Chapter I
Where do dreams come from? Are they not merely the product of the imagination
of the human mind? What do dreams and reality have in common? The mystery of the power of the ancient magicians who built the Egyptian pyramids and other such structures is revealed.
Your possibilities are limited only by your intention.
Dream Awakening
In this chapter, we are getting closer to solving the Caretaker's Enigma: why we can choose whatever we want, and how to do it. One of the clues lies in the phenomenon we call dreaming. In sleep, a person spends a third of his life. Everything that happens to him in this borderline state is still shrouded in mystery. Unfortunately.
Scientific research in this area explains little. Philosophical interpretations also rush from one extreme to another. Some say that dreams — are illusions, others argue that even our very life is nothing but a dream. Who is right here? Within the framework of the Transurfing model — neither of them. But let's begin in order. Adults, remembering their dreams, realize that none of these things actually happened. The mind interprets them as their fantasies, which somehow take place during the rest, and this calms down. It is known that children under the age of four do not distinguish between sleep and wakefulness. They assume that dreams take place in the same world as the rest of life. At this age, waking up in fear during nightmares, the child thinks that monsters are in the room. And all the assurances of parents that it is only a dream, do not produce the proper effect. But gradually the child's mind is still accustomed to the idea that all this is unreal. We have already discussed how the mind puts all new data on the shelves of abstract designations. And it does it very quickly and willingly. Now imagine this: it took four years to convince the mind that the dream is unreal. This |
The one thing the mind could not agree on in any way. We don't remember what happened to us before the age of four, so we can't witness the bewilderment of our minds upon awakening. But even now, our minds, when we shut down, simply fall into the same trap every day. While we sleep, it does not occur to us to take a critical look at what is happening. And even when we wake up, we are surprised at how real the dream seemed. In dreams, virtual reality is modeled in a strikingly natural way. Despite the fact that there are often bizarre events, we perceive them as something ordinary. This ability is based on the mind's habit of finding an explanation for everything. If we have to notice or experience something unusual, we are able to rationalize it at any time. And then in the conscious state we are not accustomed to questioning the reality of what is happening. Therefore, even in dreams we take everything for granted by inertia. The mind is used to controlling situations. But there is one question that always passes through control without verification: «Is it really happening? » That is why the mind is always falling into the trap of dreaming. And that is why the mind always falls into the trap of dreaming. But sometimes, if we are lucky, a miracle happens and we realize we are dreaming. Most often this happens when we dream something completely unbelievable or a nightmare is too annoying. Then mind control is restored and we figure out what to do next. In this case, the unconscious dream turns into a conscious dream. In a conscious dream, a person participates in a virtual game and realizes that it is just a dream. If this has never happened to you and you hear about it for the first time, do not doubt — it is not a fantasy. There are many books devoted to conscious dreaming, and there are amateurs out there who practice it all the time. Wouldn't you like to give it a try? Yes, conscious dreaming can indeed be induced intentionally. To do this, you need to train your mind to ask the question: «Is this happening on |
Self? » Doing it is not that difficult if you really want to do it. The procedure for training the mind is simple, but it requires focused attention. During the day you should ask yourself the above question at least ten times. Your inner Caretaker will help you in this. Instruct it to keep nagging you: are you asleep or not? Answer the question as consciously as possible, so that it is really a control, not a routine procedure. Wake up, look around, assess the situation: is everything really going well or is something suspicious going on? If you are persistent enough, you will soon wake up in your dream. You will find that asking yourself the question at least ten times during the day is difficult. You will simply forget about it. You have to really want it badly enough to make it happen. Depending on the strength of your intention, a conscious dream may come to you in a few days, or it may come to you in a few months. If you have a beating clock at home, it can help you. During the day, whenever the clock strikes, turn on your Caretaker to ask you if you are asleep or awake. Fighting Clock |
will become an anchor, a clue to awareness. In a dream, if you hear a clock chiming, you will habitually rouse your Caretaker and he will awaken your mind. Other clues can be found, provided you can hear them during the dream. Just don't tie the question to signals you can't hear in your sleep. For example, if you tie your question to a ringing phone, you won't be able to ask yourself the question in your dream until you dream about the phone ringing. In general, the principle is to develop the habit of constantly asking yourself a question about the reality of what is happening. Answer the question consciously, not machine, but consciously. For many dreamers, the factor that awakens awareness is recognizing anomalies, inconsistencies, and oddities in dreams. In most cases, such things are not noticed and are perceived by the sleeper as quite normal. This is why you should train yourself to critically assess the situation and answer the question in good faith. For what? First, it is at least interesting and fun, when the dream is not just «happens» and you yourself consciously play its virtual game. This is no longer virtual reality fiction. No computer game compares to what you can do in |
Conscious dreaming. And you can do anything you can think of. will. Let's say you have a nightmare: someone is chasing you, and you can't get rid of him. If it seems to you that everything happens in reality, it will be difficult to get rid of the persecutor. But it is worth realizing that this is just a dream, you are likely to try to wake up, and it is usually with difficulty, but succeeds. However, there is a much more effective and interesting way. If you realize that it is a dream, it is enough to look at the stalker and just think: «Vanish!» (Vanish, disappear, vanish.) The stalker will immediately disappear. You can even mentally lift him into the air and make him somersault. In a dream, a person is able to have complete control over everything that happens if two simple conditions are met. First, he must realize that it is a dream. Second, he must know that «here» you can do anything. For example, you woke up in a dream and wanted to fly. Nothing is easier, all it takes is a single intention. The difference between desire and intention is very clear here. Simply wishing to go up in the air will do nothing, either in reality or in a dream. Take, for example, the desire to raise your hand. You say to yourself that you want to raise your hand, but you do not do it yet. But you just take it and raise your hand. The desire has been transformed into action. You do not think about how you will raise your hand, you just do it. It's the same in a dream: just lift yourself into the air with one intention and fly wherever you want to go." So you can't just lift yourself into the air with one intention and fly wherever you want to go. Now back to the stalker nightmare. It should be clear to you that if you want to get rid of him, you will not achieve it. Being in the power of fear, thoughts quickly replay all possible variants of events, which are immediately realized. You are involved in a game, the rules of which are set by someone or something else. And even if you realize that this is just a dream, there is nothing you can do until you take control. As long as you play the role of a passive victim, you are at the mercy of the game. It doesn't matter that it's a game born of your own imagination, At the moment you are a slave to your imagination. |
You are afraid and running away because you chose that role yourself. If now you stop and want to switch roles with your pursuer, he will willingly agree and will run away from you. Can you imagine the comicality of the situation? Any question that begins with «can I dream...? » will be answered in the affirmative. You can communicate with any people (living and dead), do whatever you want with dream participants and objects, fly to other planets, solve problems, compose music, rehearse, travel, and so on. Compared to all this, strong drugs — are just child's play. And there is no damage to health. It is allowed to take out any information from dreams. Only one thing is impossible: to bring a material object into reality. In any case, I personally know nothing about such phenomena. If you do not remember what you dreamed, determine in what direction you are lying. It is best to sleep with your head to the north. You can't sleep facing west, it's bad for your health. I can't really explain why this happens. It has to do with the Earth's magnetic field. Try to lie with your head to the north, and you will see that dreams become more interesting and colorful. |
If you are not getting conscious dreams or have no desire to do it at all, don't worry. Conscious dreams play a role in the Transurfing technique, but you can do without them. Besides, conscious dreams have one hidden danger in themselves. Well, you will say, first you are interested and now you are trying to frighten me. But I have no other choice. Realized dreams are a mysterious door to the unknown. It would be irresponsible of me not to warn you of the danger that may lurk behind this door. What that danger is, you will soon find out. Dreamspace To explain the Riddle of the Caretaker, we need to answer two questions: why is anything possible in conscious dreaming, and why do dreams seem so real? Why do dreams seem so real? In both conscious and unconscious dreaming, pictures are seen very clearly, down to the smallest detail. It even happens that dreams surpass reality in sharpness of forms and richness of colors. There is a hypothesis that the brain itself synthesizes dream pictures and during sleep perceives these pictures in the same way as in reality. This is really nothing more than a hypothesis. So far, no one has proven that this is exactly what happens. In the Transurfing model, the interpretation of soviem |
It's different: the subconscious mind doesn't imagine anything on its own, but connects directly to the space of options, which contains all the information. Look closely at an object, then close your eyes and try to visualize it. Even if you have extraordinary abilities to visualize, you still can not «see» the object with closed eyes as well as with open eyes. The image that your brain has captured is only a very low quality photograph. Suppose your brain stores such a photograph as a certain state of a group of neurons. Then, in order to reproduce all the pictures in your memories, no neurons, despite their enormous number, would be enough. If our memories and dreams — are a reproduction of what is recorded in neurons, then how many of these cells must there be in the head? Within the Transurfing model, neurons are not storage media like bits in a computer. The brain does not store information itself, but some sort of addresses to information in the space of options. The brain is not storing information itself, but some sort of addresses to information in the space of options. It is possible that the brain is capable of holding some limited amount of data. However, even as a perfect biological system, it cannot store everything that we are ready to reproduce in our memory. Even less can it synthesize such a perfect virtual reality as sleep. Is it easy in the waking state to close your eyes and mentally visualize imaginary pictures as natural as you see in a dream? There is no need to be seduced by the unconvincing arguments that, by shutting down, the brain acquires the ability to perceive the pictures it imagines clearly. As already stated, the mind is not capable of creating anything fundamentally new. It can only assemble a new version of a house from old cubes. The mind possesses only primitive information about these cubes and how to assemble them. The mind stores more detailed data on paper and other media. All other information reaches the mind through the soul, from the realm of options. |
So, the mind in the Transurfing model appears as a rather primitive system, the work of which can be modeled in technical execution, which is what scientists are trying to do. Attempts to create artificial intelligence are not successful yet. The mind can still understand itself, but it is not able to understand the nature of the soul. The secret of intelligence of a living being consists in the unity and interaction of soul and mind. So far, the efforts of cyberneticians have been limited to modeling the thinking process as the mind does. But maybe someday it will occur to someone to model a machine capable of tuning into and receiving information from the space of options, as the soul does. Somehow the mind is able to memorize addresses to the right sectors of space. If something needs to be remembered, the mind turns to the soul, and the soul tunes to the corresponding sector. But whether the soul is bad at tuning in, or the mind is bad at remembering addresses, or the soul and the mind cannot agree with each other — as a result we have what we have: our memory is imperfect. But the soul is capable of randomly tuning into unrealized sectors |
spaces of options. These are the pictures we see in our dreams. That is why the border space is so real. Dreams are not illusions in the usual sense of the word. The mind does not imagine them, but really sees them. It is known that in dreams a person can observe pictures as if not of our world. For example, one can see an architectural structure in all its details. And it is quite clear that he could not meet such a thing anywhere in principle. If the dream — this imitation of reality by our brain, then where do the images come from, which a person could never observe? As you may recall, sectors of space contain different variations of scenarios and scenery. The scenery includes both inanimate environments and living beings. If you have seen your loved ones or acquaintances in a dream, you must have noticed that they are a little different from what they look like in reality. They may have a different hairstyle, unusual clothes, even the character may be different. Virtual personalities from the dream space can behave somewhat uncharacteristically. In a dream you recognize your acquaintances, you understand that it is them, but at the same time it seems to you that there is something wrong with them. In this manifests the diversity of the space of options. The decorations of different sectors are different. Co- |
the existences we observe in reality — are realized variants. In dreams, we are able to see things that have not been realized. If you are lucky enough to ever see your reflection in a mirror in a dream, you may be unpleasantly surprised or frightened. It will not be the face you are used to seeing in a real mirror. You will immediately realize that it is you, but the face has changed! The point is that the appearance of a person in a dream corresponds exactly to the sector of space in which he or she has flown. Depending on the displacement of the observed virtual sector in relation to the current one embodied in reality, your appearance will differ more or less significantly. The environment also changes depending on the distance of the virtual sector. You see your city, but it doesn't look the same as usual. The same streets and houses look strange. You are puzzled, as if some obsession has found. If in the dream the soul has gotten far enough from its sector, you will get into a completely unfamiliar environment. You will see the terrain and people who are not in real life. There everything lives its virtual life. And in what capacity are you yourself in that life? Everything that happens there is not real. Your role is also virtual. And at the same time it is not an illusion. There can be two situations: either there is a version of your personality in that sector or there is not. If there is, can you meet your double there? This is a very complicated question, which I cannot answer yet. Most likely, the soul simply picks up the role that is prescribed in the sector's script. In favor of this is the fact that the dreamer observes his face in the mirror as a stranger. Another question is of interest: if information in the space of options is stored stationary, like a movie on a shelf, why do we see movement and participate in this virtual game in our dreams? All events are stored in the field of information simultaneously. What has been and what will be is there now. Why does the soul, flying in the space of variants, see not |
Frozen pictures, but the movement of life? Perhaps our perception is so organized that we are able to perceive only the movement of the film. Or maybe this is the property of space, and it shows itself to us only as a flow of variants. If the soul flies in sectors, it means that it observes movement. In such a case, in what period of time the soul falls in a dream: past, future or present? Everything about dream space carries more questions than answers. One thing is certain: dreaming — it is not an illusion. You're getting a little creepy, aren't you? We all go into a space of options every night and experience a virtual life there. This virtual life has no tangible material basis, and yet it is real. What can be said about interpreting the meaning of dreams? You may find the answer somewhat surprising. You probably assume that in the light of all the above, dreams have every right to be harbingers of coming events. But it is in the light of all this that dreams in Transurfing cannot be considered as signs, which we have discussed in the previous chapter. |
Dreams show us things that could have happened in the past or future. The past is known to us. The future is too diverse in the space of options, so there is no guarantee that in a dream we saw exactly the coming sector that will be realized. Adjacent sectors actually contain similar scenarios and scenery. So, if the sector seen lies close to the current life line, then it may contain information about upcoming real events. However, no guarantee can be given that the sector seen actually lies close to the current line. In reality, the soul may indeed have a premonition of impending events. The state of the soul's comfort is the most reliable sign. In reality, it shows its state of comfort in relation to the current life line or in relation to an impending turn in the current. Other signs also refer to realized current and nearby sectors. But in dreams, God alone knows where the soul flies. It can fly anywhere, so this information should not be relied upon. The next question is: if a dream is not a product of imagination, then who determines the script of dreams? The scenario is embedded in the sectors of the option space. The soul can |
Randomly traveling in the space of options while the mind is slumbering. Sometimes it sleeps so soundly that we do not remember our dreams. No one knows how events unfold when the mind is asleep. In real life, human behavior is controlled by it. When the mind dreams, it acts only as a passive observer and does not control the situation, but takes everything for granted. Everything happens according to the scenario laid down in the sector. As soon as the soul enters a sector, events in it develop in accordance with expectations, fears and perceptions acquired by the soul and mind in real life. Expectations and fears are realized instantly. For example, if a subject appears on the scene, which from the mind's point of view can carry a threat, the threat scenario is immediately realized. Just the thought that there is a danger of persecution flashes through your mind, and the monster chases after you. This happens because the soul instantly adjusts to the option that flashed in the thoughts. It chooses variants of the scenario in accordance with thoughts and expectations. The movement of the soul in the space of variants occurs simultaneously with them. It is thoughts and expectations that are the driving force that spins the movie. If one could completely stop the work of the brain, the picture would freeze in immobility. But thoughts don't stop and are constantly spinning in the mind. The events in a dream can go on and on. Events in a dream can go against the usual ideas, because the control of the mind is weakened. All sorts of absurdities occur, incredible visions arise, physical laws do not work. Incredible things also happen in a conscious dream. After all, the mind realizes that it is just a fantasy, so it allows any absurdity. Now you understand why everything is possible in a dream: because dreaming — is a journey of the soul in the space of options, and there is any scenario. For this reason, in a conscious dream you can deliberately change the scenario. In fact |
The scenario does not change — it is chosen by intention. As soon as the intention to switch roles with the pursuer arises in the mind, the soul is reorganized to the sector with the opposite scenario. This is the mechanism of conscious dreaming: the scenario is chosen by intention. If the mind has realized that it can control the scenario, it formulates a desire. For example, the desire to take off. This thought, having flashed quickly in the mind, is transformed in the soul into an intention. The intention is the driving force that takes the dreamer to the sector with the corresponding scenario. The journey of the soul in the space of options is not burdened by the inertness of material objects. This is why dreams are so malleable. The ordered scenario is realized instantly. And what happens in real life? In principle - the same thing. The only difference is the speed of the script's execution. In reality, events develop according to the same laws as in a dream, but not so lightning fast, because material realization of variants has inertness. In this respect the statement that our life — is a dream, is wrong, but at the same time is not devoid of |
thoughts. I have already given illustrations of how thoughts shape events in life. What is in your thoughts is what you get, sooner or later. Your thoughts are an emission of energy at the frequency of a certain life line. In real life, the transition to this line is hindered by various material factors. The realized sector of space in comparison with the unrealized sector of space seems viscous like tar in relation to water. Material embodiment of a potentially possible variant is delayed. In a dream, however, there are no inert obstacles, so the transition between sectors is realized instantly. Now it should be clear to you why I am talking about dreaming. To control our destiny, we need to understand how our thoughts move us from one sector to another and why not all our desires are realized. However, it is not necessary to practice conscious dreaming. Our goal is — to gain the ability to choose the scenario in reality. It is much more important to learn how to awaken in real life than in unreal life. Especially since, as I said, there are some dangers in practicing conscious dreaming. |
Perhaps those who practice conscious dreaming will tell you that there is no danger here. However, they probably don't realize that they are walking on a razor's edge. No one can give you a guarantee that you will return from a conscious dream. As long as your soul is flying in unrealized sectors, there is no danger. But, what do you think will happen when the soul in a dream accidentally enters a realized sector of space? So, the hypothesis is that you can materialize in that sector. We are all used to it, all sorts of speculations cannot threaten us. But, as you can see, this hypothesis carries a threat. But what if it is a fact? It is known that ancient magicians, who had mastered the art of dreaming, went to other worlds deliberately and forever. Their physical bodies also disappeared from this world. The ancient mages were either too reckless or knew too well what they were doing. Nowadays, tens of thousands of people go missing every year. They just disappear without a trace. There's even a theory that they're abducted by aliens. I can't say anything, but maybe they just don't come back from a dream. After all, the soul can fly into the realized sector and in unconscious rest. Conscious dreaming .is more dangerous in this respect, because the mind, feeling unlimited freedom, can lose caution and fly off into the unknown. It is not known whether the soul will be able to come back. The physical body may remain, in which case it is simply a death in sleep. I don't want to scare you. Just do not forget that dreaming — is not an illusion. In a conscious dream, you are tempted to get naughty. You can do whatever you want with impunity and without harm to others. Or just fly around and explore other worlds. Everything is allowed as long as the soul is in the unrealized virtual sector. The danger is this: there is no guarantee that the soul will not wander into the realized sector. The mind does not even immediately realize how virtual reality has become material reality. We should not give ourselves the hope that our |
The visible world — the only one in the entire universe. The space of options is infinite, and there are undoubtedly many realized sectors inhabited by all sorts of living beings. The world you find yourself in could be a paradise compared to ours, or it could be hell. Where that world is located is also unknown. It could be millions of light years away from our Earth, or it could be in a cup of your coffee. It could be very far away and at the same time very close, in another dimension. As discussed in the first chapter, infinity stretches infinitely only if you look straight ahead. But whether this parallel world is far away or close does not matter, because it is easy to get lost there and very difficult to return. Traveling of the astral body in the material world I do not touch upon, there is another mechanism, it has no relation to Transurfing and it is very dangerous. Generally speaking, dreams are also only indirectly related to Transurfing. Our task is not to escape from the cruel reality into the borderline world of dreams, but to make reality itself comfortable for us. Dreams are not to be feared, but they are not to be taken lightly either. If you |
You feel mental discomfort at the mention of conscious dreaming, so you shouldn't do it. Your inner gut should tell you whether you are in danger or not. The soul feels the approach of trouble better than the mind. So dreaming without the active intervention of the mind is much safer. But if you do decide, observe caution in a dream, do not climb on the road and maintain maximum awareness. Just as in reality, make yourself at home, but don't forget that you are a guest. The Magic Power of Intention So, we have found that our thoughts and desires guide our movement in the space of options. In dreams, this movement is not inhibited by the inertia of material realization. The slightest whiff of thoughts instantly transports the dreamer to the appropriate sector of space. In realized sectors everything happens not so quickly because of the heavy inertness of matter. But in reality the same principle works: our thoughts have a direct influence on the course of events in our lives. «Really? — can ironically ask the Reader, still not confused by the wonders of this strange model of Transurfing. — And I, unreasonable, still thought, as if |
It's not my thoughts but my actions that determine the course of my life. But now, of course, I have been enlightened: the main thing is not what you do, but what you think. There's really no contradiction here. And it's not even about what a person first thinks and then does. People are used to paying attention to the consequences of actions first, because they lie on the surface. The consequences of thoughts are often not so obvious. This is due to the action of equilibrium forces. You and I have already considered cases when the result of the action of equilibrium forces turns out to be directly opposite to the aspiration. A person strives to get one thing, but it turns out — vice versa. The stronger the excess potential is, the farther the actual is from the desired. Not finding a reasonable explanation for this strange behavior of the world, a person still tries to convince himself that either he acted wrongly, or the world is so organized, and the desired is given with great difficulty. There may seem to be a contradiction in the Transurfing model. On the one hand, it is claimed: our thoughts model the energy passing through us, which carries people to the life lines corresponding to these thoughts. Or, as you now know, thoughts move us into sectors of space with the appropriate script and deco- rations. This is indeed what happens in dreams. On the other hand, it turns out that in real life our thoughts don't matter much, because we don't get what we want by thinking alone. No matter how much you think, lying on the couch, the transition to another line somehow does not happen, even if we take into account the correction for the inertness of material realization. «That's just it! — will revive the pragmatic Reader. — It is necessary to act! And thoughts and some transitions have nothing to do with it». And he will be formally right. But only formally. In fact, this contradiction is only apparent. We are getting closer to explaining why attempts to visualize what we want often fail. As you know, the first obvious reason lies in the excess potentials we create when we strive to achieve what we want. |
The second reason is the inertia of material realization of options. Very often we do not achieve a goal because we are not persistent enough in striving for it. Many goals simply do not have time to be realized, if a person quickly cools down, giving up on «hopeless» business. You can even recall from your life situations in which the desired came to you with a delay, when the hope has already faded, and you forgot about your order. Another common mistake many people make is to strive to achieve everything at once. If you set a lot of goals that have nothing to do with each other, then all the mental energy is uselessly dissipated into the void. The current of options will not allow you to swim simultaneously in different directions. Tuning to the target sector works most effectively when all aspirations are directed to one specific goal. We will come back to this in the next chapter. All of the above mentioned harms are in the dream. In a dream, all the above mentioned harmful factors are absent. There we are not burdened by excessive potentials of importance, inertness does not interfere, and the mind rests from the daytime struggle to achieve goals. However, not all desires are fulfilled in a dream. Those who |
Doers of conscious dreaming know that not every whiff of thought takes the sleeper to the appropriate sector. Where is the obstacle? The answer is very simple and at the same time fundamental. There is no obstacle at all. And it is not even about the thoughts themselves. The secret is that «; realization leads not to the desire itself, but the attitude to the desired. Working not the thoughts themselves about the desired, but something else — something that is difficult to describe in words. This force is behind the scenes on the stage where the play of thoughts unfolds. And yet this force has the last word. You have guessed, of course, that we are talking about intention. The mind has never found a suitable definition for intention on the shelves of its labels. We will roughly define intention as a determination to have and to act. At this point, we will roughly define intention as a determination to have and to act. Now you realize that thoughts themselves really mean nothing in the process of tuning into a sector of the option space. Thoughts — are just foam on the crest of the wave of intention. It is not the desire that is realized, but the intention. Let's take the example of raising your hand again. Wish to raise your hand. The wish is formalized in your thoughts: you are aware that you want to raise your hand. |
Does desire raise your hand? No, desire itself does not produce any action. The hand is raised only when the thoughts of desire have been worked out and there is only the determination to act. Maybe the determination to act raises the hand? Also no. You have made a final decision that you will raise your hand, but it has not yet moved. What is it that raises the hand? How do you determine what follows the determination? This is where the helplessness of the mind to give an intelligible explanation of what intention is manifests itself. Our definition of intention as the determination to have and to act shows only a prelude to the force that actually carries out the action. It remains simply to state the fact that the hand is not raised by desire or determination, but by intention. I have introduced the designation «determination» only for convenience of understanding. But you certainly feel without words that you have some force which makes your muscles contract. It is actually very difficult to explain what intention is. We have no questions about how to move our arms and legs; we do not remember that we once did not know how to walk. In the same way, a person does not yet know the correct actions when he first gets on a two-wheeled bicycle. But even after learning how to ride a bicycle, he cannot explain how he does it. Intention — is a very shaky quality. It is difficult to gain, but it can also be easily lost. For example, a paralyzed person has completely lost the power of intention. The desire to move his legs is there, but the ability to translate it into action is absent. There are cases when paralyzed people started walking under the influence of hypnosis or as a result of miraculous healing. The intention returned to them. So, desire by itself does not give anything. On the contrary, the stronger the desire, the more active is the opposition of the equilibrium forces. Note: desire is directed at the goal itself, and intention — at the process of achieving this goal. Desire realizes itself in the creation of excessive potential of the desire to achieve the goal itself. Intention realizes itself in action. Intention does not consider whether the goal is achievable or not. The decision has already been made, so the only thing left is to act. If you dream that you want to take off and you are thinking about whether it is possible or not, you will be able to realize yourself. |
you can't do anything. To fly, you just need to lift yourself into the air with intention. The choice of any scenario in a dream is not made by desire, but by a firm determination to get what you want. You don't reason or wish, you just have and act. The futility of desire we have discussed. And the request? There is nothing to say about asking. There is no sense in asking an Angel, God, higher or other forces. The laws of the Universe are absolutely impassive. No one needs your complaints, offenses and lamentations. Gratitude — yes, because gratitude in its quality stands close to unconditional love. Sincere gratitude — it is a radiation of creative energy. Excessive potential request — on the contrary, delay, concentration of energy in one place. Complaints, requests and demands are inventions of pendulums to collect energy from people. Thoughts formalized into the words «give» or «want» automatically create excess potentials. You don't have it, but you are trying to attract it to yourself with your thoughts. There is no point in asking the higher or other such forces. It is like asking a store to give you goods for free. You can ask from people in reasonable |
If they are willing to help you, they can help you. Everything else in this world is based on objective laws, not on a desire to help someone. Imagine a situation where the Earth asks the Sun for permission to go into a different orbit. Ridiculous? It is also ridiculous to make a request of anyone other than humans. It only makes sense to intend to choose. You truly choose your own destiny. If the parameters of your radiation match your choice and no laws are broken, then you get it. Choice — not a request, but your determination to have and to act. A choice is not a request, but your determination to have and to act. Intention does not create excess potential because the energy of the desire potential is spent on action. Desire and action come together in intention. Intention in action dissolves the excess potential created by desire naturally, without the involvement of equilibrium forces. Solving a problem — take action. By thinking about the complexity of the problem, you create excess potential and give energy to the pendulum. By acting, you realize the energy of intention. As it is known, «eyes fear and hands do». Realizing the intention, trust the flow of options, and the problem will resolve itself. Waiting, worrying, thinking and wishing only drain energy. Intention in |
action not only consumes the energy of the potential, but also pumps it into the energy shell of the person. You can make sure of it on the example of learning. Memorizing takes a lot of energy and does not give much. But learning by doing, by doing practical work or problem-solving, is not only not draining, but also inspiring and satisfying. So intention is the driving force that realizes sectors in the option space. But here is the question: why are our fears also realized? Can they be attributed to intention? Both in dreams and in real life we are always haunted by variants with scenarios of our fears, worries, dislike, hatred. After all, if I don't want it, I don't intend to have it, do I? Yet we still get what we don't actively want. So the directionality of our desire doesn't matter? The clue lies in an even more mysterious and powerful force whose name is — external intention. External Intention Intention — is the combination of desire with action. The intention to do something by one's own efforts is familiar to everyone — it is an internal intention. It is much more difficult to extend the action of intention to the external world. This is the external intention. With its help you can control the world. More precisely, you can choose the model of behavior of the world around you, determine the scenario and scenery. The concept of external intention is inextricably linked to the model of options. All manipulations with time, space and matter that cannot be logically explained are usually attributed to magic or paranormal phenomena. These phenomena demonstrate the work of external intention — it is directed to the choice of a life line in the space of variants. Internal intention is powerless to turn an apple tree on a path into a pear tree. The external intention does not transform anything either, it chooses a path with a pear instead of an apple tree in the space of variants and makes the transition. So the apple tree is replaced by a pear tree. With the apple tree itself |
Nothing happens, just a substitution is made: material realization moves in the space of variants from one line to another. No force can really magically transform one object into another — the inner intention is directed at it, but its possibilities are very limited. If you try to mentally move a pencil on a table, you won't succeed. But if you have a firm intention to imagine it moving, you may succeed. Let's assume that you managed to move the pencil from its place (at least, psychics can do something). What I'm about to say may seem a little creepy and weird. The pencil doesn't actually move! And at the same time, it doesn't just appear to you. In the first case, you make attempts to move the pencil with the energy of your thoughts. This energy is obviously not enough to move a material object. In the second case you are sliding along the lines of life, where the pencil has a different location. Do you feel the difference? There is a pencil lying on a table. With the power of your intention, you visualize it beginning to move. Your intention scans the sectors of space in which the pencil occupies all |
new positions. If the mental radiation is strong enough, the pencil materializes consistently in new points of real space. A separate «layer of the pencil» moves, while other layers, including the observer's layer, remain motionless. It is not the object itself that moves, but its realization in the space of options. It's not surprising if you can't do anything. Almost all people have very poorly developed such abilities. And it is not even that you have weak energy, but that it is very difficult to believe in such a possibility and, consequently, to cause a pure external intention. People capable of telekinesis do not move objects. They have the unique ability by force of intention to direct their energy to move material realization in the space of options. They have the unique ability to direct their energy by force of intention to move material realization in the space of options. Everything related to external intention is considered mysticism, magic, or, at best, unexplained phenomena whose evidence is successfully stacked on dusty shelves. The everyday worldview rejects such things outright. The irrational always evokes a kind of fear. The same kind of fear and stupefaction is experienced by people who observe- |
Giving UFOs. The unexplained phenomenon is so far from the usual reality that you don't want to believe in it. And yet at the same time it has such a staggering audacity to be real that it induces terror. And at the same time it has such a staggering audacity to be real that it induces horror. External Intent — it is the case that «if Mohammed does not go to the mountain, the mountain goes to Mohammed». And you thought it was just a joke? The workings of external intention are not necessarily accompanied by paranormal phenomena. In our daily lives, we are constantly confronted with the results of the operation of external intention. In particular, it is our fears and worst expectations that are realized by external intention. But since in this case it works independently of our will, we do not realize how this happens. External intention is much harder to control than internal intention. Imagine you land on an island where you meet savages. Now your life depends on how you behave. First option: you — are the victim. You apologize, bring gifts, make excuses, flirt. In this case your fate — to be eaten. The second option: you — conqueror. You are aggressive, attacking, trying to subdue. Your fate — either win or die. Third option: you present yourself as a master, a ruler. You extend your finger, as the one who has power, — and you obey. If you have no doubts about your own power, others will also think that otherwise it is impossible. Your mental radiation is attuned to the lines of life where you are — the ruler. The first two options relate to the workings of life, where you are — the ruler. The first two choices refer to the workings of inner intention, and the third choice demonstrates the workings of outer intention. The external intention simply chooses the right option. A fly hitting a life line is a fly hitting a life line. A fly hitting the glass next to an open window has an internal intention. What do you think will be the external intention for it? The answer — to fly out the window, however, it is not. If she flies back and looks around, she will see the closed glass and the open window. It will simply be a more expanded view of reality for her. Exterior |
Pure intention opens the whole window to the fly. on the same line of life. Everything that is possible within a separately taken sector of the space of options is described by the known laws of natural science and fits within the framework of the materialistic worldview. External intention refers to attempts to choose a life line on which the desired thing is realized. It should now be clear to you that to fly through a closed window — is an internal intention. External intention — is to move to the line of life where the window opens. It is possible to make inhuman efforts to move a pencil by force of thought. And it is possible to scan the space of variants with different positions of a pencil by external intention alone. Let's say you're sure you can't find a parking lot outside the supermarket on Christmas Eve. Your inner intention says: how could you find it there if all the people are busy shopping. The external intention clearly assumes that you drive up to the supermarket and at that moment a space becomes available for you. External intention is not even that |
It firmly and unshakably believes in such a possibility — it simply takes its course dispassionately and unreservedly. External intention — a thing born in improvisation, like an insight. It is useless to prepare for external intention. All magical rituals are aimed at evoking the external intention itself. But ritual — it is only a preparation for magic, a theatrical prelude, a scenery. Imagine, in a dream you are flying down from a cliff and, in order not to fall, you must summon the intention to hang in the air. There is no time to prepare and cast spells. You only have to summon the intention to fly, and you succeed. Spells and magical attributes only help to awaken the power that everyone has but cannot use. Unfortunately, modern man's ability to control external intention has almost atrophied. People have even managed to completely forget that they once possessed this ability. Vague mentions slip only in ancient legends. Now there is nothing even to try to prove that the Egyptian pyramids and other similar constructions were built with the help of external intention. Any hypothesis will be accepted, but not this one. Any hypothesis will be accepted. |
It seems to me that the builders of the pyramids would be quite amused to learn that their descendants, considering their ancient ancestors a backward civilization, would go out of their way to try to solve their mystery only as part of their inner intention. But humans are not completely devoid of external intention. It is just firmly blocked. Everything that is commonly understood as magic is nothing but attempts to work with the external intention. For centuries alchemists have tried unsuccessfully to find the philosopher's stone that turns any object into gold. There are many confusing and difficult to understand books devoted to alchemy. And in fact, as legend has it, the secret of the Philosopher's Stone is contained in a few lines carved on an emerald plate — the so-called Emerald Tablet. What are so many books for? Probably to understand those few lines. You have probably heard of the Holy Grail. It was actively hunted by many, even representatives of the Third Reich. There are constantly legends about such attributes, which allegedly give unlimited strength and power. Naive delusions. No object can not give power. Fetishes, spells and other magical things themselves do not have any power. The power is in the outward intention of the people using them. Attributes only to some extent help the subconscious mind to turn on the dormant and poorly developed rudiments of external intention. Belief in the magical power of attributes gives an impulse for awakening of external intention. Ancient civilizations reached such perfection that they did without magic rituals. Naturally, such power created the strongest excess potential. That is why civilizations like Atlantis, which discovered the secrets of external intention, were destroyed from time to time by the equilibrium forces. Fragments of secret knowledge have come down to us as magical practices, the purpose of which is to recreate what has been lost. But these are only feeble and superficial attempts, following the false path of inner intention. The essence of strength and power — external intention — remains a mystery. |
The predominant development of inner intention in people and the loss of outer intention is induced by pendulums, because they feed on the energy of inner intention. Control of external intention is possible only if there is complete freedom from pendulums. We can say that here they have gained the final victory in the struggle with man. Now, we have found that the nature of mental energy directed toward a goal manifests itself in three forms: desire, inner intention, and external intention. Desire — is the concentration of attention on the goal itself. As you can see, desire has no power. You can think about the goal and wish for it as much as you want, but nothing will change. Internal intention — is the concentration of attention on the process of your movement to the goal. This already works, but it requires a lot of effort. External intention — is focusing on how the goal realizes itself. External intention is simply allowing the goal to realize itself. Implicit in this is a strong belief that the option to realize the goal already exists and all that remains is to choose it. With internal intention, the goal is achieved, and with external — chosen. Intrinsic intention is simply allowing the goal to realize itself. |
Internal intention can be characterized by the formula: «I insist that...» External intention obeys a completely different rule: «Circumstances are such that...» or «It turns out that...» The difference is huge. In the first case, you actively act on the world so that it obeys. In the second case you take the position of an outside observer, everything turns out according to your will, but as if by itself. You do not change, but choose. The flight in a dream happens exactly according to the formula «It turns out that I fly» and not «I insist on flying». Internal intention seeks the goal directly, head-on. External intention seeks the process of realizing the goal on its own. External intention is not in a hurry to achieve the goal — it is already in your pocket. The fact that the goal will be achieved is not questioned or discussed at all. External intention moves the goal inexorably, cold-bloodedly, dispassionately, and inexorably toward realization. Outward intention is inexorably, cold-bloodedly, dispassionately, and inexorably moving the goal toward realization. To distinguish where your inner intention is at work and where your outer intention is at work, use roughly these two-way comparisons: trying to get something from the world — it gives you what you want; fighting for a place in the sun — the world opens its arms to you . |
Breaking through a locked door — the door itself opens before you; trying to break through a wall — the wall gives way before you; trying to cause some events in your life — they come by themselves. In general, you try to move your realization relative to the space of variants with your inner intention, and the external intention moves the space of variants so that your realization turns out to be where it should be. Do you understand what the difference is? The result is the same, but the paths to get there are very different. If your actions can be described by the second part of these comparisons, then you've caught the external intention. When you struggle, you try to push your realization in the space of options, and when you choose, the space itself comes to you. Of course, the option space will not move relative to your realization on its own. For this you must take certain actions. However, these actions lie beyond the boundaries of habitual and common perceptions. Throughout this book, I will give you examples of the difference in the approaches of inner and outer intention. External intention is the cornerstone of Transer-fingering. It holds the key to the Riddle of the Caretaker, namely — why you don't have to fight the world, but simply choose what you want in it. There is nothing impossible for outward intention. You can fly in reality or, say, walk on water, if you have the external intention of Christ. The physical laws are not violated in any way. The point is that physical laws work in one particular sector of material realization. The work of the external intention is manifested in the movement of realization through different sectors of the space of variants. It is impossible to fly within one realized sector. For this you need to counteract the Earth's gravity, and this is the work of the inner intention, which requires energy expenditure to overcome the force of gravity. Free flight, both in dreams and in reality, — is not your real movement in material space, but a change in the relative position of your realization. In other words, the body |
You can also say that it is not you yourself who fly through space, but it moves relative to you in accordance with the choice of your external intention. Most likely, it sounds not quite correct, but we will not go deep into the theory of relativity. We can only guess at how it actually happens. do it. Why did Christ say so unquestionably simply, «According to your faith be it unto you»? Because we cannot receive or do anything without intention. And there is no intention without faith. We could not take a step unless we believed it was possible. However, convincing the mind that it is possible to fly in reality as in a dream is not possible. At least not in the ordinary state of consciousness. Some yogis in India manage to move away from the floor during meditation. (I personally do not know about other authentic manifestations of levitation.) Perhaps their intention is only enough to tune in to the movement of variants, when the body hangs in the air. Considering the enormous capabilities of yogis in comparison |
With ordinary people, you can imagine how difficult it is to bend the will to an external intention. In dreams the dormant mind is still capable of allowing the possibility of flight, but in consciousness it is a thing incomprehensible to it, no matter how much you convince yourself. There must be not just faith, but knowledge. Faith implies the possibility of doubt. Where there is faith, there is room for doubt. Knowledge excludes doubt. You don't doubt that the apple you throw will fall to the ground, do you? You don't believe it, you just know it. Pure outward intention is free from doubt, and therefore free from belief. Whereas in a dream only a hint of external intention is sufficient for flight, in the world of inert material realization the intention must be absolutely pure. But do not let the impossibility of acquiring a pure intention upset you. For the realization of your goal, an intention of «second grade» will do just fine. It will just take some time for the inert realization to «unwind». In the context of external intention, an interesting question arises: what is hypnosis? I find it difficult to determine exactly whether it is the result of internal intention or external intention. There is clearly not enough thought energy to move by force of internal intention. |
objects, even the lightest ones. However, this energy is quite enough to transmit various suggestions from one person to another. Some people have a pronounced ability to direct a rather powerful energy flow. If it is modeled by certain thoughts, a suggestion effect occurs in the person to whom this flow is directed. You do not think, I hope, that the hypnotist is only using some magnetizing gaze or hand passes, do you? Especially since visual or verbal contact is not always necessary for energetic influence. However, as far as I know, hypnosis works mainly at close distances. Then it is natural to assume that it is the result of the transmission of mental energy by means of an inner intention. In those cases where hypnosis is manifested over long distances, external intention undoubtedly plays a major role, unless some other mechanism is involved. To feel the external intention, it is necessary to break out of the procrustean bed of habitual perceptions and sensations. The mind exists within the narrow limits of the generally accepted worldview. It is difficult to break out of these boundaries, because such a breakthrough can be realized only by external intention. The mind will not give up its position so easily. It is a vicious circle: in order to realize external intention, external intention itself is required. That is the difficulty. I am afraid to disappoint some readers by saying that I am not aware of any exercises that develop external intention. The purpose of such exercises would probably sound like «to intend to have intention». The only way to further understand the nature of external intention— is through the practice of conscious dreaming. In reality, instead of exercise, I might suggest practicing mindful living. This means not so much practicing as living the external intention. Reality differs from dreams only in the inertness of the material realization in the space of options. Everything else is the same. You may ask the question: if we cannot control external intention, what can we do? |
can you count on it then? Of course, you can hardly move multi-ton blocks. But the inertness of the material world can be overcome by time. The commonly accepted and habitual way of achieving goals is based on inner intention. The essence of Transurfing is, on the contrary, to refuse the internal intention and use the external one. It is difficult to draw the line where inner intention ends and outer intention begins. Internal intention turns into external intention when the consciousness connects, harmonizes, merges with the subconsciousness. This line is elusive. It is similar to the sensation of free fall or the feeling of riding a two-wheeled bicycle for the first time. But it is best explained by the feeling of flying in a dream, when you intentionally lift yourself into the air. Consciousness is merged and fully aligned with the subconscious in a certain narrow segment. It is easy for you to move your fingers, a little more difficult your toes, even more difficult your ears, and your internal organs — almost impossible. External intention is even less developed. To harmonize the conscious and subconscious mind in the intention to get off the ground and fly is so difficult that it is considered almost impossible. |
We will set more down-to-earth goals for ourselves. Levitation — is the highest manifestation of pure external intention. But the power of external intention is so great that even a fraction of it is enough to produce impressive results. In everyday life, external intention works independently of our will and often acts to our detriment. For example, it manifests as the realization of our worst expectations. We have already discussed situations in which one gets what one does not want. On the one hand, you are haunted by something you fear, hate, or want to avoid. This happens because the mental radiation, tuned to the undesirable event, transports you to the sector where this event just takes place. But on the other hand, you don't intend to have the undesirable thing, do you? Where is the work of intention here? Inner intention is about avoiding the undesirable. You are touched by something that bothers you, that inspires fear and dislike. You want to avoid it with all your soul. The mind fears — the soul fears all the more, the mind feels dislike — the soul has nothing against it either, the mind hates — the soul even more so. The soul and the mind are completely unanimous. At the moment of unanimity of the conscious and subconscious mind, the external intention is awakened. |
But it is not directed where you want it to go. It is not even correct to speak about the direction of external intention here. If the internal intention has a clear direction — to avoid undesirable things, the external intention indicates rather not a direction, but a green light for the realization of what the soul and mind are coordinated in. And they are coordinated in one — in the evaluation of the event. Whether it is desirable or not — does not matter. External intention sees the unity of soul and mind and simply chooses the appropriate sector in the space of options. Unfortunately, in life, soul and mind are most often united in disliking something. Therefore, the realization of the worst expectations is the most typical illustration of the workings of external intention. People tend to be vague about what they desire with all their soul, but very aware of what they want to avoid. In order to subordinate the external intention to the will, it is necessary to make the mind and soul agree in positive aspirations and to throw out of one's thoughts everything negative. You already know the harmful effects of a negative attitude in our lives. Expressing dissatisfaction and rejection, you are exposed to the action of equilibrium forces, fall into dependence on destructive pendulums and orient your mental radiation to negative sectors of space. The external intention formed by the negativity brings it to life. In this way, external intention can act beyond our will. It is difficult to master this power, but we can make it work for us. We are going to solve such a task. We have already found out how we should act so that the action of external intention does not go to harm, — do not create potentials of importance and refuse from negativity. It remains to figure out what we need to do to make the external intention serve its purpose. It's not as simple as rubbing Aladdin's magic lamp, but there are methods to help trigger the mechanism of external intention. There may be much in the above that remains unclear to you. It's really hard |
for understanding the topic, because the external intention cannot be described in words. However, the picture will soon become clearer. I have no desire to create a fog to intrigue you, as adepts of some schools and spiritual movements like to do. Everything you need to know, you will find in this book. Everything you need to know, you will acquire from your own experience, if you apply the principles of Transurfing in practice. No special classes and trainings will be required. There is nothing mystical or secret about Transurfing. There is nothing mystical or secret about Transurfing. «Secret knowledge», as a rule, is surrounded by allegories and innuendos. But a clear thinker, as it is known, clearly states. And if the owner of «secret knowledge» wants to show that he knows something that he can supposedly tell only to his disciple «in his ear» and the rest of the time he expresses himself with allegories and profound maxims, it means, most likely, that this guru himself does not clearly realize what the essence of his knowledge is. We shall not try to acquire the absolute intention that can lift the body into the air. If we knew how to do it, there would be nothing more to talk about. There is a space of options, there is a possibility to choose — choose your option, and that's it. Our task is |
Transurfing provides knowledge that can awaken the powers we don't use. Even though they are limited, Transurfing provides knowledge that can awaken the powers that we do not use. And this does not require exhausting oneself with meditations, trainings, conscious dreaming and other mystical activities that can make one's mind go crazy. Of course, the Transurfing model seems incredible. It is really hard to believe in all this. Nevertheless, it is only necessary to reconsider the usual views on the world, and you will be able to achieve what previously seemed unattainable. And soon you'll be convinced that external intention really can be made to work for you. Game Scenario Let's go back to dreams again. Dreams are very malleable, so they serve as an excellent demonstration model for understanding the mechanism of external intention. We have already found that the essence of a dream is similar to real life in many ways. Everything that happens in a dream is the result of playing out a scenario that our soul chooses. When the mind is asleep, we dream, but we don't remember them. The soul in this case is traveling in the space of options uncontrollably. Where it is at this time «wandering» is unknown. All of our |
Conscious memories are under the control of the mind. The dreams we remember occur during the period when the mind is dormant. Its control is weakened at this time, and it acts only as a passive observer. The mind imagines nothing, and nothing appears to it. It perceives what the soul sees in the unrealized sectors of the option space. The mind perceives what the soul sees in the unrealized sectors of the option space. In unconscious dreaming, the mind does not overpower the soul with its control. The mind watches the movie as a spectator. And at the same time it experiences what it sees, and these experiences are transmitted to the soul, which immediately adjusts itself to the sector corresponding to expectations. In this way, the script changes dynamically, along the way. The scenery and actors are instantly adjusted to the changing scenario. The imagination does participate in the dream, but only as an idea generator. In a dream, the imagination does participate in the dream, but only as an idea generator. What happens in a dream is this: you are visited by a fleeting thought that someone has an aggressive attitude, and this is instantly realized — he threatens you. But as soon as the weather vane of your opinion tilted in the other direction, the enemy immediately turned into a friend. This is how a kitten behaves in front of a mirror — its mood swims from friendly to aggressive. He sees a subject opposite him and evaluates what to expect from him. At first the attitude is neutral — curiosity. But here he raises his paw, the assessment instantly tilts towards possible danger, the kitten bristles, attacks, defends. Then he jumps back, sees his comical figure, and his mood changes to playful. And then it's all over again. This is how a kitten dynamically adjusts its own script. He attacks his reflection, then suddenly aggression changes to friendliness. A person adjusts the scenario in an unconscious dream in the same way. The kitten doesn't realize it is seeing its reflection, and the person doesn't realize it is dreaming. Did you know that we all look in the mirror with a different facial expression than we normally have? It changes as soon as a person looks in the mirror. The change is instantaneous, we don't even notice it. It's because of the habit and desire to look different from the way we were raised in childhood. |
In a certain way. It is worth saying to a child: «Look in the mirror, how ugly you are when you cry!» — the face will immediately change. Adults also look at their reflection with a certain expectation, such as: «I like myself», «How do I look?», «I don't like myself» or something else. But either way, the facial expression is instantly corrected. Mirror is an example of a dynamic. Mirror — this is an example of dynamic script correction. Only here the internal intention works, and in a dream the external intention works in the same way. In reality, a person sees his reflection in the mirror and immediately changes his facial expression according to the expectation with his inner intention. In a dream a person sees a game, and his external intention, regardless of his will, chooses a scenario of behavior of the surrounding world in accordance with the experiences and expectations of the person. The behavior of the dream participants is completely determined by your idea of how they might behave. The idea — only the initial impetus, all the rest is done by the external intention. And your behavior in the dream is determined by your inner intention, and everything else is subject to your outer intention, whether you want it to be or not. As you remember, the inner intention tries to directly influence the outer intention |
the world, and the external — allows the external world to materialize according to the intention. |
option spaces. Most of these sectors are never realized, because the events in them are irrational and therefore require a lot of energy. How the soul chooses dreams, God only knows. However arbitrarily the soul chooses dreams, the mind sees them and adjusts the scenario according to its experiences and expectations. As we have already found out, the worst expectations and everything that a person tries to avoid are the easiest to realize. The external intention in this case acts beyond the will of the person and to his detriment. So, dream scenarios are determined by expectations. Worst expectations in dreams are realized for sure. In reality, you are also likely to get what you fear. This is how external intention works beyond the will of the mind. The mind is able to force the inner intention to work by force of will. The external intention does not obey orders, but appears arbitrarily, as a result of the consent of the soul and the mind. In a dream, the mind has no opportunity even to realize that the external intention is working, because there is no control. In reality the case is not much better, because the dream in a sense continues in reality. In a dream, a person can be involved in the most ridiculous and meaningless games. The game completely absorbs the sleeper, he does not realize the absurdity of everything that happens. In real life, to a greater or lesser extent, the same thing happens. If a group of people is involved in a highly specialized activity, in this group there are often judgments, vocabulary and actions that from the outside may seem completely ridiculous and unnatural. These may be interest groups, professional groups, religious groups. Low criticality to what is happening in reality is the cause of such phenomenon as hypnosis, mesmerization. For example, gypsy hypnosis is based on three «yes». A person answers three questions in the affirmative three times, and he has the illusion that everything is going as it should. He loses his vigilance and falls asleep — his criticality drops to a low level. Some people almost literally sleep on the go, doing the usual things automatically. |
This is especially true for people who have the same routine repeated day in and day out. When you are talking to someone, you are sleeping very soundly. When you are immersed in the game, of course, you understand what is going on, but you are not able to objectively assess the situation and act, because you are not watching the game from the sidelines, but playing yourself. Any soccer fan knows how to criticize players for their mistakes. But what happens if he himself is released on the field? All people act unconsciously to some extent. If a person says the wrong thing, his eyes tend to go to the right. His hands make involuntary, uncontrolled movements. He is entirely at the mercy of the play in which he participates. The state of hypnotic suggestion — is the extreme degree of dreaming in reality. All people continue to sleep in reality to one degree or another. Right now you can wake up and say: I am aware of what I am doing and what is happening at this moment. But then you will be distracted by a person, a problem or an event, and you will fall headlong into the game and fall asleep. And you'll sleep as long as you're on stage and you're doing what you're doing in good faith. |
Role. You will wake up when you go down to the auditorium and wake up your Caretaker. While in the auditorium, you will still continue playing your role, saying the right words, performing the necessary actions, obeying the established rules. But now you will play consciously, which means — detached. You are renting yourself out and soberly assessing what is happening. An unconscious dream. In an unconscious dream the dream «happens», an external intention acts independently of your will, and there is nothing you can do about it. In a conscious dream, the person descends into the audience and controls the scenario consciously. It's not that the external intention is subordinate to the will, it just doesn't go against it. In this case, the mind gives the soul freedom and in return receives its consent. The unity of soul and mind awakens the external intention. We will talk about how to find it on the way to the goal in the next chapters. In reality, the degree of awareness is higher than in a dream. This is sufficient to control the inner intention. External intention, on the other hand, requires a higher degree of awareness. In both conscious dreaming and reality, you need to be awake to gain control of the external intention. |
Game by your rules What can you do if you are attacked in a dream? There are four options for inner intention: run away, fight, wake up, or realize. Resisting an attack or retreating in a dream — is a primitive response of inner intention. If you are attacked and you fight back, resist, then everything will happen in much the same way as in reality, that is, according to a familiar pattern. There is a script in your mind about how the fight should take place. For example, if you are used to losing, you will lose. Your dream will move through the space of options according to that script. And then you will move through the space of options according to that script. In a dream, you act the same way you are used to acting in reality. Since anything is possible in a dream, it will be much more effective to use external intention. You can calmly turn to the enemy and a slight effort of will to imagine that he self-dismisses or turns into a frog, for example. In this case you do not seek to turn him into a frog. Striving to influence the external world — this is the work of inner intention. You imagine that he turns, in other words, you allow this option. The inner intention is only to imagine it, to allow such a scenario. If the mind fully allows such a scenario, the soul will not object either. The unity of soul and mind generates external intention, and it realizes the chosen scenario. As you can see, external intention does not arise as a result of volitional effort, but as a consequence of the unity of soul and mind. The inner intention (will) must be directed only towards achieving this unity. In this sense, external intention is not generated by the will and acts as if independent of the will. But in order for it to appear, it is necessary to realize that the scenario can be controlled. Awareness is a prerequisite for being able to make external intention work for oneself. Awareness is a prerequisite for being able to make external intention work for oneself. While a dream is not realized, it is not controlled, but «happens». Both in the dream and during |
The majority of human actions are relatively unconscious. The unconscious attitude consists in experiencing the situation as determined and conditioned by external factors, which you usually do not have the power or ability to influence significantly. If you hold this view, your life is usually influenced by other people or the vicissitudes of fate. Reality in this sense also «happens». The rules of the game are not set by you, but by the outside world. To gain control over both your dreams and your real life, you must switch from being a participant to being an observer. At the same time, do not stop participating in the role-playing game and still fulfill your role. But you have an internal Caretaker working for you all the time. It is as if you are renting yourself out as an actor and at the same time observing your own and other people's play from the audience. The Caretaker is constantly on in the background. He does not intervene, but watches what is happening and gives a sober report. He is not interfering, but observing what is happening and giving a sober report. In passive dreaming, the watcher is off, there is only the actor. You are entirely absorbed in the role and do not see the situation from the outside. In order not to get into the role with your head, it is necessary |
keep internal and external importance to a minimum and keep the Caretaker at the ready at all times. Even without external intention, your ability to control a situation is directly proportional to your awareness. In a dream, the degree of your awareness is low, so the dream «happens» to you. If you are consciously aware that you are dreaming, however, the entire situation is under control. You do what you want. Subjection to the influence of people and destructive pendulums is inversely proportional to awareness. In dreams, many people behave like zombies. If haunted by a nightmare, you run away and can't do anything about it. The script is yours, but you have given it to someone else's director to stage. You are captive to your usual ideas about the options of events. These are your ideas, but they dictate their will, and therefore you are just an actor, that is, a victim. Remember how it is when you are immersed in a problem. For example, a coworker comes up to you and tells you that you need to do such and such a job. If this is somewhat of a problem for you, your first reaction — is concern, if not oppression. You instantly run through several scenarios in your mind: «The job is difficult, how can I get it done? Oh, I don't feel like it! What a hectic and difficult life I have! If the job |
not to do, will be...», well, and so on. That's it, at this point you have joined the game, you have been influenced or, in other words, you have fallen asleep. You can be safely taken by the handle and led like an obedient child to the room where a difficult and burdensome work is already waiting. You have found yourself on the lifeline where it really is. And it happened so because you allowed yourself to be hypnotized by the pendulum and imposed its game on the problem. Having rolled through the «problematic» scenario in your mind, you got the coherence of soul and mind in concern, and the external intention immediately moved you to the «problematic» life line. This is not difficult, because feelings such as fear, hopelessness, dissatisfaction, anxiety, and preoccupation take over effortlessly. What was the original cause? Importance! You were drawn into the game, or put to sleep, just because you judged the game to be important, in and of itself and to you. External and internal importance. Now imagine another scenario. You are approached by a person carrying a problem. At this moment, wake up and tell yourself that you are awake and can decide for yourself whether the first push of the pendulum will turn into a problem for you or not. This is the first condition of control over the situation. The second condition remains to be fulfilled: intend to fail this pendulum. Even without knowing what awaits you, set yourself up in advance to see it as a mere trifle. The main thing — do not let yourself be taken by the handle. Don't take any offensive steps, don't refuse, don't try to dodge and certainly don't get annoyed. Just calmly listen to what they want from you. Outwardly it is desirable to nod and agree, but internally you need to be a bystander, not a participant. This is the role of a playing spectator, like a playing coach. Being detached in this case does not mean being distracted. On the contrary, being in control of the situation implies attention and complete clarity of thought. Standing on the sidelines — means to realize that you set the rules of the game, and it is up to you to decide whether the game turns into a tragedy or a light vaudeville. Well, what do you want? Probably everyone. |
Solved easily and simply. If you think that there is always a complex problem that you have to deal with, don't worry. Every complex problem has a simple solution. This solution lies on the «vaudeville» line of life. All it takes to move to this line is the intention to visualize that this is what will happen. If you apply this technique, you will be pleasantly surprised. The outcomes can be most improbable. At the very least, the problem will actually be solved very easily. Or maybe it will simply fall away or its solution will be assigned to someone else. After all, there are simply no difficult problems on the «vaudeville» line of life. You have no power over the external intention, but you make it so that, first, it does not work against you, and secondly, you yourself get a chance to make it work in your interests. Circumstances may turn out differently, including not in your favor. However, this position dramatically increases the chances of winning. Do not forget to trust the flow of options. If the degree of unity of mind and soul in «vaudeville» mood on the problem is high enough, you will get stunning results that you could not have dreamed of before. |
You are no longer a puppet. I must only warn you against the temptation to think of yourself as a puppeteer. You see, this is a disturbance of balance, and you will certainly get a slap on the nose at the first signs of arrogance, a sense of superiority, disregard or (God forbid!) contempt for people. You will never have absolute total control over everything that happens, not even in your dreams. Remember, you only have the right to choose, not to change. Be at home, but don't forget that you are a guest. You should also remember: when renting yourself out, it is necessary to act impeccably. «Vaudeville» attitude to the problem — it is not slackness and carelessness, but a sober assessment of the importance. . It would be a mistake to interpret mindfulness as a desire to exert control over the world around us. The mind is used to insisting on its own way, trying to change the course of events, in other words, fighting the current. If you are down in the audience, there is a temptation to change the script by force, to impose your will on the actors. Such behavior has nothing to do with Transurfing, because it relies solely on the inner intention to fight the current. Again and again, remind yourself to go with the flow of options. Awareness — is not control, but observation. Control is directed |
only to not flounder in negativity, but to imagine a favorable scenario and let it into your life, to accept it with all your heart. Do not impose your scenario on the world, but allow its possibility, allow the option to be realized, and allow yourself to have it. You will stop fighting the world and will only be able to allow yourself to choose if your soul and mind come to unity. Let's remember the homework given in the last chapter. The roles of the Petitioner, the Offended, and the Warrior are not suitable for us. What role does Transurfing assign to the master of his destiny in the game called Life? Now it should be clear to you that it is the role of the Caretaker. How high is the degree of your awareness in reality, how effectively you are able to control your destiny. The role of the Caretaker is also much more exciting than the role of the Executor. As you know, commanders, supervisors, and other leaders have a more active life position than simple executors, and not only because they have more responsibility. Management employees are caretakers rather than performers. The position obliges them to be «more awake» unlike ordinary workers who may be asleep, forced to perform their duties. When you take up the position of Caretaker, you will immediately feel a surge of energy and your vitality will increase, because now you do not just have to sluggishly do the will of others, but create your own destiny. Responsibility for your own destiny — it is not a burden, but freedom. Human beings differ from animals not so much in their level of intelligence as in their degree of awareness. Animals are in a more sleepy state. Their behavior is mainly determined by stereotypical scenarios laid down by nature, which manifest themselves in the form of instincts and reflexes. Animals act as if they are playing a play according to a script that cannot be changed. Man is in this respect «more awake». He is more naturally aware of himself as a person and his place in the world. And yet the level of human awareness is still very high. |
Very low. Man plays his game while on the stage. He is totally absorbed in this game. The secret of the so-called intelligent people lies in mindfulness. Clarity of mind is determined by the degree of awareness. Some people have a clear mind and clear ideas, while others have a confused mind. Sharp mind, on the one hand, and stupidity, on the other — are not degrees of intelligence at all, but different degrees of awareness. Stupidity — it is rather a psychological defense against unwanted information: «I don't want to know anything, leave me alone! » Sharp mind — is, on the contrary, openness, curiosity, desire to receive and process information: «I want to know everything!» Bluntness is sometimes a consequence of retardation. Both can be developed in childhood, for example, when a child is forcibly forced to learn something and also exerted |
some kind of obsession. Even on April 1, when a person knows he may be played, he still falls into the trap. Isn't that a waking dream? Unconsciousness to one degree or another comes when a person doesn't want to face reality head-on. The desire to escape from impending reality causes the ostrich to hide its head in the sand. This is manifested in a person's desire to shut himself off from the outside world: «I see nothing, hear nothing, want nothing, leave me alone! head in the blanket and fall asleep, and he involuntarily seeks to block his perception, reducing the level of awareness. For example, a non-aggressive and harmless person tries to close himself off from an imminent blow. But he can not reflect the blow, because awareness is blocked by fear and reaction is slowed — like a veil hanging over the eyes. Rage obscures awareness in the same way. The person is head over heels in the game and sees and hears nothing around him. Hence the term «blind rage». Hence the term «blind rage. Fear and rage — are extreme manifestations of unawareness. Pendulums are trying to gently sedate our vigilance. Advertising, for example, has a zombifying effect, taking advantage of the fact that people spend most of their time in the semi-conscious |
state. Awareness as a clear perception of the surrounding reality manifests itself only sometimes, when circumstances throw adrenaline into the bloodstream. That is why it is so difficult to do such a simple thing — wake up in a dream and say to yourself: «Hey, guys, stop fooling me, it's just a dream, and since it is mine, I am the master here, not you» . Awareness also helps you pull intuitive information out of your subconscious mind. This can be done if you catch yourself thinking: «Why do I suddenly want to do this? » The voice of the soul sounds softly, barely audible. The mind yells back: «Shut up, I myself know what I want and what I should do! » One should develop a habit of constantly listening to the rustling of the morning stars. In a semi-conscious state, it is almost impossible to remember in time to notice what the inner voice is saying. Even if you have given yourself a firm resolution to listen to the voice of your soul in the morning, you will not be able to remember it at the right moment if you are asleep. So, we have found out that the unity of soul and mind gives rise to external intention, and mindfulness gives you a chance to subordinate it to your interests. The unity of soul and mind in dreams is achieved so easily for the simple reason that the soul is free from the authoritarian control of the mind. In conscious dreaming, control is present, but it is directed only at correcting the script. Everything else, even beyond the bounds of common sense, is allowed. The mind agrees to accept all sorts of miracles in dreams. In Andersen's fairy tale «Lamb» there is such an episode where the princess, convinced that she is seeing a dream, agrees to walk with a soldier on the roof. In the same way the mind in a dream allows anything, and in reality again convulsively clings to its ordinary worldview. It is not possible to achieve the unity of mind and soul so easily beyond the boundaries of common sense. Common sense — is our lifelong cage, and it is not easy to break out of it. A person can be fond of mystical teachings, hang in the clouds, believe in the unbelievable.... But in this faith there is always room for doubt. The mind may pretend, but in reality it knows that apples do fall to the ground. That's why it's so hard to completely surrender to outward intention. And that's why it's so hard to fully submit to outward intention. |
You can see for yourself from your own experience, however, that mindfulness does dramatically improve the odds. Maximum awareness is achieved when you have a Caretaker in your mind at all times. He objectively assesses what is happening, in whose interests the game is being played, and makes sure that you are not drawn into this game like a puppet. It is necessary to remember every minute: «are you asleep or not? » You can engage in conscious dreams if you are not afraid. But the dream will pass, and daily reality will return. Isn't it better to engage in conscious living? As you can see, this alternative gives you the opportunity to arrange the layer of the world to your own liking. The choice is yours. Clearing Intention External intention is an unfathomable and immense force. And at the same time you have seen how shaky and elusive it is. It is both control and at the same time the relinquishment of control, the will to act and the relinquishment of forceful pressure, the determination to have and the relinquishment of the desire to achieve. It is something new and unfamiliar to the mind. Man is used to everything |
to achieve by inner intention. You affect the world directly, directly, and it responds immediately. Everything is simple and clear. But it does not give in so easily; you have to make efforts, insist on your own, struggle, break through. And here it is suggested to refuse to take an active offensive, saying that the world itself will open its arms. Obviously, such a non-trivial approach puts the mind in a deadlock. How can we strike a balance and reconcile the determination to have with the refusal of direct action? The answer is self-evident: the balance of intention must be maintained. This means to want without wanting, to care without worrying, to strive without getting carried away, to act without insisting. The balance is disturbed by the potentials of importance. As you know, the more important the goal, the harder it is to achieve. The phrase «if you want it badly enough, you will definitely achieve it» will work just the opposite in the case when you just panic and make frantic attempts to get what you want. Panic here arises because there is no firm belief that the wish will come true. Compare two positions. The first: «I really want to get what I want. For me it is a matter of life and death. I must get it by all means. I will do my best |
efforts». The second: «All right, I have decided for myself that I will get what I want. After all, I want it. So what's the big deal? I will have it, and that's it». It's not hard to see which position will win out. Wish is also different from intention in that it does not exclude the possibility of non-fulfillment. If we desire something and it is difficult to get it, then we desire even more. Desire always creates excessive potential. Desire itself — is already potential by definition. It is when something is missing somewhere, but there is a mental energy to attract that something there. Intention is not believing or wishing, it is simply acting. Intention is not believing or wishing, it is simply acting. Pure intention never creates excess potential. Intention assumes that everything has already been decided: I have simply decided that this will happen, — it is almost a fait accompli. It is the calm realization that it will be so. For example, I intend to go to a newsstand and buy a newspaper. The desire is no longer there; it existed only up to the moment I decided to do it. The probability of non-fulfillment of the desire is extremely small, and in case of failure there is no misfortune either. So here the intention is completely cleansed of desire, and therefore of excess potential. The mental energy of desire is directed towards the goal, and the energy of intention — towards the process of achieving it. When a person wants something, he creates a perturbation in the energetic picture of the surrounding world, which entails the action of equilibrium forces. And when he just goes to the kiosk to get a newspaper, there is no heterogeneity. Wish acts on the picture of life lines in the following way: I want to get it, but I am afraid that I will not get it, so I think about failure (because it is important for me!) and emit energy at the frequency of the line of failure. Intention works the opposite way: I know that I will get what I want, it is already solved for me, so I radiate energy at the frequency of the lines where I already have what I want. There are two excessive potentials preventing the achievement of the goal: desire and faith. More specifically, a passionate desire to achieve the goal at all costs and a struggle with doubts about the possibility of it |
achievement. The more desirable the goal, the greater the weight of doubt about the successful outcome. Doubt, in its turn, increases the value of what is desired even more. We have already found out that desire does not help, but only hinders. The secret of wish fulfillment is to give up desire and to take up intention, that is, the determination to have and to act. But the importance of the goal in turn creates a desire to pursue it frantically, influencing the world with inner intention. The mind, having received the intention, rushes headlong into battle. It is the importance that makes the mind habitually push the world so hard. In order to get one step closer to the outer intention, the importance must be reduced. Outer intention has nothing to do with inner intention in its endeavor to influence the world around it. External intention cannot be obtained through internal intention, no matter how strong it may be. External intention is why it is called so, because it is outside of us. What is it, after all? I have no idea. I'm not afraid to admit it. Intention is very difficult to talk about within the definitions of the mind. You and I can only be |
Witness some manifestations of external intention. It manifests itself at the moment when there is a unity of soul and mind. As soon as this condition is fulfilled, a kind of resonance is created between the emission of mental energy and the external force that picks us up and carries us to the appropriate sector. The external intention is the force that carries out the actual Transurfing — the transition along the lines of life or, in other words, the movement of material realization along the sectors in the space of options. Why does this force exist, where does it come from? It is as senseless to ask this question as it is to ask why God exists, or to speculate whether there is a connection between God and external intention. No one can know this. What matters to us is that this power is there, and we can only rejoice in the possibility of using it, as we rejoice in the sun. External intention indicates the possibility of moving the realization through the sectors of the option space. In the same way, gravity indicates the possibility of falling from the roof of a house. As long as you are standing on the roof, nothing happens despite the force of gravity. But as soon as you take a step forward, that is, put yourself in the hands of gravity, gravity grabs you and throws you off the roof. |
Earth. of soul and mind. becomes an obstacle to unity. The mind desires and the soul resists. The soul strives, but the mind doubts and does not let in. Importance throws the mind against a closed glass and the soul sees an open vent. The soul asks for what it really wants with all its heart, and importance keeps the mind in the net of common sense. Finally, unity is achieved in the rejection of something, and then the external intention tries to sell us unnecessary goods. Inconsistency of aspirations of soul and mind is caused by the fact that the mind is at the mercy of prejudices and false goals imposed by pendulums. The pendulums pull us again by the strings of importance. Thus we have got the second necessary condition for mastering external intention — reducing importance and abandoning the desire to achieve the goal. It sounds, of course, paradoxical: in order to achieve a goal, it is necessary to give up the desire to achieve it. We understand everything about internal intention because we are used to acting only within this narrow framework. We have defined intention as the determination to have and to act. The difference between external intention and internal intention is shown in the first and second parts of this definition. If intrinsic intention — is a determination to act, then extrinsic intention — is more like a determination to have. You have a determination to fall — scatter and fall. You have a determination to be on the ground — let go of your grip and give yourself over to gravity. The process of clearing intention from desire can be done using the following algorithm. You reflect on the achievement of the goal. As soon as doubts arise, it means you have a desire. You worry whether you have the necessary qualities and capabilities to achieve the goal, so you have a desire. You believe that the goal will be achieved, — in this case you have desire. It is necessary to desire and act without wanting. Intention to Raise |
hand and scratch the back of your head — a sample of intention purified from excess potentials. You should have no desire, only pure intention. To do this, you must reduce internal and external importance. To reduce importance, there is one simple and effective means: accept defeat in advance. Without doing this, you will not get rid of the desire. Purify the intention. While clearing the intention of desire, don't lose the intention itself. Intend to achieve the goal and accept defeat in advance. Go over the scenario of defeat several times in your head, think about what you will do in the event of failure, find alternate ways, insurance. After all, life doesn't end here, does it? Don't just go back to the defeat scenario over and over again. This is just a single act that frees you from the need to achieve the goal exactly as you intended. You don't really know how the goal can be achieved. We will come back to this point. When you accept defeat, don't think about defeat or luck anymore, just go for it. Move toward the goal as you would go to the newsstand for a newspaper. You will find luck in your |
In your pocket, and if it is not there, you will not grieve. If you fail once, you will succeed next time, if you don't beat yourself up about the failure. Giving yourself over to external intention doesn't mean you have to give up your inner intention and sit back and wait for your mind and soul to agree. No one is stopping you from pursuing your goals by conventional means. Abandoning desire and importance has the same beneficial effect on the result of the inner intention. But now you have a chance to attract to your side a much more powerful force of external intention. This will allow you to achieve what previously seemed unattainable. Allow you to achieve what was previously unattainable. Summary .In a conscious dream, the mind can control the scenario of the game. Wish — is the concentration on the goal itself. |
Internal intention — is focusing on the process of one's movement toward the goal. External intention — is a focus on how the goal is realized by itself. With inner intention the goal is achieved, and with outer — chosen. The laws of natural science only work in one particular sector of space. The work of external intention — is a movement through different sectors of space. External intention — is the unity of soul and mind. In reality, the dream continues. In reality, the dream continues in reality to a greater or lesser degree. desired scenario into one's life.The desired scenario. Internal intention — is the determination to act. |
To reduce the importance of the goal, you must accept defeat in advance. Once you accept defeat, don't ponder any more, just go for the goal. At the end of the day, the goal is not a goal. |