Chapter IV
Forward to the Past
Fiction and magic are sometimes mesmerizing in their mystical mystery. But this
nothing compared to the magnificent feeling of wonder and delight you will experience when your seemingly unattainable dreams begin to come true. But this will take some time, and you want to get confirmation of everything you read now. And you will get it. You will create magic and see it with your own eyes. When the unbelievable turns into reality before your eyes, it looks amazing. This is no longer fantasy, but reality, which is much more amazing than any mysticism.
The past is ahead of you.
Think back, there were periods in your life when you were happy. You may sometimes be reminded of this by the tunes you heard at the time. Sometimes a fleeting shadow of the feeling of that mood runs through, when you were full of hope and life seemed, if not a holiday, then a preparation for it. At such times you feel nostalgic for what you have lost. Sad because it was once in the past and it's never coming back. Is there really nothing that can't be brought back? I promised in the preface that you would only learn the meaning of “forward to the past” by the end of the book. Now it is time to fulfill that promise. Transurfing has already brought you a lot of amazing discoveries. You are probably intrigued: what is being prepared this time? All tricks over time have firmly established themselves in the realm of fiction. Despite the fact that even theoretical physics does not exclude the possibility of time travel, the reality of this raises great
doubts. Yes, time travel seems highly questionable, but it depends on where
the observer is at. Think of the model of two dimensional people on a plane. They can't figure out where the third dimension is. From the perspective of four-dimensional space, our three-dimensional space also appears to be a plane. The rational mind will say, “All these theoretical models are just my abstractions, yet I see what I see.”
There is a lot of unbelievable stuff in Transurfing, but I urge you not to believe, but to verify. Of course, to
verification requires your intention, some effort and patience, because the results are not immediately apparent. External intention works in most cases slowly and imperceptibly. It is difficult for you to believe in the existence of this mysterious invisible force, which works imperceptibly for the eyes, especially if you just read without trying to apply the transurfing in practice.
But here comes the moment when you will be able to see with your own eyes your movement in the space of options. You will see that you can move both forward and backward in time. It will not be like traveling in the way science fiction portrays it. You and I are only doing real things. This time you won't have to wait for the result of the action of external intention - you will see everything at once, with your own eyes. And it will not be a trick, and not experiments with going into the astral or dream space. For a few moments you will really feel the movement in time and space. In practice, the process is reduced to one simple action - a transaction consisting of three elements.
To perform the first element, you need to remember your central energy flows. If you have already practiced energetic gymnastics, you should be familiar with the feeling of these flows. First, you quickly run your gaze through your body. and release the clenches in your muscles into a state of relaxation. Then mentally visualize how the energy moves upward and downward along the spine.
To quickly launch energy fountains, you can use one effective technique. Imagine that from the very center of your body there are two horizontal opposite arrows: one pointing forward, the other pointing backward. The arrows emerge from the body and protrude twenty to thirty centimeters or more. Now mentally turn the arrows simultaneously - the front one upwards and the back one downwards so that they stand vertically along the spine. You will immediately feel how the energy flows are noticeably revitalized.
This exercise can be performed both standing in place and on the move. It is as if you turn the key that triggers the central flows. It is not necessary to turn them into fountains and close them into a sphere. The main thing is to visualize the energy streams flowing through you. It does not matter if you do not feel them yet. With practice, the real feeling will come. Do this exercise when you are just walking or going somewhere. You will feel relaxed and light. Turning the key is the first element of the transaction.
You can perform this element in any situation where you need to quickly come to a state of relaxation. Try turning the key many times during the day, especially when you are preoccupied with something. You will immediately notice that the key releases the clamps. We are all constantly under the weight of problems big or small. The heaviness is automatically reflected in the muscles. Here you are walking and thinking about something oppressive, disturbing, unpleasant. At that moment remember the key and turn it. See that some muscles were tense, but now they are relaxed and you feel relief.
It would be helpful to get into the habit of turning the key as often as possible during the day. By doing so, you will be able to continually release and clear the energy of intention from the excess potentials that are oppressing you. Think of it as the key to the case of conditioning, in which you are constantly imprisoned by oppressive circumstances. It will not free you from importance, but it will make it but it will make it much easier to release both physically and energetically. The second element of the transaction is the visualization of the target slide. After you have turned the key, run the target slide in your mind. Remember, you must visualize yourself inside the slide, not looking at it like a motion picture. Imagine yourself in a situation where the goal has been achieved. To anchor yourself to the slide, imagine the sensations you feel inside the slide. Touch the surroundings with your hands, imagine sounds, smells, or other sensations that work better for you. Spin the slide in your mind for one or more minutes. The transaction should preferably be done while you are calmly walking through familiar terrain. You can look around, but it is better to look at your feet in front of you to focus your attention
on the slide. After you have managed to visualize yourself more or less clearly in the slide, look ahead
with a conscious gaze. Do not think about or analyze anything, but simply look with a clear gaze forward and away at what you see. The clear gaze is the third and final element of the transaction.
In a matter of seconds, a change in the hues of the surrounding scenery will occur before your eyes. When you look at a familiar view with clear gaze, you notice that the picture seems to be the same, but there is something different about it. Some faint and inexplicable tinge has been added. As if you've seen it somewhere before. Or something new, somewhat unusual. Not specific details of the picture, but some flavor, feeling, mood - a hue.
For example, you looked at a house that you have already seen many times, but now you noticed its coloring or lighting and realized that once, under different circumstances, you have already experienced something similar. In some cases, there may be a clear sense of something familiar that has happened before. You have probably already encountered this strange effect, when sensations of the past suddenly resurface in your memory. Not memories of the past, but exactly the sensations of the past - déjà vu.
This effect happens to you quite often, but you just don't notice anything, because you accept the situation as it is, in other words, you are dreaming. So, the transaction allows you to notice how the world is changing right before your eyes. You vaguely feel something familiar or, on the contrary, you feel the appearance of a new unusual shade.
What is happening here? The material realization of the layer of your world is moving through in the space of options. What do you see? You see a change of shades of scenery.
As you know, different sectors in the space of variants have different scenarios and scenery. Depending on the relative remoteness of the sectors, the differences will be more or less pronounced. The movement of material realization is uniform and therefore imperceptible. You will not be able to catch this movement, just like the movement of the minute hand on a small clock. Striking changes in shades are felt only at a rather sharp transition from one line of life to another. In such cases, you'll find signs that are obviously that draw attention to themselves. In the transaction process, visualizing the target slide enhances the gust of wind of external
of intent. The parameters of your mental radiation are very different from the current lifeline. Turning the key amplifies the energy of the radiation modulated by your thoughts. As a result, the movement of realization through the sectors accelerates. A clear look sets you up to wake up and catch the changes. This is why it is possible to notice the changing hues of scenery for a few moments, as long as a gust of wind lasts.
Perform the transaction dispassionately, like brushing your teeth or combing your hair. It may not work right away, just like riding a two-wheeled bicycle. You can't ignore the fact that during a transaction you are touching an external intention, and that is a thing elusive and uncontrollable. My advice is to take lightly the fact that you didn't succeed right away. You will still succeed. Make spontaneous attempts, do not try, do not make efforts, do not attach much importance to the transaction technique itself. It is quite possible that you will find a completely different technique for yourself. Act as if in between and as it suits you. The lower the importance of the transaction for you, the better the result will be. If you do not strain, everything is easy.
You may think that if you repeat a transaction very often, then the movement to the goal will turn into a rapid process. This is true, but the thing is that you will not be able to
you can't always do the transaction flawlessly, that is, dispassionately. The old habit of wishing spoils everything. If you are going to torture yourself with transactions, it means that you have a strong potential of wanting to get the result as soon as possible. The potential will also be there if you are imbued with the need to act and force yourself to perform transactions. Necessity is also excessive potential. That's why I've always encouraged you to simply give yourself the pleasure of visualizing the target slide, rather than forcing yourself out of necessity.
The potentials of desire and necessity take away the energy of intention, so no gust of wind will arise, and thus the transaction will not work. The desire to see results is especially great at first. I recommend that you constantly pay attention to the state of your desire. As soon as you catch yourself wanting the result, take a break and start the transaction again later. If you catch yourself struggling to perform the transaction well, which makes you tense, postpone your attempts again.
Perform a transaction only occasionally, for your own pleasure and curiosity. There is no need to obsess over the transaction. It serves only for you to see with your own eyes the movement in the space of options. The main attention in transurfing should be paid to scrolling the target slide and visualizing the process of realization of the current link of the transfer chain. The external intention works as it is, whether you see it or not. But now there is a kind of porthole into the space of options. You are given the opportunity to actually observe your movement. It's quite impressive. You will not be disappointed.
Shades of scenery
Now let us dwell more on what you actually see as a result of the transaction. All this is so incredible that it raises reasonable doubts. Maybe it is some kind of illusion caused by the properties of human perception? Where is the guarantee that it is the change of scenery shades when moving from one sector to another?
As I have already said, you know, in dreams the appearance of familiar people is not quite ordinary. In a dream, watching the reflection in the mirror, you again see your own, but at the same time a foreign face. All the familiar surroundings have a completely different look. The same streets and houses, but they look different. The real world also changes over time. Houses are painted a different color, trees grow,
people grow older. All these changes are natural. And at the same time, the movement of material realization does not follow one straight line. How can we distinguish the decorations of one line from another?"
We can say that it would be impossible if it were not for such an invention as photography. Look at albums of old photographs. Comparing landscapes, you will not be able to unequivocally distinguish differences in the shades of scenery of different lines, because the appearance of the terrain is rapidly changing due to natural causes. There is a more visual and reliable way. Compare the faces of people on the pictures in different periods of time. It would seem that a person's appearance should change linearly as they age. However, you observe a completely different picture.
The appearance on different photos differs significantly. And these differences are not linear. Even if you do not pay attention to different hairstyles and compare photos from the middle part of a person's life, when the face does not grow up or grow old very significantly, there are still noticeable differences. It's the same person's face, but it's different. And it's not that he's aged, or changed his hairstyle, or his emotions were different. It has acquired a different pattern, something different has appeared in it. That's the difference in the shades of the scenery. You knew before that a person changes. But perhaps you didn't pay attention to the characteristic difference in shades. Flip through old albums and see for yourself.
In some people this difference can be so tangible that when you meet a person in a few years, you may not recognize him. If you compare your photos in qualitatively different periods of life, you will see significant differences in shades. You can get an idea of how your realization looks like in qualitatively different sectors of the space of options.
And the photos themselves, which are lying in the album while you are moving through the sectors, - they should acquire other shades too, right? Of course, but the shades of one-syllable objects are so insignificant that it is almost impossible to notice them. If you perform a transaction while fixing a clear eye on a bed or a cupboard, you will not be able to catch any
change. That is why I recommend to perform the transaction outdoors, not in a one-word environment, then the changes will be noticeable.
A life line is a chain of sectors roughly homogeneous in quality. The scenery of one line is also roughly homogeneous. When a layer of your world moves to another line, there is a change of scenery. Depending on the strength and quality of the differences between the lines, the changes in scenery manifest themselves either as slight shades or as significant transformations. In either case, it is the qualitative difference in shades that you observe.
But where is the movement in time I was talking about here? Moving along the lines of life naturally, we float in sync with time, like the flow of a river. Material realization advances in the space of options, like a film in a movie projector. This movement we perceive as the passage of time. In order to move relative to it, it is necessary to move forward, faster than the current, or backward, against it. It is as if the frame suddenly began to move across the film itself. In that sense, time travel is really impossible.
There is no such thing as time travel.
In other words, you cannot move forward or backward in time while on the same lifeline. Otherwise there would be a violation of cause and effect. But moving in time between different lifelines is theoretically possible. In Transurfing there is no answer to the question how to do it. And moving in time here comes from a somewhat different perspective. Why do sensations of the past sometimes resurface during a transaction? This phenomenon can be explained approximately as follows.
From early childhood, the soul intuitively strived for its goals through the right doors. At that time you were still on the life lines leading to them. Perhaps you had a dream. Or maybe you yourself didn't realize what you wanted, but still your soul knew what you needed. However, we are all more influenced by destructive pendulums in life than by the dictates of our heart. Not to mention the long string of negative branches that each person goes through because of the tendency to negativism. Therefore, gradually you have been shifting further and further away from those initial lines leading to the goal.
Performing a transaction, you shift in the opposite direction and get to the lines where you have already been before, only the position in time is different now. That segment of the former line, which you could have passed, is already behind you. But you are still back on the line itself. Every line has specific characteristics, flavors, shades. These shades are what you feel at the moment of clear sight at the end of the transaction. Do not confuse only such things as, for example, the view of the house in the morning and in the evening. The difference in the shades of different lines is another thing altogether. You'll know what I mean when you experience this sensation.
That's what going back in time is all about - going forward to the former lines of life. It may not be exactly what you expected, but it's real. Can you imagine the detour you took, going off the path and wandering for a long time in the woods? But now is the time not to regret the past, but to rejoice in the fact that you are gradually getting back on your path. You know, because most people can not return.
But it is not necessarily that you will feel the shade of the line you were on before. Because the path to your goal may lie on new lines where you have not been before. In this case, there is no return to previous lines at all or only sometimes. In the space of variants the lines of life are strongly intertwined, and we do not need to understand how exactly the transurfing works. Perhaps in one case it will seem that this shade you have already met somewhere, and in another case it will be something new. You have looked at a familiar view and it seems to you that there is some novelty, a special shade. I emphasize again, not new details, which you can discover without any transactions, but exactly new shades, style, mood, meaning, theme, fleeting sensation.
However, you will understand everything when you try it. You will definitely succeed. You need not only try to do it. The mind with its tendency to total control always spoils everything. As soon as you catch yourself that you are trying hard to see the shades, it is better to stop this activity and resume it when the burning desire to get the result will cool down. Remember the rules of the transaction - it will not work if you are tense. Believe me, you will get everything easily and naturally, if you only “move the little finger of external intention”. And, on the contrary, everything will turn into useless efforts of inner intention if you try to
to get results. If there is no change of shades during the transaction, it means that the parameters of the current line and
are already satisfied with the visualization you've done. It means that you are transmitting the radiation of the current life line and your goal is ahead on this line. But, one way or another, performing the transaction, from time to time you will notice the transformation of shades.
The perception of hues is not only on familiar views or landscapes. Even when your clear eye stops on pictures you are seeing for the first time, there will be a fleeting sense of something long forgotten or fresh, new. Exactly new, not unfamiliar. When you look at an unfamiliar sight, you simply state for yourself the fact that you are seeing it for the first time without noticing anything special. In the process of a transaction, however, there is a clear feeling: something has appeared in the picture that was not there a few seconds ago. You will feel it. When you see the shades, you will be amazed at how real it is. I mean, you have to admit.
while reading this book, you still didn't fully believe in the reality of the space of options and lifelines. When you see with your own eyes - do not be frightened, it is not mysticism. But also not properties of human perception, as it may seem. You will soon discover other signs of transition to new lines of life, not related to perception. You may feel that the attitude of people around you has changed for the better for no reason. Some problems that accompany you every day have disappeared. In general, you will notice what attributes of everyday life have changed, although there was no apparent reason for this. For example, a clock that stopped many years ago, can go again.
In general, under normal circumstances, clocks stop because of the natural clogging of moving parts. If you clean them, they will go again. However, very often clocks and complex household appliances stop working by themselves or break down when their owners are out of balance. This happens in turbulent, stressful, conflict situations. Breakdowns of devices are not caused by the energy of excessive potentials - its value is too small and not directed in a differentiated way to cause any mechanical changes.
The energy of negative experiences induces a transition to life lines where the equilibrium is disturbed, where life has gone out of its calm flow, where there is some deviation from the norm. On on such lines everything seems to remain the same, but something is wrong, restless, wrong. It is as if the stage scenery remained the same, but the lighting changed, or the transparent air was covered with a veil, or the water became muddy. These slight changes affect the work of sensitive complex devices and precise mechanisms, for which a light shroud becomes noticeable.
There is even a category of people who have everything in their hands “on fire”. Such people are usually constantly in a state of deviation from normal equilibrium - they are either too distracted, or agitated, or tense, or restless. Sensitive instruments, falling on the muddy lines of these unfortunates, malfunction. Now, if your watch is going again, it means that you have succeeded in getting on the clear lines of life. But don't let it bother you if your watch persistently doesn't want to work, maybe it just needs to be handed in to the workshop.
Now you know that you are traveling not only in the space of options, but in a certain sense also in time. You can't bring back the past. But you can get back that fresh sense of novelty, hope and happiness that was lost as a result of traveling along the chain of negative branches. At the beginning of the book, we already talked about why the freshness of life is lost over time. Moving toward your goal is a return to the past, when ice cream was delicious, hopes were bright, and life seemed so joyful and promising. Don't be discouraged, the past is ahead of you!"
Finally we come to the point where you are ready to get the answer to the Caretaker's Enigma. The claim that everyone is entitled to real freedom to choose their destiny is a riddle as long as the origin of dependence, that is, unfreedom, is unclear. Now, on the basis of everything said in the book, I can give an answer.
You gain freedom when you cease your battle.
You see, the answer is very simple and short, like the alchemists' secret on the emerald tablet. But if I had given the answer at the beginning of the book, you wouldn't have understood anything, would you? The dependency is is that you've taken part in an imposed battle. As soon as you awaken in a waking dream, stop fighting with yourself, with the world, and leave the battlefield, there is nothing to hold you back. The battle continues without your participation, and you are free to go where you want and choose whatever you want.
The world, like a mirror, reflects your attitude towards it. When you are dissatisfied with the world, it turns away. When you fight the world, it fights you. When you stop your battle, the world goes along with you.
From birth, the pendulums have indicated your place in the world. You have been imposed a template of worldview, explained the rules of the game, assigned a role and thus enclosed in a case of conditioning. And at the same time, you have been given a false declaration of independence. According to this declaration, you can choose. You have been suspended on a thread like a puppet and “let go” - say, wish what you want and achieve what you want. You begin to twitch on the thread and achieve, but without success. Then you are given to understand that you have to fight even harder against yourself and
with the world to win your place in the sun. These are the rules of the pendulum game: “Fight and do as I do.”
You have only exercised the freedom to engage in the battle. Yes, that too is a choice. You always get what you choose, it is an immutable law. In the battle of the pendulums, a man cannot win - he can only get a prize, and only a few people achieve that. The task of the pendulums is to hide true freedom. In reality, no one can force you to take part in the battle. You can only be led to believe that there is no other choice. And it is true: there is no other choice as long as you hold on to the thread of importance.
To find freedom, you have to give up importance - not to give excessive importance to anything, inside or outside of yourself. In most cases, all you need to do to drop importance is to wake up and consciously change your attitude. We are all dreaming awake and mechanically playing our roles. The depth of our sleep is again proportional to the importance we ourselves attach to all the trappings of the game, so we are prisoners of our importance.
But is not the attempt to change one's attitude the same struggle? No. You are fighting yourself when you try to hold your emotions in check. Now that you know what the pendulum game is all about, you can consciously change your attitude without forcing yourself. In doing so, you are you're choosing to be free from the battle. You set the rules of the game yourself. Now your game with the pendulum is to break its rules. This game turns the battle into an amusing battle with a clay dummy. It is as if you realize that everything that is happening is just a waking dream. Retreating from the stage into the auditorium, you suddenly realize that it's up to you to decide whether to continue participating in the battle or just calmly go and take your own.
Of course, you can't cut the threads of importance right away. It is impossible to just take and get rid of excessive values and complexes. And there is no need to get rid of, because it is again a struggle! The point is that the threads of importance will gradually break themselves when you stop your battle. Any importance that can be dropped consciously - drop it. Anything that you can't, transform it into action. Spin the target slide in your mind, visualize the process and calmly move your feet towards the goal - this will be your action. Giving up the battle is also an action. Allow yourself and the world to be as it is. You don't have to change yourself and fight it. Once you give up the battle, freedom will become more and more tangible every day.
Nor is it possible to get rid of the load of problems you have accumulated in your life all at once. But by following the principle of coordination, you will gradually climb out of the thicket onto a smooth road. There is no guarantee that everything will go smoothly at once. You are waiting for provocations of pendulums, obstacles and disappointments. The main thing, do not despair, do not fall into despondency. In time, v'se will improve, because you have in your hands a powerful technique to control fate.
. If you managed to penetrate the consciousness that you are able to manage the events of your life, if you have gained confidence and feel the rise - expect unpleasant surprises. Most likely, you will receive a click on the nose of one or another force, depending on the intensity of confidence and uplift. This is the equilibrium forces reacting to your excess potential. Don't be tempted to imagine yourself as a puppeteer or director of a play called “My Life.”
Of course, you are indeed the director, but only exclusively of your own destiny. But in the play. “My Life” play not only yourself, but also your surroundings. Therefore, the slightest conceit and self-confidence creates excessive potential. It may seem that you do not think you are anything at all, but in fact no one can be perfect. You have received the key to a very powerful force, so the slightest deviation from flawlessness has tangible consequences.
Ideally, the realization that each person is the master of his own destiny should be quite ordinary. Imagine that you have been issued a certificate, by which you have the right to buy newspapers in any newsstands in the city. Would you be happy? Hardly, because it is your right. You won't be upset if you don't manage to buy a newspaper at a given kiosk? Buy it at another kiosk or do without it at all. In the same way you should treat your new ability to control the events of your life.
I must warn you about one more thing. Tran-surfing should not be used with the purpose to harm someone. By visualizing a hostile intent, you can take revenge
against a person or group of people who have wronged you, and it will work. But then problems are waiting for you. I do not advise you to do black magic. Even if it seems that your retribution is absolutely fair, do not do it. If still you could not resist the temptation to put the enemy in trouble, wait for the first warning - you will see the sign. And if you do not stop, you will be punished. Do not forget that we are all guests in this world. These are the conditions of freedom: you can choose, but you have no right to change anything.
As you know, ancient civilizations have perished. They left only fragments in the form of structures like Egyptian pyramids and vague echoes of some secret magical knowledge. The people who had mastered the power of external intention had gained too much power and were therefore not just punished, but destroyed by the equilibrium forces. There were many such civilizations like Atlantis. Whenever people mastered the power of external intention, they forgot that they were only guests. And, as it is known, the guest with a bad attitude is thrown out.
Especially be wary of bragging to acquaintances and loved ones. If you will aloud declare that you will achieve their own, the chances of good luck will be greatly reduced. This is the case when self-confidence grows into self-confidence. Knowing that you're going to get what you want doesn't unbalance you. you're not out of balance. This knowledge is inside you, being a thing in itself. But if you declare to other people that you will get something that you do not have yet, you create excessive potential. Then the equilibrium forces are turned on, aimed” at eliminating the potential. Hence the conclusion: it is better to behave modestly and keep your mouth shut. Of course, when you have already achieved your goal, you can frolic, but without callow delight and euphoria, or the equilibrium forces will take away your toy.
Transform your delight into the intention of the holiday. Use your power of choice and allow yourself the luxury of perceiving the life that is not satisfying you right now as a celebration. There is now a real, rather than illusory, reason to celebrate - the hope of finding freedom. You will experience the quiet joy of knowing that you are moving toward your goal, therefore, the celebration will always be there. This quiet joy will not be overshadowed even by equilibrium forces. According to the principle of coordination, if you perceive life as a holiday, no matter what - then so it will be.
Now there is no need to continue the battle. You will get what you want. By giving up the battle, you cut your strings and gain freedom without losing your footing. The fulcrum is the flow of options. It is necessary to remember that your choice will definitely be realized. Set the radiation of your thoughts on the target line, and then the current will be directed exactly to your goal. There are no forces that can hinder you on the way to your goal, if you move along the current, keep your balance and observe the principle of coordination. You are no longer a paper ship on the waves of circumstances or a puppet in the hands of pendulums. You have a sail - the unity of soul and mind. You have a helm - your choice. You glide in the space of options, using the wind of external intention.
Turning the key resets the clamps and releases the energy of intention. Transaction: turning the key, visualizing, fixing with clear eyes.
As a result of the transaction, you see the shifting hues of the scenery.
Do not overemphasize the technique of the transaction.
Perform the transaction casually and without straining yourself.
Do not force yourself to perform the transaction frequently.
A target slide and visualization of the process is sufficient. The transaction serves only to observe the movement in space. The movement toward your goal is a refreshing of the layer of your world.
The world, like a mirror, reflects your attitude toward it. By ending your battle, you gain freedom.