Chapter Two

Chapter II
. Why do wishes not come true and dreams not come true? In order to make desires come true, you need to know how to make «order». Beginning with this chapter, the book gives specific practical advice on techniques for realizing the order. These are the first steps of a magician.
You are worthy of all the best.
Transurfing is very careful about treating illusions as a play of the imagination. Illusions are dreams, hallucinations, inadequate perception of reality, finally, even reality itself. Leaving aside the inadequate perception of reality. perception of reality, the vision of another reality is not a fantasy of the mind. Dreams and hallucinations — are, roughly speaking, travels of the soul in the space of options. The illusory perception of reality — is not a play of imagination, but a perception of sectors not embodied in material realization. Finally, the whole world is not an illusion. A person who dares to claim that everything he perceives is just an illusion is thinking too much of himself.
Why, in fact, would a man allow himself to claim that he is able to understand and explain everything? All that is available to him, — is to cognize only some regularities of this world and see some of its manifestations. Some manifestations of the world are beyond reasonable explanation. Here man, on the one hand, admits his inability to find an explanation and declares what he has seen to be an illusion, and on the other hand, he immediately exaggerates the possibilities of his mind, saying that it is the mind itself that has imagined, synthesized the illusion.
A person under the influence of strong drug or alcohol intoxication, just as in a dream, loses control of consciousness, so the subconscious mind adjusts to unrealized areas in the space of options. The body is in the sector of material
realization, i.e. in our material world, and perception wanders in the virtual sector displaced relative to the real one. A person in this state can walk along familiar streets, among ordinary houses, but he sees in a completely different way. People and surroundings look completely different. The scenery has changed. It's half dream, half reality.
In the same way, people with mental disorders, when their bodies are in the material realization sector, perceive another, unrealized sector. Their perception is tuned to a certain sector in the space of options, where there may be not only other scenery, but also a different scenario and roles. Mentally deranged people are not at all sick in the usual sense. They do not imagine themselves as Napoleons and other odious personalities. They really perceive such an option, see it in a sector of space. There are any variants there, but a person chooses what his soul likes more. When the conflict of soul and mind reaches such a limit and the tormented soul is no longer able to bear the cruel reality, then the setting of perception falls into the virtual, unrealized sector. At the same time the person himself physically lives in the material sector.
One psychiatrist told a story about a woman who pathologically desired to have an ideal husband and children. In Transurfing terms, the importance of family was off the scale for the poor woman. She ended up marrying a man who abused her. She was unable to have children. Real life became unbearable for her and soon she was committed to a mental institution. The sector of material realization she no longer perceived. Her body was in the material world, and her perception was tuned to the virtual sector, where she was — the wife of an English lord, she had children and was perfectly happy. From the point of view of others, she lived in our world, while her perception was tuned to the virtual sector.
They try to treat these patients, but many of them are happy in that state. where illusions are much more pleasant than the harsh reality. In fact, these are not illusions at all, but unrealized variants that exist as real as the material sector.
So why doesn't the virtual sector of a demented person materialize? As it has already been said, the realization of a variant occurs when energy is modulated by thoughts of a person in full unity of soul and mind. Apparently, such unity is not achieved in this case. Or the shift between the material and virtual sectors is too great, and therefore it requires a lot of energy for realization. For example, a new Napoleon in our time — it is too extraordinary case, so it is far beyond the possible flow of variants. Or maybe there are other reasons that we are not aware of.
A person can not only see a different reality, but also perceive reality in a distorted light. A person's perception depends very much on the information that is embedded in him from childhood. As an illustration, we can cite the famous experience with two kittens. One was placed from birth in an environment where there were no vertical objects, and the other — where there were no horizontal objects. After some time the kittens were allowed into an ordinary

room. The first one kept bumping into the legs of chairs — for him there were no vertical lines. The second one, accordingly, did not understand what horizontal lines were and rolled down the steps.
Of course, the mind can imagine and fantasize, but only within the narrow limits of its previous experience. The mind can construct a new model of a house out of old cubes. Where is the boundary between imagination and the perception of another reality? This boundary is not clear-cut, but for our purposes it is not so important. All that matters is how inner beliefs influence the perception of reality and how this affects one's life. You will learn what lies at the heart of a distorted perception of reality and how much of an impact this distortion has on reality itself.
Reality Distortion
A person cannot perceive the world around him or her in a completely objective way. It is similar to putting a slide into a video projector and looking at the image. Ordinary uniform light, as it passes through the film, becomes a picture on the screen. Perception acts as the screen, the light is the world around us, and the slide — our
worldview, i.e. the model of our understanding of this world.
Each person's perception of themselves and the world around them is often far from the
from the truth. The distortion is introduced by our slides. For example, you are concerned about some personal shortcomings, and because of this you feel a sense of inferiority — because it seems that others do not like it either. Then, when communicating with people, you insert the slide of inferiority complex into your «projector» and see everything in a distorted light. Let's say, for example, that at the moment you are concerned about how you are dressed. It may even seem that others pay attention to you and look at you with a sneer or contempt.
But there are no thoughts of this at all in the minds of others. These thoughts are only present in your head in the form of a slide that distorts reality. Any person, as a rule, ninety percent occupied with thoughts about his person — as well as yourself. Even if you are interviewing for a job, rest assured that the interviewer himself is more concerned with how best to play the role.
Slides introduce distortions to your perceptions of what other people think of you. A slide — is a distorted picture of reality. A slide — is something that is in your head but not in others. For example, you think your looks are not attractive enough. If you don't really care about that, there is no distortion. Everything is as it is. But it's not even about what you think about your appearance, it's about the impact the slide has on your life. If you're concerned about your own appearance, you create a slide in your head: «I'm ugly (ugly)» and you look at the world around you through it, like a filter. It is a slide because it is fixed only in your thoughts. Appearance can be evaluated, that is, give it importance, only potential partners. And this is a very small percentage of people. The rest of the people around you and do not care about your appearance. You don't believe me? Then ask the most authoritative arbiter, that is yourself: how much you care about the appearance of those who are not among your potential partners or rivals. Chances are you've never even considered the question. — attractive this person or not. The same think (or do not think at all) the people around you in relation to you. You can be sure that this is true even if you think you are ugly. Ugliness makes an impression only at the moment of the first meeting, and then they stop paying attention to it as a familiar decoration.
So, let's assume that you have put a slide in your head about your unattractive appearance. Everything that comes from other people — looks, gestures, facial expressions, words, — you perceive through your slide. What do you see? A welcoming smile turns into a chuckle. Someone's cheerful laughter turns into schadenfreude at you. Someone's quiet whispering — gossiping about you. Someone's quick glance — an oblique look. Someone blinked with a stomachache — gosh, what he thought of you! Finally, any compliment turns into a sneer. But others had no such thoughts. It is only in your head — own slide.
In accordance with such thoughts will be determined and behavior that will make you really unattractive. Your hands will start making unnatural movements, and you

have nowhere to move them. Your face will be distorted by a tense grimace, all intelligent thoughts will disappear somewhere, the inferiority complex will take its undivided dominance. As a result, the slide sitting in your imagination will get actual realization.
Slides act in two ways. On the one hand, they distort a person's view of his place in the world and the attitudes of those around him. On the other hand, they distort his view of the external world. In particular, everyone tends to see the properties of his slide in the people around him. For example, a person does not like some innate qualities of his character. He tends to hide them away from himself so that he himself does not see them. But it is impossible to obscure the unsightly slide, it sits in the head and does its job. A person has an illusion that others think and act in the same way as he himself. And if he doesn't like some qualities in himself, he is inclined to see the same in others, i.e. to hang his projections on them.
. Projection — this is when dissatisfaction with oneself, driven into the subconscious, spills out onto others. A person does not want to scold himself for some bad aspects of himself, so he tends to see these same aspects in others. People are often willing to berate others for things they don't like about themselves. that they don't like about themselves. You have done the same thing yourself without realizing it. This, of course, does not mean that if a person accuses someone of something, it means that they have it too. However, it happens very often. Observe for yourself. The Caretaker position in role-playing games will make it easy to tell when someone is trying to put their projection on you. If someone tries to unjustly accuse you of something or attribute someone else's qualities to you, ask yourself if the accuser has the same thing that he or she is trying to hang on others. Chances are that will be the case, because if you really don't have it, then the accuser has a slide sitting in their head that projects their picture. So what is at the heart of the slide, what film does it hold on to? Importance. How many times have we come back to it. You are concerned about your own appearance, if that is important to you. The slide is in your head, but others don't have it if it doesn't seem important to them. A person's ugliness becomes a familiar decoration to others because it is not significant to them. It only has significance to the owner of the uncommon appearance himself. The appearance is simply unusual, and nothing more. It is the slide of importance that makes the unusual appearance ugly.
The famous French painter Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec broke both his legs as a child and was left crippled for life. As Lautrec grew up, he was very depressed about his disfigurement. As the years passed, his physical imperfection became more and more apparent, and he suffered even more. Eventually, the experience of imperfection reached a high point, and Lautrec had to accept the inevitable. He spit on his ugliness and went on with his life. Once he got rid of the importance, the slide ceased to exist and luck turned to Lautrec. He was a great success with women, not to mention that he managed to realize his talent with brilliance. He, by the way, was one of the founders of the famous cabaret «Moulin Rouge» in Paris, and women loved him very much, as you understand, not only because of his paintings.
Slides occur when you place excessive importance on what others think of you
what other people think about you. If you do not know for sure the opinion of others and at the same time it is very important to you, consider that in your head 100% settled the corresponding slide. The slide is a product of the imagination, and in that sense it can be seen as an illusion. But this illusion has an active impact on a person's life. This is the case when an external intention acts to one's detriment beyond the will of the mind.
A negative slide tends to produce a unity of mind and soul. As you understand, the external intention in this case works without fail. It picks up the owner of the negative slide and carries him to the sector where the negative slide manifests itself in full force. The transition does not happen at once, but gradually and lasts without stopping all the time the slide is sitting in the head. Those insignificant touches, which due to the importance of the person at the very beginning sketched on his negative slide, become more and more sharply manifested and blossom «in full glory». The man does not like his fullness — he is getting fatter and fatter, he is disturbed by a mole — it grows, he considers himself inferior — and receives more and more evidence of it, he is concerned about his unattractiveness — it is even more aggravated, he is tormented by a sense of guilt

— punishments come down on his head.
This goes on until the person stops giving the slide a great deal of
or switches to making a positive slide. Once the importance is gone, the negative slide loses its foundation, dissolves and stops working.
Once you insert a positive, colorful slide, you'll find that it works just as smoothly as the negative slide. Show yourself the positive aspects of your personality, present yourself in the best possible light, and people will perceive you the same way. This is another positive quality of the slide, which can and should be used.
Positive slides
When creating negative slides, you focus on what you don't like about yourself, what you'd like to hide, what you'd like to get rid of. Now the task is to shift your attention to the features that you like about yourself and that you would like to have. As it was shown earlier, it is impossible to hide your shortcomings, but if you want, you can easily emphasize and develop your advantages.
First, you need to take inventory of yourself and identify your negative slides.
Ask yourself: what do you dislike about yourself, what do you want to hide, what do you want to get rid of? Slides a person creates unconsciously. Now wake up and consciously look at your negative slides. In a conscious state you will easily find them. It is necessary to throw such junk out of your head. How do you do that? You can't just get rid of them, it's not like shaving off your beard. If you fight them, they will appear even more vividly. It is necessary to deprive the slides of the basis on which they hold, namely — your attention and the value that you give them. You need to shift your attention from the negative to the positive. Wave goodbye to everything that has been annoying and stop fighting with yourself. Turn away from your flaws and shift your attention to the virtues you have and want to acquire.
Is it important to you to hide your flaws? That's the basis for a negative slide. Is it important for you to make a good impression? That would be the basis for a positive slide. Everything is still in place, only the direction of your attention, your importance, has changed. Paint yourself the way you want to see yourself. It won't be self-deception, because this game is quite conscious. . . Self-deception is what you were doing while you were struggling with your shortcomings, believing that you could hide or destroy them with inner intention. Create a slide for yourself where you shine in all your glory. Love yourself in that slide and tend to it by adding more and more details.
. Slide doesn't have to be a static picture. It can be a representation of how gracefully and confidently you move, how elegantly you are dressed, what aristocratic manners you have, how you shine with wit, radiate charm, dispose people to you, easily cope with problems. Now put this slide in your head — and go for it. Positive slide as well as negative slide will have a direct impact on your actions and behavior. You will involuntarily and even unconsciously adjust to the slide. But the main work will be done by the external intention in accordance with the picture of the slide.
Reproduce the created picture in your thoughts until the slide dissolves. How
how do you mean? In time, the slide will actually become a part of your personality, at which point it will cease to be a slide. When you achieve what you want, it will cease to matter to you. The importance will disappear and the slide will dissolve, but it will have accomplished its mission. It will mean that the soul has come into harmony with the mind. And this is bound to happen, because you want it with both soul and mind. While the mind is trying to turn the slide into reality, in the depths of your soul you will still realize that it is only a masked game. But if you consistently and systematically fix the picture of the slide in your mind, your soul will get used to it and will accept it as its inalienable essence. Do not forget that the external intention cannot realize this slide instantly, but acts gradually.
As you can see, it is not that difficult to achieve the desired results. It is only a matter of determination to have. The slide pictures can refer to any qualities that you think you lack. However, you must be aware of how realistic it is to make such a slide picture a reality. You should not immediately paint a perfect picture. It is better to start with realistically achievable steps. Over time, you will be able to rise to higher levels.

Never draw an image from people who you think have the necessary qualities! Your slide should be exactly yours, not someone else's copy. This will be discussed in more detail in the next chapter. For now, let's note that any quality has a substitute that is closer to you at this stage. Courage can be replaced by determination, beauty — charm, strength — dexterity, ability to speak — ability to listen, intellectuality — awareness, physical perfection — confidence. By setting realistically achievable goals, you give your external intention the opportunity to fulfill your order-minimum more quickly and start realizing more difficult tasks.
Positive slides work especially effectively and quickly if you go to a meeting with strangers who have not yet formed an idea of you. It could be a job interview, a contest, a party or something similar. Feel free to put the right slide in your head and don't be afraid of anything. Don't forget the picture on the slide, keep it in your mind at all times. Allow yourself the luxury of putting aside any hesitation and doubts such as «what if it doesn't work». After all, you don't lose anything by letting go of doubts. If you have enough determination to have, you will achieve the greatest possible and sometimes incredible success.
Positive slides can be created not only in relation to your personality, but also in relation to the world around you. Such slides will let in all the positive and discard the negative. If you remember, in the chapter «Wave of luck» we have already discussed the topic of broadcasting positive energy. Be that as it may, it is beneficial above all to be open to all the good and ignore all the bad. At an exhibition, you stop near the exhibits you like and indifferently pass by what you don't like. In this respect, the world around you differs from the exhibition in that the negative will haunt you if you do not pass by indifferently. Positive, in its turn, will always be with you if you accept it with joy.
It may seem that positive slides are like rose-colored glasses. Contrary to popular belief, rose-colored glasses — are the invention of pessimists, not optimists. Pessimists are pragmatically wary of seeing everything in pink and admonish optimists. Such pragmatism is nothing but a negative slide. The pessimist hesitates to allow himself the luxury of having, and so he gets accordingly.
Don't worry too much about the fact that the positive slide also distorts perception. In most cases, this distortion is insignificant because internal control does its job after all. The distortion caused by a positive slide will only benefit you, unless of course you imagine yourself to be Napoleon. In everything it is good to know the measure and remember about excessive potentials. Negative slides do immeasurably more harm by their distortion. But distortion — this is not the most important thing. The main property of slides is that external intention slowly but surely translates them into reality.
Expanding your comfort zone
Let's say you have an ambition to become a star or a millionaire. Are you ready to afford it? As a rule, people believe that fame, money or power — it is the domain of the chosen. Who chooses them, these chosen ones? First of all — they themselves, and then all
and then everyone else. If you dream of something, but you are not ready to afford it, you will not get it.
Here's a homeless man looking out the window at a Christmas table. Is he ready to afford to sit at that table and eat? Of course, if invited, he will. To go into the house and sit at the table — is a determination to act, that is, an inner intention. But who will invite him? And he realizes it perfectly well. The Christmas table is in the layer of someone else's world. Is he willing to have that table at home, in the layer of his world? No, the homeless man knows he has no home, no money, and no way to earn it. Outward intention will get him nothing, because,
he's not ready to have.
Suppose you want to become a rich man. Are you ready to accept such a a gift from fate? Of course, if someone gives «extra» million, any of us will take it without problems and difficulties. And wealth will not spoil life, as sometimes they try to imagine in instructive movies. But that's not what I'm talking about. Are you ready to take that million? You might be thinking of a million to be earned, to be won? Wrong again. Are you ready to just choose it? To allow yourself to have it?

You need to get used to the idea that you will achieve your goal. If you want to become a wealthy person, but you are afraid to go into expensive stores, you will not succeed. If you feel even the slightest discomfort in an expensive store, then you are not ready to afford to have expensive things. Salespeople in such stores are able to instantly determine whether you are a potential customer or a curious person with an empty wallet. The buyer behaves like a master, calm, confident and dignified — he realizes his right to choose. The curious and very thirsty, but poor, behaves like an uninvited guest. He is stiff, tense, timid, feels the evaluating glances of the salesmen and almost apologizes for his appearance in such a prestigious establishment. He creates at the same time a whole complex of potentials of importance: lust, envy, a sense of inferiority, irritation, dissatisfaction. And all because he is not only not ready to afford it all materially, but he does not even consider himself worthy of having expensive things. After all, the soul understands literally what the mind tells it, but it keeps saying one thing: «All this is not for us, we are poor people, we need something more modest».
Let yourself be worthy of all these luxuries. You do deserve everything. the best. It is destructive pendulums, which are profitable to keep you under control, indoctrinated you that, say, «every cricket knows its own post». Boldly go to expensive stores and look at things as a master, not as a servant in a rich house. Of course, it is useless to engage in self-delusion that you can afford to buy it. You will not be able to deceive yourself, and it is not necessary. So how to believe and allow yourself to have?
First of all, let's distinguish between the areas of inner and outer intention in the phrase «be willing to afford». A person who is used to thinking and acting within the framework of inner intention tends to go straight to the point: «I can't afford it materially, period. What else is there to talk about? » Well, do not make yourself believe that you can afford to buy an expensive thing while fumbling for an empty purse in your pocket. That's not what this is about at all. Inner intention implies a determination to act, i.e. to get the money. But since there is nowhere to get it, the mind reaches a pragmatic verdict. Acting on internal intention will really accomplish nothing. External intention will not just fall on your head like manna from heaven. Where will it come from if you are not willing to allow yourself to have it? External intention implies a determination to have, in other words, to consider yourself worthy and to know that the choice is yours. Not to believe, but to know.
Deep down, you always doubt that the wish can come true after all. Even if you are ready to act to fulfill the wish, it is not enough. Do not believe — means you do not allow yourself to consider yourself worthy or simply doubt the reality of fulfillment. So those who became stars or millionaires differ from you not by their abilities, but only by the fact that they allowed themselves to have what they wanted. It is necessary to allow yourself to have. This state is similar to the first time you ride a two-wheeler. The doubts, hesitations and wordiness are gone, and one wordless clarity — knowledge is left. The feeling of clarity without words, knowledge without faith, certainty without hesitation is the state of unity of soul and mind. In this state you feel your unity with the silent force that governs the universe.
This force picks you up and carries you to the sector where what your soul and mind have united in is fulfilled.
Everyone is free to choose whatever he wants, but not everyone believes in such permissiveness. No matter what I tell you, you don't fully believe that freedom of choice is real, do you? Our life proves otherwise, because all people are at the mercy of pendulums. But even if you are free of pendulums, freedom of choice still lies outside your comfort zone. It's too unreal — having the right to choose in a world of pendulums. It's too unbelievable. In your heart of hearts, you don't believe that an elusive dream — is only a matter of personal choice. So, positive slides help you incorporate the unbelievable into your comfort zone. When you stop experiencing the mental discomfort of thinking that any dream is available to you, doubt will fall away and faith will turn into knowledge. The soul will come into harmony with the mind, and then there will be a determination to have.
It is useless to convince the soul of anything. It does not reason, it knows. It can only be accustomed. It has to get used to the new comfort zone. That's what slides are for. With slides.

with the help of slides, the unity of mind and soul is achieved gradually. This fortress is taken by a long siege. Create a slide of your dream in your head and keep it constantly in your mind. Return to the painted picture again and again. Work out the details, draw new details.
Do not look at the slide as an outside observer, but immerse yourself in it and live in it, at least virtually. Restrain yourself every time you try to imagine the slide as a motion picture on the screen. This is ineffective. You must mentally replay the scenes, feeling a direct participant, not a spectator in a movie theater. Whatever you do, replay your slide in your mind constantly. You can think about other things, but the picture of the slide should serve as a background. It should become a habit. A slide will only produce results if you play it over a long and systematic period of time.
Take an active interest in everything that relates to the subject of your dream. Let in all the necessary information, give it a chance to penetrate the layer of your world. It is good if there is an opportunity to play the slide in reality, at least formally. For example, in the same expensive stores you can rehearse how you will choose. Do not think about money and do not
and don't look at the prices. Your goal is not money, but what you can buy with it. Just enough to revolve around it all, taste, choose, just quietly look and evaluate. Let all these things in. Look at them not as unattainable luxuries, but as something you are going to buy soon. Pretend you own these things. Let the sellers think you're the buyer. Play the picky buyer (just not the arrogant one). By letting these things into a layer of your world, you are gradually tuning into life lines where they will be yours.
You don't have to worry about how they will become so. If you have the determination to have, the external intention will find a way without your knowledge that you are not aware of. Then don't be surprised or convince yourself that it is an accident, a coincidence or some mysticism. I don't remember who said it: «Chance — is God's alias when he does not want to sign his name».
If you have even fleeting feelings of awe for your dream world, chase them away. It is your world, and there is nothing in it beyond your reach. External or internal importance will serve as an obstacle to the unity of mind and soul. Your dream world should be joyful, yet ordinary. If you have, for you it is ordinary, in the order of things. In order to tune into the appropriate lifelines, you must feel as if you already have. This is not self-deception, because you are playing consciously.
The determination to have is best illustrated by the example of Russia's newly minted billionaires, who now outnumber those in developed Western countries. During the perestroika period in Russia, in the late eighties of the XX century, short-sighted politicians thought that the socialist economy would immediately turn 'into a market economy if everything was privatized. Whoever was near the trough at that time and grasped the essence of the moment, immediately became rich, without any labor input. Everything that in the era of socialism belonged to the state, i.e. oil, gas, gold, diamonds and all other natural, industrial and intellectual resources, began to belong to a handful of oligarchs. belongs to a handful of oligarchs. It was common — it became theirs. This did not require doing business the way real, not fake, billionaires who had to earn their millions did. Those who were closest to the trough only needed to put their paws on it and roar: «Mine!» — and then formalize it as a legal act.
For what reasons did what was common become his? This period in Russia, of course, is unique. But there were many intelligent and talented people next to the wealth, and yet most of them were left with nothing. The one who managed to grab was the one who allowed himself to have. The newly rich had no guilt, no remorse, no doubts, no sense of inferiority. They did not consider themselves unworthy, it did not occur to them to feel guilty in expensive stores. They had the determination to have, so a dispassionate outward intention gave it to them. That's it. And you say — unbelievable!"
Goal Visualization
Transurfing's methods of goal visualization lie beyond common sense and conventional wisdom. Of all known unconventional methods closest to

Transurfing is the visualization of the desired goal. This method consists in visualizing the desired goal as much as possible in all details and carrying this image in one's head.
Ordinary worldview considers visualization as a meaningless waste of time. Indeed, the road will be traveled by the one who walks, not by the one who dreams. But be that as it may, the mental visualization of a goal is as crucial as the actual process of achieving that goal, and you already know why. Simply «going» will achieve average results and live like everyone else, contributing to the triumph of common sense. A traveler who has Transurfing methods in his luggage can achieve results that common sense tries to fit into concepts like «luck», «chance», «chosen one of destiny».
In Transurfing, from the point of view of common sense, everything is turned upside down. However, the same can be said about common sense from a Transurfing perspective. If you do not want to live like everybody else, if you do not want to be satisfied with average achievements, if you aspire in this life to get everything «full program» then you are a Wanderer. The Wanderer of Transurfing is not the chosen one of fate — it is she who is his chosen one. You will will get everything you want if you manage to shake the monolith of your common sense. It does not mean to fly into the clouds, but on the contrary, to come down to the ground, because the common common sense is not really such. You have already been convinced of this more than once, and soon you will discover many more unusual things.
We will have to understand why visualization of the set goal does not always bring results. Even active adherents of esotericism and unconventional psychology can not rely on it completely. There are both simple and quite complex visualization techniques. They work with variable success. Something works, something does not. I personally am not satisfied with this quality, and you, probably, too. Therefore, I hasten to reassure you: in Transurfing visualization — it is not exactly what is usually understood under it. But visualization according to the rules of Transurfing really works with a guarantee of reliability.
Known types of visualization can be divided into three groups. The first group — dreams. From the practical point of view this is the weakest and most unreliable kind of visualization. It is not harmful to dream, but it is practically useless. Dreams do not come true! Dreamers, as a rule, do not seriously claim to realize their dreams. It only seems to them that they really want it to come true. But deep down, they either don't believe the dream can come true, or they have no intention of having and acting on it. Dreamers look at their dreams as distant stars. When hinted at about air castles, they slam their shells shut like oysters: «Don't touch my dream!» If the purpose of dreamers is clearly defined, it is the process of dreaming itself, and nothing more.
The second group — is the movie. I do not mean cinematography, but a movie in the mind of one's desire. The scrolling of the movie in the mind is done intentionally; this is the difference from dreaming. There is an intention to have and to act, and one of the actions — is visualizing the fulfillment of the desire in the form of watching a motion picture. How does this happen? For example, you want to have a house and you visualize it both this way and that way, in all details, that is, according to all rules. You have have a very clear picture in your head, or almost clear, of what it looks like, and you carry that image in your mind every day.
Let's assume that you have brilliantly coped with this task. It would seem that the wish should come true. Guess what you'll get? And here's what: you will definitely see this house — almost or quite as it was imagined. But you won't get it. It will be someone else's house on the street or in a movie. Because you get what you order. After all, you worked so honestly on the visualization of the house, but you did not explain to the waiter that the house is yours, so he just exactly fulfilled this order. You got so caught up in the quality of the visualization process, as you were taught in the books, that you forgot the most important thing: who owns the house. This is the main mistake of those who do this kind of visualization. The movie will remain a movie, you will never become a participant in it. You are looking at it like a beggar at shop windows!
The third group — you do not watch the movie as a spectator, and mentally play in it. This is already much more effective. Playing your image, you adjust the parameters of your radiation to the appropriate life lines. For example, your goal is to have a new house. You don't have to look at it

it in your mind like a picture. Create for yourself a kind of virtual dream in reality. Go into the house, walk through the rooms, touch all the things around you. Collapse in a chair in front of the fireplace, feel the cozy warmth and smell the smoke, throw some wood. Go to the kitchen, look in the refrigerator. What's in there? Put yourself to sleep in a comfortable crib. Are you comfortable? Sit around the table with your family. Have a housewarming party. Move furniture around. Touch the grass in the yard with your hands. It's green and soft. Plant some flowers. Which ones do you like? Pick an apple from an apple tree and eat it. Feel at home. This is your home. Don't look at it with the eyes of a longing dreamer, with awe, as something out of reach or as a distant prospect. You already have a home, pretend it's real.
As you can understand, this visualization represents a slide. Such a slide will expand your comfort zone and in time it will definitely be realized. But when it will happen is unknown. You may have to wait for a long time. It all depends on how you work with this slide. If you play a little and quit, you have nothing to count on. Miracles don't really happen.
When working with the slide, you need to keep the following in mind. First of all, if you get cold feet. your goal, it will dissolve and you'll have to force yourself to work with it, which will soon become tiresome. Then it is worth thinking: do you really need this slide? Secondly, it is necessary to remember that the external intention realizes the slide far not at once, gradually bringing you closer to the target lines of life. What is required is calm patience and persistence.
Persistence is needed only at the initial stage. Then the visualization of the slide will become a habit, and you will not have to force yourself. Finally, if the goal is not yours, but is imposed by pendulums, you will not be able to achieve the unity of mind and soul. This will be discussed in the following chapters. If, however, you are wholeheartedly striving for the goal, visualizing the slide will definitely bring results. When you have a genuine determination to have, the outer intention will find a way to realize your goal.
If you thought that the slide — is the visualization method in Transurfing, you are wrong. Even a slide of the highest quality can take a long time to realize, especially if the goal lies in a rather distant sector of the space of options. The process of achieving a goal can be accelerated with the help of Transurfing visualization. What it is, you will learn.
Visualization of the process
Let's solve such a task. Let's assume that your ultimate goal is to get rich. To achieve your goal, you visualize a briefcase full of bundles of bills. The visualization is performed according to all the rules of the third group and for quite a long time. Question: what will happen and when?
Answer: you will never get anything. You can do it all day long for the rest of your life, and still, at best, you will only see cases full of money more often, — in the movies. The likelihood of you finding a treasure or winning the lottery is very slim. Is it worth betting on the probability?
You might ask, “How come I'm always thinking about opening the case with my hands,
taking out my money, going through it, stroking it, almost licking it! After all, the visualization of the third group is no longer a movie, what else is needed? What about the all-powerful external intention?
The point is that from the point of view of Transurfing there are two mistakes here. The first mistake: the case with money is not your goal. Money — it is just an attribute, and not even a means, and certainly not a goal. However, we will talk about your goals later, and now we will not get ahead of ourselves. The second mistake: focusing on the end goal, unless it is only one step away, does not move you toward the goal. Of course, the comfort zone expands, and the external intention gradually does its work. But you're not helping it. You have to at least move your feet! We are not talking about the need to act as well. Now we are discussing only visualization. Up to now your everyday experience has told you that if you want to achieve what you want, you should direct all your thoughts and aspirations to your goal. Now we have to forget about that. As I promised you, Transurfing works unconditionally, but for this purpose it is necessary to refuse some habitual ideas and to accept other, unbelievable from the ordinary point of view.

Let's define the main fundamental difference between Transurfing visualization and ordinary visualization. As you know, concentration of attention on the goal is a desire. Concentration of attention on movement to the goal is intention. Intention, not desire, is the driving force of any action. Therefore, it is not the contemplation of the goal itself that moves you toward the goal, but the visualization of the process of moving toward the goal. The realization of intention — is a process, not a fixation on a single frame. Of course, the goal itself is also part of the visualized picture. However, attention is focused on the process of movement toward the goal, while the goal itself lies only in the background of the movement.
Visualizing the goal itself is different from visualizing the process of achieving it, just as desire is different from intention. Desire does nothing. Let's go back again to the example of the raised hand. Visualize that you wish to raise it. First think of the fact that you wish to raise your hand, and of what will be the result — that is, the raised hand. Now raise it. In the first case desire works and nothing is done, there is only a statement of the fact of desire and visualization of the goal — the raised hand. In the second case intention works, and it works all the time while the hand is raised. During this
process, the goal is implied as something to strive for, but the attention is concentrated on the process. After all, to walk a few steps, it is not enough to wish and visualize oneself at the destination point. It is necessary to step, that is, to fulfill the process.
All of this is seemingly trivial reasoning. But look, what conclusion follows from this: visualization of the goal is the work of desire, and therefore the goal is not approaching by a step. It is an idle stroke.
In Transurfing visualization of the process of movement to the goal is performed — in this case intention works, so the goal will be reached sooner or later. The movement to the goal is not as fast as in a dream, but the movement is there, and quite tangible! By studying the last chapter, you will even learn how to actually see movement along life lines.
Whatever you are doing, if it is a long process, visualizing the process will help you. This visualization is especially helpful in any creative endeavor when the end goal is not yet clearly outlined. What do we mean by visualizing the process? Let's say you are working on a piece of art and you don't know exactly what the result should be. But you know the qualities that you would like to give to this object. In between your work, visualize the object becoming more and more perfect. Today you have completed some details of your work. Tomorrow you are going to add new touches. Imagine your creation becoming more and more transformed. You give it more and more new qualities, and it turns into a masterpiece before your eyes. You are satisfied, captured by the creative process, your favorite child grows with you.
You yourself will easily come up with a way of visualization, suitable in a particular case. The secret is not just to contemplate your object, but to visualize the process of birth and growth of perfection. You do not need to imagine how a creation, for example, a work of art, is drawn, molded, built or whatever it is. You are the one who creates it.
It is perfected in your hands. One creates and admires at the same time.
A good illustration is the care of a mother raising her child. She feeds him, puts him to bed and imagines how the baby grows every day. She cares for him, admires him and constantly confirms for herself how beautiful he is becoming. The mother plays with him, teaches him and imagines how the baby is gaining intelligence, how he will soon go to school. As you can see, it is not contemplating the result, but creating while visualizing the process. The mother is not just watching the baby grow, but visualizing how the baby is developing and what
and what it's becoming.
If your creation — a computer program, imagine after work how
it becomes more and more efficient and user-friendly. Here tomorrow you add new details, and it surprises everyone.
If you are working on a business project, imagine how you come up with all new brilliant ideas. You make interesting and out-of-the-box suggestions every day. Watch your project grow and convince yourself that it is gradually becoming

the benchmark of professionalism.
If you are working on your body — grow it like a mother of a child. Visualize
your body gradually taking on the perfect shape. Take care of it, train it, and then imagine how muscles somewhere grow and somewhere tighten.
In any case, visualize the process: how your case is moving towards completion. Just contemplating the end result expands your comfort zone, and that's a lot. But by visualizing the process of moving toward the goal, you noticeably accelerate the work of external intention.
If you don't yet know how your goal can be realized, don't worry and continue to calmly and systematically perform the slide visualization. When the goal is fully within your comfort zone, the external intention will throw up a suitable option for you. You don't have to flail around, frantically searching for ways to accomplish the goal. Let go of the importance and trust the flow of options. Don't look at the slide, but live in it. Then you will involuntarily act in the right direction.
But visualizing the process — is not everything. The material realization of the space options is as inert as tar, so the transition must be gradual, unless you have the outward intention of a messiah. Gradually — means not only continuously, but also in stages. This is the secret of another feature of Transurfing visualization.
Transfer Chains
If the goal is on rather distant lines of life, it is almost impossible to tune your radiation to them. For example, if you are going to take an exam, but you do not know the subject at all, you will not be able to tune to the line where you successfully pass it. You won't be able to visualize your answer to at least one question if you don't know anything.
There may be quite a long way (not necessarily in time) between your future goal and your current position. Not only your position will change, but also your way of thinking, your way of acting, even, maybe, your character. You cannot fine tune your parameters now without going through this path.
If you try to visualize the process of moving to a very distant goal, you will be tempted to get ahead of yourself and rush things. This will yield nothing, as a result of which you will get a feeling of frustration and annoyance, which in turn will restore the equilibrium forces against you.
You can spin a slide picture of the distant future in your head as much as you want, and there will be no harm from it. But visualization of the process of moving along a section of the path, which you will enter in a little while, can take you to unknown places. Imagine that you need to swim down a winding river. You wouldn't drag your boat along the bank to take a shortcut by cutting the river's bends, would you?
If a goal is accomplished in several stages, you will have to complete each stage in sequence whether you want to or not. For example, becoming a professional in a field cannot be accomplished in one go. You must first graduate, then find a job, then polish your professional excellence, and so on. Such a step-by-step path to the goal in the space of options represents a transfer chain. Each link of the chain — is a separate stage. The stages are linked into links, because if one stage is not passed, it is impossible to enter the next stage. For example, it is impossible to enter graduate school without having completed university.
A separate link of the transfer chain consists of interconnected and relatively homogeneous sectors of the space. The path to the goal in the space of options is structured by transfer chains and the flow of options. The space of variants has an ordered structure. If you follow the goal in a disorderly way, it will not be achieved. You already know how not to get out of the flow of options, — not to create excessive potentials, not to beat the water with your hands and not to fight with the current. There is only one more rule to follow: to visualize the process of movement to the goal only in relation to the current stage. You can visualize the final result as much as you like in the form of a slide. But the process of movement — only within the current link of the transfer chain. There is no need to rush, you will manage everything in due time.

Now a final definition can be given. Visualization in Transurfing — is a mental representation of the process of realization of the current link of the transfer chain. Under the representation is understood the direction of the course of thoughts in the right direction. Thoughts only need to be given an impetus, and then they will go on their own, as in a dream scenario. It is necessary to live the process of realizing the link in thoughts and actions in a coordinated manner.
As you can see, everything is simple. It is not difficult to identify the individual links of your transfer chain. But what if the order of movement to the goal is unknown? Or it is not clear at all by what way and by what means you can achieve your goal? That's okay, don't let it bother you. I repeat again what should be done in this case.
If you do not yet know how your goal can be realized, do not worry and continue to calmly and systematically perform the slide visualization. When the goal is completely within your comfort zone, the external intention will throw up a suitable option for you. You don't have to flail around, frantically searching for ways to accomplish the goal. The slide itself will make you involuntarily and even unconsciously act in the right direction. Put aside the importance, be calm and trust the flow of options.
Here I would like to add a few words about signs. If you interpret any sign, which, as it seems to you, may indicate the possibility of achieving the goal, you need to know that signs refer only to the current link of the transfer chain and are only remotely related to the final goal. In other words, the signs refer only to the road you are currently traveling on. You can interpret the signs for anything related to the current link in the transfer chain. But if the current line of your life is separated from the target line by several links, the signs cannot serve as pointers to the target. This is not to say that signposts for a distant target don't exist at all. Just that you can not interpret them with a sufficient degree of reliability. In general, the interpretation of signs, except for the state of mental comfort, is the least reliable technique in Transurfing, so you should not attach much importance to signs. It remains to find out what place is given to visualization of the third group and whether it is necessary to be engaged in visualization of the goal at all. The answer here is unambiguous: of course, it is absolutely necessary to visualize the goal in any form convenient for you. The goal is kept in the head in the form of a slide, which expands the comfort zone and adjusts the frequency of radiation of mental energy to the target lines of life. This is the main and only function of the third group visualization. But the actual transition to the target lines is still the workhorse of Transurfing — visualization of the process of movement to the goal. By visualizing the process, you unite your inner intention with the outer one.
Illusions — are not the result of the play of imagination, but a vision of another reality. A person, while in the material world, can perceive another reality. The perception of the world can be distorted by inner beliefs.
Slide — it is what is in your head, but not in others.
Slides distort reality.
A person tends to put projections of their slide onto others.
The basis for the slide is importance.
Once importance is gone, the slide ceases to exist.
External intention continuously and gradually realizes the slide.
Stop fighting yourself and shift your focus from negativity to positivity. Create a positive slide for yourself that is pleasing to your soul and mind.
Review your slide more often and add new details to it.
Never draw the image of your slide from other people.
If you don't have the determination to have it, you won't get it.
Allow yourself the luxury of being worthy of the best of everything.
The determination to have — is the unalterable knowledge that you are worthy and the choice is yours. Positive slides help you incorporate the unbelievable into your comfort zone. Don't look at the slide as a picture, but live in it, if only virtually. Take in all the information from your dream world.

It's not the contemplation of the result that moves you toward your goal, but the visualization of the process of movement.
Not contemplation of the result, but visualization of the process of birth and growth of perfection. Visualization in Transurfing — it is a mental representation of the process of realization. of the current link of the transfer chain.
If the path to achieve the goal is unknown, perform visualization of the slide. The slide itself will lead you in the right direction.