At that time we, students of physics, studied at a positively horrible faculty, where the teachers were brutalized with all the fury of the cave age. Seventy-five people were enrolled in the course, and no more than twenty-five reached the finish line. In such conditions the law worked: if you want to live, you have to be able to laugh.
At that time we invented a game, which I later forgot about and only later realized: it was conducted according to all the rules of transurfing. The point of the game was to turn a situation upside down. upside down, a kind of inversion. If a person feels bad, the rule of the pendulum makes him suffer, worry, bend under the burden of problems, go to all the trouble. But the rules of our game stated that we should do the opposite. How we did it, judge for yourself.
“I experienced a very happy disappointment! “The fact is that an unusually happy misfortune had happened.”
“Something irreparable had happened, which made my business go up at once!"
“Some handsome gentleman in his car charmingly threw mud on me!” “All my attempts were in vain, and that was the key to success!"
“She doesn't love me! No, it's too good to be true! The infestation is skillfully
“He left me! I roared like a Budennov horse!”
And so on, in the same style, with all sorts of sophistication. The only thing that got in the way

was the hysterical laughter that accompanied all these transformations of failure. No one would let you cackle at lectures, so the suppressed laughter turned into some rumbling, grunting, snorting, vomiting, gurgling and other sounds that hoofed and amphibious creatures are capable of making. At recess, the energy accumulated in this way poured out into an absolutely idiotic howl, quite in the Castanadian spirit.
What happens in this case from the point of view of transurfing, you understand yourself. Firstly, at once all importance is dropped and excessive potentials disappear. Secondly, the parameters of emission of mental energy of delight, though idiotic, do not correspond to sad life lines, so the transition takes place immediately. The mirror reacts quickly because the soul and mind finally breathe a sigh of relief. As a result, reality straightens out.
Once we had an exam in probability theory. The teacher is a scary person, to put it mildly. It's the night before the exam in the student dormitory. It's an ominous night. My buddies and I are puzzling over how to rectify the situation.
- Who knows what probability is and how to calculate it? - It's a mystery covered in darkness.
- And our nags are just sitting there, cramming.
- Well, it's no good for us. Are we men or what? - “Premature bastards,” the nag who overheard the conversation poked her head through the door. - Shut up, poor thing, we're gentlemen!
- Assholes. - Young scientists! - Morons.
Anyway, someone came up with the idea of playing preference all night, and it was accepted. I said, “No, guys. “No, guys, this is too much for me, I'm going to bed. But the “gentlemen” dressed up in suits and ties and sat down to play cards with cigars in their mouths (cheap ones) and bottles of some dubious liquid on the table. In the morning I found them at the same table.
- Idiots,” I said, ”you won't get anywhere! But they got up, shook themselves up and went to their deaths. As a result, they really didn't succeed. They got a C. But me...
That's different! I got a pair. That was really lucky! How jealous they were of me! They all pestered me, looked into my eyes and asked me in awe: how did I do it?
And I walked around with my head held high.
- You see! I told you so! I hope you realize, gentlemen, where I'd like you to stick those miserable C's.
That afternoon, we celebrated my victory with a bang. We had a lot of fun. And the next day, I went and retook the exam with an A. And that was it. You can rest assured, it's not fiction. If the inversion is done well, the result will not keep you waiting.
Well, and if the mood is so bad that the inversion is simply unbearable? Then you should make your mood even worse, bring it to the grotesque, to the absurd. If you maximize the contrast of a slide, it will turn negative at some point. That's what we've been doing like this.
A girl is depressed. To make it worse, she dresses in all black and announces that she's in mourning. that she's in mourning. Everyone comes up and expresses their sympathy, wondering how she decided to commit suicide and when it will happen. At last a handful of scoundrels gather around her, and they begin to wail a mournful song, with lamentations, wailing, wringing of hands, in general, all the full program, as in decent savages. Gradually the savage song turns into a long howl, then into a natural dog barking, and finally, when there is no more strength to endure, everyone, including the lady in black, begins to cackle like crazy.
Of course, everything is easy if there is such a cheerful company. But when a person is alone, he has to cope with it himself. Ways - it's up to the individual. Jokes aside. You really have to take your condition to the absurd. One should not only do it with the help of means that change the state of consciousness, otherwise it will be really bad.
But in general, I personally don't like the contrast method alone, so I don't recommend it to you

recommend it, but I'm just giving it for information. An oppressive, burdensome state indicates an extremely low level of intention energy. It is better to keep your energy at the proper level, then there will be no depressive states at all.
As you can see, reality inversion is very similar to the principle of intention coordination. The only difference is that inversion is more radical and filled with humor.