Chapter III
soul and mind
. Man possesses tremendous power, sometimes called psychic energy.
Everyone has magical abilities, but they are deeply blocked. It turns out that one does not have to go far to unlock inner reserves and potentialities. The amazing is very near, but a person does not pay attention to it.
The soul comes into this world, trustingly stretching out children's hands.
The wind of intention
A person is born as an individual, that is, a unique being. Then this individuality develops. Thoughts, knowledge, beliefs, habits, even character appeared already later, as a patina. And at the same time, all this was not formed from nothing. What was it originally? If just a blank sheet of paper, then try to become a blank sheet of paper for a minute. Close your eyes and stop your train of thought. If you contemplate black emptiness, then for a while you manage not to think about anything. Here you have a complete emptiness in your mind at some moment. Have you ceased to be yourself at that time? The work of the mind is suspended, but there remains a certain integral feeling that I — am me.
And how do you explain that you — are you? A person's realization of himself as an individual usually occurs in the context of his position in the social environment. But imagine for a moment that the social environment has disappeared and you are suspended in space. You have nothing: neither society, nor the Earth, nor the Sun, nor the past, nor the future, but only a black void around you. Everything has disappeared, only you are left. And what is left of you as a former personality? All knowledge and thoughts were related to the environment. Habits, manners, desires, fears, hobbies, character — also acted only in relation to it. But that environment is gone. What is left of you?
This question is very difficult to discuss within the concepts of the mind. We shall not consider in this book the eternal subject of the existence of the soul in man. It would take a lot of time and would lead nowhere. For the purposes of Transurfing this question is of no principle importance. You want to believe in the soul, and you want to believe in the subconscious. You may agree with the concept of immortality of the soul, or you may not. What is indisputable is that the human psyche includes both the conscious and the unconscious.
From the very beginning we have agreed that all conscious will refer to the mind, and unconscious — to the soul. For the sake of simplicity and practicality we need to clarify for ourselves only a small and narrow part of the question of the soul. It will be sufficient to draw only a rough line between the soul and the mind: feelings — the former, and thoughts — the latter. When you are in a state of elation. a state of elation, elation, inspiration — these are the feelings of the soul. A heavy, oppressive state — this is also its state.
The mind is entirely at the mercy of pendulums and its perceptions and beliefs imposed by the same pendulums. The degree of human freedom is limited by narrow limits of what is allowed. A person mistakenly defines his place in this world either as a servant or a master. From the point of view of Transurfing none of these positions is true. Man is nothing. He is but a drop that for a moment has floated up out of the ocean.
The illustration of birth and death can be the splash of sea waves. A drop, separated from the ocean, cannot feel unity with the ocean and receive energy from it. The individual drop seems to exist on its own and has nothing to do with the ocean. But when the drop falls into the ocean, it realizes its oneness with the ocean. The drop and the ocean merge into one. They are one and the same in essence — that is water.
A single particle of water can take different forms: a drop, a snowflake, an ice flake, a cloud of vapor. The shapes are different, but the essence is the same. The particle doesn't remember or realize that it and the
the ocean — are one and the same. It seems to the particle that the ocean — is waves, foam, spray, icebergs, current, doldrums.... In the same way, it seems to the particle that it itself is a drop, or a snowflake, or a cloud of vapor. It is difficult for the particle to see behind all these appearances one common essence — water. Something familiar, but indistinct, elusive.
The biblical texts on this subject reveal to us a truth distorted by the concepts of reason. The statement that God created man in his own image and likeness is true. Only it is usually understood in a perverted way. God can take any form, but His essence is not that He has a head, two arms and two legs. If we compare God with the ocean and man with a drop, then they have one common essence — water.
According to the testimonies of people who have been on the border of life and death, the soul experiences inexplicable calmness and bliss from the feeling of its unity with the Cosmos. The drop has returned to the ocean, and it has regained the consciousness of its true essence: it consists of the same substance as the ocean. All the energy of the ocean passes through the drop.
People throughout the history of their civilization have sought to evoke this sense of unity with the Cosmos during their lifetime. All schools of spiritual perfection have the same goal. ultimately the same goal: to reach enlightenment or, in other words, to feel one's unity with this world, to dissolve into the ocean of energy and at the same time not to lose oneself as an individual entity.
What does a person who has achieved enlightenment receive? He receives at his disposal all the energy of the ocean of the Universe. He sees no fundamental difference between himself and this infinity. His mental energy comes into resonance with the energy of the ocean. This is when the intention of the enlightened one becomes identical with the external intention — that mighty and incomprehensible force that rules the world.
When the shape of a paper kite fulfills the necessary parameters, it is lifted up by the air currents. In the same way, the human being is picked up by the wind of external intention and carried into the sector of space corresponding to the parameters of his mental radiation. For purposeful movement in the space of options he needs to feel this wind of external intention as clearly as he feels the movement of air or water.
As long as man does not realize the essence and nature of his identity with the ocean, the external intention is beyond his control. We will not aim at enlightenment. It is too difficult a task. But it is not necessary for the realization of your goals. There is no need to go to Tibet and meditate there. Transurfing provides one loophole that allows you to subjugate your external intention to a small, but sufficient degree for the fulfillment of your desire.
The principle of this loophole is quite simple. The mind has a will, but is unable to control external intention. The soul is able to experience its identity with the external intention, but has no will. It flies around in the space of options like an uncontrollable paper kite. In order to subdue the external intention to the will, it is enough to achieve the unity of soul and mind.
This is a rather difficult, but nevertheless realizable task. As has been shown earlier, the work of external intention is quite tangibly manifested in the realization of our worst
expectations. In this case, the external intention acts against the will of the mind. It remains to be seen how the best expectations can be realized. In the chapter «Intention» we have already defined the first necessary conditions for mastering external intention: awareness, decreasing the importance and abandoning the desire to achieve the goal. Soon you will learn new secrets of Transurfing, opening the door to this mysterious world of external intention.
The Sail of the Soul
People perceive themselves and external manifestations of the world only as material objects. All material objects have one common energy-informational essence that is beyond ordinary perception. This is what is in the space of variants and determines the behavior of material realization. The language of abstract notations, which we are accustomed to use, describes only external manifestations of the energy-informational essence. This primordial essence itself cannot be unambiguously described in the language of mind designations, hence the multitude of philosophical and religious movements.
Our perception was formed the way it is, because from childhood we were taught to concentrate attention on separate elements. «Look, what a baby! These are your arms, and these are your legs! And this is your porridge! There's the bird that flew!"» Perceptual tuning occurs throughout life. The mind constantly adjusts any external data in accordance with the established pattern of description of the world.
For example, if we have never seen the energetic shell of a person, the mind will not allow it to open to our eyes, — it does not agree with the habitual pattern. As children, no one drew our attention to the aura, so it didn't fit into the pattern of describing the world. Now we can theoretically know that there is an aura, but practically we will not see anything.
The mechanism of perception of the world around us is still a white spot. We can only discuss certain aspects of it. Ants, for example, have never seen a star. Nor have they seen the sun, or the mountains, or even the forest. Their eyesight is simply arranged in such a way that from birth they have dealt only with close objects. Their perception of the world is fundamentally different from ours.
What does the world really look like? This is an attempt to ask a supposedly objective question and get an objective answer. However, this question itself is not objective. The world looks exactly as we see it, because the concept «looks» — is also an element of the template of our perception. In the template of a blind mole, for example, there is no concept of «looks». The world shows itself to us according to our template of perception, and yet it looks nothing. It makes no sense to say that the world looks like normal, or like a cluster of luminous energy, or whatever. It only makes sense to talk about its individual manifestations that we manage to perceive.
Human consciousness is a social product. It is based on concepts and definitions of everything that surrounds us. A person has a soul (subconsciousness) from birth. Consciousness comes when everything around us is defined by concepts and definitions in human language. But the world does not exist because people have described it with the help of their concepts. The human soul always remains illiterate in this respect. It does not understand human language. It understands only what we are accustomed to think of as sensations. First a thought arises, and then it is formalized into words. You can think without words. This is the language understood by the subconscious mind. Thoughts, not words, are primary. It is useless to speak with the subconscious mind in the language of reason.
Not everything can be expressed with the help of the existing set of concepts. As you have noticed, I have never managed to explain clearly what an external intention is. Fortunately, people still have one way of universal expression — works of art. This is something that can be understood without words. The language of the soul is understood by all — it is the language of things made with love and hunting. When a person goes to the cherished goal through the right door, or rather, is engaged in truly his work, he creates masterpieces. This is how what is called art is born.
One can graduate from a conservatory and compose colorless music that is not even memorable. You can paint empty pictures and do it technically flawlessly. However, no one will ever think of them as masterpieces. If one can say of an object, “There's something in this. there's something in it, then it can be considered a work of art. What exactly there is in it will be explained later by connoisseurs and critics. But this «something» is clear to everyone at once and without words.
Take, for example, the painting «The Smile of Gioconda». There is a language that everyone understands. Words are not needed here. Words are powerless to express what is clear to everyone. And what exactly is clear, it doesn't even matter. Everyone understands and feels in his own way. Of course, you can say that her smile is mysterious, or that there is something elusive in it, and so on. Still words cannot explain «the very thing» that makes the picture a masterpiece.
«The smile of Gioconda» has aroused such lively interest not only because of its enigma. Has it ever occurred to you that the smile of Gioconda and the smile of Buddha are very similar? It is believed that Buddha achieved enlightenment in his lifetime. In other words, he managed to feel his unity with the ocean like a drop. Buddha's smile in all the images is completely impassive and at the same time expresses calmness and bliss. It can be characterized as «contemplation of eternity». When one sees the Buddha's smile for the first time, there is a strange mixture of bewilderment and curiosity. That's because it reminds the blob of something distant and forgotten.
something distant and forgotten — a sense of oneness with the ocean.
Any reminder of former unity tugs at the sensitive strings of the soul. After the language of the soul gradually atrophied. Humans became too fond of the language of the mind, so it eventually came first. Even the way this happened is framed within the concepts of reason in a distorted way, in the form of the legend of the Tower of Babel, according to which the gods were angry with humans for having decided to build a structure up to the sky§s, so they mixed their languages, and everyone stopped understanding each other.
In fact, most myths and legends are true, but true in the interpretation of the concepts of the mind. Perhaps the tall tower serves as a metaphor to express the power that humans gained when they gained the ability to consciously articulate their will in the language of the mind. As already stated, the soul can sense the wind of external intention, but it is unable to set a sail to utilize that wind. The sail is set by the will of the mind. The will is an attribute of awareness.
The flight of the unconscious soul on the wind of external intention is spontaneous, unguided. It is the awareness of the mind that makes it possible to express the will purposefully.
At the initial stage, when the languages of soul and mind were not so separated, the unity of soul and mind was easily achieved. Subsequently, the mind became preoccupied with constructing a worldview within the framework of its labels, which led it farther and farther away from understanding the original essence underlying external intention.
As a result of colossal intellectual efforts, the mind made impressive progress in the technotronic world of material realization, but lost everything that pertains to the unrealized space of options. The mind has gone too far away from understanding everything related to external intention. That is why many of the provisions of the Transurfing seem so unbelievable. But still the mind is able to regain what it has lost. For this purpose it is necessary to establish the relationship between the soul and the mind.
The difficulty lies in the fact that the soul, unlike the mind, does not think — it knows. While the mind thinks over the received information and passes it through the analytical filter of the template of its worldview, the soul receives knowledge from the field of information directly, without analysis. In the same way, it can directly address the external intention. In order to make this address purposeful, it is necessary to harmonize the will of the mind and the aspirations of the soul, to bring them to unity. If this unity is achieved, the sail of your soul will be filled with the wind of the external intention and will take you directly to the goal.
The magician within you
Your soul has everything to fulfill your desire. Do you remember the fairy tale about the Wizard of Emerald City? There the clever Scarecrow dreamed of getting brains, the kind Tin Man wanted to have a good'heart, the brave Lion aspired to gain courage, and the girl Ellie wanted to return home. All the heroes already had everything they wanted to get. But if the wizard Goodwin told them this, such a revelation would be too incredible to resemble the truth. So he performed a magical ritual.
In fact, all that was required for the Scarecrow, the Lion and the Tin Man, — was merely to allow
to have the desired qualities that already existed in their souls. With the girl Ellie, the matter was a little more complicated — she required an immaculate determination to have in order to be at home. A magical ritual helped her find absolute faith, and the wind of intention carried her home.
As stated before, everything that has to do with outward intention does not fit within the concepts of the mind. The mind has driven itself into this position, and the pendulums have helped it a lot. Control over external intention gives a person freedom, and this is contrary to the interests of pendulums.
It is profitable for them that a person should be a gray personality, a cog working for these monsters. Self-realization of a person is destructive for them, because a free personality does not work for the pendulum, but for its development and prosperity. That is why from the very childhood a person is indoctrinated with generally accepted norms and rules that make him a convenient and obedient follower.
On the one hand, there is a positive need to teach man to exist normally in this world. A violator of the generally accepted norms becomes either a failure or an outcast
outcast. But on the other hand, such indoctrination strongly drowns out the individual unrepeatability of a person, and as a result people cannot say definitively what they really want and do not know what they are capable of.
To deprive a person of the ability to control external intention all that is needed is to separate the mind from the soul, and this has been done. A great deal of work has been done in the history of mankind to separate the soul and the mind. The mind has continually refined its language of labeling, becoming more and more distant from the language of the soul. The pendulums of religion as well as the pendulums of science have pulled the mind in different directions, but as far away as possible from the true essence of the soul. The development of industrial and information technology in the last few centuries has finally severed the link between soul and mind.
The influence of pendulums is especially great now, when everyone reads books, listens to radio, watches TV and gets information from the Internet. Mankind has accumulated an enormous amount of knowledge and the same amount of misconceptions. The misconceptions hold as firmly as the knowledge. The major loss of man is the severing of the connection between the soul and the mind. Only a select few achieve true success in business, science, art, sports and other spheres. Everyone is used to this state of affairs, and no one thinks it's abnormal.
There is no sense for you and me to save humanity. I only want to suggest that you, dear Wanderer (I do not specify the gender), ask yourself the question: «Why him (her) and not me? What do I need to enter the number of these chosen units? I am not the wizard Goodwin, so I will not arrange magic rituals for you, but just give you the answer. You have everything you need. All you have to do is take advantage of it. You're capable of anything, but no one's ever told you that. to tell you that.
You are able to create magnificent masterpieces of art, make ingenious discoveries, achieve outstanding results in sports, business, any professional activity. All you need to do is to turn to your soul. It has access to any knowledge, works and achievements. It is just that you have not asked her for it yet. All great geniuses of art, science, business have created their masterpieces only because they turned to their soul. And what is worse than your soul? Nothing!
All masterpieces speak to us in the language of the soul. Whatever you do, your work will only make an impression if it comes from the soul. The mind can build a new version of a house out of old cubes, but that's no surprise to anyone. The mind can make a perfect copy, but only the soul can create the original.
All you need, — is to take as an axiom the fact that your soul can do everything, and then let yourself use it. Yes, it's that simple and yet incomprehensible. You do allow yourself the luxury of having. The determination to have is up to you. You are capable of anything.
That statement may be questionable. But you do not doubt when you are told that you lack abilities, opportunities, some qualities, that you are not worthy, that others are much better. You easily take on faith the statements that erect a high wall on the way to your goal. So do yourself a favor (not me!), let yourself know
that you are worthy of the best and capable of achieving anything you set your heart to.
It is the fact that you are worthy of the best and capable of anything that is hidden from you very carefully; you are led to believe that it is naive to believe in your unlimited possibilities. But the opposite is the case. Wake up and shake off the obsession. The game will go according to your rules, if you consciously use your rights.
No one can forbid you to do so, but the habitual worldview and pendulums will convince you in every possible way that it is impossible. There will be all kinds of reasonable arguments in favor of the limitedness of your possibilities. Refuse from these arguments and adopt «unreasonable and groundless» argument: together your soul and mind can do anything. After all, you have nothing to lose. Have you accomplished much within the bounds of reasonable arguments?
You have only one life. Isn't it time to shake out the pile of established beliefs, which may turn out to be false and you will never know about it? You just won't know it in time. Life will pass, all the possibilities will be exhausted, and the benefits of this wonderful life will go to others.
One of these beliefs goes something like this: «The hardest thing to do is to defeat yourself» or «The hardest thing to do is to fight yourself». Or such a carnivorous saying: «One must be able to step on the throat of one's own song». This is one of the greatest misconceptions of mankind. How can you, and why should you fight with this wonderful, amazing and beautiful creature that lives inside of you! The bad does not live inside you, but on the surface. It's like dust on a painting. If you wipe off the dust, it reveals a pure soul.
The being that lurks beneath the many masks and costumes you wear has truly marvelous virtues. The challenge is to allow yourself to be yourself. Have the masks you wear helped you achieve success, prosperity, happiness? There is no need for you to change yourself; it will only be another mask. If you shed the masks imposed by destructive pendulums, the treasure hidden in your soul will be revealed. You are really worthy of all the best, because you are really a wonderful, amazing, unique co-creature Just let yourself be such.
Do you like the works of geniuses of art, science, movies? You can be one of them. You like the works of geniuses precisely because they are born of his soul. Your creation will be liked by others in the same way •only if it comes from your unique soul. Everything that is ordinary, mediocre, is created by the mind. The creations of the mind, like the mind itself, are not unique. Only your soul is unique. You are in possession of a true treasure. Any brilliant creation of yours can only be birthed by your soul. Let the mind allow it to do so.
The Mirage
Throughout life a person is tried to instill in him that success, wealth, fame — is the lot of the chosen ones. In educational institutions, at competitions, contests and various attestations a person is constantly given to realize that he is far from perfection, that others are better and more worthy than him. Who did not believe it, gets success, wealth and fame in abundance. That's how simple it is. It is not simple only one thing — to believe that any one of us deserves it and is capable of achieving it. But you really can believe if you have that intention.
Many people want to become a star, to achieve outstanding success. The standard of success in general is very actively and widely promoted. Pendulums like to demonstrate to ordinary followers the achievements of their favorites. Pendulums try to present the favorites as a standard of success, to which one should strive to get all the benefits. A star gets all that one can have in this life. Stars are bathed in the rays of wealth and fame. Who doesn't want that? Even if you do not want a loud fame and you do not need luxury, from material wealth and satisfaction with their achievements would certainly not refuse.
Stars are born independently. But they are lit by pendulums. What I'm saying is that the cult of star worship is established and thrives because of the pendulums. They do it on purpose. In the movies, on stage, in the stadium, on TV screens, we are constantly presented with the best representatives, the chosen ones. It is especially emphasized how enthusiastically the stars are received by their fans, how great they are, what brilliant achievements they have. We are constantly indoctrinated with one immutable fact: everyone likes stars, and this is something to aspire to.
What purpose do the pendulums have in putting their favorites on a pedestal? Could it be that they care about the personal achievements and well-being of their adherents? Not at all. They demonstrate the achievements of favorites, so that the ordinary followers have an incentive to serve the pendulum more diligently. After all, how does an ordinary person become a star? Through hard work. Stars become the best of the best. Everyone can become a star, but you have to work hard. Take an example from them, do as they do, and you'll succeed too. Stars have unique abilities and qualities. Not everyone has that, so you have to work even harder to succeed.
That's the kind of slogans the pendulums proclaim. They do not deny that everyone can succeed, but they carefully hide the fact that unique abilities and qualities are possessed by all people without exception. For pendulists it will be death if every person discovers unique abilities. In this case, all adherents will become free individuals, go out of control, and the pendulum will simply collapse. On the contrary, it feels best when the adherents are thinking and acting in the same direction. As you will recall from chapter two, uniformity in the thoughts of the adherents is the condition for the birth and existence of the pendulum. The bright individuality of the star is the exception, which rather confirms the rule, because it is the exception. And the rule says: «Do as I do!»
That is why many young people fall into the trap of pendulums and strive to be like their idols, imitate them, hang their posters in their room. The mind blindly follows the pendulums. The foolish mind makes the soul realize that it is imperfect. It is as if it were saying to it: «Even I, with my abilities, cannot succeed. And how could you! These people — a different matter. You see what they're like! You should take an example from them. So you just sit there. with your imperfection, and I'll try my best to be like them. By imitating their idols, young people are trying to catch a mirage. The urge to take an example and be like those who have succeeded, — is the work of the inner intention of a fly hitting the glass. They tune into someone else's sector where they themselves will be nothing more than a parody. The mind is capable of creating different variations of copies, but that's no surprise to anyone. A star became a star precisely because of its uniqueness, originality, dissimilarity to others. The soul of each person is unique in its own way. A unique soul has a unique sector in the space of options. its unique sector, where its exceptional properties manifest themselves in all their splendor.
Each soul has its individual «star» sector. It is clear that there can be an infinite number of such sectors. But we will conditionally consider that an individual soul has its unique sector — an individual goal or path. The mind, carried away by the lures of pendulums, will tread idly in someone's sector, trying to copy someone else's qualities or repeat the scenario of someone else's success. But imitating another's script always creates a parody. The soul will not be able to realize itself in someone else's sector. But how to find your sector? Your mind does not have to worry about this; the soul will find its own way of self-expression. The mind's task is only to forget the experience of others, to recognize the uniqueness of your
and let it go its own way.
Teenagers are particularly susceptible to pendulums, as they are only just coming into the world and don't know what to do or how to behave. It is easier, more reliable and safer to blend in with the crowd, not to stand out and live like everyone else. The herd instinct gives a sense of security, but it cuts off the rudiments of individuality. It can be noticed that young people in the bulk dress in the same way, use the same vocabulary («cool, cool, cool...»), behave in a completely uniform way. Despite the external gloss of independence and autonomy, they obediently obey the rule of pendulums: «Do as I do!» They themselves believe that they carry the modernism of the new generation. But which of them creates this
Leaders and also detractors in adolescents have always been the few who
who allowed the unique qualities of their souls to emerge. Developing their individuality, such personalities later became trendsetters, set the tone, created new trends, opened new perspectives and opportunities. They did not copy someone else's experience, did not obey the rule, but allowed themselves to realize the unique qualities of their soul. Pendulums do not tolerate individuality, but they have nothing to do but to recognize a rising star as their favorite. Pendulums put the next favorites on a pedestal and expose them as new objects to be imitated by ordinary followers.
There is nothing wrong with a boy wanting to be as strong as his hero. Or a girl wants to be as beautiful as her heroine. You don't have to only copy what you like in others. For example, to give yourself an attitude to have exactly the same musculature, exactly the same manner of moving, speaking, singing, playing exactly as the other does. This other you liked just because he realized exactly his unique
advantages in his sector.
Of course, there must be some primary example. An example as a demonstration exemplar — yes, but not a benchmark and not a subject for imitation. Your benchmark — is your soul. Just let it reveal all its virtues exactly in your sector. It is better to hang a picture of yourself on the wall and love it. Loving yourself is very useful and profitable. Self-love turns into complacency and is punished by equilibrium forces only if it is accompanied by disregard for others.
You are truly a unique individual, in this no one can compete with you. Only allow yourself to be yourself. In your uniqueness you have no competitors. Remember your right to uniqueness and get a huge advantage over those who try to copy someone else's experience. If you strive to become like him (her), you will not succeed. Be yourself. Allow yourself that luxury. If you put on the mask of an existing star, it will be either a copy or a parody. You don't become a star by imitating others.
When you stop futilely trying to be like someone else, it will work out.
When you stop futilely trying to replicate someone else's script, you will again succeed. When you yourself recognize the magnificence of your individuality, others will have no choice but to agree. Allow yourself the audacity to have.
All great actors play themselves. It would seem strange — because the roles are different, but the personality, character, charm of the same person is guessed at once. The most difficult role — play yourself, allow yourself to be yourself, remove the mask. It is easy to play someone else's personality, because it is much easier to put on a mask. But it will just be an actor's game, a professional technique. But to take off the mask is much more difficult. And if you succeed, then it is not a game, but what is called life on stage.
But the difficulty here is only visible. In fact, to decide to have quite simple. To do this, you just need to shake off the imposed stereotypes of pendulums and finally just take and believe in the limitless possibilities of your soul. Pendulums can't stop you if you turn your back on other people's experiences and allow yourself to be a star. They can only give you oppressive thoughts like: «A star should be beautiful, but I am not beautiful. A star should sing, act, dance well, and I don't know how. A star should have talent, and I don't have it. I can't do it. I have to see how others do it.
Indeed, look at the stars of pop, science, sports, business and so on. Many of them, if not all of them, do not at all meet the generally accepted standards and ideas of what she should be. Every celebrity has a bunch of flaws that can overshadow any advantage. For example, this one has a long nose, and she is considered a beauty. This one has no voice at all, but her singing makes everyone marvel. That one has no acting data at all, she was chased away by all the directors, and she still got into the stars. This one is small and fat, why do women love him so much? That one is nothing at all. — and what do they find in him? And this unattractive type — is it really him, the one?
It would seem that individuality does not fit into the rule «do as I». But don't you agree? it's a prerequisite for the birth of a star. A bright personality breaks the rule, and pendulums have to admit that this is an exceptional case, although stereotypes still remain in force. All stars are exceptional cases. And your case, too, will be an exception to the common stereotypes.
You can sing with a well-pitched voice and languish in obscurity. Or you can sing just disgustingly, but in a peculiar manner from which everyone will be delighted. You can have a brilliant intellectual ability and never achieve anything. And a pathetic triplet, who persistently carries on with his delusions, will eventually make a stunning discovery. You can have outstanding physical data, but you will not become a sports star. And the one who dares to break the conventional stereotypes, leads the game on the field in an unexpected manner, will come out a winner. I will not continue the list of breaking stereotypes. The principle is clear to you. Have the audacity to turn your mind to your unique and unrepeatable soul. Don't be afraid to break the stereotypes of the pendulums.
Do not fall for another fishing rod of pendulums. They may provoke you
go in pursuit of someone else's goal, which will bring you personally nothing but disappointment. Why do you need someone else's goal? Listen to your soul, not your mind. The soul knows best where you can prove yourself as a star.
In the world of pendulums there is a law: only a few people become favorites, all others must perform the functions of ordinary followers and obey the established rules of the system. Transer-fing is not able to break this law, but it will help to break the law specifically you, if you want. The pendulums will be forced to include you among the favorites if you take advantage of the unique qualities of your soul.
Guardian Angel
Many people believe that a person's soul is helped by their Guardian Angel. If you believe in your Guardian Angel, very good. It means that he exists. You think about him, hope for him, are grateful to him, and these thoughts make him real, you can rest assured. In the space of options, everything is there. You can even consider that thoughts create an independent energy-information entity, if you are so comfortable. The more sincerely you will love him and give thanks for every little thing, the stronger will be the Angel and the more help
and the more help he'll be able to give you. In the end, it is not so important whether he exists independently by himself or created by your thoughts.
Well, if you do not believe in him, there is nothing wrong with that either. If you're comfortable with it as it is, then that's fine. After all, what you believe in is what you get. Although I would believe it if I were you. What if he still exists regardless of your belief in him, loves you, cares for you as much as he can, and you have forgotten him and abandoned him. He lacks your love, which means that he is weak, lacks energy and is unable to help his ward. At the same time, you give your energy right and left to destructive pendulums. They can help you too, but only within the framework of their interests. Someone's personal well-being means nothing to them. And your Guardian Angel cares only about you.
Imagine him in any form: as a baby with wings, as a cloud, a bird or anything else. It doesn't matter at all. He looks nothing on his own. It is you who give it a shape in your imagination. So imagine it as it will be convenient. You can even identify it with your soul. If you have psychic abilities, you'll be able to communicate with him. And if not, don't worry, he will find a way to guide you to the path of truth in some way. The main thing — never take offense at him and certainly do not get angry. He better know what to protect you from and where to direct you, because compared to him you — blind kitten. It's not for you to blame him. You have no idea what troubles he is trying to protect you from to the best of his ability.
There is a parable about a man who met God in heaven. God showed the man the whole way of his life, where it was clear from the footsteps that the Lord was walking near the man all the time. But then the man saw the most difficult periods of his life, and there were only footprints. Then he turned to God with a reproach: «Lord, when it was difficult for me, you left me! » To which God answered: «You are mistaken, there are not your footprints, at that time I carried you in my arms».
The role of the Guardian Angel can hardly be overestimated. The mere knowledge that there is a being who cares for you and protects you to the best of his ability, gives an extra balance of confidence. And confidence, which generates peace of mind, plays a very big role in a person's life. If you are lonely, you can share your loneliness with the Angel. If you have trouble or joy, it is also easy to share it with him. But the Guardian Angel has another wonderful quality that can be used: unlike you, he is not subject to the action of the equilibrium forces.
If you are happy with your own successes, then you praise yourself, you are proud of yourself. This is good. It is better to praise yourself too much than to scold. The only bad thing is that in this case you create though small but excessive potential. So the equilibrium forces will spoil your feast of the soul. You will praise yourself, and then you will make a mistake or get an unfortunate trouble. What do you mean, now you should be afraid to rejoice for your successes even in secret?
There is one way to enjoy joy and pride without creating excess capacity. Share your joy and pride with your Guardian Angel. After all, he has been taking care of you, helping you. He too is worthy of praise and gratitude. When you rejoice in your
successes and are proud of yourself, remember your angel and rejoice together. Talk to him. Give him your praise and gratitude. It is better to praise him than yourself. Don't pretend, give your right to reward sincerely. You have nothing to lose, you have already received yours, now praise and thank the Angel.
Think that your success — it is his merit. What happens? Your excessive potential of pride dissolves. And at the same time you without fear leave in yourself a place for a feast of the soul. Rejoice in your health. Keep the joy for yourself, and give the pride to the Angel. After all, it is clear that no one will take away your merit.
Instead of creating excessive potential of pride or thanking the pendulum that made you happy, it is better to give your reward and gratitude to your Angel. He is not asking you for energy, but he needs it. If you feel that you have received help from the pendulum, you can thank it too, it will not hurt anyone. But the pendulum will always get its share of your energy. He never gives anything for nothing. Do not forget only about your Angel. Constantly remind him that you are grateful and love him. He will become stronger and will repay you a hundredfold.
A case for the soul. Your soul came into this world, full of trust and hope, with eyes wide open. But the pendulums at once took it into their hands, having insinuated to it that nobody waited for it here, that it was not welcome here and it should do dirty and hard work for a small piece of bread. Of course, not everyone is born into poverty, but the rich have their own problems, only of a different plan. In the world of pendulums, the rich suffer no less than the poor.
Your soul did not come to the material world to suffer. But pendulums benefit when the struggle for a place under the sun becomes the norm. As you know, a pendulum generated by common thoughts and actions of a group of people begins to live independently according to the laws of energy-informational essence. Through energy-informational exchange, it subdues the adherents to its will and makes them think and act in their own interests. People give energy to pendulums when they show dissatisfaction, irritation, rage, anxiety, fear, and also when they participate in battles of pendulums.
We are used to living in this world of pendulums where oppression, hostility, competition, wars, and many other adversarial relationships are the norm. It doesn't occur to us that none of this is normal, that things could be different. Look at this world from the point of view of the pendulums model, remember all the manifestations of their insatiable thirst for energy and imagine what the world could be like if it were free of pendulums. If there is no energy-information exchange, then there are no structures that seek to appropriate other people's energy and generate rivalry. It is hard to imagine, but it is safe to say that in such a world there would be a lot of happiness and very little suffering. There would be enough natural wealth and opportunity for everyone in this world.
We have been led to believe that the struggle for survival and natural selection are necessary and normal processes that promote life. True, such processes do contribute to the development of an aggressive type world. But natural selection is not at all a necessary condition for the development of life. Life could develop according to other, more humane laws.
Natural selection in the world of pendulums takes place according to a negative scenario, according to which the one who is badly off perishes. Selection acts by suppression and destruction. Has it ever occurred to you that there could be another, positive scenario? Under such a scenario, the one who feels good survives. The two scenarios are different in their orientation just as negativity differs from positivity. It can be argued that in natural selection both scenarios are at work. But nevertheless, it is the negative that prevails: it is the one who feels bad who perishes. In any case, in the human world the pendulums have established an even more rigid order than in nature.
The struggle for survival in nature is not so fierce and aggressive as in the human world. Human pendulums are much stronger and more aggressive than natural pendulums. The fact that in nature there is always someone eating someone does not mean that there is a constant war going on. A lion eats a cow just as a cow eats grass. Animals and plants don't have
concept of importance, so the balance is not disturbed. Importance — is a property inherent only in humans. Observing natural phenomena from the bell tower of importance, man interprets the normal coexistence of living organisms as a fierce struggle.
Even competition for territory and partners in the animal world is purely nominal compared to the constant wars among humans. Animals very rarely inflict bodily harm on each other unless it is hunting. In most cases, any dispute is resolved in favor of the one who bellowed louder and grinned more frighteningly. Well, and if there is a cro- question, what can you do — paws are heavy. Such feelings as anger and hatred are not peculiar to animals. Bravery and cowardice are also absent — there is only the instinct of self-preservation. Brave wolves and cowardly hares exist only in people's imagination.
There is nothing we can do to change this world. We have to put up with things that do not depend on us. Many restrictions and conventions literally lock the soul in a case. The mind, captured by conventions, becomes the jailer of the soul and does not allow it to realize its abilities. Man is simply forced to behave as the world of pendulums demands: to express dissatisfaction, to be irritated, to fear, to compete, to fight. Man's behavior and thoughts are conditioned by their dependence on the pendulums. As you have already seen in the previous chapters, such conditioning takes energy away from the person, restores the equilibrium forces against him, and leads him away to false goals. On top of this, external conditioning works as a realization of the worst expectations. One would like to free oneself from conditioning and dependence, but does not know how.
You now know that the power of the pendulums rests on importance and unconsciousness. Man reacts to their provocations unconsciously. He succumbs to anxiety, fear, irritation, expresses dissatisfaction and anger out of habit, he is easily overtaken by despondency, obstacles force him to exert all his strength. The person lives as in a dream, obeying the script imposed by the pendulums. He does not realize that he can take the script under his control. It seems to him that little depends on him. Importance draws a person into the game of pendulums, and unawareness takes away the last opportunity to somehow influence the scenario. The game is played according to the rules of the pendulums.
As you can see, I have to repeat the same thing many times, because, despite the obviousness, all these arguments are difficult to comprehend and feel. The habitual worldview formed by pendulums is so strongly rooted in our consciousness. You will be able to break out of the case of conditioning, if you will be guided by the principles of Transer-fing. The power of the pendulums is great, but they will not be able to interfere if you give up the importance and consciously use your right to choose and determine the scenario.
. Pendulums benefit from keeping people under their control. They pursue exclusively their goals, and a person for them is only a tool, a means, a puppet. Your soul came into this world as a holiday, so let yourself have it. Only you decide whether to spend your whole life on working in favor of a pendulum alien to you or to live for yourself, for your own pleasure. If you choose to celebrate, then you need to free yourself from the pendulums that bind you and find your purpose and your door.
Your mind needs to realize: you don't have to go along with the destructive pendulums. Connect your mind with your soul and you will get everything your soul desires, literally and figuratively. You just need to free yourself from the pendulums and eliminate the discord between the soul and the mind. Allow yourself the luxury of being worthy of the very best.
If someone insinuates that you are obligated to labor for the good of something or someone, don't believe it. If they prove that everything in this world comes from hard work, don't believe it. If they try to impose a fierce struggle for a place under the sun, do not believe. If they point out your place, don't believe it. If they try to lure you into a sect or a society where you need «your contribution to the common cause», do not believe. If they tell you that you were born into poverty, so you must live your life that way, don't believe it. If you are told that your opportunities are limited, don't believe it.
It is up to you to make sure that the pendulums don't just swing away. Once you have the rudiments of determination to have, they will set up a situation where they try to make it clear that your options are limited. As soon as you feel capable of choosing and determining the game scenario, the pendulums will try to upset your plans. As soon as you feel
calm and confident, they will try to hook you. Don't give in to provocation and don't allow yourself to be thrown off balance. Keep your importance to a minimum and act consciously. What is required of you is not effort or resilience, but only a conscious intention to keep your importance at zero.
In this game your possibilities are limited only by your own intention. The possibilities of the pendulums are limited only by your level of importance and awareness. Remember: if I am empty, they have nothing to hold me to, if I am aware of the meaning of the game, the pendulums are unable to impose a scenario on me. If they manage to frustrate you, upset you, throw you off balance, then you should look back and realize where you have exceeded the level of importance.
Change your attitude about what threw you off balance. Try to realize that it is not you who needs importance, but the pendulums. The soul case is made of your importance. Do not attach excessive importance to anything. Just calmly and without insisting, take what is yours. If it is not yet given, do not give it importance too — pendulums are just waiting for you to fall down. If something has upset you, drop the importance. Realize that it is only a game of pendulums. It is a game, not a battle, because, in fact, the pendulums are like gli-
clay dummies.
This game is tough and it is designed for human weakness. The moment you give a weakness. of importance, you're going to lose. But if the importance is zero, the pendulums will fall into your emptiness. The clay pendulums will collapse. It is from the realization that you understand the rules of the game that you will draw strength. As soon as you notice that the pendulum is trying to hook you and throw you off balance, grin to yourself and adamantly dismiss the importance. Gradually, this will become a habit. That's when you will feel your power and realize that you can determine the scenario of the game. Having won the game with pendulums, you will have the freedom of choice.
So far we have talked about the fact that sectors of the space of options have certain characteristics — parameters. For simplicity, we have agreed to consider these characteristics as frequency ones. If the frequency of your mental emission coincides with the frequency of a certain sector under the condition of unity of soul and mind, then the power of external intention makes the transition. In other words, the scenario and decorations of a given sector materialize in the layer of your world.
Each person's soul also has a unique individualized set of parameters — the frei- le of the soul. Again for simplicity of the model let's consider the freyle of a person's soul as his characteristic frequency. The freyle of one person differs from the freyle of another person in the same way as the shapes of snowflakes differ, which are always unique. Freile characterizes the individual essence of a person's soul.
There is no sense to deepen this definition further. One can only guess what it is, because freile manifests itself implicitly — it is hidden under the masks of the mind, which in one way or another every person wears. The only thing that is indisputable is that an individual and unique essence is present in any of us. You can describe the character, habits, manners, appearance of a familiar person, but behind all these characteristics there is one integral image, which you can understand without words. that you can understand without words. This individual essence, which can be understood without words, is what we will call freyle.
You may have met people who have an inexplicable charm. What is surprising, they can even have an unattractive appearance. However, should such a person to talk, as you immediately forget about his physical shortcomings and completely succumb to the charm. When asked what is the secret of charm, you can only mutter that «there is something in it» there is no other explanation. Such people are very rare. If they are not in your environment, look for them among the stars of show business. A distinctive sign of such personalities is exceptional beauty and charm, coming as if from the depths of the soul. This is not a doll's beauty, you will immediately determine this. Puppet beauty is merely outwardly meeting the requirements of established standards.
So, from Freyle's point of view, the secret of charming beauty is not that a person has mental beauty or any special mental qualities. You will have to accept (or not accept, if you want) another paradoxical conclusion of Transurfing:
The so-called mental beauty does not exist.
So-called mental beauty does not exist, but there is only harmony of relations of soul and mind.
If a person does not love himself, is dissatisfied with himself, is engaged in unloved business, if his mind is in confusion, in discord with the soul, then he cannot possess charming beauty. Any conflict of soul and mind is reflected in the appearance and character of a person. If a person is satisfied with himself, loves himself, lives with pleasure, is engaged in favorite work, then from him as if the inner light emanates. It means that the mind is tuned to the soul's fraile.
The unity of soul and mind identifies the mental energy of man with the nature of external intention. Self-satisfaction, or the harmony of the soul-mind relationship, also generates something similar. Soul comfort kindles an inner light that reminds the soul of its true nature, so the beauty of harmony is perceived by people as charm or mental beauty. Such beauty even causes hidden envy: «Why are you all blooming? »
The soul feels comfort when the mind does not suffocate it in its case, but cherishes it like a rose in a
greenhouse, admiring it, caring for it, and allowing every petal to unfold freely. This is that rare case, which is commonly called happiness.
Freile manifests itself in the form of hobbies, pastimes, anything done with love and hunting. Often the strings of freile are silent for long periods of time. Sometimes it happens that some sign causes the string to tinkle. It may be a remark casually dropped, which for some reason sticks in the soul. Or something seen that immediately attracts the soul with some special magnetism. The vaguely realized attraction soon shows itself again and again. This is the working of the external intention of the soul. But since it is a vague attraction of the soul, the external intention works in a non-purposeful way. It is necessary to listen to the dictates of the soul in order to pick them up with the mind. Then you can catch the external intention and quickly get what you want.
What prevents the mind from establishing a relationship with the soul? All the same importance and the same old familiar — pendulums. They impose false goals and values on people. As it was shown above, it is pendulums that set standards of beauty, success and well-being. Inner and outer importance makes people compare themselves to these standards. Naturally, the mind finds a bunch of flaws and begins to actively hate itself, and thus the soul. It tries on all sorts of masks, trying to fit the fraile to the established standards. As a rule, nothing good comes out of this. As a result, the discord between mind and soul deepens. What kind of mental comfort is there! The mind waters its rose with reproaches and dissatisfaction, and it withers more and more.
The mind goes on a treasure hunt anywhere but to its soul. Pendulums call loudly and seductively, but the soul only quietly and timidly tries to declare its abilities and inclinations. The mind does not listen to the soul, but tries to remake the frei le. Naturally, nothing good comes out of this. In the end, soul and mind converge in rejection of their perceived imperfection. The external intention immediately takes the person to the lines of life, where the rejection is further exacerbated because the imperfection
is literally materialized.
The mind believes that by putting on a corrective mask, one can adjust to
to a set standard. As you realize, this is a pointless attempt to catch up with the mirage. Instead of capitalizing on the precious uniqueness of one's fraile, one blindly bangs on the glass, following someone else's success. But the success of a star is born precisely by tuning his mind to the fraile of his soul. Nothing works out for the mirage hunter, and he gets even more dissatisfaction with himself. Expressing dissatisfaction with himself, a person will never get to the life lines where he is satisfied with himself. Parameters of his radiation satisfy just those life lines, where there will be even more reasons for dissatisfaction.
This is such a senseless game that pendulums impose on people. But for pendulums this game has a certain meaning, because discontent and dissatisfaction — these are their favorite energy dishes.
So how do you tune your mind to the soul's fray? The only way — convince your mind that its soul is worthy of love in the very first place. It is necessary to love oneself first, and
then pay attention to the merits of others. Self-love should not be confused with self-love, narcissism, self-complacency. Complacency is generated by elevating oneself above others and creates a dangerous excess potential. Loving yourself — means realizing your uniqueness and accepting yourself as you are, with all your flaws. Your love for yourself must not have any conditions or it will turn into excess potential. Aren't you worthy of simply loving yourself? After all, you are alone with yourself.
If a person has gone to far in the struggle with their freile, it will be difficult for them to just love themselves like this. «How can I love myself, because I don't like myself! » Look at the position of the mind: «I love myself if I like myself». This is the purest excess potential born of heightened inner and outer importance. The external importance is that the standards set by someone else are immutable truths to me. Do I value someone else's worthiness too highly? The internal importance is that I force myself to follow someone else's standards. And who says I'm inferior to them? Me, and only me. Is my self-esteem too low?
To love yourself, push down the pedestal of external importance and stop
worshipping other people's standards. Who is stopping you from creating your own standards? Let others better chase after yours. Push down your inner importance and let yourself go. You don't have to conform and follow other people's standards. You should always realize that it is not you who needs importance, but the pendulums. When you love your soul with all your mind, the external intention itself will carry you to the lines of life where you will be fully satisfied with yourself. If, in spite of everything, you like yourself, you will be able to deceive the external intention and reveal virtues that you do not even suspect. When your mental energy radiates self-satisfaction, external intention will pick you up and carry you to lines where there is truly something to be proud of.
One of the commandments states: «Love your neighbor as yourself». For some reason everyone focuses on the need to love your neighbor. But the commandment implies that love for oneself is present from the beginning. Leave the game imposed by pendulums and start from this day to love yourself. Buy your favorite treat and have a feast. Take good care of yourself. Some might gloatingly continue: «Indulge your weaknesses, your bad inclinations...». This is demagoguery of pendulums, and I think there is no need for me to enter into a polemic with them. You yourself understand what self-love means. And weaknesses and bad tendencies in man are induced just by pendulums.
There is no need to look for the Grail somewhere in the jungle. The Holy Grail is within you — it is the fraile of your soul.
The unity of soul and mind
The soul comes into this world, trustingly stretching out childish hands. But then it turns out that the world is taken over by the pendulums who have turned it into a jungle. Pendulums at once try to make the soul believe that nobody waited for it here, that in this world everyone has to fight for a place under the sun and pay tribute to pendulums. The naive and direct soul is immediately wanted to be put in its place. She is told that her wishes are of no interest to anyone, that there is more suffering than joy in the world. suffering than joy, that holidays are only on fixed days, that one must work hard for a piece of bread. That's it. ears droop, dejection comes out in tears. Or resentment grows. It's not right, it's not fair! The fur bristles. It seems to the soul that there can be only one choice: either to shuffle along the path imposed by the pendulums, or to scratch desperately, achieving one's own.
The human mind is captured by pendulums on all levels — mental, emotional and energetic. Habitual outlook and behavioral reactions of a person are formed by pendulums. A person thinks and acts in a way that is favorable to them. The soul, following the mind, falls into the case of conditionality. Conditionality is manifested literally in everything. Man is forced to put up with many restrictions and fulfill his role in the imposed game. The soul in such conditions is gradually pushed to the background, and the mind takes the reins of power in its own hands.
The mind instructs the soul like a small unintelligent child: «I know better than you what to do, and your silly babbling is of no use». Most people's soul
has become a frightened, disempowered creature, huddled in a corner, sadly watching what the mind is doing. Sometimes there are moments of harmony between the soul and the mind. At such moments the soul sings, and the mind rubs its hands with satisfaction. But it happens rarely. More often the unity of soul and mind is achieved in rejection, fear and hatred.
The soul has no say in matters of choice. The mind treats the soul like a child who asks for a favorite toy in a store. The mind's answers are usually standard, such as: «We don't have the money for it». This is how the dream is nipped in the bud.
Look at what's happening. The child needs the toy now. If you really can't afford to buy the child a toy, there's nothing abnormal about saying no. But the soul agrees to wait! However, the mind with the conviction of a cretin puts a fatal cross: «We have no money». It turns out that the dream is basically unattainable.
The mind has its own logic, imposed by the pendulums, which are profitable to keep their adherents tied and not even give them the freedom to choose their dreams. The soul has no logic at all, it understands everything literally. The mind says that there is no money. But the soul does not ask for money, but for a toy! The mind, motivated by the fact that there is no money, puts a ban on the toy (it's unrealistic,
difficult to achieve), and the soul can only doomedly shut itself in and no longer remind about the toy. Here is the funeral of a dream.
The mind does not imagine how this dream can be realized, so does not let it into the layer of his world — because in life everything should be logical and understandable. And one should have just agreed to have a toy, then the external intention would have taken care of how to get money for it. However, the everyday worldview formed by pendulums does not allow such miracles. Freedom of choice in adherents is in no way in the interests of pendulums.
A person mistakenly perceives the rational worldview as an immutable law. However this law is «fake» and it can be «hacked». Inexplicable «miracles» often happen in our life. So why not let one of these miracles into your life? All you have to do is allow yourself to have what your soul desires. If you throw off the web of prejudice and limitations, which entangled you pendulums, sincerely believe that you are worthy of your dreams, and allow yourself to have what you want — you will get it. Allow yourself to have — the main condition for the fulfillment of desire.
There are other responses of the mind to the soul in the toy store. «Nonsense! I know better what you need. Where are we, we are simple people. It's unreal. It's not for everyone. You have no data and abilities. You're no match for her (him)! You have to live like everyone else. And so on. If such judgments were not the result of the influence of pendulums, then we could accuse the mind of impenetrable stupidity. But let's hope that he, reading these lines, will wake up from the viscous obsession and realize the absurdity of his «reasonable» arguments.
A mind without a soul can do very little in this world. Together they can do everything, because their fusion gives birth to this magic power — external intention. The mind controls the inner intention, and the soul — the outer intention. However, the soul is not able to control the outer intention in a purposeful way. When the soul and mind merge together, external intention becomes controllable and can be used to accomplish goals.
Anything that seems difficult or unrealistic to you is indeed difficult to accomplish within the narrow confines of the mind's inner intention capabilities. And who can argue with that? Whatever goal you set for yourself, I agree that achieving it is difficult within the confines of a rational worldview. But don't give up on your dream just because some puffed-up authorities have taken the right to determine where reality is and where it is not. Take advantage of your right to have a personal miracle.
The secret of happiness is as simple as the secret of unhappiness. It is all about the unity or discord between the soul and the mind. The older a person is, the greater this discord. The mind submits to the influence of the pendulums, and the soul becomes unhappy. In childhood the soul still hopes to get its toy, but in time this hope fades. The mind finds more and more evidence that the dream is difficult to achieve and postpones its realization until later. This postponement usually lasts a lifetime. Life ends and the dream remains in a dusty drawer.
To achieve the unity of mind and soul, it is necessary to first determine in what
this unity must be achieved, i.e., it is necessary to designate one's goals. Despite its apparent obviousness, this question is not trivial at all. People, as a rule, know exactly what they do not want, but find it difficult to formulate their true desires. This is because pendulums seek to subjugate people to their interests and impose false goals on them. There can be no question of any unity of soul and mind, if the mind rushes in pursuit of a tantalizing mirage, and the soul lies to another.
In addition to all this people are so much busy and preoccupied with performing various work for pendulums that they simply have no time to sit down and think calmly about their true desires. It is necessary to set aside time and remember what your soul lay to then, in childhood. What you liked, what you wanted, what really attracted you and what you had to give up over time. Ask yourself the question: Are you still attracted to your old goal? Think about what you really want. Is it not a false goal? Do you really desire it with all your soul or do you only want to desire it?
When you think about your goal, you need to reset the inner and outer importance. If the external importance is overstated, the goal will be mesmerized by its prestige as well as
inaccessibility. Have you fallen for the pendulum? If the internal importance is overestimated, the goal may seem to be beyond your grasp. The goal again beckons with its inaccessibility. But do you really want it?
When thinking about the goal, don't think about prestige. Push the goal off the pedestal of inaccessibility. By doing so, you will drop the external importance. When thinking about the goal, don't think about the means to achieve it. By doing so, you will drop the inner importance. Think only of your comfort. If the goal is achieved, do you feel really good or do you still have a stone hanging over your soul? Doubts in the reality of achieving the desired does not say that it was not needed. The main thing is that at the thought of the desired goal your soul sings. For all its attractiveness, if something oppresses you, then it may be false. We will dwell on all these matters in more detail in the next chapter.
If you do not have a certain goal and do not want anything, it means that either you have low energy, or your mind has finally driven your soul into a caseIn the first case, you can increase your vitality if you take care of your health. You may not even know what good health is. In good health, life is a pleasure and you want everything at once. The soul cannot not want anything, because this life is a unique chance for it.
In the second case you have only one way out — to love yourself. Are you not too busy taking care of others? Put yourself first. Others will not get anything good from you if your own soul is sidelined. Giving your whole self to the service of others, even to your loved ones or even to the pendulums, will waste your life. Life is given not for you to serve someone, but to realize yourself as a person. Locking your soul in a case, you create a powerful excessive potential of inner hidden dissatisfaction, which will pour out all sorts of attacks on you and your loved ones. You will seem that you wish people well, but in fact, all this care will be to their detriment. Carefully take care of yourself, treat yourself with participation and attention. Then your soul will warm up and spread its wings.
Do not believe anyone who will say that to achieve success should change yourself. You have already heard such things, haven't you? This is a favorite recipe of pendulums. They say that if something is not working for you, then you need to work on yourself. How should you change, according to the pendulums? Turn away from yourself, turn your face to the pendulums and follow the rule «do as I do» to meet their demands and act in their interests. And to change yourself, you will have to fight with yourself. What kind of unity of soul and mind can we talk about if you do not accept yourself, do not love yourself and fight with yourself? The soul will not accept false goals, it has its own inclinations and needs. Chasing after false goals, you will either achieve nothing, or, having achieved, you will realize that you do not need it.
Transurfing has nothing to do with pendulums, that's why it offers a completely opposite path. Not to change yourself, but to accept yourself. You have to turn away from the husks
The discomfort of the soul is more difficult, because it manifests itself implicitly, as a vague premonition. The mind says: everything is fine, everything is going as it should, there is no reason to worry. And yet, despite the reasonable arguments, something oppresses you. This is the rustling of the morning stars. Hearing the voice of the soul is not that difficult. It's just a matter of paying attention to it. is to pay attention to it. The voice of reason with its logical reasoning is too loud, and one does not pay attention to vague and vague premonitions. Engrossed in its logical analysis and forecasting of events, the mind is simply not located to listen to the feelings of the soul.
In order to learn to hear the rustling of the morning stars, there is no other way but to develop the habit of paying attention to the state of mental comfort. Whenever you need to make a decision, listen first to the voice of reason and then to the feelings of the soul. As soon as the mind has made a decision, the soul reacts to this decision either positively or negatively. In the latter case, you will experience a vague feeling of mental discomfort.
If you forgot to pay attention to the state of comfort in time, try to remember later what feelings you experienced. When the decision was made, a fleeting feeling visited you. At that moment the mind was so engrossed in its analysis that it did not care about feelings. Now remember what that very first fleeting feeling seemed like to you. If it was an oppressive feeling against the background of optimistic reasoning of the mind, it means that the soul clearly said «no».
How much can you trust the premonitions of the soul? If you believe that you have a premonition of a certain event that is about to happen, you may not trust such premonitions. No guarantee can be given that the mind will correctly interpret the soul's information. The only reliable interpretation can only be the soul's discomfort in response to a decision made by the mind.
Soul comfort cannot yet be a guarantee that the soul says «yes». It may simply not have an answer. But when the soul says «no», you will feel it with all certainty. As you know from the material in the previous chapters, the soul is able to see sectors of the space of options that will be realized in the case of turning the decision of the
of the mind into action. It sees the result and expresses its attitude, positive or negative. However, you can be convinced by your own experience that if the soul says «no» it is always right.
Thus, in cases when you need to make a decision, you now have a reliable criterion of truth — the state of mental discomfort. If the soul says «no» and the mind says «yes» — boldly refuse, if possible. The soul cannot wish bad things for itself. If the mind says «must and will have to» then act according to circumstances. In life, sometimes you have to put up with the inevitable. In any case, the criterion of soul discomfort brings clarity and certainty in matters where the scales fluctuate.
Having reached an agreement of soul and mind on the chosen goals, it remains for you to achieve unity in the determination to have and to act. The inner intention of the mind must merge with the outer intention of the soul. If you act within the framework of the inner intention and the outer intention is directed in the same direction, then consider that the goal is already in your pocket. In case of uncertainty of the inner intention, when you do not clearly imagine by what means-
with what means to achieve the goal, work on the determination to have. The outer intention is much stronger than the inner intention, so it will find an option for you.
You need to achieve the same unity of mind and soul in the determination to have that is evident in strong feelings. The soul and mind are usually united in adoration, dislike, apprehension and worst expectations. We love, hate, and fear with all our hearts. When soul and mind are united, fierce feeling is born. «One cannot learn to love who does not know how to hate» — said the famous Russian writer Nikolai Chernyshevsky.
If the goal is chosen correctly, both soul and mind will be satisfied. Only thoughts generated by the difficulty to reach the goal or narrow zone of mental comfort can mar the pleasure. The situation when the mind doubts the reality, and the soul feels constrained in «new chair», can be corrected with the help of slides. How this is done, you already know. By expanding your comfort zone, you will achieve the frenetic joy of unity, when the soul sings and the mind rubs its hands together in satisfaction.
Once again I repeat: thinking about the goal, do not think about its prestige, inaccessibility and means of its achievement — pay attention only to the state of mental comfort.
. Do you feel good or bad? This is the only thing that matters. Otherwise you may confuse mental stiffness with mental discomfort. Stiffness, or a kind of shyness, comes from the strangeness of the situation: «Is it all for me? » Discomfort, on the other hand, shows oppression, burden, oppressive necessity, discouragement, apprehension, burdensome anxiety. If stiffness is not corrected by the slides, then it is a clear discomfort. Then you should think again, without trying to deceive yourself: is this goal really so necessary for you?
Sound Slides
Humans can be conditionally assigned to one of three types of perception: visual, kinesthetic and auditory. Some people operate better with visual images, others are more sensitive to sensations, and others are particularly receptive to sounds. So far we have been talking about slides that include visual and sensory images as the most preferable.
In some practices of spiritual perfection the technique of affirmations is used. A person in thought makes multiple repetitions of an attitude toward a certain goal. For example, such affirmation: «I have excellent health, powerful energy and mental comfort. I am calm and confident in myself». Repeating such phrases aloud or to yourself repeatedly is most suitable for people of the auditory type. But since there are no pure types, affirmations can be successfully used by anyone.
Affirmations work in the same way as slides, but they must be applied taking into account the differences in the languages of the soul and mind. First, the soul does not understand words. If you mindlessly repeat something, it will do nothing. The soul understands only wordless thoughts and feelings. Words can model thoughts and feelings to some extent, but it is not the same, because speech is secondary. It is much more effective to feel once than to repeat a thousand times. Therefore, one should strive to experience what you are repeating at the same time.
Secondly, a separate affirmation should be narrowly focused. You should not combine together several goals at once. For example, the above affirmation seems to be very good in content. It has everything you need. However, repeating such an affirmation, you will not be able to cause yourself the whole complex of required feelings.
Thirdly, it is necessary to avoid monotony and monotony. Each new series of repetitions should be accompanied by new aspects of experiences and sensations. For example, if you keep repeating to yourself: «I am calm and confident», these words will soon cease to mean what they mean to you. Confidence appears at the moment the intention to be confident arises. The desire has to be nurtured by convincing yourself for a long time. Intention, on the contrary, acts immediately: you want to be confident — be it.
And finally, you should not direct affirmations to fight the effect without eliminating the cause. For example, there is no point in repeating: «I have nothing to fear and nothing to worry about» if the cause of anxiety remains in place. In addition, the affirmation should be phrased in a positive way. Instead of endlessly repeating what you want to avoid.
program yourself for the result you want to achieve. For example, a negative affirmation: «I'm not afraid and I'm not worried» is better to replace it with a positive one: «I'm doing well». What exactly should work out, so that you have no cause for concern, specify specifically.
Pay attention, it is necessary to say «everything works out» not «everything will work out». If you formulate affirmations in the future tense, the future will not become the present, but will turn into an oasis somewhere ahead. You need to adjust the parameters of your radiation as if you already have what you are ordering.
Ordering soul comfort is also pointless. Soul comfort — it is a consequence of agreement of soul and mind in a separate matter. Agreement cannot be achieved at all, i.e. by abstract self-infliction. One can only habituate and soothe the soul by means of a concrete slide.
Affirmations work most effectively only if you are in a zero emotional state, when there are no excess potentials. The subconscious mind cannot be persuaded or commanded to do so. By turning on any emotion, you upset the balance. If you're trying if you try to force the same thought into your mind, your soul will plug its ears. The most effective way is to repeat it in a relaxed state. Then, maybe, your mind will reach your subconscious mind. And if the mind with heat tries to convince the dupe, it means that he himself does not believe, and no repetition will not dispel doubts.
By pressing the mind on the soul you will not achieve anything. The determination to have cannot be formed against the background of an emotional upsurge. What you have seems commonplace and self-evident. You calmly and without insistence take your own, like mail from a drawer. If you mistake your assertiveness for a determination to have, at this time you spin in place, holding hands with the pendulum. In a moment, it will let go of your hands, and you will slide down into the pit of your former indecision. When your determination to have is devoid of the desire to have, the pendulum has nothing to hold on to.
As you realize, an affirmation — is a kind of sound slide. You can use both video slides and affirmations. In a complex they produce the best effect. Here is an example of such a complex slide. Let's say it contains a picture of your new home. You are sitting by the fireplace. The rocking chair creaks. The wood crackles merrily. How pleasant it is to look at the fire! Outside the window the rain and cold wind are blowing, but you are cozy and warm. Your favorite treat is on the table. There is an interesting program on TV. You see it all, hear it all, feel it all and say to yourself: «I am comfortable». You do not look at the slide and listen to it, but live in it.
A window into the space of options
Controlled and uncontrolled thoughts are constantly swirling around in a person's head. Some call this an internal dialog, but it is essentially a monologue. The mind has no one else to talk to but itself. The soul cannot think or talk, it only feels and knows. The inner monologue sounds very loud compared to the silent sensations of the soul. That is why intuition shows itself rarely and hardly noticeable.
There is an opinion that if you stop the inner monologue, the mind will have access to intuitive information. This is true, except that it is impossible to turn it off completely in the conscious state. Let's say you have focused and stopped the flow of thoughts and words. Thoughts seem to be gone, there is emptiness inside, but nevertheless it is not a stop of monologue. The mind at this moment is not asleep, on the contrary, it is very vigilant, only its task is different — not to think and not to talk. It's as if it were saying: «Well, all right, I'll be quiet, let's see what you do».
This is the illusion of stopping the monologue. The stopping of the inner monologue occurs when the mind turns off its control or at least lets down its guard. And in a false monologue stop, it is alert and, one might say, drowns out the feelings of the soul even more by its «thunderous» silence.
If the mind were to turn off its control, your perception would fall into the space of options. The actual stopping of the inner monologue happens only in sleep or in a state of deep meditation. You can only get practical benefit from it if you are consciously dreaming, or if you have a deep meditation technique in which
consciousness does not shut down.
Conscious dreaming can be used as an interesting experiment and training
of external intention. But can you use stopping the inner monologue in a conscious state? Here there is a loophole, which is a narrow window that opens spontaneously at moments when the mind control gives slack and the intuitive feelings of the soul break through to consciousness.
Intuition manifests itself as a vague premonition, also called the inner voice. The mind is distracted, and in that moment it is easy to sense the feelings or knowledge of the soul. You have heard the rustling of the morning stars — a voice without words, a reflection without thought, a sound without volume. You realize something, but vaguely. Not thinking, but feeling intuitively. Everyone has ever experienced what is called intuition. For example, you feel like someone is about to come, or something is about to happen, or you have an unconscious urge to do something, or you just know about something.
When there is a thought game going on, the analytical apparatus of the mind acts as the referee. The mind quickly organizes any data into shelves of labels so that everything is logical and
rational. Stopping the internal monologue — is when the referee is taken away from the whistle and put on the bench. The mind observes, but can no longer control the game.
While juggling data, the mind makes brief pauses. It sits down on the bench for a brief moment and rests. That's when the window for intuitive information opens. At such a moment you fall asleep in the most natural way. This may be incredible news to you, but it really is true. All people fall asleep many times during the day. They just don't notice it because the window is open for a very short period of time.
The drowsy mind wakes up again and continues its monologue. Sometimes impressions from what is seen in the window reach the consciousness in the form of intuitive information. But most often the mind does not pay attention to the short-term vision, because it is very preoccupied with its thoughts.
In a dream the soul flies undirected, it can be taken anywhere. In the window opened during wakefulness, unlike in ordinary sleep, the soul is focused on a sector of the space of options against the background of the context of the current thoughts of the mind. The context directs the soul's gaze to the appropriate sector of space where it sees knowledge pertaining to the current thoughts' content. As the window opens, this knowledge breaks through to the mind. If the waking mind pays attention to the soul's impressions, that is, recalls this brief flash of its dream, then it will receive what is called intuitive knowledge, — information taken as if from nowhere, «from the ceiling».
It is usually assumed that intuitive insight is a spontaneous flash of insight from the mind. On the one hand, a solution suddenly falls on the mind from the ceiling, and on the other hand, it is claimed that the mind found this solution by itself. What is the origin of this knowledge from nowhere? In the ordinary worldview one closes one's eyes to this incomprehensible fact and makes a discount — they say that this is the nature of the mind.
Proceeding from the Transurfing model, we see that the mechanism of insight has quite a different nature. The mind finds its solution through logical inferences. And insight, i.e. the missing link, which cannot be obtained from the existing logical chain, comes from the space of options through the intermediary of the soul.
The vague feelings of the soul manifest themselves as restlessness, oppression or enthusiasm, uplift. All these feelings can be summarized by one term — longing. It is as if the soul seeks to communicate something to the mind, but cannot explain. Lingering anxiety, guilt, burden of duty, oppression are realized as worst expectations. In all these feelings the unity of soul and mind is manifested. We get the realization of our worst expectations as a result of the workings of external intention.
It is known that trouble never comes alone. With these radiation parameters we move to the worst life lines where trouble, as they say, is not alone. Sometimes the induced transition drives us into a wide black band from which we cannot get out for a long time. Note, when this state of oppressed longing occurs, you
immediately get the realization of your worst expectations. External intention moves you to unfortunate lines of life where the situation worsens right before your eyes.
Simultaneously with the premonition of trouble, the soul actually helps to realize the trouble at the same time as a result of the unity of soul and mind in the worst expectations. Using the property of unity in the best expectations, one can turn the external intention in one's favor. In Transurfing it is suggested to give up importance, negativity and consciously direct mental energy to achieve goals. As you already know, the parameters of the mental energy are adjusted with the help of slides in the conscious state. The same technique can be used at the moment of an open window, if you manage to catch that moment.
Intuitive knowledge and premonitions come spontaneously. In this case the mind uses possibilities of soul in passive mode — it simply receives information from the sector where the soul has accidentally wandered. So, our task is to cause intuitive premonitions in ourselves intentionally. It is necessary then to direct the sail of the soul in the right direction.
How do we do that? You must catch the moment when the mind is distracted. But now the feelings you must not catch them, but deliberately induce them, that is, you must put a momentary slide in the window. The slide must contain the feelings you are experiencing within the slide. By inserting the slide into the opened window, you are not receiving soul information, but, on the contrary, you are directing it to the target sector of space. If you succeed in doing this, your mind touches the external intention.
It would seem that the same effect can be achieved if you scroll the slide before going to bed, lying in bed. Then the slide will move imperceptibly into sleep, and the unity of mind and soul will be achieved. Strangely enough, however, this will accomplish nothing. I will write an explanation in the next section. In the meantime, try to answer the question: why does it make no sense to spin the slide in sleep?
. There is a transitional region between events shaped by external intention and events predicted by intuitive premonition. In other words, when you intuitively feel that an event is going to happen, you touch it in passing with your thoughts without thinking about it with purpose. Then this event, as a rule, is actually realized, especially if the mind agrees with the premonition of the soul. The question arises: did you just have a premonition that the event was going to happen, or did your subconscious thoughts work as an external intention and induce the event?
. There is no definite answer to this question. There is a case of both. In a dream, everything happens in a more definite way: you only have to think or rather feel that events should develop in such and such a way, and this scenario is immediately realized. The external intention in a dream works without fail. What does it give us?
All it gives us is that we get the realization of the expected scenario in the dream. The dream has no effect on material reality. Virtual reality remains as it is. So why does the external intention of the dream not realize the virtual sector? It may seem to be due to the inertia of material
Indeed, a dream in comparison to material reality is
a paper ship in comparison to a virtual reality. is a paper ship compared to a large frigate. The paper ship flies away at the slightest whiff of external intention. And in order to move a heavy frigate, a big sail and a long period of time are required.
And yet the external intention of a dream does not realize the virtual sector not because of inertness at all. You can spin your slide as much as you want, even in a conscious dream, but it will not bring you one step closer to your goal. The point is that in a dream the external intention fulfills only one function: to move the soul from one virtual sector to another. In a dream, the following happens: the mind has set the feather of the soul's sail according to expectations, and the external intention instantly moves the paper ship to the corresponding sector. That's it, the job is done, and the mission of the external intention is complete.
In reality, the work of external intention is not completed with a single blow. The wind of intention blows, and the frigate does not move from its place. If the unity of mind and soul is achieved, the sail is set in the right direction.
the sail is set in the right direction. The size of the sail depends on the degree of unity. The wind cannot instantly move the frigate to the right sector. The parameters of the energy of mental radiation already satisfy the target sector, but the material realization lags in the former sector. Therefore, the wind of intention must work for a long time in order to realize the target sector.
However, the external intention of the dream cannot move the frigate at all for the simple reason that only the feather of the paper ship is set in the dream, while the sail of the frigate is retracted. The wind of intention moves only the paper ship of the dream, while it has no effect on the frigate of material realization at all.
Therefore, the scrolling of the slide in the dream does not contribute to the movement of material realization. The sail of the soul in a dream allows flying in virtual space, but has no relation to the actual movement of material realization. The only function of the slide in conscious dreaming — is to expand the comfort zone. However, it is also quite a lot, so if you are practicing it, the slide in dreaming will be an ideal means of expanding your comfort zone.
Nakedly, your conscious and subconscious mind is within the material world. The mind
keeps the focus of the soul in the material realization sector. As shown before, the mind is constantly adjusting perception according to a set pattern. By scrolling through the slide in the waking state, you adjust the parameters of the mental radiation to the unrealized sector. Depending on the degree of unity of soul and mind, the sail is filled with the wind of external intention, and the frigate begins to move slowly and gradually to the target sector. The work of the external intention will be carried out until the material realization arrives at the destination.
Do you see the difference? In the dream the work of the external intention is completed, while in reality it continues. In a dream the parameters are brought into alignment instantly and that is the end of it, while in reality the process is slow and gradual. When in reality you are engaged in the scrolling of the slide, you have the sail of the frigate of material realization set, and the external intention moves the frigate, not the ship of the dream.
Do not be confused by the boldness with which I use simple metaphors in describing all these complex issues. There are no more suitable analogies in the list of the mind's labels, but the point is most clearly conveyed in this way.
The window into the space of options, which opens at the moment of a brief immersion of the mind in sleep, leaves the focus of perception in the context of the current sector of material realization. The sail of the frigate in the window, unlike in ordinary dreaming, remains in a raised state. If at that moment a slide is inserted into the window, a gust of wind of external intention will move the realization a considerable distance. The effectiveness of the window lies in the fact that the unity of soul and mind is at its highest in such a state. The dormant mind lets go of its control and lets the unreal into its pattern of perception, just as it does in a dream. The sail takes on considerable size, and the external intention acts with the greatest force.
This technique is quite difficult, but you can try it. You should begin by
constantly paying attention to your intuitive premonitions, observing yourself. Then you will realize that during the day the window opens quite often. The mind from time to time gets tired of its control and chatter and for a few moments loses its vigilance. At this point you can deliberately insert feelings about the event you want to induce. It is the feelings, not the verbalizations.
Imagine how you would feel if the intended event were to be fulfilled? Roll through the slide of accomplishing the goal in your head several times, and then take one integral impression — frame from the entire slide. For example, you sign a contract and feel satisfied. Or you successfully pass an exam and the instructor shakes your hand. Or you come to the finish line first and break the ribbon with your chest. This cast will be the formula you need to insert into the ajar window. The frame can be titled with one word, such as: «Victory!», «Got it!», «Got it!» or whatever you prefer. This title will serve as the anchor point of the frame.
Catching the window is difficult because it makes your mind, though dormant, and so —
it wakes up, and the window slams shut immediately. The skills will come with time. You have to have a strong intention and patience. First one should develop the frame of feeling the realization of being with the help of the mind. Let it actively participate in this development. Then, without trying to catch a window, scroll through this frame to get a good idea of what the final feeling is. To create a clue, an integral feeling. And then you can, at the moment of the open window, instantly insert the frame into it.
You should have it so that the dormant mind suddenly realizes its dream state and immediately throws the frame into the window before it has even had time to wake up. That would be the work of external intention in stopping the internal monologue.
Repeated, though unsuccessful, attempts will gradually form a habit, and your mind will learn to throw the frame out the window automatically. The point of a frame is precisely that the mind should be able to activate it automatically before it has time to awaken.
However, if you find the framing technique very difficult, don't get frustrated and leave it alone. This technique is given here only as information. If you don't get it right away, then you don't need it. Just work with regular slides and visualize the process. visualize the process. In any case, it will be very helpful to get into the habit of paying attention to the windows.
If you learn to catch the moment of an open window, intuitive insights will visit you more often.
The mind has a will, but is unable to sense external intention.
The soul is able to sense external intention, but has no will.
The unity of soul and mind subordinates external intention to will.
Your soul is no worse than anyone else's. You are worthy of the best. You have everything you need. All you have to do is to make use of it. Stars are born on their own. But it's the pendulums that light them.
Pendulums hide the fact that everyone has unique abilities. The rule «Do as I do» creates common stereotypes of pendulums.
Each soul has its own individual «star» sector.
If the mind allows it, the soul will find its own sector.
Allow yourself the audacity to give a damn about stereotypical pendulums.
Allow yourself the audacity to believe in the limitless possibilities of your soul. Allow yourself the audacity to have the right to your magnificent individuality. Keep the joy for yourself and give the pride to the Angel.
Man's behavior and thoughts are conditioned by his dependence on pendulums. Keep your importance to a minimum and act consciously.
Do not attach excessive importance to anything.
Your importance is not necessary for you, but for the pendulums.
Not effort or persistence, but the conscious intention to keep importance at zero. Fraile characterizes the individual essence of the human soul.
The mind, in pursuit of other people's standards, becomes increasingly distant from the soul.
By attuning the mind to the fraile of the soul, you will gain many hidden virtues.
In a state of unity, the soul sings and the mind rubs its hands together in contentment.
The mind, thinking about the means, puts a fatal cross on a difficult goal. To allow oneself to have — the main condition for the fulfillment of desire.
With all the attractiveness, if something oppresses, the goal may be false.
Do not believe anyone who urges you to change yourself.
Discomfort manifests itself as burdensome anxiety, burdens, oppression.
Soul comfort is not an unequivocal «yes».
Spiritual discomfort is an unequivocal «no».
Thinking about the goal, do not think about its prestige, inaccessibility and means of its
— pay attention only to the state of mental comfort. Affirmations should be accompanied by appropriate feelings. Individual affirmations should be positive and narrowly focused.
Direct the affirmation to the cause, not the effect.
Formulate the affirmation in the present tense.
When the determination to have is devoid of the desire to have, the pendulum has nothing to hook you. You calmly and without insistence take your own, like mail from a drawer.