Chapter One

Chapter I
Transurfing requires good health and a fairly high level of
energy. Here are simple and effective recommendations on how to increase your vital tonus and bring your energy to a proper level. For this purpose it is not necessary to exhaust yourself with trainings, diets and other methods of violence over yourself.
Do not fight for health and do not save energy. Let them into yourself.
Effective transurfing requires good health and a powerful enough energy. Let's assume that you think you already have good enough health. But perhaps you just do not know how a really healthy person feels. If in the morning you are lazy to get up, do not want to go to work or study, if after lunch you get lazy and you feel sleepy, if in the evening you have no other desires but only to settle down near the TV, then you have no health. In this case, the energy is enough only to maintain a measured existence.
Having thrown off the weight of excessive potentials and having freed yourself from pendulums, you have got enough additional energy, which you used to waste before. But energy is never superfluous. Further in this chapter there will be given recommendations on how you can raise your energy to an even higher level.
By energy we will understand the ability to assimilate and use energy. We can conditionally distinguish two forms of energy in the human body: physiological and free. Physiological energy is obtained as a result of digestion of food. Free energy is the energy of the Cosmos passing through the human body. Together they form our energy shell. Human energy is spent to perform physical functions, as well as radiated into the
the surrounding space.
The energy of the Cosmos is in the surrounding world in unlimited quantity. However. man can absorb only a tiny fraction of it. It passes through the human body in two directions. The first flow, coming from bottom to top, is located one inch in front of the spine in men and two inches in women. The second stream goes from top to bottom and is located almost closely to the spine. The magnitude of a person's free energy depends on the width of the central energy channels. The wider these channels are, the higher the energy.
Central energy flows were discovered by people very long ago. We will not go into further details of the human energy structure. If you have an interest, you can read the relevant literature. Energy circulates in the human body in a rather complicated way, but this should not bother you. For our purposes it is enough to dwell on the two central flows.
If the normal flow of energy is disturbed, i.e. there are “plugs” or “holes” somewhere, then various diseases arise. And vice versa, if an internal organ is subject to disease, the energy picture becomes distorted. It is difficult to draw a clear boundary showing where the disturbance of energy circulation is caused by physiological reasons, e.g. slagging of the organism, and where physiological disturbances are caused by changes in the energy flow. Acupuncture, acupressure and other similar methods can restore the normal circulation of energy, then the diseases caused by disturbance of energy circulation will go away. But this will only have a temporary effect. To keep everything normal, it is necessary to take care of both physical and subtle body.
Human energy is closely connected with the state of the muscles of the body. Tense muscles impede the normal movement of invisible flows and interfere with the field radiation of a person. A person who is internally tense can appear in a relaxed company and, without saying a word, change the general mood: the tension seems to hang in the air. So the surrounding people perceive negative energy without realizing it. Tension creates inhomogeneity in the general field and generates equilibrium forces. Equilibrium can be restored either by bringing the energy to a common denominator or by extinguishing the resulting potential with energy of the opposite sign. For example, the company will begin to tease an overly constrained person.
Mood and vitality are directly related to energy. Depressed state, stress, desolation, fatigue and apathy indicate a lack of energy. Physiological energy alone is not enough to maintain high vitality. A person can be physically tired but satisfied and alert. And vice versa, a well-fed and fatigued person may feel depressed and lethargic.
It is free energy that plays the main role in a person's active life position. If you do not want anything, it means that there is a lack of free energy. At its deficiency it is possible to force oneself to fulfill routine functions, but to create and to make active actions will be difficult.

difficult. Behind any active actions of a person there is an intention. If there is no free energy, then there is no intention.
Physiological energy is spent on the actual performance of the action. We will be interested mainly in the first type, which goes to formation of intention. This is the energy of intention. It is thanks to it that we have the determination to have and to act.
Stress and Relaxation
A depressed or stressed state causes the central currents to become blocked. The central channels become narrowed and the circulation of free energy slows down or stops altogether. In such a state, the intention loses the source of its energy. In a stressful state, a person is unable to act effectively because the intention is blocked. Stress can also affect the energy channels in the opposite way. Channels can suddenly expand, and then a person performs incredible actions that he or she is not capable of in a normal state. Such examples are known, but it happens rarely. In most cases the abilities and possibilities of a person in a state of stress are sharply reduced.
During the course of a day, a person goes through many stressful situations. These situations vary in the strength of their impact from very weak, which are usually immediately forgotten,
to severe, long-lasting disruptions. The body's natural reaction to stress is to tense up certain muscle groups. These tensions have already become so deeply embedded in our habits that we simply do not notice them. For example, now, while reading these lines, you are tensing some muscles of your face. But as soon as you pay attention to them, they immediately relaxed. In a few minutes you will forget about your face, and it will be frozen again in a mask reflecting your emotional state.
There is a false stereotype, as if you can get rid of stress by relaxing. In fact, by relaxing, you are trying to fight the effect without addressing the cause. The cause of physical tension is mental tension. The state of oppression, anxiety, irritation, fear causes spasmodic muscle tension. Of course, conscious relaxation of the muscles will give a small temporary effect of relief. However, mental tension will bring everything back again. To eliminate mental tension, it is necessary and sufficient to reset the importance. You are only in a state of tension due to the excessive importance you attach to what is plaguing you.
Stress is a consequence of importance. You can get rid of stress instantly by simply dropping importance. Maintaining importance is useless and harmful. You will never be able to make a difference and act effectively with the weight of importance. When you are stressed, all you have to do is wake up and realize that the pendulum has you hooked on importance. What that importance is is easy to determine on a case-by-case basis. Remind yourself that by shedding importance, you will be free of the pendulum and will be able to act effectively. It is necessary to realize that overestimated importance always works against you.
In any difficult situation it is enough to remember the importance and consciously reduce the importance. The only difficulty is to remember in time. In a state of stress, you are asleep and do not remember any transurfing. To get rid of the stress, you have to wake up and drop the importance.
If you are in the habit of paying attention to your state of mental comfort, then for
you will have no trouble remembering in time. Whenever you experience discomfort, ask yourself the question - why? Where is the overestimation of importance? No matter how “important” it is to you, refuse the importance consciously. Act only within the framework of a purified intention. Only then will you act effectively.
In order to become immune to stress, you must replace the old habit of tensing up for every occasion with a new habit: to be in a state of relaxation whenever possible. Relaxed state does not mean lethargy and apathy. It is a state of harmonious existence in the surrounding world, equilibrium. Equilibrium implies the absence of internal and external importance: I am not bad and not good - the world is not bad and not good; I am not pathetic and not significant - the world is not pathetic and not significant, and so on.
Absence, or at least low importance, is the main condition for achieving a state of relaxation. In any condition of high importance, it is useless to relax. For example, it is hardly possible to relax on the edge of the roof of a tall house if you are afraid of heights.

It is not possible to relax on the edge of the roof of a tall house if you are afraid of heights.

If dropping the importance is impossible, then at least you should not waste energy on relaxing. This way you spend energy not only on controlling an important situation, but also on holding back. You don't need to do this - let yourself go and worry at your health.
To practice transurfing, you need to enter a state of relaxation in any environment and in the shortest possible time. No verbal self-injury will be needed, because muscles are not controlled by words, but by intention. Most muscles in the body can be relaxed consciously just by paying attention to them. Usually we do not pay attention to muscles until we feel pain or discomfort. Therefore, it is enough to mentally walk through the entire body and release the clamps. However, there are muscle groups that have gotten used to obeying intention. This is due to the modern sedentary lifestyle. For example, the back muscles are difficult to control consciously, which is why back pain begins to occur as we age. As banal as it may seem, regular exercises, especially for the back muscles, are absolutely necessary.
So, the whole procedure consists of the following. Do not hurry, but quickly walk with your inner gaze over the body and throw off the clamps. Pay attention at once to the whole surface of your body as one whole. Imagine that your skin is a shell that suddenly heats up quickly from the inside out. Focus your attention on the surface of your body. Imagine your skin is either or goosebumps or energy shocks. The important thing is that you feel that you have skin. Now feel as if the energy is shimmering all over the surface of your body, like rainbow colors on a soap bubble. At this moment you are part of the Universe and are in balance with it. There is no need to try to achieve any special sensations. Each person feels differently. There is no need to try at all. Do it as if by the way, but with determination. Integral feeling of the surface of your body with shimmering energy is the state of relaxation, balance and unity with the surrounding world. After a few attempts you will begin to get it instantly, and soon it will be as easy to enter the state of relaxation as to cross your arms on your chest.
Energy Vampires
We all swim in an ocean of energy. But receiving this energy is not so easy, because it is distributed to the person in an undifferentiated way. To consciously receive it, a person must intentionally widen their energy channels and consciously let this flow in. For example, you drink water consciously and intentionally, but you can't let energy into yourself with the same clear feeling. A person, in principle, has the ability to intentionally “recharge” from the Cosmos, but this ability is in its infancy.
It is much easier to receive someone else's energy that has already been assimilated. This is used by so-called energy vampires. It is easily assimilated because it has a certain frequency. To receive someone else's energy, it is enough to tune in to this frequency. Similarly, the oscillating circuit of a radio receiver does not pick up all radio waves, but only those to which it is tuned. Vampires feed on other people's energy that has already been assimilated. To do this, they tune themselves to the frequency of its emission.
A vampire tunes to the frequency of his victim on a subconscious level. Outwardly it can be manifested in different ways. He creepingly approaches with some insignificant question, obsessively looks into the eyes, tries to touch, hold his hand, pesters with conversations,
knows how to adjust to the character and temperament, in general, creeps into the soul and tries to feel the fraile of his victim. This is a type of “ingratiating” vampire. As a rule, he is a good psychologist, sociable, but not charming, but viscously obsessive, and it is immediately felt. True, he is aware of his obsession and tries not to seem so if possible.
Another type of vampire is the manipulator. A manipulator, as you know, plays on a person's sense of guilt. Such a vampire subconsciously seeks out people who are potentially willing to give themselves up to someone else's judgment or ask for advice in a predicament. A person with the slightest guilt complex is also subconsciously looking for someone to judge and immediately pardon him. Support and advice are required for those who question their beliefs and put themselves on someone else's judgment. Thus, the vampire and the donor find each other and get each what they need. The manipulator easily tunes into the frequency of his victim. The technology here is very simple: it is only necessary to touch in passing the problem that worries a person, as he immediately reveals himself and puts out his energy.

The third type of vampire is the most rude and aggressive - it is the “provocateur”. Such a person does not hesitate to go straight into a frontal attack and tries to put his victim out of balance. You know well how provocateurs act. All means are used here, starting with implicit bullying and ending with rude pressure. The main thing is to make the donor lose his temper, and what will be his reaction - rudeness, irritation, indignation, fear, dislike - it does not matter, everything will do.
A person becomes an energy vampire unconsciously. Just as unconsciously he strives to use other people's energy. During his life he notices situations in which he gets satisfaction and a burst of strength, and then unconsciously strives to repeat the gained experience. The vampire donor feels broken after the “session”. If after communicating with a person you feel depressed, devastated, weak or shivering, it means that you have been “taken advantage of”.
. However, the lion's share of free energy from people is taken away by pendulums. How they do it, you already know. Pendulums receive energy through the channel of importance. Unlike a vampire, who acts for a short time, a pendulum can suck energy constantly, as long as a person broadcasts his radiation at the frequency of the pendulum. The power of this radiation is proportional to importance.
When you are disturbed and angered by something, your energy is weakened. Intuitively, on an on an energetic level, it's felt by the people and animals around you. It means that your awareness and confidence have weakened. A dog may bark at you among passers-by on the street. A gypsy may pester you and extort money. An energy vampire can get a good dose of energy from you. You can easily be involved in a problematic situation.
You don't need to see every person as a potential energy vampire. By stressing about it, you are already opening up access to your biofield. To protect yourself from unwanted influence, you need to strengthen your energy shell, monitor the level of importance and develop awareness.
Awareness will allow you to realize at the right moment that they are trying to lure you into a game or a trap. A low level of importance will make it difficult to tune into your frequency. You should especially look out for signs of the slightest sense of guilt. If I am empty, I have nothing to latch on to. The manipulator, having made one or two unsuccessful attempts, will leave you alone. Well, a strong energy shell will serve as a reliable defense against intrusion.
Protective shell
Each person is surrounded by an invisible energy shell. An ordinary person is not able to feel it, but can imagine it. Feel the entire surface of your body as you would when you are immersed in a hot bath. I don't say “try it.” Just do it. When you don't try it, but do it, you get it right away, and you don't need practice. The energy spreads like a slow wave from the center of your body, comes to the surface and becomes a ball. Imagine a ball around you. This is your energy shell. It does not matter that it is not really tangible. Already by imagination alone you make the first step to control the shell. In time the real feeling will come.
People with developed psychic abilities can see both the shell itself and all the defects on it. Each person initially already has psychic abilities, they are just not used, and therefore are in a dormant state. They can be awakened by either long training or in a moment - it's just a question of the strength of intention. Of course, it is rather difficult to acquire such intention. But for our purposes it will be quite enough to bring one's energy into a healthy state. A weak shell is defenseless against violent invasion.
Healthy energy can be developed and maintained by regularly performing special gymnastics. It is very simple and takes a little time. Stand up straight, as you feel comfortable, without straining. Take a breath and imagine that the energy flow comes out of the ground, enters the crotch area, moves along the spine (approximately at the above distance), leaves the head and goes to the sky. Now exhale and imagine that a stream of energy descends high from the sky, enters the head, moves along the spine and goes into the ground. You do not have to physically feel these flows. It is quite enough just to imagine it. In time, your sensitivity will be trained so that you will learn to feel them.
Then imagine how both streams simultaneously move towards each other without crossing each other, each in its own channel. At first, do this on the inhale and exhale, but over time

try to refuse to bind the streams to the breath. You can accelerate the streams by force of imagination (intention), give them power. Now imagine that the ascending stream comes out and spills over your head as a fountain. Similarly, the descending stream comes out and also spills in the opposite direction, just under your feet. You have two fountains above and below. Mentally connect the splashes of both so that you are inside the energetic sphere. Then pay attention to the surface of your body. Just feel the surface of your skin and then stretch that sensation into a sphere, just as a balloon expands when it is inflated. When you mentally inflate the surface of your skin, the sphere of enclosed energy fountains is fixed. All this is done without tension. There is no need to try hard to feel anything.
Do not worry that you do not physically feel the central flows. You are so accustomed to them that you have stopped feeling them, just like any other healthy internal organ. By regularly focusing your attention on the flows from time to time, you will soon feel a physical sensation. Not as strong as, say, touch, not real enough.
This is what energy gymnastics is all about. By closing the flows to each other in a sphere, you create a protective shell around yourself. By stretching the surface energy of the body into a sphere, you're anchoring this shell in a stable state. The benefits of such gymnastics are hard to overestimate. First, the shell protects you from defeat. Secondly, practicing your energy, you clean the subtle channels. Corks preventing the movement of energy fly out, and holes in the shell, through which it is spent, are tightened. All this does not happen at once, it happens gradually. But there is no need to constantly seek help from reflexologists and psychics. You yourself restore the normal circulation of energy.
It should be noted that the energy shell cannot protect you from vampires and pendulums. These freeloaders pump energy by tuning into your frequency. When the pendulum tries to hook the victim, the victim is deflected from the balance. At this point, to fail the pendulum, you need to wake up and drop the importance. Your muscles will relax, your energy will come into balance, and the pendulum will fall into the void. After all, if you are not swinging yourself, it will not be able to pick up the energy. Awareness is necessary to constantly monitor those moments when you involuntarily deviate from the balance.
Increasing energy
Increasing energy does not mean accumulating energy at all. This may seem strange because we are used to phrases like “I lack energy” or “I am full of energy”. You can only store physiological energy in the form of calories. It is enough to eat well and rest regularly. There is nowhere to accumulate free energy. It comes into the body from the Cosmos. If the channels are wide enough - there is energy, if they are narrow - there is not. Therefore, high energy is first of all wide channels.
Free energy is always present in each point in unlimited quantity - take as much as you can carry. One should learn to let it into oneself and feel oneself a part of the Universe. This should not be a one-time act. It is necessary to constantly strive for the feeling of energetic unity with the surrounding world.
It seems to a person that if he accumulates a lot of energy, he will become strong and will be able to achieve success. success. Such accumulation serves only as a preparation for influencing the world with the power of inner intention. As you already know, trying to change or defeat the world by force is extremely difficult, thankless, ineffective, and therefore energy-consuming. A person who interacts with the world by force of inner intention thinks too much of himself. In reality, he is just a drop in the ocean.
External intention does not change the world or fight against it. It simply chooses what is required in the world. External intention in the “option space store” does not need to bargain away goods, nor does it need to take them from the sellers. External intention does not need to accumulate energy to work. It is already abundant everywhere - we literally bathe in it. Hoarding it is like swimming in a lake and keeping water in your cheeks to spare. Do not try to accumulate energy, but let it just flow freely through you in the form of two counter currents. You can sometimes short-circuit these streams into two opposing fountains. That is all that is required.
Do not strive to become a blob of energy, but imagine yourself as a drop in the ocean.

recognize and feel that you are one with the universe, you are part of it, and then all the energy is at your disposal. Do not concentrate the energy in yourself, but merge with the energy of the Universe. Expand your energy sphere and dissolve it in the surrounding space, not forgetting that you are a separate particle. Then, just by moving the little finger of external intention, you will do in a certain period of time what by the power of internal intention you can never do. I'm talking about accomplishing your goal, not the inner intention of slapping someone in the face. The immediate needs can be met really only by the power of inner intention.
Free energy will be present in sufficient quantity if energy channels are not narrowed. Narrowing of energy channels occurs for two reasons: clogging of the body and constant exposure to stress. In a clogged body, energy cannot circulate freely. In stressful states, the channels are clamped even more tightly. Short bursts of energy rise are usually followed by long periods of decline. During such periods a person cannot live a full active life, but leads a measured existence.
Over time, the energy channels increasingly atrophy. This is due to the fact that a person
with age stops developing, enters a measured rhythm of life, and work with channels practically stops. Training of channels occurs when one has to use intention at the maximum level. Achieving vital goals, a person stimulates the intention and, consequently, the channels. Once the major peaks are taken, the bar of intention begins to gradually lower. There comes a time when in the evening (and not only) one wants only one thing - to sprawl in a chair in front of the TV. Energy channels are narrow, there is no energy of intention, life is not a joy, but a burden.
Fortunately, everything can be easily corrected. It doesn't require forcing your intention to take on new heights. Energy channels are well trained by energy gymnastics. But it will be even better if you carry the feeling of the central flows and the subtle body with you at all times, if possible. This state carries a number of benefits. You are in harmony and balance with the surrounding world, you are sensitive to changes in the environment and successfully move with the flow. You are connected to the information field - an unlimited source for creativity. You get access to the energy of the Cosmos. You broadcast harmonious radiation, which creates an oasis of well-being and success around you. But most importantly, you act on the edge of the unity of soul and mind, that is, closer to the external intention. In this way your ability to control the external intention develops, which means that your desires begin to be fulfilled faster and easier.
It will be enough to turn on fountains of energy flows from time to time during the day and try to strengthen them mentally, but without diligence, without straining. If at the same time you feel some heaviness in your head, it means that the upward flow is stronger than the downward one. In this case you should focus your attention on the descending stream and slightly strengthen it. The flows should be in balance, so that the central point is somewhere in the middle of the body. From this point mentally direct the radiation to the whole energy sphere, at that the feeling of the subtle body is clearly intensified. Thus, you should receive a complex feeling of ascending and descending streams, connected with the feeling of your energy body.
If you concentrate on the downward flow, the energy center will move downwards. Conversely, if you focus on the upward flow, the energy will accumulate in the upper part of the body. In addition, the physical center of gravity will move in the same way as the energetic center. This property can be utilized in sports. If you need stability on your feet, such as in alpine skiing, you should strengthen the downward flow. And if you need to jump, then strengthen the upward flow. Masters of Eastern martial arts are well aware of these properties of energy flows. There are such specialists, who are almost impossible to move from the place, if they concentrated on the downward flow. And vice versa, if the master concentrated on the upward flow, he can perform unimaginable jumps.
When performing physical exercises, pay attention to the central flows. You should not do it too diligently - you will not achieve anything by diligence. Just throw sometimes an inner look at the area in front of the spine and imagine how the upward flow moves up, and the downward flow down. If you regularly mentally move the central

currents, you will gradually develop a fluent skill in feeling them. It may seem that some movements are not in any way consistent with the visualization of the flows. Do not hurry, in time you will learn to easily correlate any movements with the feeling of flows.
If you do strength exercises, you can noticeably increase your energy by focusing on the central flows. When an exertion movement is done, the attention is on the muscles. When a return movement is made, in which the muscles are relaxed, the attention shifts to the central flows. The moment of relaxation should be held for one or two seconds and feel the movement of flows.
Let's take pulling up on the bar as an example. At the beginning of the lift, the breath is held, the lift is performed, the exhalation is made, the attention is focused on the effort. Then, at the return down, a breath is taken, the muscles relax, and the attention shifts to the central flows. Imagine how during relaxation energy flows move simultaneously in both directions. It is necessary to fully unfold the elbows and hang on relaxed arms for one or two seconds. Then you will clearly feel the energy flows - they seem to be released and begin to move leisurely. At the moment of relaxation do not need to speed them up, let them go and give them the opportunity to move freely.
When performing a push-up from the floor, the central streams can, on the contrary, be pushed with force. Extend your elbows and at the same time mentally push the flows with force on the exhalation. Inhalation and exhalation in exercises should be done in such an order as you feel more comfortable, so that it does not cause discomfort. But in general, in most strength exercises in the phase of effort, the breath is held or exhaled, and in the phase of relaxation - inhalation.
By paying attention to the flows, you are already stimulating their intensification. The alternation of tension and relaxation stimulates them even more, if you direct your attention correctly. In the tension stage, they stop and contract like springs. During relaxation, the springs straighten out and the potoe-coe force increases. After tension, the accumulated and compressed energy is released and literally pushed through the central channels with force.
Increased energy will not only increase your vitality, but will also make you a more powerful figure. Your radiation will become more weighty. This will come in handy when you need to influence or convince someone of something. Power methods of energy influence on people are also known, but they go against the principle of transurfing, which says that you do not have the right to change anything, but can only choose. You don't have to fight with the world around you and put pressure on it. This is a very ineffective way of achieving your goals. As you know, the world, as a rule, responds to forceful pressure in the same way.
The higher your energy, the better people treat you, because they subconsciously feel the energy and even consume it to some extent. But ordinary people are not energized purposefully, like pendulums. They seem to bathe in other people's energy, if the energy in excess overflows over the edge of your “fountains.”
By giving excess energy to people, you gain their favor. People are so used to giving energy to pendulums that they are always happy with the source that gives energy itself. Such sources include so-called magnetic or charismatic personalities. They are said about them: they have some inexplicable charm, magnetism. This is not surprising. What is more sympathetic to you: a puddle of stagnant water or a clear spring? Do not worry if your energy is consumed by those around you. That small excess of energy that you give to those around you will only work in your favor.
Let's say you have a very significant meeting to attend. Let go of the importance and turn on your center streams. Let them flow in fountains. You will need far fewer clever words and persuasive arguments. Just turn on your fountains. By attracting and letting free energy flow through you, you are gifting those around you. On a subconscious level they will feel it and, without giving themselves a report, will penetrate to you sympathy. The secret of your charm will be a mystery only for them.
Energy of intention
As already mentioned, energy enters the human body in the form of central streams, is formed by thoughts and at the output acquires parameters corresponding to these thoughts. The modulated energy is superimposed on the corresponding sector in the space of variants, which

leads to material realization of the variant. Modulation takes place only if soul and mind are united. Otherwise, mental energy is like interference in a radio receiver.
By the power of inner intention you can perform elementary actions in the material world. However, material realization of potentiality in the space of variants occurs only by the power of external intention. It arises when soul and mind are united in their aspirations. Its strength is proportional to the level of energy. External intention is absolute determination combined with high energy potential.
Energy is increased by training of the central flows and purification of the organism. But in transurfing there is one more wonderful method that will help to expand the channels - visualization of the process.
To increase the energy of intention requires the intention itself. You can give yourself such an installation: my channels expand, and the energy of intention increases. While doing gymnastics, do visualization of this process. As you remember, the essence of visualization of the process is to state the fact: today is better than yesterday, and tomorrow will be better than today. Starting energetic fountains, repeat in your thoughts the statement that your energy of intention increases every day. In this way the intention itself will support itself and increase its energy by
. increasing.
Do not forget that the intention to increase the biofield must be cleansed from the potentials
of desire and importance. Trying and diligence in an endeavor to increase energy flows will have the opposite effect of blockage. Any effort and diligence creates excessive potential because you place excessive importance on achieving the goal. Intentionality is not diligence, but focus. Only focus on the process matters. If you are exercising with all your strength but your mind is daydreaming about extraneous things, you are wasting energy and time. Loosen the grip of diligence and just focus on the action.
The Intention Step
Imagine a newborn ordinary person who has been placed in a society where people age very slowly and live to, say, three hundred years. How long do you think he will live? That's right, what I'm saying is that a person is accustomed from birth to the standard scenario: as they age, their health deteriorates, their body becomes decrepit, and eventually they die. Undoubtedly, there are ordinary physiological reasons for this.
However, if we consider the aging process from the perspective of the theory of transurfing, it is nothing but an induced transition. One can even say, the longest induced transition. It takes place unhurriedly, but very surely. The aging scenario is so familiar and obvious that no one ever thinks of doubting it. Attempts to change the scenario were reduced only to the invention of all kinds of elixirs. But even the achievements of modern pharmacology and genetics do not bring tangible results.
Hence we can conclude that physiological factors account for only a fraction of the aging process. It is difficult to estimate how much of it is induced transition. But this is not so important. The main thing is to realize how it happens.
From the very early childhood you are absolutely sure that the aging process is inevitable. Throughout your life there is a lot of evidence of this from both other people's and your own experience. Every
anniversary is accompanied by theatrical wishes for good health and long life. But everyone perfectly understands that these wishes are worthless and do not have the slightest influence on the scenario. On the contrary, the wishes, translated into the language of facts, mean that your health is far from being the same, and the years are slipping away. These are slight swings or even, rather, flirtations of the destructive pendulum.
Sooner or later you note to yourself that ten years ago you had much more strength and energy. You want to share these thoughts with someone. Interlocutors are immediately found and willingly develop this idea. And the topic of illness in small talk is as popular as the weather. Taking part in such conversations, you emit energy at the frequency of the destructive pendulum, that is, you accept its game.
The pendulum can throw you its jolt in the form of an ailment or illness. It bothers you very much and forces you to note to yourself: “I seem to be sick.” This is your response to the frequency of the pendulum's swing, it gets energized and pushes you again - hurting more and more. You go to the doctor, he

confirms the illness, the process develops further and further. The pendulum receives energy and swings more and more. When the crisis comes, the pendulum has already received everything, it leaves you alone and recovery comes, if the induced transition has not thrown its “victim” on the life line, where you are an invalid.
A reasonable question is: what do we get, not to go to doctors, not to take medicines, and to abandon our illnesses in general? No, refusing to treat a disease that has already developed is not about quitting, it's about irresponsible negligence. It's about not letting yourself get sucked into the game.
You might ask an employee at work, “Why weren't you there?” To which he will invariably reply, “I was sick.” Note, not treated, but sick. When asked, “What's wrong with you?” the answer will be, “I'm sick.” Of course, the answer to these questions is in the form: “I have been treated (I am being treated)” will be unnatural. This is because people are so accustomed to playing the game called Disease that healing itself is considered not a goal, but an attribute, a side effect of the game.
The game with the destructive pendulum begins with willingly accepting the symptoms of the disease or, in other words, grasping the end of the spiral of induced transition. You can fail the first push of the pendulum if you don't take the symptoms seriously, quietly reject and forget about them. If it does not work, you can extinguish the pendulum by taking elementary preventive
preventative measures. If you do get sick, do not play the game Disease, but play Treatment.
To play in the Disease is to suffer passively, to take part in conversations about different diseases, to oakhat, complain, capriciously demand sympathy and care from others, to consider poor health as its indispensable attribute, to carry your ill-health as with a “written
torba”, to willingly search for and find the best way to cure it. haggle”, willingly search for and consume information related to illness.
Play in Treatment - is to actively act, interested in methods of recovery,
try to lead a healthy lifestyle, treat the disease with humor, focus on improving health, strive for health, communicate with like-minded people.
You see, these are two completely different games. In Disease you participate in the role of a passive victim, radiating at the frequency of the destructive pendulum, you are sucked into the vortex of the induced transition. And in Treatment you act as a creator, an active creator and master, you control your own destiny, and therefore you move to healthy lines of life.
Now, if you try to play the Treatment, ask yourself if you are sincere enough to play this game. The fact is that it is possible to deceive yourself, as is often the case. For example, recognize with all your mind that you should lead a healthy lifestyle, give up bad habits, exercise, eat healthy food, and so on. But in fact, the old habits are buried deep, you try to fulfill the rules of a healthy lifestyle only because “it is necessary”, and actually just lazy.
. This is not a pure game, it is called “I am sick and I am being treated”. On the energetic plane it is no different from the game of Disease. In this case you try to play the treatment not by conviction, but by compulsion. The intention is not pure and sincere, so the result will be accordingly.
A perfect illustration of the impure game are the attempts of the fair sex to lose weight. They torture themselves with diets, doing violence to themselves (“I am sick, and they treat me”). They hate their weight and their figure, and you know this is a great way to radiate energy at the
life line frequency, where the figure and the weight is just that. They don't like these diets, they want to eat what they are used to. If you too are playing this game right now, leave this pointless violence against yourself. It will only produce marginal temporary results at best. When you do violence to yourself, the subconscious mind fears, resists and will eventually take over - then expect to quit the diet and get even fatter. There is only one conclusion: if you want to have health and beauty, change your lifestyle. This means dropping old habits and acquiring new ones, but not out of necessity, but out of conviction. There must be an intention, and it must be pure. You will not be able to radiate energy at the frequency of your healthy lifelines, and therefore not be able to shift to them, if you are still behaving the same way. It's not as difficult as it may seem. Changing habits is just a matter of intention and time. Oh, and it doesn't take much time. The choice is yours.
Pendulums of disease
Everyone has been sick at least once in his life. Illness creates a lot of trouble and

anxiety for a person, generates negative thoughts and emotions that are radiated into space. This energy is a fertile ground for the development of pendulums connected with illnesses. They always assimilate negative energy very well.
Pendulums generated by diseases are among the most powerful. These are first of all diseases and epidemics themselves. In opposition to them are all kinds of medicine pendulums. Imagine what powerful structures they are! Clinics, sanatoriums, institutes, factories, pharmacies, science, education...
. The declared goal of medicine pendulums is to fight against diseases. In fact, this struggle generates a lot of negative phenomena peculiar to destructive pendulums, because their main goal is to retain and attract adherents.
. For example, official medicine is hostile to all unconventional (that is, not belonging to it) methods of treatment. Criticism of outdated or incorrect ideas, if it comes from the adherents of witchcraft, will be declared anti-scientific. Any new methods of treatment belonging to it will be met with extreme hostility. Adherents of unconventional methods, in their turn, do not mind throwing a stone into the orthodox's garden on occasion.
A person who is under the influence of the pendulums of disease or medicine, can not return
the feeling of their youth, a time when health issues were hardly a concern. You didn't pay attention to it and simply didn't pay attention to your health because it didn't bother you. Accordingly, the energy radiation did not include the frequencies of disease pendulums.
As you age, you gradually fall under the influence of pendulums to a greater or lesser degree. Radiating energy at their frequencies, you give energy to them, become dependent on them and move to painful life lines. Therefore, in order to regain your former health, it is necessary first of all to free yourself from ties with them. This means not to let in information from pendulums and not to take part in their games, i.e. to apply the method of failure. If you are seriously worried about illnesses, you should play the game Treatment and take care of your body, then it will be the method of extinguishing. Let's consider some examples of the behavior of disease pendulums.
Every day drug advertisements show you happy people who have taken a certain medicine and therefore have gained health. What's health, they achieve complete success in all their endeavors. It's a tempting lure. It works without fail because, as you and I have already discussed, most people live in a semi-conscious state. A program is laid in your MOSR: “Go to the pharmacy, take the medicine and get a reward - complete order in all affairs”. But it's not that scary yet. In this advertising lies another, deeper, hidden program.
Think about it: advertisements usually show quite normal, attractive and even successful people. (Are you worse?) All of these people are sick in some way, although they recover quickly from the medications they take. (And you are the same!) All of us are indoctrinated in our consciousness and subconsciousness with the fact that we are prone to disease, are already sick or will soon be sick. And many accept these conditions of the game. This is not the declared, but the true face of the destructive pendulum. Its task is not to cure a person of diseases, but to make him a follower, that is, to make him believe that he is sick and must take medicine.
Another curious method of attracting adherents - forecasts of unfavorable weather conditions. Information about magnetic storms, atmospheric pressure fluctuations and other unfavorable factors is taken as a basis. (Note that all these phenomena occur to a greater or lesser degree almost every day.) Based on this data, a forecast is made: who, with what diseases today or tomorrow will be tight. It is amusing to listen once or twice, as the pendulum chokes, listing all kinds of diseases and the inevitable consequences for their owners. But then it gets creepy. Can you imagine what kind of destructive program is laid in the minds of already unhealthy people? To listen to such things, one might think that it is better not to leave the house at all or to lie down in a box at once. Of course, unfavorable factors affect the well-being, but why should you initially set yourself up for it? And many people, especially the elderly, listen to these outpourings of the pendulum and make a program of ailments and exacerbations in advance, as a sentence. Such forecasts are a sample of impudent and cynical desire of the pendulum to subjugate people to its influence.

And the most classical plot - conversations about health with acquaintances and relatives. As a rule, the conversations are not about health promotion, but about diseases and their treatment. One person enthusiastically describes how he deals with his ailments, and the other readily grunts in response - yes, old age is no joy. Participants of such communication actively radiate energy at the frequency of disease pendulums. This energy is as contagious as pathogenic microbes. Avoid such communication, otherwise you will not notice how you will go to the frequency of disease radiation.
Identifying the disease pendulum is very simple - it lures you with information about diseases and their treatment. If you decide to ignore this information, i.e. to let it pass by your ears, not to take it seriously, the pendulum will be discouraged and will leave you alone - this is its failure. If you meet this information with healthy laughter and mockery, the pendulum will rush away from you in horror - this is its extinguishing.
Having parted with the pendulums of diseases, you will get complete freedom, but it cannot last long. It is the way a human being is organized that he needs to be a follower of some pendulums. Therefore, sooner or later you. risk falling under their influence again. To prevent this from happening, you need to get out of the suspended state, joining the pendulums of recovery. They are in charge of everything related to the strengthening of body and mind. Embrace a healthy lifestyle, and you'll realize what a joy it is and you'll realize how joyful and exciting it is compared to the dreary and burdensome struggle with disease. It is quite obvious that if a person is busy taking care of his good health, he radiates energy at the frequency of healthy lines and therefore he does not care about diseases. Thus, you see that there are two completely opposite ways of life: treating diseases and taking care of health. Obviously, in relation to diseases, the first one refers to the inner intention, and
and the second one is external. You choose your own way of life.
. Physiological energy is spent on the actual performance of an action. Intention is formed at the expense of free energy.
Free energy flows through the body in two opposite streams. In a stressful state, the energy of intention is blocked.
To get rid of stress, it is necessary to wake up and reset the importance.
If it is not possible to reset the importance, one should not waste energy on relaxation as well. By performing energy gymnastics, you strengthen the protective shell.
Do not accumulate energy, but allow it to flow freely through you.
High energy is wide energy channels.
Energy channels are well trained by energy gymnastics. Cleansing the body greatly expands the energy channels.
Internal intention - to be sick and heal.
External intention - to lead a healthy lifestyle.
In no case accept the games of destructive pendulums of diseases. Performing exercises, pay attention to the central flows.
Intention is not diligence, but concentration.