Chapter III
It is not at all necessary to be strong and confident in
of yourself. There is another, much more effective alternative. Coordination is a simple way
to think and act in such a way that luck is always on your side. It's like learning to ride a bicycle. Once you get the hang of it, your life will turn into a whole lot of fun.
I don't want or hope - I intend to.
The Maze of Uncertainty
On the path to your goal through the right door, no one and nothing can get in the way but yourself. More specifically, only lack of faith and uncertainty can get in the way. In general, lack of faith and insecurity are of the same order of magnitude. Both make internal intention ineffective and external intention almost impossible.
Whatever is done in a state of uncertainty will be done poorly. The higher the tension of the desire to act well, the worse the result. Lack of confidence in one's abilities along with an overestimation of the complexity of external problems leads to a state of stiffness or torpor. The nature of torpor is that stiffness clamps down on itself. The external importance of a goal generates a lingering desire to achieve it. The inner importance breeds doubts about one's abilities. All of these together merge into uncertainty.
Uncertainty tightens the grip of inner intention in the endeavor to achieve
the goal. the goal. Even without taking into account the action of the equilibrium forces, the effect of this grip is the exact opposite of the intention. Energy is spent on maintaining several excessive potentials at once. Look how many of them there are: internal and external importance, lingering desire, desire to keep oneself in control and the situation under control. There is simply not enough free energy for all this. The person feels constrained, stiff and acts ineptly and clumsily. As a result, the grip of control “tightens even more.”
In this way, one can reach a stupor where one is unable to move or say anything intelligible. It may seem as if the intention is in a vise. But in fact there is no intention at all. All the energy of the intention has gone into maintaining the excess potentials. Uncertainty in the form of anxiety and worry goes directly to feed the pendulums. Anxiety is generated by a prediction such as, “What will happen if...” In a state of uncertainty, the forecast is usually pessimistic. Energy is immediately channeled into scrolling through negative scenarios and worrying about it. Here the energy of intention is also spent. But in this case, the fact of its expenditure is not as bad as what this energy is used for. Worry, anxiety and fear are powerful generators of worst-case expectations that you know will come true.
Another rich source of insecurity is a sense of ^guilt, which blossoms into a bouquet of inferiority, inferiority, unworthiness. What kind of confidence is that! The feeling of guilt and everything connected with it leads to narrowing of energy channels. The energy of intention is only enough to act sluggishly, indecisively and untalentedly. Besides, if you tend to feel guilt, manipulators will constantly hover around you like moths around a light bulb. Sensing weakness, they self-assert themselves at your expense and gladly absorb unprotected energy. They constantly play on your feelings of guilt, and you endlessly explain and justify yourself to them, increasingly strengthening your insecurity.
Insecurity creates a vicious cycle. The stronger the importance and desire, the greater the insecurity. The stronger the grip of control you have over yourself and the situation, the greater the stiffness. The
the greater the anxiety and worry, the more likely they are to be justified. Guilt in general turns life into a miserable slog of failure.
Trying to escape from this labyrinth, a person seeks to gain confidence in any way possible. One way is to immediately go on the offensive against the world around him. Attacking, a person seeks to preemptive maneuver to demonstrate strength and hide his insecurity. Acting on the world with assertiveness and determination, a person seeks to build a wall of confidence. This way requires a lot of energy expenditure, but the wall of confidence still crumbles every now and then. The energy of power influence is used to create excessive potentials and to resist the flow of options. In any case, sooner or later a person is defeated, and he has to fight again and build the wall of confidence.
Another way to gain confidence is not to build a foundation of confidence at all, but to play all-in. Self-confidence is the same as timidity, only turned inside out. It's when an appearance of something that shouldn't be there is made in empty space. If confidence is based on nothing.
is not based on anything, overconfidence also arises. But the point here is not only the potential itself, but the fact that by acting self-confidently, you hurt someone's interests. Imagine a man standing in the middle of the desert and yelling: “The whole world is at my feet.” He's welcome - it doesn't bother anyone, so the equilibrium forces don't care about him. But if unfounded confidence is placed in comparison with the capabilities of others, a relationship of dependence arises. Confidence based on comparing oneself to others is pure over-capacity. Especially if the confidence is based on a dismissive or contemptuous attitude toward others. Such false confidence is bound to be punished sooner or later with a flick on the nose or, excuse me, a kick in the ass.
There is also exalted confidence, which arises as the excited state of a timid person who suddenly tastes confidence. This is also false confidence, based on a temporary emotional rise, and it holds very short.
How to gain true confidence? You see, it is useless to fight with uncertainty. It can not be hidden behind a screen of false courage. Hide all the same will not succeed, and the energy spent on its creation, will be turned against you. Forcing yourself to be confident is also useless. There is absolutely no point in forcing yourself to be bold and decisive, when in
when in fact you are not. Forcing yourself to hold your temper is also impossible. As shown above, the energy of intention is not clamped down, it is simply spent on maintaining a grip of control, so there is simply not enough of it for action.
It is also useless to develop self-confidence in any way. It may seem to be developed by decisive action. In fact, when a person stops struggling and begins to act, the energy of intention releases its grip and switches from excessive potentials to the realization of action. So it turns out that “eyes fear, but hands do”, and everything works out. But confidence is not developed by action - it is the energy of intention that is released. Confidence cannot be developed, it is the same as energy - either it is there or it is not.
Confidence, just like faith, cannot be achieved by self-injury. You can keep telling yourself affirmations that you are sure of yourself. It's a very naive and futile endeavor. It is like fighting the effects of disease, without eliminating the causes. No matter what you do with your insecurity, it will not go away. No matter how much you seek confidence, you won't get it. Nor will you be able to keep your thoughts broadcasting appropriately so that you are constantly on a wave of confidence. You can say to yourself this morning, “That's it, I'm confident. Nothing can shake my confidence. I am solid as a rock.” Try that and see what happens. For a while you will indeed feel confident, and it will give you even more confidence and joy. But very soon some pendulum will arrange a sneaky provocation, and you will not notice how you will fall off the wave of confidence. And now you are again irritated or depressed, again there is some trouble, something oppresses you, and again you are afraid or hate. It seemed that there was a glimpse of light ahead, but you are again at a dead end.
How to get out of this confused labyrinth? You can't get out of it. There is no way out. The secret of this maze is that its walls will collapse when you stop looking for a way out and give up importance. Insecurity is caused by two
groups of causes. The first group are internal causes. These include excessive preoccupation with one's personal qualities. From this arise such feelings as dissatisfaction with themselves about the presence of shortcomings and lack of merit, a sense of inferiority in comparison with others, shyness, fear of failure, to be in a ridiculous position, and so on. The second group is the external causes associated with inadequately overestimated external factors. As a consequence, there is an unreasonable concern about the inconsistency of their internal low qualities and high external requirements, reverence for the outside, a feeling of being a little man in a big city, finally, just fear of the surrounding reality.
. The paradox is this: in order to gain confidence, you have to give it up. The walls of the labyrinth are made of importance. You walk the maze trying to get rid of insecurity and gain confidence. Now, confidence is a chimera. It is another invention of the pendulums - a false mirage, a trap for importance. Confidence is a game
of the pendulums in which they always win. Where there is belief, there is always room for doubt. Similarly, where there is certainty, there is room for hesitation and indecision. Confidence is a kind of belief in success. It is possible to include a negative correction in any scenario. One small amendment is enough to bring down the wall of confidence.
The concept of confidence is built on excess capacity and dependency relationships. Any variation on the theme of confidence looks something like this, “I am determined. I am as solid and unshakable as a rock. I am better at what I do than others. Nothing can stop me. I overcome any obstacle. I am stronger and braver than others.” And so on.
Confidence is just temporary excess capacity, that's all. No matter how you package it, it's just excess potential. Even self-control is nothing more than a temporary tension build-up. After all, confidence is uncertainty with the opposite sign. Both potentials require energy expenditure. And the first potential will be inevitably destroyed by the equilibrium forces. Therefore, the pursuit of confidence is as fruitless as the pursuit of phantom happiness that looms somewhere in the future.
So, you and I have just destroyed another false stereotype. But how do you live without confidence? Tran-surfing offers another alternative in return - coordination. What is coordination what coordination is, you'll find out as we go along. Coordination of importance
What is confidence for anyway? In order to boldly and decisively reclaim your place in the sun. Pendulums have imposed on us one inviolable postulate: nothing is given for nothing, if you want to achieve your own, you must fight, insist, demand, bypass competitors, work elbows. And in order to act boldly and decisively, you need confidence.
As you know, the way of struggle and competition is not the only way. If you give up the scenario of pendulums, you can calmly and without insisting to take your own, and for this it is not necessary to fight, but it is enough to find the determination to have. For the pendulums, freedom of choice is destructive. If everyone just takes their own without struggle, without expending energy on creating obstacles and then overcoming them, then they will be left with nothing. Although it is hard to imagine our world without pendulums, the false stereotypes established by them are not as immutable as, say, the laws of mechanics. Awareness and intention allow us to ignore the play of the pendulums and get our way without struggle. And when there is freedom without struggle, then certainty is not needed.
Uncertainty has one origin: importance. Confidence represents the same potential for uncertainty, only with the opposite sign. Both have common roots - dependence on external factors and circumstances. This picture emerges. The pendulum leads a person along its path, holding it by its strings like a marionette. It seems to a person that he cannot not only choose a path, but also move independently. If the threads are held steady, the person steps confidently, like a toddler holding his mom's hand. As soon as the threads weaken and begin to twitch anxiously, a man feels uncertainty and strives to pull these threads.
It is not the pendulum that holds him - the man himself does not let go of the threads of importance. He is afraid to let them go because he is at the mercy of dependence, which creates the illusion of support and certainty. The baby will eventually let go of the mother's hand and walk on its own - she herself
she'll push him to do it. Pendulums, on the contrary, will convince a person in every possible way that he will not be able to choose the road by himself and move without the help of a thread. If a person shakes off the obsession and lets go of the threads of importance, he will be free to go wherever he wants and simply choose his goal, rather than fight for it.
The person who has gained freedom no longer needs the certainty that creates the illusion of support. All he needs is coordination to keep from falling. In the power of the pendulum, man is accustomed to finding stability and support by holding on to the strings of importance. But by doing so, he constantly unbalances and dangles helplessly on these pseudo-strings, giving energy to the pendulum. If a person lets them go, then in order to maintain the balance he will only need not to create new excessive potentials on the ground of importance.
Certainty as a support is no longer needed, because if I have no importance, I have nothing to defend and nothing to conquer. I have nothing to fear and nothing to worry about. If nothing is of excess importance to me, the layer of my world is not distorted by excess potentials. I
refuse to struggle and move with the flow. I'm empty, so I can't get caught up in it. But that doesn't mean I am suspended in a vacuum. It is now that I have the freedom to choose if I wish. I have no need to struggle. I just calmly go and get mine. It is no longer a shaky certainty, but a calm and deliberate coordination.
Where does calmness come from? If there is no inner importance, there is no need to prove anything to anyone. Hence the calmness. When you feel important, there is an urge to show it to everyone and there is excessive potential. Then the equilibrium forces will do everything to debunk the myth of your importance. Constantly will be created conditions in which confidence is tested for strength.
The slightest feeling of their inferiority also pushes a person to fight for the increase and affirmation of their importance. Give up the need to prove something to everyone and yourself and take it as an axiom. If you choose to fight for your own importance, you will spend your whole life on it. By giving up this struggle, you will gain importance at once.
Insecurity is first and foremost low self-esteem. How do you improve your self-esteem? Do you think that I am now going to urge you to believe that you are actually much better than you think you are? Many psychologists, without wisecracking, and do so.
Indeed, the assessment of others is directly proportional to your own assessment, if it does not border on conceit. As soon as you yourself, without self-deception, recognize your high importance, others will immediately agree. The only problem is that to convince yourself is not so easy. You can check: if you have low self-esteem, you will not be able to convince yourself otherwise. No matter how much you talk yourself into it, you'll never fully believe that you're really worth it. Where are they, these advantages? The downside is right there. So, I'm not encouraging you to believe in your worth and boost your self-esteem. The result will be either self-confidence or more discouragement. What I am suggesting is that you give up the struggle for significance. You don't have to believe or talk yourself into it. You just give up the struggle and see what happens. And what will happen is this. Those around you will begin to treat you more respectfully, as if your importance in their eyes has increased. Once you get in front of this fact, there will be no need to convince yourself and believe. You will simply know.
This paradox works without fail. The struggle for significance takes free energy and diverts it to fighting the flow of options and creating excess potentials, which generates a wind of equilibrium forces. All of this together ties up a very tangled ball of problems with all sorts of harmful consequences. You will not be able to untangle it. Just give up the struggle for your significance, then you will only be surprised and happy with the results. With this arrangement, your importance will grow in your own eyes. Your own assessment will increase, and others, respectively, following you, will agree with it.
As it is useless to artificially inflate your self-esteem, it is also useless to squeeze guilt out of yourself. If there is a predisposition to guilt, you will never be able to stifle this guilt, or chase it away. So how to be? The same way you do with low self-esteem. Stop making excuses to those around you. Make excuses only as a last resort when you really need to explain your actions. Remember, no one has the right to judge you for anything if you have done no harm to anyone. Do not accuse yourself publicly and do not defend yourself.
Let the manipulators fall through the cracks. Without slamming the door, silently leave the courtroom where all those who are used to profiting from other people's guilt are gathered. Leave them with nothing. If you have a strong enough complex of guilt, then at first it will not hurt even a little strangle your conscience. Do not give the assessment of your importance on someone else's judgment. Only by such actions, not by internal struggle, you can get rid of guilt. You yourself will see how it will fly away somewhere.
Thus, by giving up the struggle for your importance and ceasing to justify yourself, you will settle accounts with a significant part of your inner importance. Guilt and preoccupation with self-importance are the primary manifestations of intrinsic importance. All other excess potentials are derivatives of these two. You will no longer need to defend yourself because there is nothing else to defend. Stepping on others to forestall their attack is no longer necessary either. There is a good saying, “Fear no one, and you will not be afraid yourself.”
And if you reduce the importance of defense, you will no longer need to defend yourself.
In the same way, if you reduce the importance of external objects, they will cease to overpower you with their importance. There are two most oppressive kinds of external importance: the complexity of problems and the unknown. Both generate the oppressive potential for anxiety and worry. Every human being is anxious about something every minute. Insecure people prefer to buckle under the weight of problems and carry their burdens. Strong individuals tend to defeat difficulties with their determination and assertiveness. They storm the fortress, breaking through its walls with the excess potential of their confidence.
Both insecurity and confidence require an expenditure of energy. In the first case, the energy is spent mainly on anxiety and worry, and in the second case - on forceful overcoming of obstacles. These are very extensive methods of interacting with the outside world. But everything is actually much simpler. Once you consciously drop the external importance and stop fighting the flow of options, the obstacles will remove themselves. Would you need confidence in this case? No, all you need now is the coordination to move with the flow and consciously control not the scenario but the level of importance. The energy that used to go into maintaining all sorts of excess potentials now only goes into keeping the balance and slightly helping the flow with the paddle of purified intention.
Of course, you can't just give up importance completely, no matter how hard you try. You don't have to fight importance. Just let go of its grip and transform the energy of experience into the energy of action. Begin to act, at least in some way, without straining or insisting. The energy of excess potentials will dissolve in action, the energy of intention will be released, and complex problems will turn into simple solutions.
As for the fear of the unknown, you will not be able to deal with it either by self-injury, blind faith, or false confidence. If you remember, I strongly advised against thinking about the means to an end. You can never force yourself to believe in the reality of an elusive goal and a hundred percent success. Leave these pointless attempts, nothing will work out with your faith anyway, and the temporarily gained confidence will quickly fade.
What you need is not faith or confidence, but coordination. Coordination means: enjoying thinking about the goal as if it were already achieved, letting go of the grip of scriptural control, and moving with the flow of options, helping yourself with the paddle of pure intention. This behavior has nothing to do with blind faith in success. Where there is faith, including blind faith, there is always room for doubt. Blindness is the over-inflated potential of certainty. When you consciously move with the flow, everything falls into place without unnecessary effort.
If you act in accordance with the coordination, soon from behind the bend of the current will appear something that you previously unsuccessfully tried to believe in and that frightened of the unknown. Doubts will fall away when the mind is confronted with the fact. Then faith will turn into knowledge, and fear of the unknown will turn into the joy of feeling your own power. Most importantly, let go of the importance and let go of the grip of controlling the scenario. It is important to realize that it is up to you to decide what degree of difficulty to assign to the problem. And changes in the scenario will play in your favor, if you let them.
Finally, full coordination will be achieved when the mind and soul are in agreement. If on a conscious level you think you want and are sure, but in the subconscious there is a worm of doubt or oppression, then coordination is lost. All you need to do to achieve harmony of mind and soul is to listen to the dictates of your heart and live according to your credo. Much has already been said about how and why to listen to the voice of one's soul. Living in accordance with my own credo means that I love myself, accept myself as I am, I am not tormented by remorse and guilt, I do not hesitate to act according to the dictates of my mind and heart.
. Credo disintegrates when self-esteem is undervalued and there is disagreement between the soul and the mind. Living according to your credo is wonderful, and you know it. But what's even more wonderful is that you don't have to create it, or change it, or fight against it. Although many people try to do just that - chiseling their credo literally like a statue made of marble. This will bring nothing but fruitless self-examination, mental torment and metamorphosis. Credo will not be formed and will not appear as a result of struggle or any willful efforts. You already have a credo, but it is just sealed in a case of importance, just like the soul. Once you let go
internal and external importance, it will be released, and you will feel it immediately. When importance is at zero, you have nothing to protect and nothing to conquer. You simply live according to your credo and calmly and without insistence take your own.
Thus, by giving up the struggle for your importance, by ceasing to place it in someone else's judgment, and by shedding external importance, you will gain what is commonly thought of as true confidence. It will not be that shaky confidence which is built on excessive potentials, but a calm inner strength - coordination.
Genuine calm coordination does not relate to anything external, and therefore does not require confirmation or proof. You have probably met or seen in movies people whose confidence is unquestionable. True calm confidence is based only on inner self-sufficiency and completeness. This means that you do not compare yourself to anyone, but simply stay in complete mental balance. This balance is achieved in the unity of mind and soul when you do not feel guilt, dependence, superiority, obligation, fear and anxiety. In other words, you are not out of balance with the world around you as well as with yourself. You live in harmony with the world around you and with yourself, in accordance with your credo. Of course, this is an ideal, but it is necessary to strive for it, the only way to gain true confidence, that is coordination.
Confidence achieved in any other way will be false.
Coordination will give you freedom from pendulums and allow you to move independently wherever you want and
and get what you want. If you have burdensome responsibilities right now, rent yourself out, imagine you are starring in a movie. Be patient, you will have to play your part, at least for the rest of this series until you walk through your door. Perform the visualization of the target slide without thinking about the means, and wait for the external intention to open your door.
Battle with the clay dummy
. Finally, I have freed myself from the unnecessary weight of excess potentials. There is no longer any internal or external importance to me. No need to assert superiority or hide inferiority. There is no fear of the present or the future. I have nothing to defend and nothing to conquer. I am finally free from the influence of pendulums and can concern myself with myself. If only it were so...
The power of pendulums is very great, especially because people don't realize it. You can't talk about them as some secret society of aliens who are weaving a conspiracy against humans. Pendulums are an integral part of our world. They influence people and exercise their control with the help of energy-informational influence. This influence occurs on three levels: mental, emotional and energetic. Using the threads of importance, pendulums siphon free energy out of people. This has always been the case. But in recent times, purely informational influence has begun to grow rapidly.
The history of civilization goes back many thousands of years. However, literally in the last decades the picture has changed dramatically due to the latest achievements in the field of information. The amount of accumulated data on all kinds of carriers is growing exponentially. But the threat comes not from the amount of information itself, but from the methods and means of its dissemination. The human being is entangled from all sides in the telecommunication web, which is becoming more and more dangerous every day. This danger is not felt because the development of the information industry. under the addictive narcosis of new entertainment and pleasant conveniences.
It is obvious that the pendulums have as their goal not the amusement of their followers,
but to subjugate them to their power. Expansion and sophisticated perfection of the information web leads to the fact that the pendulum captures an incredible number of adherents at the same time. For example, the more people watch the same TV program, the more energy the pendulum gathers. And the stronger it is, the greater its influence and the more easily adherents obey the “do as I do” rule.
The pendulum rule has been successful in leading people away from their true goals. But now this process is entering its final stage, when man is finally deprived of his freedom of choice. One day man will find himself in a situation where he is an element of a monstrous energy-informational matrix. Man will be enclosed in the case of conditioning and will turn into a part of the mechanism. The cell of the matrix will determine how its element should act and what it should want. As you know, fiction tends to become reality at a certain time.
You must realize that this is not a battle with a tangible opponent, but a battle with a clay dummy - a game. More precisely, it is up to you to decide what it will be. If you perceive it as a battle, you are in danger of defeat either way. The pendulum cannot be defeated in a fight. Let's say you made a challenge to the goon: “I now know it's just a clay dummy, I'll show him!” That's it, consider yourself defeated. If you take it as a game, you are at worst in danger of losing the game, but not the battle. but not the battle. The pendulum is a clay dummy as long as you realize the nature of its game and do not obey its rules. Pendulums will pounce on a victim whenever you feel confident. Be prepared for them to try to throw you off balance in any way they can - that is the nature of the game. You get caught in the bait, lose your balance, lose your temper and give energy to the pendulum.
Here you are calm, happy, balanced, but it does not last long. The pendulum arranges a provocation. For example, you get into an undesirable situation or receive bad news. In accordance with its scenario you should be concerned, frightened, down, downcast, displeased, annoyed. All you have to do is to wake up in time and remember what game is being played, and then immediately drop the importance. If you did it consciously, the pendulum will fall into the void.
You are only capable of breaking the rules of the game if you are awake in reality. In an unconscious dream, one is always a victim of circumstances. The dream happens, and you are not able to do anything about it. In reality, everyone has long been accustomed to the same automatic response in the same standard way to negative influences. What follows is self-explanatory. But you are not an oyster! You are quite capable of reacting inadequately. Do it intentionally, and the plans of the pendulum will be upset. You just need to remember in time and break the rules of the game.
Make sure how pleasant it will be to realize that you are aware of how the pendulum is trying with all its might to provoke you, and you do not give in. The pleasant feeling will be not only from the pride in yourself - strong. The point is that by giving energy to the pendulum, you become weaker. When the pendulum provokes and you do not give in, the energy of the pendulum, which went to the provocation, goes to you and makes you stronger. This added strength will manifest itself as a pleasant sensation. Now you will be able to imagine how the pendulum enjoys receiving your energy. Don't give him that opportunity. He will pester you again and again, but do not give in. Let it be the one to expend his energy on you. Playing such a game with violation of the rules, do not be tempted to get angry at the game itself. the game itself. As long as you play consciously, but cheerfully and carefree, you are fighting a clay dummy on sugar sabers. There is nothing he can do to you. If you break the rules of the game and keep your balance, the clay dummy crumbles. But as soon as you start to lose your temper, the sugar saber pendulum turns into a dangerous blade. Such a game can turn into a battle and end in an induced transition for you.
Don't fight your reaction to the provocation. Look at it in a different way. Emotions are the consequence, the cause of which is attitude. You should consciously change your reaction to the negative factor. It is not difficult to show an inadequate attitude, because you yourself realize that it is just a game. Let the blowhard jump. It is as if you are fighting with an invisible opponent in a room where there are only mirrors. It feels like the pendulum is right there, right next to you. But what you really see is not him, or even his reflection. The mirror reflects your importance. As long as
something is over-important, you have an adversary, and he is constantly looming in the mirrors. If the importance is zero, there is nothing to fear, nothing to defend, and no one to attack. The mirrors of importance will shatter, and you will see that the clay dummy has crumbled.
You don't need solidity in your battle with the pendulum. Emptiness is far more effective. The terms “impenetrable, nerves of steel, iron will, fortitude, endurance, self-control” and others imply defense, tension, readiness to fight back. It takes a lot of energy to maintain such a protective field. As you realize, all this energy goes to feed the pendulum. But if I am empty, I have no need to keep the protective field. No energy is expended, the clay dummy falls into the void and crumbles. All that is required is to be constantly mindful of the rules of the game and consciously keep importance at zero.
The need to keep the importance at zero should not turn into a constant combat readiness to repel an attack. In this case, you are overemphasizing the importance of the game itself. Relax and allow yourself to lose from time to time. There is no need to strive for victory at all costs. As long as you keep your grip, the pendulum can swing you around. It will whip you around like a doggie by a stick it doesn't want to let go of. If the game is not fun, then show maximum indifference and lose indifferently.
If the pendulum wins this time, don't persist and accept that you have lost this game. You lost your balance and lost your temper, and there is nothing special about it. Don't beat yourself up about it, the next game will be yours. You shouldn't just tell yourself that this is the last time, give ultimatums and set a trap. You are not giving an ultimatum to yourself, but to the pendulum. That's all it's waiting for. Such an ultimatum is nothing but a powerful wall of defense. By setting a defense, you turn the game into a battle, in which you will inevitably lose. Be prepared for the fact that pendulums can be provocative in a gentle and ingratiating way. Many people, bending under the weight of problems, find support in cigarettes, alcohol, drugs. If once again you give up a bad habit and say to yourself: “That's it, for the last time”, it is not you who says this. This pendulum has so captured your mental radiation that it can literally impose thoughts on you. Whenever you vow to convince yourself that “one last time and that's it,” wake up and shake off the obsession. That's the pendulum talking. Realizing this fact will help you indifferently “quit” the bad habit. Not decisively, but exactly indifferently.
Pendulums to attract adherents do not disdain any means. They have completely emasculated everything sacred, from ethical principles to religion. The world is the manifestation of the One Spirit, the affirmation of Unity in Multitude. The Divine essence permeates all living and non-living things. God is in each of us. We have already talked about this when we compared the human soul to a drop in the ocean. As soon as God announced his existence to people by his manifestation, the pendulums immediately took control of religion. You can see for yourself if you turn to the original Ten Commandments.
The first commandment is summarized in various interpretations as follows: “I am your one God, and you shall have no other gods.” This provision requires man to believe in the existence of one God who rules over the entire universe. People immediately violated this commandment and created for themselves many religions - pendulums. More precisely, they let the pendulums of religions to subjugate themselves. Pendulums of religions cover themselves with the name of God. Actually, the spiritual ministers of religions sincerely strive to preach the word and work of God. But as adherents, they are at the mercy of the pendulums, so little depends on them. Are wars and strife on religious grounds pleasing to God?"
The second commandment, “You shall not make for yourself an idol or any image of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters below the earth. You shall not worship them or serve them.” This is also said about pendulums. A pendulum subjugates its adherents to its will and forces them to act in their own interests anyway, no matter what good intentions are behind it all.
But in general all the commandments can be reduced to two. In answer to his disciple's question, “Teacher, what is the greatest commandment in the law?” Jesus said: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind": this is the first and greatest commandment; and the second is similar to it: ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself; on these two commandments the whole law and the prophets are founded’ (Synodal edition, 1994). Love God in yourself and in others, not
worshiping pabulum, is all that the commandments call for.
As to the question of the impact of the media on the psyche, here
the first thing that's needed is awareness. Let any negative information pass by your ears. From all sides they are trying to interest you, to fascinate you, to impose something on you. Behind any group of people there is a pendulum. Adherents who do his will, often do not realize the true goals of the pendulum. Constantly ask yourself the question: who needs it and why? And is it necessary for you? At the same time, actively seek and absorb all information pertaining to your purpose. “Okay-okay,” your mind impatiently scrambles, ”I know that myself. So what if it does know? It knows everything, but it carelessly falls asleep whenever the pendulum starts its game. Don't let the pendulums take you by the handle and drag you away.
In general your task comes down to consciously breaking the rules of the game. This can be done in two ways. Either drop the importance and fail the pendulum into the void of your indifference, or extinguish it by reacting inappropriately. If you are not very good with importance, then favor the second method. Any inadequate reaction to provocation is a gross violation of the game rules.
Ending the battle
Freedom of choice lies in one incomprehensibly simple fact. There is no need to fight to achieve a goal. All you need is the determination to have. Once you have allowed yourself to have, you can quietly move your feet in the direction of the goal. Pendulums impose a very different scenario on you. They force you to fight to achieve the goal. To do so, you must declare war on yourself and the world. Pendulums suggest you start with yourself. They insinuate that you are imperfect and therefore you will not achieve your goal unless you change yourself. By changing yourself, you must engage in a battle for a place in the sun. This whole scenario has only one, single purpose - to take away the victim's energy. By fighting with yourself, you are giving energy to the pendulum. By engaging in a battle with the world, you are doing the same thing.
Battle implies constant tension, struggle, discipline. You have to be constantly prepared for battle. This is what warriors do, who vaguely realize that there is freedom somewhere in this world. But their mistake is that they think as if freedom has to be won. They are at war all their lives, but they always postpone their main battle until later. It seems to warriors: it is impossible to go and take freedom just like that. They convince themselves and others that it is extremely difficult to do this and it takes years of hard work and struggle.
The transurfing traveler does not participate in the battle for freedom, because he knows that he already has it. No one can make you fight. But you have no other choice if you are filled with inner and outer importance. All there is of the battle in transurfing is the intention to act flawlessly. But this requires not battle readiness or discipline, but awareness.
If you are not able to take and allow yourself to have, you can put it off for later. But how long will that last? The canniness of putting it off can take a lifetime. Postponing until the next time leads to viewing life in each current moment as a preparation for a better future. One is always dissatisfied with the present and entertains the hope of improvement soon. With this attitude, the future never arrives and always
looms somewhere ahead. It is like trying to catch up with the setting sun.
The belief that there is more time ahead is nothing more than an illusion. All of life is spent waiting for a better future. Hence the saying, “Nothing is more permanent than temporary.” In fact, there is no time for waiting. Therefore, the future should not be anticipated, but incorporated part of it into the present moment. Allow yourself to have the here and now. This does not mean that your goal will immediately be realized. It is about determination, that is, the intention to have, as opposed to a process of permanent struggle with yourself. The determination to have an incomparably greater power than the determination to act. You have been engaged in a lifelong battle for a place in the sun. Have you achieved much in this battle? in this battle? Now you have to go to a dreary job or to college, like a hard labor. And someone at this time is resting at a ski resort or basking in the sun by the warm sea. Maybe they won their battle and that's why they are now enjoying life?
Most of the people in the battle, with all their hard work, can't even save enough money in a lifetime.
Those who have allowed themselves to have, however, are not in the battle. They don't care about it. For example, a happy couple was vacationing at a ski base in Switzerland last week. It was a holiday. All holidays end, but in different ways for everyone. Now the couple are fighting about where to go next. He wants the Austrian Alps, she wants the French Alps. It may sound like a whimsical soap drama to you, but to them it's serious. They just have different levels of commitment. You will plow through another year on your holiday, while they have a new holiday starting in a week.
Rational thinking is outraged: “But what about it, because they were already born with their millions, and I have to earn! Where will the money come from?” For the umpteenth time, don't think about money. If you stop your battle and allow yourself to have, the outer intention will find a way to give you what you need. I can't prove that right now. Test it for yourself. Don't try it, but do it. Not tomorrow, but now. Allow yourself from this moment to have - unconditionally and unconditionally. Not just once, but all the time. If you do not wait for instant results, but continue to allow yourself to have, one day will be accomplished what others will call a miracle.
. Those who are born with millions already have the willingness to have. They don't need to think about it. You, on the other hand, will have to work with the slide. The mind will worry about the reality and the means to achieve the goal. But this is the path of struggle, and it leads nowhere. You won't make enough money on this path, and you will always be short of money. Earn not money, but the determination to have.
If you focus on the goal as if it is already achieved, your doors will open and the means will find themselves. This is the freedom that literally makes you dizzy. If you don't embrace that freedom, again, you are making a choice. There is nothing easier than to say it's all nonsense and continue to pull your own weight for the rest of your life. Everyone makes their own choices and only gets what they are willing to have. Your choices are immutable law. You shape your own reality.
Choices in the space of options happen in roughly the following way. People go to the supermarket and they are asked, “What do you want?” One customer says, “I want to be a pop star.” The salesman replies: “No problem. “Here's a very good one just for you. World fame, wealth, glitter! Do you want it?” The buyer is surprised: “How can I tell you... It's not easy. Only a few people succeed. These chosen ones have extraordinary abilities, and I am an ordinary man. The salesman shrugs his shoulders: “What does your abilities have to do with it? Here is the product - take it, it's yours!” Buyer: “Actually, it's hard to break through in show business. It's a jungle. There are so many bosses there...” Salesman: “Okay, here's a little something for you. “here's a big shot who'll promote you. Take it, you won't regret it!” Man: “These stars have such luxurious houses, such expensive cars, high society... Can all this really happen to me? Something does not believe...” The salesman replies: “Well, that's too bad. In that case, we can't help you,” and puts the goods back under the counter.
Similarly, one person may fearfully ask another, “Can you fly a passenger jet?” “No problem,” the one replies, ”I just sit in the seat, fasten my seatbelt, and the airplane takes to the sky. It is worth allowing that achieving a goal is only a matter of your choice, as you will sense how absurd the fears of the shopper in the option space store are. It's only a matter of willingness to have, that's all.
You may be tempted to engage in a battle with yourself over the determination to have. By no means force yourself to allow yourself to have. Don't spin the target slide forcefully. Don't make an effort to have. Don't do it assertively and with pressure. After all, it's a struggle again! Just give yourself the pleasure of holiday thoughts. Give up the importance and stop your battle. In a battle
you can't achieve anything. That's why you keep fighting, because everything around you has an inflated importance. You will not be able to afford to have while you are fiercely fighting for a place in the sun.
Let's say you are determined and full of confidence that you will get your way, energetically and assertively convincing yourself that the choice is yours. To act with assertiveness is to create excessive potential. What is needed is not determination, but idle, carefree determination. Relax, let go of your grip, and simply accept that you are taking your own. You don't need determination and pressure to promenade to the newsstand for the newspaper. If there is no newspaper, you won't be upset, you'll just go to another kiosk. Let go of your dead grip.
Trying to let go of your grip will strengthen it even more. Trying and exerting effort exacerbates over-capacity. The cause of effort and cramped grip is important. You cannot loosen your grip if you fight it. Relinquish importance and the grip will loosen by itself.
Reducing importance moves the arrow of the direction of intention from the inner to the outer. All pressure is generated by importance. By acting with pressure, you are working with inner intention. Willpower is necessary when you need to overcome obstacles. But, as we know. you know, obstacles are built on a foundation of importance. Once you have lowered the importance, the obstacles dissipate and willpower is no longer needed to overcome them. When importance is gone, the determination to achieve turns into a determination to have, and that's when external intention begins to work.
You already have the right to choose. There is no need to win this right. If you are determined to win your right to choose, be prepared to be disappointed. You are determined, so it is determination. You're holding a dead grip again. The equilibrium forces will quickly cool the fervor. And pendulums, sensing your importance, will immediately arrange provocations. See for yourself that it will be exactly so.
Let you not be disturbed or upset by unsuccessful attempts to find a passionless determination to have. People are accustomed to directing energy not so much toward the goal itself as toward feeding the pendulums. Eventually you will learn to distinguish between determination and resolve. Simply, determination to have is the passionless and casual intention to take what is certainly due to you. Doesn't the phrase, “I am determined to get the mail out of my box” sound funny? That's how calmly and without insisting you should exercise your right to choose.
In life, people have to endure exams, contests, tests and all sorts of aptitude tests all the time. But the determination to have depends only on you. You yourself act as the examiner. Any assessments are reduced to the fact that a person considers either himself incapable and unworthy, or defines the goal as difficult to achieve. This is done out of inertia because one is used to it. All one has to do is still allow oneself to have, no matter what. Unaccustomed, yes. But you do have the audacity to let yourself have. Let Newton's and other people's apples fall to the ground. No matter what, let your apples fall into the sky.
Are you desperate for the determination to have? Give up wishing. Stop wishing, you will get what you need anyway. Just think of taking what is yours. Take it quietly, without demanding or insisting. I want it, so what's the big deal? I will have it.
The determination to have is formed by the free energy of intention. There are two things preventing you from allowing yourself to have. The first is the discord between the soul and the mind. The second is the excess potentials of inner and outer importance that occupy the free energy. It would be a mistake to believe that the determination to have is just ordinary thoughts like “I want and I will.” In fact, such thoughts must be filled with the energy of intention, otherwise they are just mumblings of the mind and nothing more. Of course, the thoughts must arise from the unity of soul and mind. Otherwise the modulation of the energy of intention will not be pure. If much of the free energy is occupied by excessive potentials, the intention will not be valid.
The difficulty in acquiring the determination to have is similar to the hesitation experienced by a person who first gets behind the wheel of a two-wheeled bicycle. The person knows that it is possible in principle, but he also knows that he will not succeed immediately. He doubts his ability and at the same time.
at the same time overflowing with a desire to learn. The human mind strives to take control of learning, but does not understand how to act. Three excessive potentials are created at once - doubt, desire and control, which take away the energy of intention.
The mind tries to keep the balance both ways, but nothing works. There is no unity of mind and soul, no free energy. But at some point the control of the mind becomes weak, and then there is a unity of the soul and the mind that it is necessary to keep the balance. Everything works out in the end. The mind has never figured out how it does it. But that's the point! The mind is always thinking about the means, i.e., how things should be done. It establishes control and tries different options. The soul does not think - it is just unconditionally ready to have. The mind is also ready to have, but only on condition that it is understandable and rational. The disagreement between the soul and the mind is only that the mind doubts the reality of the goal. As soon as the grip of control loosens, the limiting conditions of reason disappear, and then the unity of soul and reason appears.
The mind is surprised to find that its control is not required. Everything works itself out. However, the fact itself is enough for it, even if it does not really understand what it is all about. The equilibrium just holds, that's all, so the mind has to accept it. It will no longer impose its control because it has become convinced that it is not required.
After a little practice, the rest of the excess potentials disappear, the energy of intention is released, and cycling turns from a problem to a pleasure.
Thus, in order to gain the determination to have, one must achieve unity of mind and soul and release the energy of intention from the excess potentials. Unity of mind and soul is achieved on the way to your goal through the right door. All that remains is to identify your true aspirations and embark on this path. By shedding the useless weight of inner and outer importance from your shoulders, you release the energy of intention - the driving force to move in the space of options. And by keeping internal and external importance in you, you spend ninety-nine percent of your energy on supporting excessive potentials. Where can free energy come from if it is all used for potentials?
In order to let go of importance, you need to act consciously and be aware of what you attach excessive importance to and what follows. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to consciously give up importance on the mental level. In this case, the only thing left is to act. The energy of excessive potential is dissipated in action. Spin the target slide in your mind, visualize the process and calmly move your feet towards the goal - this will be your action.
How not to be afraid? - Find insurance. The most difficult excess capacity to overcome is fear. You can't force yourself not to be afraid. If something is of excessive importance to you that you cannot give up, such as life, career, home, and if these values are threatened, then the only way to reset the potential is to find a cover, a backup, a workaround.
How do you not worry or become anxious? - Take Action. The potentials of worry and anxiety dissipate in action. Inactive anxiety will hang around until you start to actively take action. The type of activity may not even have anything to do with the subject of anxiety. It is enough to occupy yourself with something, and you will immediately feel how the anxiety went on
How not to wish? - Accept the possibility of failure and act. This potential to eliminate as difficult, because it is hardly possible to abandon the desire to achieve the goal at all. However, if you accept defeat in advance and find alternate ways, then the potential of desire is balanced. In any case, desire can be transformed into action. As you know, desire is what precedes intention. When desire is translated into intention to act, the energy of the potential is dissipated. The energy of desire goes into forming intention.
How not to expect? - To act. This potential dissipates in action by definition. Dissolve desire and expectation in action.
How do you give up your significance? If you get it right, this question should leave you perplexed. Of course, the transurfing suggests not to resign yourself to your insignificance, but to accept your significance as axiomatic. The only difficulty is that your mind will feel its importance only in case there will be a corresponding attitude from the side of
the people around you. With this in mind, the secret to increasing your importance is as simple as it is effective. All that is required is to refuse to do anything to increase your importance.
Observe yourself: what do you do when you defend your importance? Demand attention, respect, prove your right, take offense, defend yourself, justify yourself, enter into conflict, show arrogance, disdain, strive to be the first, belittle someone's dignity, emphasize someone's shortcomings, put your own merits, and so on. If you gradually nullify all these attempts to increase your importance, the people around you will unconsciously feel it. Since you do not defend your importance, it means that it is already at a high level. People will treat you differently. When you feel more respectful of yourself, your mind will recognize your own importance. If you yourself recognize your high importance, the people around you will immediately agree - this is absolutely certain. Thus, you will get what you gave up.
How not to be irritated? - Play with the pendulum, breaking the rules of its game. Eradicate the habit of reacting negatively to unpleasant news can only be done in this way. How to do this, you already know. You only need to remember in time that this is a game, and cheerfully break its
rules, that is, react inappropriately. You should react to pleasant news or circumstances not lazily, but joyfully, with emphasized enthusiasm. Then you will transmit radiation on a wave of good luck. Pendulums set up troubles for you to put you out of balance and get negative energy. By reacting inadequately, you throw the pendulum off the rhythm and it is left with nothing. Play such a game, it is very exciting.
How to get rid of guilt? - Stop making excuses. As I said before, in the courtroom you hold yourself. You play the role of prosecutor, defense attorney, and defendant, and manipulators take advantage of that. Leave the courthouse, no one can detain you. Those who have gathered there by habit to listen to the process, will sit there and go away, because there is no defendant. That's how your “case” will gradually close. No other way to get rid of guilt will not be able to get rid of.
How do you deal with resentment and resentment? You won't experience them if you get rid of the guilt and accept your worth. Stop your battle and move with the flow. But there may be a situation where you are moving with the flow and someone grabs you and tries to pull you against it. What should you do in this case?
For example, if you know how to do something, then you are able to find solutions. And there are people who can only find problems. They find problems and triumphantly present them as their achievements. Such people are sincerely convinced that others are simply obliged to provide their solutions in return. So, if you start looking for solutions, a crowd of slackers gathers around you. The first criticize, the second dig out new problems, the third give advice, and the fourth command and demand. No matter how hard you try to move with the flow, you are hindered in every possible way. Naturally, this causes resentment and indignation.
What to do if you cannot cope with resentment and indignation? - You just have to allow yourself this weakness. It will be worse if you start giving excessive importance to the very need to keep the importance at zero. Who do you work for? An “uncle”? In that case, you will inevitably you will inevitably and constantly feel resentment and resentment. Get on the path to your goal, then in time you will, if you work, only for yourself. Until then, allow yourself to occasionally break down and create excessive potentials. Don't force yourself to always win.
So, instead of fighting with your excess potentials, you need to act within a purified intention. And intention is purified through the process of movement. As you can see, the determination to have is not achieved by mere speculative exercises, but by concrete action. Start moving your feet in some way toward your goal. Your actions will become effective as you move.
The determination to have goes through three stages. The first stage is stiffness caused by the unfamiliarity of the situation, “Is it really all for me?” As you spin the target slide in your head, you can't quite get used to the idea that it's possible. The second stage is a rapture similar to the feeling of weightlessness. At some point you feel the stiffness disappear, you take the target into your comfort zone, and you feel the thrill of seeing the target suddenly seem
And finally, how not to bend under the weight of problems? In any case, we are constantly being oppressed by something to one degree or another. It is very difficult to take and give up all importance. For this case in transurfing there is one interesting and very powerful method - coordination of intention.
Coordination of intention
A man feels himself at the mercy of circumstances, it seems to him that little depends on him. Sometimes he gets lucky, and for some time he flies on a wave of good luck. Sometimes it even seems that luck is in his hands. he must act decisively, and he fights vigorously. But, despite all efforts, victory is often followed by defeat.
It is as if people are walking along a road, flanked by high hills and deep pits. Determined and self-confident people constantly turn off the smooth road and somehow start climbing the hills. There the prizes left by the pendulums shine seductively. Sometimes as a result of incredible efforts the prize can be obtained, but more often there are failures. In any case, once on the hill, a man rolls down, knocked down by the wind of the equilibrium forces. And again the person feels helpless, it again seems to him that little depends on him.
Another type of people, the negativists, believe that nothing depends on them at all, and prefer to flounder helplessly in the pits of the worst expectations. The worst expectations are realized immediately. Negativists don't just suffer from their helplessness. They infantilize their fate in the hands of others. They say that everything is God's will. They do not move with the flow of options, but they do not resist, but just flounder, expressing dissatisfaction and poisoning the energetic atmosphere around them. The only thing they are good at is realizing their worst expectations. So here the negativists find delight: at least they are right about something. The only thing they have learned to do perfectly is to look for and find confirmation of their negative attitude.
Such people find some kind of sadomasochistic pleasure in negativity. They are capable of turning any little thing into a tragedy. Their credo: “Life is disgusting, and it gets worse every day.” This is their choice, and negativists look for and find confirmation of this in everything. They are such sufferers, and everyone executes and punishes them, such is the plight of these martyrs. They literally bathe in negativity and find satisfaction in it. Do you know why? Because negativity is the only thing the world around them agrees with and goes along with. They find a pillar of confidence that their worst expectations are being met.
Sometimes the negativist happens to be riding a wave of good fortune. For a while he is satisfied and
and happy. But this does not last long, because soon he starts to turn his head and look around in search of the usual black streak. How can it be, because all good things quickly come to an end, because luck is abnormal, unnatural! The negativist begins to look hard for a black streak, so that he can again find himself in his usual ditch, where everything is bad, but predictable. He begins to think about where to put his discontent, to listen to bad news, to make claims, to accuse, to demand. And if there is no opportunity to demand, then he crawls into the role of the victim, which everyone must comfort and soothe.
It is very difficult to wean a negativist from the habit of finding pleasure in self-torture. It's a hard case. The trouble is that he is not only poisoning his own life. By transforming a layer of his world, the negativist pulls his relatives, whose layers are superimposed on him, into his miserable hell. But here is the paradox. Despite the fact that the negativist seems helpless, he has great power and uses this power to the fullest. His power lies in his firm belief that life is disgusting and getting worse every day. A firm belief is nothing more than a
determination to have, so the negativist's choice is successfully realized. The negativist does indeed make a choice, and the world does indeed go towards him.
It turns out that man is not helpless after all, and much depends on him. The realization of the negativist's worst expectations confirms that everyone is able to influence the course of events. He is able to determine the scenario not only in dreams, but also in reality. Maybe all it takes is a change from a negative orientation to a positive one? “Life is beautiful, and it gets better every day.” However, having picked up such a slogan, a person goes on a journey through the clouds. If he doubts for a moment and looks under his feet with fear, he immediately falls and falls down.
Negative mood and keeps so firmly because a person from birth is accustomed to be convinced that the world is set against him unfriendly. On a little man immediately after birth falls aggressive impact of enormous force. He was lying in the womb, and it was cozy, warm and calm there. But here the poor little man is taken and rudely pushed out of this comfort. He hears his mother's cries and, perhaps, realizes that he himself was the cause of her suffering. Here is the foundation laid for a guilt complex. The bright light hits my eyes. I want to shut my eyes and see nothing. The damp warmth is replaced by a hard, dry cold. You want to curl up in a ball. and close yourself off from the horror of it all. But the umbilical cord is cut without delay, thus rudely interrupting the only connection with the source of life. The little man is already in mortal shock. He's gasping for breath, but he doesn't know he needs to breathe yet. He is slapped on the back, inflicting lifelong trauma. Air is cut into his lungs with a razor-sharp razor. It hurts to breathe, but there is no other way out. The conditions are stiff: either fight for your life or die. The innocent and pure mind learns the first lesson: the struggle for existence is an integral part of this world. The little man is in pain and very scared, but to top it all off, he is torn away from his mother and enclosed in a hard case. Exhausted, he seeks to hide from this world in a dream.
This is how his first encounter with this world occurs. Fear, loneliness, hopelessness, resentment, rage and utter helplessness. These are the first lessons that are brutally and inexorably stamped on the white sheet of the mind. The groundwork required by the pendulums is formed. It is not without reason that this shock practice of childbirth is to this day widespread and considered quite civilized. It rarely occurs to anyone that such a birth is an absolutely nightmarish shock that leaves a deep lifelong wound in the human subconscious. No creature in the animal world experiences anything like this at birth. Only in isolated and very expensive clinics is it possible to be born “humanely”.
The first cruel lessons of the pendulum world are very well learned and are reinforced more and more during the following life. One day the baby lets go of the mother's hand and runs with joyful and trusting courage to meet life. But the world of pendulums shows that it is not so safe at all, and behold, cove - the baby has fallen. And mom's already worried about him getting hit by a car. I am telling all this to show how firmly rooted in man is the predisposition to negativism. And good intentions of positivism often turn out that a person either flies to the clouds and builds air castles, or gathers all forces to storm earthly fortresses.
What to do in order to honor coordination and simply walk on a level road without
and climbing over obstacles? Maybe we need to drop the importance and consciously go with the flow. Yes, that is exactly what is needed. But it is rather difficult to do this, because it is impossible to get rid of importance completely, and to move along the current is hindered by the restless mind, which wants to establish control over the current, and at the same time sleeps in reality.
. And yet there is a way out of this situation, and it is as simple as anything ingenious. It is necessary to use the habit of the mind to keep everything under control and offer it a new game. The essence of this game is to wake up at any unpleasant circumstance, consciously assess the importance and change your attitude. You can see for yourself, your mind will like such a game. We have already considered the principles of the game - a fun battle with a clay dummy. But that's not all. Now you will learn the main principle of coordination. Guided by this principle, you can achieve the same success in positive things that negativists achieve in their worst expectations. And it goes like this. If you set out to treat a seemingly negative change in a scenario as a positive one, then that's exactly what will happen.
Sounds, if not absurd, not very convincing, doesn't it? What can be positive in a clear defeat and what can be good in a disaster? And yet, this principle works perfectly well. Again, I'm not asking you to believe. You just go ahead and check it out. Well, there is an explanation for the mind. As you know, the whole world is built on the principle of dualism: everything has its opposite side. There is light and there is darkness, there is black and there is white, positive and negative, dense and empty, and so on. Any equilibrium in nature can deviate either one way or the other. When you walk on a log and bend over, you raise your arm on the other side to compensate for the deviation. Every event on the life line also has two branches, one in the favorable and one in the unfavorable direction. Whenever you encounter an event, you make a choice about how to treat it. If you view the event as positive, you fall on the favorable branch of the life line. However, the tendency to negativism makes a person express dissatisfaction and choose an unfavorable branch.
The person from the morning is irritated at the slightest cause, then another, and so the whole day turns into a continuous series of troubles. You know very well that, even in trifles, it is worth only to get out of balance, immediately follows the dramatic development of a negative scenario. As soon as as soon as you're annoyed by something, it's followed by a new unpleasantness. This is how it turns out that “trouble never comes alone”. But the series of troubles follows not the trouble itself, but your attitude to it. The regularity is formed by the choice you make at the fork. You are annoyed by some trifle, and you are already radiating at the frequency of the unfavorable branch. In addition, the negative attitude creates a potential for tension that takes away some of your energy of intention, you are already acting ineffectively, and now you are facing a new, larger trouble. Can you imagine where such a string of negative branches takes you throughout your life! That is why there is a shift of generations.
Now imagine another scenario. You are faced with some unfortunate circumstance. Wait to form your negative attitude and react primitively, like an oyster. Say to yourself, “Stop! It's just a game with a clay dummy! All right, dummy, let's play.” No matter what, set yourself up for a positive attitude and pretend that this event makes you happy. After all, it is not without reason there are sayings “There is no bad without good” and “Would not be happy, but misfortune helped”.
Try to look for a positive grain in an unfortunate event. Even if you don't find anything, still be happy. Get yourself into the “idiotic” habit of rejoicing in failures. It's much more fun than getting irritated and whining about anything. It's up to you to make sure that most of the time your unpleasantness actually plays into your hands. Even if it will not be so, you can be sure that thanks to your positive attitude, you found yourself on a favorable branch and avoided other troubles.
. In general, troubles are always a violation of the norm. They do not please only you, because they are a strong deviation from the balance and require additional energy expenditure. This energy is spent by you when you create obstacles for yourself and then overcome them. On the contrary, good luck when you are satisfied is the norm. And dissatisfaction is usually when you encounter a deviation from your script. As soon as the mind sees a violation of its script. script, it immediately views this change in a negative light, and so it expresses a corresponding attitude and seeks to impose control in its understanding of the situation.
So, now explain to your mind the rules of the new game. Tell it: it will still hold control, except that the function of that control is now to view any event as'positive. Activate the Caretaker at the very beginning of the play, for example, at the start of the day. You usually have a rough idea of how events should unfold. The moment the scenario changes before your eyes, you need to accept the change, to go along with it. After all, you perceive the event as negative just because it does not fit into your scenario. Pretend as if this is exactly what you need.
In this way, you have a sliding and dynamic control over making changes to the script. You take the time to express dissatisfaction and fight the situation because you accepted the script change as the play progressed. Giving up control of the script will give you control. Control will not be about fighting the flow of the options, but about following it.
So you will have control.
The secret to coordination is to let go of the grip while simultaneously taking control of the situation. When the mind holds the grip, it does not allow the situation to evolve along the current of options. By taking any changes in the scenario for granted, you relinquish the imposition of your control. This means relinquishing control, while keeping your attitude, and therefore the situation, under control.
Ultimately, you only want to avoid problems and live your life in a way that makes things work out well. This is how it will be if you start using the principle of coordination. This is even more effective than trying to influence events with your external intention. The point is that the mind, as already mentioned, cannot perfectly calculate all the moves ahead. After all, you are not alone in this world. The layer of your world intersects with many layers of other people, and they are also constantly achieving something. But the mind doesn't need to calculate things ahead of time. All you need to do is spin the target slide and follow the principle of coordination. Then the external intention will successfully lead you to the goal.
It should be noted that coordination is developed by practice. If you just have a mental understanding of the principle of coordination, it is not enough. It is necessary to constantly develop and improve this ability. Your Caretaker must work constantly. Don't miss the moment when you will be unnoticeably drawn into a negative game.
Coordination is the most effective way to move in the space of options. You
meet each event as a positive and thus always come out on a favorable branch, more and more often meet with a wave of good luck. But you do not hover in the clouds, because you act intentionally and consciously. Thus, you balance on the wave of luck. This is the main essence of transurfing.
Apples fall into the sky
As the scripture says, “According to your faith be it unto you.” And it is really true. You always receive only what you are willing to have. Outward intention fulfills your order flawlessly. You have what you have, according to the pattern of your worldview and the idea of your own place in this world. Now you know all the basic principles of transurfing, so you can control your destiny by your own choice. Your destiny will be shaped according to your personal choice and faith.
How to choose, you already know. The question that remains to be answered is: how do you believe in all of this? I have already said that you cannot convince the mind until it is confronted with the fact. The mind can pretend. It can also believe blindly and fanatically, but it is a false belief based on an extremely strong overpotential. This is when the belief itself is given excessive importance. The mind is so stunned by its fanaticism that it sees and hears nothing. It has not only the soul, but also itself driven into a case, so such faith is blind.
The sail of false faith will never be filled with the wind of external intention. False faith is a pendulum trap in the labyrinth of uncertainty. You may think you have gotten out of the maze, but in reality it is only an illusion. Deep down, you will doubt without even realizing it because you have warded off doubt with the protective wall of faith.
How do you distinguish between false faith and true faith? True faith is no longer faith, but knowledge. If you have to persuade yourself, convince yourself - no matter how, with enthusiasm or with compulsion
- then it's false faith. Knowledge is not formed by belief, but by facts. When your mind is presented with a fact, you already simply know. False belief holds on the control of the mind. The mind, while in the illusory room of the labyrinth, makes sure that no doubt creeps in. If the mind wants to hope, it does not want to hear anything.
Never convince yourself or try to believe, otherwise you run the risk of having a false belief that only seems true. The illusion is revealed when you begin to listen to the rustling of the morning stars. Let go of mind control and shift your mind to being aware of the slightest signs of mental discomfort. If you detect discomfort, no longer try to convince or coax yourself. When the unity of soul and mind will be achieved, you will not have to persuade yourself.
Convincing yourself with affirmations is useless. From the fact that you will keep telling yourself “I will achieve”, the shadow of doubt will not disappear, but on the contrary, will get fertile ground for development. The soul does not believe if you try to persuade it. The soul understands neither logic nor the language of reason. It also does not allow halftones. If you ask the soul, “Will I achieve my goal?”, it will answer either “yes”, “no”.
Therefore, one cardinal step has to be taken: throw out the word “believe” from your template and replace it with the word “know.” If the mind simply knows that this and that will happen, the soul will agree with it without any persuasion. Do you believe what you hold in your hands in this book? No, it is out of the question, you just know it and that's all. And where there is faith, there is always room for doubt.
Now, setting aside the notion of faith, let yourself know that your wish will come true. You know it because that is the law: the goal will be achieved if there is a determination to have and you can realize the determination to act by moving through your door. The choice is yours. You are the master, so if you have made the choice yourself, any reasoning about “what if it doesn't work out” simply falls away.
Let's assume that there are two options for the development of events: it will work and will not work. To persuade,
to convince yourself that you can do it, it's useless. But now there is knowledge: you choose your own variant. Knowledge is the basis on which you can build confidence.
There is not much left to do - to get this knowledge. To do this, you just have to get used to this knowledge, accept it. People eventually get used to any unbelievable things, such as the telephone, television, airplane.... How many things have been “totally unbelievable”? Apply the slide technique. You need to nestle the knowledge in your head and nurse it until external intention makes it a fact. But your job is not to talk yourself into it, but to remind yourself from time to time that you know the goal will be accomplished.
When you think about your goal, you will catch yourself that involuntarily, out of habit, you are doubting, thinking again about the means. Doubts, of course, will be there, but they should be caught and immediately put in their place: “I know that success depends on my choice. I've made the choice. So what hesitation can there be?” Gradually they will go away. Where there is no faith, but just knowledge, doubts cannot exist. You need not only try very hard to get rid of them, much less fight their presence. In the end you can reassure yourself that doubts are not a guarantee of failure. Just then on your way will meet some rough edges.
I want to emphasize again, the most important thing is to remember that you are the one who decides whether you reach your goal or not, and therefore you have nothing to worry about. Whenever you hesitate, remind yourself of this. Again I draw your attention to the bad habit of forgetting and existing half-consciously. New knowledge is easily forgotten and old habits sit tight. Remember always that you are the master of your own destiny.
I don't think Christ took delight in walking on water. It was as natural for him as it is for us to move on land. People could walk on water, too, if they were able to let go of all doubts, worries, and emotions about it. Unbelievable? But the whole history of mankind is a series of surprises about absolutely unbelievable things. For example: “Iron ships cannot float on water, much less fly.” As soon as people convinced that you can sail on water in iron ships and fly through the air in heavy airplanes, nobody questions the possibility and reality of what's happening anymore.
By dragging your doubts around with you, you greatly reduce your chances of success. In the space of options, there are two lines of life: on one you have achieved your goal, and on the other you have failed. When you are floundering in your doubts, you emit energy at the frequency of the failure line. In this case you can hardly hope for success. Failure will be caused by the circumstances that appeared as a result of the radiation of your thoughts.
The question should be put differently: not “Will I succeed or not?”, but “What do I choose, success or failure?”. It's a difficult question to get used to. You spend your whole life convinced that apples fall to the ground, not fly into the sky. However, if you constantly catch yourself in doubt and immediately remind yourself that success is only a matter of your choice, you will get used to it. Imagine that starting today, apples started falling into the sky for some reason. At first it will be very surprising, but eventually you will get used to it. That's just the way it is.
Don't worry, transurfing is not a trap for the mind, and everything I have written about in this book is not the fruit of speculative exercises. And even this little wandering of ours ceases to be a trap if you take what you read not as a call to believe, but as a hope to find freedom. Other people's faith is necessary only for pendulums, but it is useless for transurfing.
After all, I am not trying to convince you, but pursue a completely different goal - to destroy the stereotypes of the habitual worldview to break out of the case of conditioning and wake up in a dream of reality. When you wake up, you will realize that you are able to control your dream. It doesn't require to believe. You act and then see what happens. Do not believe, but test. When you are convinced that transurfing really works, then you will know.
You have probably heard many times the statement that if you have unshakable faith in your strength, in victory, then you can achieve anything. It is easy to say - “According to your faith be it unto you”. But where to get this faith? How to get rid of doubts? You will not get rid of them. Striving to find faith is a vain labor. If there is a shadow of doubt in your soul, you will not be able to drive it out by any beliefs. You can only deceive your mind. It will pretend that it does not remember about doubts, but they will still live in your soul.
Give up fruitless efforts to gain unqualified faith. There is another more realistic way. Not to think about the means of achievement, but to spin the target slide in your head and move your feet toward the goal. This is not idle daydreaming, but the concrete work of tuning your radiation. After all, aren't your worst expectations being realized? So do the concrete work: consciously and purposefully re-tune your radiation to realize your best expectations.
If you have a goal, but you have doubts whether you will succeed or not, then doubts will hinder you. But you will not be able to throw them away. And you don't have to. Faith is required for the mind to justify the reality of achieving the goal. Leave it aside and do not think about the means, and live in the slide on which the goal has already been achieved. That is concrete work without conviction. Give yourself that pleasure. Then the external intention will do its work, and the apples themselves will fall into the sky.
Apples fall into the sky when the mind is confronted with a fact. Then it lets go of its control and simply allows the fact to happen. It doesn't matter that the situation is unclear, what matters is that it is real. We live in a world where people ride bicycles. If a person were to enter a world where everyone flies, they would fly too.
I have already said that by tuning your radiation to the target line, a person triggers the mechanism of external intention. You spin the target slide in your mind and visualize the process. of the process. And at this time the wind of external intention slowly and gradually moves the frigate of material realization of your world in the space of options. Opportunities begin to open up that you did not even suspect. Moreover, the external intention begins to direct your actions in such a way as to bring you closer to your goal.
Please note: sometimes it will seem that circumstances are unfolding in a rather strange way. But how do you know which road leads to your goal? You wouldn't teach a chef in a restaurant how to prepare a dish, would you? Always remember that the mind is not able to calculate all the moves ahead, and it does not know how to realize the goal. After all, the usual ways do not work? So why are you again trying to crawl into the procrustean bed of habitual stereotypes? Leave the care of means and ways of achievement to external intention. Trust the flow of options. Even beyond your will, you will act in such a way that you will arrive at your goal.
This is how external intention works. If you're walking through mud right now, in the rain and
cold, to a job you hate, but with celebration in your heart, soon all that discomfort will disappear. You'll see for yourself where it's going. You will simply cease to satisfy your parameters with all this environment.
I'm not trying to convince you, but to give you hope. There's no way out of the labyrinth of belief. But there must be hope that the walls of the labyrinth will collapse when external intention shows you how apples fall into the sky. Without such hope, it is impossible to do transurfing, and you would not do it. Having received hope, the mind will find a footing under your feet, and the soul will be revitalized.
Faced with an unfortunate unpleasantness or a difficult problem, people give energy to the pendulum and feel anxiety, loss of strength, oppression of the situation. A person is either in a state of alertness, or his hands are down. Both are abnormal and lead to stress and depression. Calmness is gone, support is lost, and the inner core of confidence is broken. To find support, people look for salvation in cigarettes, alcohol, drugs and other ways. But as a result they fall into the bondage of new pendulums.
You can always find support in yourself, if you wake up and realize how the problem situation was created. The problem was created by a pendulum. There is nothing terrible in it. The danger comes not from the problem itself, but from your attitude to it. If you accept the importance of the problem, then you are giving energy to the pendulum. It is important to realize that in any problematic situation, the pendulum requires you to either
to work hard and fight, or to give up and give in to despondency. You can do neither. But there is no support, the pivot of confidence is lost, so what to do? You will find support in the realization that you understand how the pendulum is trying to subjugate you and draw out energy.
It would seem that how can simple knowledge help and encourage? Very much so. Hope is also the knowledge that not everything is lost and there is a way out. Understanding the mechanism of a problematic situation has the same weight as hope. You are no longer a puppet or a paper ship. You yourself can understand what is happening, and you can consciously smirk to yourself and say: “No, pendulum, I will not give you energy. I understand perfectly well what you need and how you are trying to hook me. It's not going to work! You won't succeed in imposing the importance of the problem on me. I have the right to choose, and I choose freedom from you."
Everyone makes a lot of mistakes in life that they later regret. You may think that you have gone too far from your former goal. Not all is lost, transurfing will help to correct the situation. Even if the former goal is objectively closed, you can find a new one. Your goal is not the only one, so at any age there is a chance, and it should be used.
The mistakes you have made are your capital. If you adopt this attitude, brilliant success awaits you. All people who have achieved success have gone through a forest of failures. It is not without reason they say, “for one beaten two unbeaten give”. All outstanding personalities who have achieved success have had to go through all the hard times'. It's just that this side of their lives is not very publicized. So, if you made a big mistake and were subjected to failure - rejoice: you are on the road to success. If you engage in self-abuse, whining and complaining about life, failures will be repeated again and again. All unnecessary, from your point of view, the experience you will definitely be useful on the target line of life.
Apathy goes away when there is new hope. Animals or people wandering in the desert and already exhausted, forget about fatigue if they see an oasis on the horizon. Imagine a fly hitting the glass while the window is open. All his life, the fly has been taught in his head. that if you see a target, you have to fly straight for it. It sees the target and hits the glass, but there's no result. The same thing happens to you when you don't understand how to reach a goal, are deprived of choice and have to settle for what you have. But now that you know that the vent does exist, it's there, even if you can't see it, you have hope. And when there is hope, the energy of intention is released,
You need hope to take action. Start to act, and you will see the apples fall into the sky. When hope has worked itself out, you will realize the freedom of choice. That's when you will say to yourself: I do not want and do not hope - I intend.
Self-confidence is the same as timidity, only turned inside out. The walls of the labyrinth of insecurity will crumble when you give up importance. When there is freedom without struggle, then certainty is unnecessary.
If I don't have importance, I have nothing to defend and nothing to conquer.
And if I don't have importance, I have nothing to defend and nothing to conquer.
Don't fight your reaction to provocation. Change your attitude. One should lose indifferently and not give oneself ultimatums. Treat any information consciously.
You have the freedom of choice. All you need is the determination to have. Earn not money, but the determination to have.
Focus on the goal as if it has already been achieved.
Your choices are immutable law. You shape your own reality. How not to be afraid? - Find insurance, a backup, a workaround.
How to not worry or be anxious? - Act.
How not to wish? - Accept defeat and act.
How not to expect? - Take action.
How do you make yourself more important? - Refuse to fight for it.
How not to be annoyed? - Play with the pendulum, breaking the rules of its game.
How do you get rid of guilt? - Stop making excuses.
How to deal with resentment? - Stop fighting the battle and go with the flow. If dealing with resentment is impossible, allow yourself this weakness.
The lifeline bifurcates into a positive and a negative branch.
By expressing your attitude to the event at the fork, you make your choice.
If you choose to view a seemingly negative change in the scenario as a positive one. as a positive, then you're on the favorable fork. Get into the “idiotic” habit of rejoicing in failure.
Redirect control from fighting the flow of options to following it.
Don't think about the means of achievement, but spin the target slide in your head and move
your feet in the direction of the goal. Get into the slide where the goal has already been achieved. Then the external intention will do its job and the apples will fall into the sky by themselves.