Chapter VI
Where do premonitions, intuitions, predictions, discoveries, and masterpieces of
of art? Is it really the mind of man that invents and creates? The flow of options is a luxurious gift for the mind, but a person does not even suspect about it. What are “omens” and why do they work?
When you move with the current, the world comes your way.
Field of Information
The space of options is a field of information, or an energetic
matrix, a template of how things are supposed to be. When the energy tuned to a certain sector of the matrix “illuminates” it, then the template is realized in the form of a material form. The question arises: can this information be used while it lies unrealized?
. We can say that we all do it every day. Consciousness does not know how to read information from the space of variants. But the subconscious mind goes directly to the information field. That is where premonitions, intuition, predictions, discoveries, as well as masterpieces of art come from.
Information enters the consciousness either from the external world as an interpretation of external data, or from the subconscious mind, on an intuitive level. Data recorded in the field is, roughly speaking, truth in its purest form. In other words, objective and devoid of interpretation. When truth passes through the filter of the mind, it becomes interpretation, that is, knowledge. All living things perceive truth in their interpretation. A chicken sees and understands the world in a very different way than a human being. Even different people can see and understand the same things differently. Therefore, knowledge is a more or less distorted form of truth.
Data in the information field is represented in the form of a complex energy structure. Everything that makes matter move according to certain laws is recorded there. First the data from the information field is received by the subconscious mind (soul), then the consciousness (mind) translates it into a verbal or symbolic description. This is how a discovery is born or new things are created - music, works of art, i.e. things that a person could not see or learn directly. In the same way intuitive knowledge and premonitions appear.
You may be shocked and distrustful of all this. What do you mean, the mind cannot create anything new by itself, but just receives data from the field of information? Not exactly. The mind can construct a new object or solve a problem by operating with familiar objects and logical constructions. In other words, the mind can build a new house out of old cubes.
But it cannot obtain a fundamentally new thing, i.e. something that cannot be constructed from the old. Principle discoveries in science come not as a result of logical reasoning, but as an insight, as information from nowhere. The same applies to ingenious inventions. Good music is not composed by selecting notes, but comes as if by itself. Masterpieces of art are not created as a result of professional technical execution, but are born by inspiration. A perfectly technically painted picture does not have to be a masterpiece. What makes it a masterpiece is what lies beyond the technical execution. Poetry that takes the heart is not created by of a reasonable selection of the right rhymes, but comes from there - from the depths of the soul.
All creativity based on inspiration and illumination has nothing to do with reason.
The mind only then makes the products of such creativity its attributes. For example, the mind can copy an old masterpiece perfectly. But it is not capable of creating a new one. The mind analyzes the data received by the subconscious mind from the field of information and puts them into a symbolic interpretation - in the form of a picture, a melody, a poem, a formula, a scheme and so on.
We are not yet given to know how the subconscious mind gets access to the field of information.
We can only witness how such access manifests itself. An example of this is clairvoyance, that is, the ability to perceive events that have either taken place in the past, have not yet happened, or are happening outside the clairvoyant's field of vision. We do not understand the mechanism of such phenomena and declare them paranormal. Pendulums of fundamental science, not wanting to sign in their impotence, do not take such phenomena seriously. However, from the fact that we can not explain them, they do not cease to be facts, and so just brush them off can not.
There are people who see events in the field of information as clearly as if they were happening before their eyes in the world of material realization. Such people have the ability to tune in precisely to the realized sectors in the space of variants. For example, to tune into the sector of a missing person, a clairvoyant must look at his photograph or touch things. The services of such clairvoyants are even sometimes used by the police.
Not everyone sees so clearly, so mistakes happen. There are two reasons for mistakes. The first reason is due to the fact that the clairvoyant is tuning into a sector that has not been and will not be realized. Different sectors can, depending on their relative distance, differ
strongly or slightly in scenarios and scenery. The second reason is the interpretation of the data. For example, ancient soothsayers and prophets, observing unfamiliar scenes from the future, interpreted them in their own way, according to their level of knowledge. Therefore, predictions are often inaccurate.
To believe in all this or not is a matter of your choice. Do not forget that Transurfing is only a model that allows you to use the laws of the world to your advantage, not a description of the structure of this world. Transurfing is also not a granite monument with the inscription “This is where the dog is buried”. The truth, as you know, is always somewhere nearby. The statement that man is able to synthesize everything new with the help of his mind is also just an attitude. It is just that we have long been accustomed to such a model, and it is convenient for us. It should be noted that this habitual scheme of life is as unprovable as the Transurfing model. Whether it happens in this way or in another way is not very important for us. The fact is that data from the space of variants somehow reach us in the form of various hints, visions, insights, signs, and we have to understand their meaning if possible.
Knowledge from nowhere
Only very few unique individuals can clearly read data from the field of information. Most people receive only echoes of this data in the form of fleeting premonitions and vague knowledge. People involved in science and creativity get insights after days or years of thinking. It is difficult to discover the new because the frequency of mental radiation, no matter how much one thinks, is most easily tuned to already realized sectors of the space of variants. The fundamentally new lies always in unrealized sectors. But how to tune to them? We are not given to know that yet.
When the search for a new solution in the realized sectors does not yield results, the subconsciousness somehow randomly comes to an unrealized sector. Such data are not clothed in the form of usual symbolic interpretations, so the consciousness perceives them as vague and
vague information. If the brain manages to grasp the essence of this information, there is an insight and clear understanding.
There are many ambiguities and contradictions in the mechanisms of consciousness and subconsciousness. We will not raise all these problems, but will consider only some aspects. In order not to be confused in terminology and semantics, we will designate for simplicity everything that is connected with consciousness as mind, and with subconsciousness - as soul.
If the mind would understand everything that the soul wants to tell it, the mankind would get direct access to the field of information. It is hard to imagine what heights our civilization would reach in such a case. But the mind not only does not know how to listen, but also does not want to. Human attention is constantly occupied either with objects of the external world or with inner reflections and experiences. The inner monologue almost never stops and is under the control of the mind. The mind does not listen to the weak signals of the soul and authoritatively says its own thing. When the mind “thinks,” it operates with the categories by which it has designated the properties of visible objects in the realized sectors. In other words, it thinks with the help of established designations: symbols, words, concepts, schemes, rules and
so on. He tries to put any information on the shelves of suitable designations. Designations are given to everything in the surrounding world: the sky is blue, water is wet, birds fly, tigers are dangerous, it is cold in winter, and so on. If the information received from the unrealized sector does not yet have reasonable designations, the mind perceives it as some kind of incomprehensible knowledge. If it is possible to introduce new labels for this knowledge or to explain it within the old labels. within the framework of the old designations, a discovery is born. It is always very difficult to find a designation for fundamentally new knowledge. Imagine a person hearing music for the first time. Music is also information in the form of sounds. When the mind receives this information, it knows but does not understand. It has no labeling yet. Understanding appears later, when a person hears music repeatedly and is shown all designations and objects: musicians, instruments, notes, songs. But when the mind heard music for the first time, for him it was absolutely real knowledge and at the same time an incomprehensible mystery.
Try explaining to a small child this definition: 'milk is white'. The child is still just beginning to use abstract categories, so he will ask a bunch of questions. Well, what milk is, he understands. What does white mean? It's a color. And what is color? It's a property of objects. And what is a property? And an object? And so on and so forth. It is easier not to explain, but to show objects of different colors. Then the child's mind will designate what differentiates objects in the form of an abstract category of color. This is how he gives definitions and designations to everything that surrounds him, and then thinks using these definitions. The soul, unlike the mind, does not use labels. How can it explain to it that “milk is white”?
Since the mind began to think in abstract categories, the connection between it and the soul has gradually atrophied. The soul does not use these categories. It does not think or speak, but feels or knows. It cannot express in words, and symbols, what it knows. Therefore, the mind cannot agree with the soul. Suppose the soul has attuned to an unrealized sector and has learned something that is not yet in the material world. How can it bring this information to the mind?"
Besides, the mind is constantly busy with its chatter. It believes that everything can be reasonably explained and is constantly in control of all information. There are only vague signals from the soul, which the mind cannot always determine with its categories. The vague feelings and knowledge of the soul are drowned in the thundering thoughts. When the control of the mind gives weakness, intuitive feelings and knowledge break through to consciousness.
This manifests itself as a vague premonition, also called an inner voice. The mind is distracted and at that moment you feel the feelings or knowledge of the soul. This is the rustling of the morning stars - a voice without words, a reflection without thought, a sound without volume. You realize something, but vaguely. You do not think, but you feel intuitively. Everyone has ever experienced what intuition is. For example, you feel that someone is about to come, or something is about to happen, or you just know about something without explanation.
The mind is constantly busy generating thoughts. The voice of the soul is literally drowned out by this “thought-mixer”, so intuitive knowledge is hard to come by. If you stop the running of thoughts and just contemplate the emptiness, you can hear the rustling of the morning stars - the inner voice without words. The soul can find answers to many questions if you listen to its voice.
Teaching the soul to tune in to the unrealized sectors in a targeted way and the mind to listen to what the soul wants to tell you is difficult enough. Let's start small. The soul has two fairly clear feelings: soul comfort and discomfort. The mind has labels for these feelings: “I feel good” and “I feel bad,” “I am confident” and “I am worried,” “I like” and “I don't like.”
In life, at every turn we have to make decisions whether to do one or the other. Material realization moves in the space of options, resulting in what we call our life. Depending on our thoughts and actions, certain sectors are realized. The soul has access to a field of information. Somehow it sees what lies ahead in the sectors not yet realized but looming. If it has tuned in to a sector not yet realized, it knows what awaits it there: pleasant or unpleasant. The mind perceives these feelings of the soul as vague sensations of soul comfort or discomfort.
The soul very often knows what awaits it. And it tries to declare it to the mind with a faint voice. However, it hardly hears it or does not give importance to vague premonitions. Mind
is seized by pendulums, too preoccupied with solving problems and convinced of the reasonableness of his actions. It makes willful decisions guided by logical passages and common sense. However, it is well known that reasonable reasoning does not guarantee the right decision at all. The soul, unlike the mind, does not think - it feels and knows, so it is not wrong. How often people are late to realize: “After all, I knew (I knew) that nothing good would come of it!"
The challenge is to learn to identify what the soul is saying to the mind at the moment of decision. It is not so difficult to do this. You just need to instruct your Caretaker to pay attention to your soul's state of comfort. Here you are making a decision. Your mind is entirely captured by the pendulum or absorbed in solving the problem. In order to hear the rustling of the morning stars, it is enough just to remember in time that you need to pay attention to your state of mind. It's so trivial that it's not even interesting. But it is. The only problem is paying attention to your feelings. People are more inclined to trust rational arguments than their feelings. That's why people have learned to pay attention to their state of mental comfort.
Here you are replaying in your mind one of the options of decision. The mind at this moment is guided not by feelings, but by common sense. It is not inclined to perceive any feelings at such a moment. If you managed to remember, pay attention to what you feel. Is there something that alarms you, worries you, frightens you, or displeases you? You have made a decision. Silence your mind for a moment and ask yourself: “Do you feel good or do you feel bad?” Now lean toward the other option and ask yourself again: “Do you feel good or bad?"
If you don't have a definite feeling, then your mind is still very hard of hearing. May your Caretaker make you pay attention more often to the state of your mental comfort. But it may be that the very answer to your question is ambiguous. In such a case you cannot rely on such uncertain data. The only thing left to do is to do what your mind tells you to do. Or simplify the question.
If you get an unambiguous answer “yes, I feel good” or “no, I feel bad”, then you have heard the rustling of the morning stars. Now you know the answer. This does not mean that you will act according to the dictates of your soul. We are not always free to do what we want to do. But at least you will know what you can expect in the unrealized sector.
The Petitioner, the Aggrieved, and the Warrior
There are two extremes of behavior in life situations: to go with the flow, like a willless paper ship, or to row against the current, stubbornly insisting on his own.
. If a person simply does not act, does not take initiative, does not strive for anything, just exists, then life rules him. In such a case a man becomes a puppet of pendulums, and they dispose of his fate at their discretion. By taking this position, he refuses to choose his destiny. His choice is that it is predetermined: what is to be - what will not be. to be. Agreeing with this attitude, a person asserts that one cannot escape fate. And he is absolutely right, as there is such an option in space for him. After such a choice a man can only complain helplessly about fate and trust in the higher forces.
Having given his fate into someone else's hands, a person goes through life in two ways. Moving on the first way, he can humble himself and ask for alms for his life, addressing his requests either to pendulums or to some higher forces. The pendulums force the Petitioner to work, and he bends his back all his life, receiving a modest livelihood. The petitioner naively appeals to the higher powers, but they do not care about him.
The petitioner dismisses the responsibility for his fate, saying, “everything is God's will”. And if it is so, it is necessary to ask well, and God is merciful and will give. “Mountains and valleys! Rivers and seas! Oh, the sky! Oh, earth! I bow before your might! I am overwhelmed with faith and awe. I trust you to help me buy my morning paper!” What, too exaggerated? Not at all, because for the mighty higher powers, a morning paper or a palace, it makes no difference - everything is possible. So you asked badly. Well, keep asking.
There's a joke. A man lies on a sofa and prays: “Lord, help me to get rich. You can do anything! I believe in your power! I hope for your mercy!” And the Lord, with annoyance: “Man, at least buy a lottery ticket!” This is such a convenient position: to absolve oneself of responsibility and at the same time to flounder in one's inner importance. What is it here? Man imagines himself to be so important that he thinks that God, with all his power and mercy, will take care of his welfare. God has already given man too much - freedom of choice - and because of his infantilization he does not want to accept this gift and is always dissatisfied. Infantilism finds its justification in the fact that there are a lot of obstacles on the way to the goal. Man is always hindered by something. And the equilibrium forces and pendulums arising as a consequence of excessive potentials of importance created by himself. It turns out like in that children's game. “'Goosey-goosey! - “Ga-ga-ga-ga!” -"Are you hungry?” - “Yes, yes, yes, yes!” - “Well, fly!” - “We can't! The gray wolf under the mountain won't let us go home!'”.
” If a person is not satisfied with the role of the Petitioner, he can choose the second way: to take the role of the Offended, that is, to express dissatisfaction and demand what is supposedly due to him. The offended person causes even more harm to destiny with his claims. For example, let's take one more another allegory. A man comes to an art gallery, he does not like the exposition there, and he considers himself entitled to express his dissatisfaction. He starts stomping his feet, threatening, demanding, or even destroying everything around him. Naturally, this is followed by punishment. The person is even more offended and continues to actively resent: “How could it be! They should have gone out of their way to please me!” It does not occur to him that he is only a guest in this world. From the point of view of Transurfing both ways look absolutely ridiculous. Transurfing offers a completely new way: do not ask and do not demand, but go and take.
What is new here? After all, this is what a person who has made another choice does: my destiny is in my hands. He begins to fight with the world for a place under the sun. Taking a rigid position, a man wages war with pendulums, gets involved in competition, works with elbows. In general, the whole life is a continuous struggle for existence. Man has chosen struggle, and this option in space is also available.
You and I already know that both humility and discontent involve us in dependence on pendulums. Recall the material in the chapter on the potentials of importance and it will become clear to you. The asker creates the potential for guilt and willingly gives himself into the hands of the manipulators. The one who asks assumes in advance that he/she is obliged to ask and wait - maybe they will give. The offended person creates the potential for resentment, turns the equilibrium forces against himself and actively spoils his destiny.
The warrior who chooses to fight takes a more productive stance, but his life is difficult and takes a lot of energy. No matter how much a person resists, he only gets more tightly wrapped up in the web. It seems to him that he is fighting for his destiny, but in fact he is only wasting energy. Sometimes a man triumphs. But at what cost! The victory is publicly displayed, and everyone is once again convinced that laurels are not easy. This is how public opinion is created and strengthened: to achieve something, one must work hard or fight bravely.
Public opinion is actually shaped by pendulums. Potentials of importance serve as feeders for the pendulums. A goal is hard to reach - external importance. It can only be achieved only by a person of extraordinary qualities - intrinsic importance. On the way to the goal a person will be ripped off. Perhaps he will be allowed to get to the final. And he will be very satisfied, not realizing that he has spent energy not so much on the goal itself, as on the pendulums' prying.
. The following picture approximately appears. A person needs to pass to his goal through a crowd of beggars. They are all clamoring, blocking the way, grabbing hands. The man tries to justify himself, apologize, give money, push, push his way through, fight. Finally he reaches his goal with great difficulty. The energy spent on actually reaching the goal is only a small part and only goes to moving his feet. The rest of the energy has been spent on fighting the annoying beggars.
Having broken the binds of the pendulums, man is free. The beggars will leave him alone and switch to others. As you remember, to be free from pendulums, you must give up inner and outer importance. If you do this, the obstacles to your goal will simply self-cancel. That's when you will be able to not ask, demand or fight, but simply go and get.
The question now becomes, how do you understand the phrase “go and get” and what do you have to do to do it? The rest of the book is devoted to answering this question, and you will soon find out. So far we have outlined a general strategy of choosing one's destiny. The roles of the Beggar, the Offended and the Warrior are not suitable for us. What role do you think Transurfing assigns to the master of his destiny in the game called life? That's your homework. In the meantime let's consider tactical methods of behavior in life situations.
The petitioner and the offended are floating down the stream of life. The Warrior, on the other hand, tries to fight the current. Of course, there are no pure types of such people. Everyone from time to time takes on this or that role to a greater or lesser extent. In fulfilling such roles, a person acts extremely inefficiently. But if one can neither fight nor go with the flow, what is left?
It has been shown above how reason authoritatively dictates its will based on common sense. Many people are very sober-minded and at the same time they are unable to cope with their problems How much use is this common sense? Reason cannot guarantee a reliable solution. The mind thinks it's thinking soberly, but in reality it's just going wild. on pendulums. Freedom of movement is out of the question as long as one acts as a Petitioner, a Grievant or a Warrior. Even the Warrior has no more freedom of will than a paper ship.
How does the Warrior move along the stream of life? The pendulums provoke him to struggle, and he rows against the current, not realizing that it is easier and more profitable to use it. The mind is captured by the pendulums, but.Warrior is determined and, making strong-willed decisions, as hard as he can beat his hands on the water where it is possible to make calm and smooth movements.
Now imagine that you are not resisting the current and do not introduce unnecessary swirls into it, but you are not floating as a paper ship. You deliberately move in harmony with it, notice the shoals, obstacles, dangerous areas and only smooth movements keep the chosen direction. The helm is in your hands.
Is it possible to consider life as a current at all? On the one hand, information lies stationary in the space of variants, in the form of a matrix. But at the same time the structure of information is organized in chains of cause-and-effect relations. Cause-effect relations generate a flow of variants. This is the current we will talk about.
The main reason why one should not actively resist it is that it wastes a lot of energy, either uselessly or to one's detriment. But is it possible to rely on the current of options? After all, it can take you not only into a calm lagoon, but also pass into a waterfall. It is in order to avoid trouble, you must smoothly correct your movement. Of course, to begin with, it is necessary to correctly choose the general direction of this current. The direction is determined by the chosen goal and the way to achieve it. Once the direction has been chosen, you should rely on the current as much as possible and avoid any sudden movements. Everyone has a rough idea of the general direction of his or her current. For example, now I am studying, then I will find a job, start a family, move up the career ladder, build my own house, and so on. a house, and so on. Many people on their way make a lot of mistakes and regret looking back. But nothing can be corrected, the deed is done. The current has gone far away from the desired goal. Sane reason does not save. One can only regret that “if I had known where I would fall, I would have laid a straw”.
Everyone wants to know what awaits them around the corner. Not everyone seriously turns to fortune-tellers and astrologers, but many do, if only out of curiosity. An optimistic astrological forecast or prediction ignites a spark of hope. And undesirable predictions can be brushed aside. The Tran-surfing model is not in conflict with astrology. Predictions have a real basis - the space of options. Astrology doesn't exist just because people are curious to peek into the future. If the hit rate were too low, no one would rely on ephemeral predictions. However, the existence of a current of variants does allow, based on certain patterns, a glimpse into unrealized sectors of space. Another thing is that astrological calculations, of course, cannot guarantee one hundred percent accuracy, as in the case of clairvoyance.
Everyone decides for himself how much to rely on predictions and astrological forecasts. We will respectfully leave this topic aside and see what useful things can be learned from the knowledge of the existence of the current of options. The main question is to what extent one can give oneself over to the current, if the basic direction is right, and why one should give oneself over to it at all.
As shown above, the mind is constantly under the pressure of artificially created importance, so it cannot make effective decisions. Internal and external importance is, in fact, the main source of problems. The action of equilibrium forces manifests as rapids and whirlpools on the way downstream. If importance is dropped, the current will turn to a calmer course. The question of whether to surrender to that current is also a question of importance. External importance causes the mind to seek complex solutions to simple problems. Internal importance convinces the mind that it is thinking straight and making .the only right decision.
If importance is set aside, the mind will breathe freely because it will be freed from the influence of pendulums and the pressure of artificially created problems. It will be able to make more objective and appropriate decisions. But the beauty of it is that the mind, freed from importance. will not need a powerful intellect. Of course, logical thinking, knowledge, and analytical apparatus will also be needed to solve everyday problems. But much less energy will be expended on all this. The existence of the flow of options is a luxurious gift for the mind, which it hardly uses.
The flow of variants already contains the solutions to all problems. And most of the problems are artificially created by the mind itself. The restless mind is constantly experiencing the pendulum's jolts and undertakes to solve all problems, trying to keep the situation under control. Its willful decisions are in most cases meaningless slapping of hands on water. Almost all problems, especially small ones, solve themselves if you do not interfere with the flow of options.
Powerful intellect is of no use if the solution already exists in space. If you stay out of the thicket and do not interfere with the flow of options, the solution will come by itself, and the most optimal one at that. Optimality is already embedded in the structure of the information field. The point is that cause-and-effect relations generate separate flows in the flow of variants. These flows are the most optimal ways of movement of causes and effects. There is everything in the space of variants, but it is the optimal and least energy-consuming variants that are more likely to be realized. Nature does not waste energy. People walk on their feet, not on their ears. All processes strive to follow the path of least energy consumption. Therefore, the flows of options are organized along the path of minimum resistance. It is in them that the most optimal solutions lie. The mind, captured by the pendulums, acts in their interests and is constantly knocked out of the streams. In other words, the mind climbs into the maze, that is, it looks for complex solutions to simple problems.
All these considerations may seem too abstract to you. But you can see for yourself how real the existence of streams is. This is truly a luxurious gift for the mind. In any problem there are encrypted keys to its solution. The very first key is to move along the path of least resistance. People, as a rule, are looking for difficult solutions, because they perceive problems as obstacles, and obstacles, as you know, to overcome
is supposed to be overcome with hard work. It is necessary to develop the habit of choosing the simplest possible solution to a problem.
We all have to either learn something new or do familiar and habitual things. The question is: How can we do both in the most effective way? The answer is so simple that its effectiveness is hard to believe: according to the principle of going with the flow, everything should be done in the easiest and simplest way. The most optimal variants of any actions are organized into flows. These flows are made up of chains of optimal cause-and-effect relationships. When you decide to take the next step in your action, you are making a choice of the next link in the chain. It remains to determine which link is an element of the flow. What does a person do in such cases? He makes a logical decision, which from the point of view of common sense and common experience is the most correct.
The mind makes a volitional decision. It thinks it can calculate and explain everything. However, it is not so, and you yourself can confirm how many times you have realized late and
In order to choose the next chain of flow, it is only necessary to free oneself from the threads of pendulums and just obediently follow this flow. That is, one should take a position of equilibrium and not create excessive potentials. In order not to create excessive potentials, it is necessary to constantly monitor the level of importance.
When you are in a state of balance with the world around you, just follow the flow. You will see for yourself the many signs that will lead you. Let go of the situation, become a bystander rather than a participant. Not a slave and not a master, but just a doer. Instruct your Caretaker to constantly reprimand you when your mind tries to to make a “reasonable” volitional decision. Rent yourself out as a doer, and watch from the sidelines. Things are done much more simply than they seem. Surrender to that simplicity. It is the mind that leads to the waterfall, not the current of options.
For example, you need to find the right thing in the store. But you don't know where to get it. Reason suggests the most reasonable, but difficult option. You drive halfway around the city, but eventually find the right thing near your home. If the importance of the task was lower, the mind would not look for a complicated solution.
Another example. You have a whole list of things to do in front of you. What to choose first and what to choose later? You don't have to think. If the order is not crucial, just do what is being done. Move with the flow, detach your mind from the influence of pendulums. It is not a question of turning into a wandless paper ship on the waves, but of not beating your hands on the water, while it is enough to make smooth, easy and simple for you movements.
I will not continue the list of examples. You will make a lot of useful and surprising discoveries for yourself if you try to move with the current at least for one day. Whenever you need to find a solution, ask yourself: what is the easiest way to find a solution? Choose the easiest way to find it. Whenever someone or something distracts or throws you off track, take the time to actively confront or evade. Try to rent yourself out and observe what happens next. Whenever you need to do something, ask yourself: what's the easiest way to do it? Allow things to be done the way they are done the easiest way. Whenever something is offered to you or proves your point, don't be in a hurry to refuse and argue. Maybe your mind doesn't realize its own benefit and can't see the alternative. Activate the Caretaker. Observe first and only then act. Go down to the auditorium, take your time to establish control and let the game develop as much as possible on its own, under your supervision. Don't pound the water with your hands. Don't let your life go with the flow and you'll see how much easier you feel.
Guiding Signs
But how can you tell the difference between an impending shoal or waterfall and a normal bend in the stream? You can navigate the world around you by using tangible signs. The world is constantly giving us these signs.
The most famous and common type of signs are omens. There are bad and good omens. If you see a rainbow - a good sign. If a black cat ran across the road - wait for trouble. That's the common belief. Common omens were formed as a result of repeated observations and comparisons. If the percentage of triggering omens is high enough, a pattern is revealed, which becomes the property of public opinion, as people are constantly telling each other about strange phenomena. However, omens are not always true. Why is it so?
What happens when a person forgets something and has to go back? He thinks: to return - a bad omen. He may not believe in omens, but a persistent social stereotype still casts a shadow in his subconscious. A mindset of expectation is born
some kind of trouble. Or no, a person thinks, I will not go back. But that doesn't help either, because the smooth flow is already broken and the person is already out of balance to some extent. Expectation of trouble makes its corrections in the parameters of mental radiation, and a person is transferred to the life lines corresponding to these parameters. He gets what he fears. He himself has allowed such a possibility into his scenario. That is why the probability of the omen working increases.
As you can see, a common omen by itself cannot serve as a law or even a pattern. Why exactly does a black cat serve as a standard bad omen for everyone? Or why on earth would a black cat have any influence on our lives? It is not it, but your attitude to the omen that has an impact. If you believe in omens, they will participate in shaping the events of your life. If you do not believe, but doubt, the influence of omens will weaken, but still remain. If you do not believe and do not pay attention to them, they will not have any influence on your life. It is very simple: you get what you allow into your life script. A person who regards omens as prejudices has no signs of their fulfillment in the layer of his world. The omens work in the layers of other people's worlds because those people find confirmation for themselves, but our unbeliever does not. If omens themselves do not influence the events of life, then what kind of
are we talking about? A black cat can have no influence, but it can serve as a sign warning of an event that will take place in the path of the flow of options. The only question is which signs to consider as guiding signs. After all, if we aim to observe, we can see signs in everything that happens around us. But how to interpret them? We will not be engaged in interpretation. It's a thankless task. It's too unreliable and incomprehensible. The only thing you can do is to take the sign into account, increase the vigilance of the Caretaker and be more careful.
Guiding signs are those that indicate a possible turn in the course of options. In other words, the sign serves as a harbinger of an event that will bring a very tangible change to the measured course of life. If you expect a turn, even a small one, then there may be a sign signaling it. If a turn is coming, which you do not expect, then some characteristic sign may also appear. What is a characteristic sign?
The fact that when the current of options makes a turn, you move to another life line. Let us remind you that the line is more or less homogeneous in the quality of life. The flow in the current of options can cross different lines. Life lines differ from each other in their parameters. The changes may be insignificant, but the difference is still felt. This qualitative difference is what you notice consciously or subconsciously: as if something is not the same as it was a minute ago.
Thus, the guiding signs appear only when the transition to other lines of life begins. You may not pay attention to an individual phenomenon. For example, a crow cawed, and you were not alarmed, you did not feel any qualitative difference, so you are still on the former line. But if you paid attention to the phenomenon, if you felt in it. something unusual, uncharacteristic, it could be a sign. A sign differs from an ordinary phenomenon in that it always signals a beginning a transition to a substantially different life line. The phenomena that occur immediately after the transition to another line are usually alarming. This is because the lines are qualitatively different from each other. These differences may be of different character, sometimes not clearly explainable: a feeling as if something is wrong. When there is a transition, we intuitively feel it, sometimes noticing obvious changes in the form of signs. It's as if we see or suspect with the corner of our eye how something new has appeared in the current. Signs serve as pointers, they tell us: something has changed, something is happening.
A phenomenon that has occurred in the current lifeline is usually not alarming. It has the same quality as other phenomena on this line. Although, if a person ignores everything that is going on around him, he will not notice the obvious signs. The transition to a significantly different line usually occurs in stages, through intermediate lines. Signs on these lines may appear as warnings of varying degrees of severity. It happens that a person has ignored the first
warning. The transition continues, the second warning follows, then the third, and if after that he does not stop, what should happen on the final line happens.
As already mentioned, it is very difficult to interpret the signs unambiguously. You cannot even be sure that the phenomenon that has attracted your attention is a sign. You can only take note of the fact that the world wants to communicate something. We are primarily interested in impending shoals and rapids. Sometimes you want to get at least a hint of what to expect ahead. In most cases, the question can be formulated in such a way that we get a bipolar answer: yes or no. For example, will I succeed or not, will I manage or not, good or bad, dangerous or not, and so on. The interpretation of the sign should be reduced only to a hint at the version of the answer such as “positive” or “negative”. You should not count on greater accuracy.
The sign carries a hint of the quality of the coming turn. If the sign is associated with unpleasant feelings, inspires fear, distrust, unpleasant surprise, anxiety, discomfort, then it signals a negative turn of events. If the feelings are ambiguous, then there is no point in interpreting the sign - the assessment will be unreliable. In any case. In any case, you should not worry too much and do not attach much importance to it. However, if you pay attention to the sign, you should not neglect it. It may be a warning that you should be more careful, or change your behavior, or stop in time, or choose a different course of action. Signs can have a variety of forms. It is only necessary to distinguish what they mean: positive or negative. For example, I am in a hurry, and an old woman with a beak is blocking my way, and I can't bypass her. What should such a sign mean? Most likely, I'll be late. Or here, my bus, which usually goes slowly, today for some reason flies like an eagle. Apparently, I've gotten cocky somewhere and I should be more careful. Or here I am, my plan doesn't give in, there are some viscous obstacles, the matter moves with a creak. Maybe I chose a dead-end path and I do not need to go there at all?
. The main advantage of signs is that they are able to wake you up in time from your waking dream and make you realize that you may be acting in the interests of the destructive pendulum and to your own detriment. A person often makes fatal mistakes, being under the zombifying anesthesia of the pendulum, and then remembers that he did not give himself an account of his actions, lost vigilance. In such cases, the interpretation of even harmless signs as a warning will not be superfluous. Prudence and a conscious, sober look at what is happening will never hurt. The main thing that caution does not degenerate into anxiety and imagination. It is necessary to take care without worrying. Renting yourself, act impeccably.
Strangely enough, the clearest and clearest guiding signs are phrases of people, thrown as if casually, spontaneously, without prior thought. If you are consciously trying to impose their opinion, you can pass it by your ears. But if a spontaneous phrase is thrown, which is a recommendation to do something or how to act, take it very seriously.
Spontaneous phrases are those that are uttered completely thoughtlessly. Remember how it is when you respond to someone without thinking. It is as if the answer already exists somewhere in the depths of consciousness and flies off your lips, bypassing the analytical apparatus of the mind. Similarly, scattered phrases are thrown around when the mind is either drowsy or preoccupied with something else. When the mind is asleep, the soul speaks, and it is the soul that directly addresses the information field.
For example, you have been casually told: “Take a scarf, you will catch cold”. Surely, if you do not listen, you will regret it later. Or here, you are concerned about some problem, and someone in passing throws a recommendation of little importance to you. Do not rush to brush it off and listen. Or, you are sure that you are right, and someone in between, not on purpose, shows that it is not so. Do not be stubborn and look around to see if you are treading water with your hands.
Mental discomfort is also a very clear sign, only, as a rule, little attention is paid to it. If a decision needs to be made, no one knows better than your soul how to do it. It is often very difficult to understand exactly what your soul is telling you. But, as it was shown above, it is possible to determine quite unambiguously whether it likes the decision of the mind or not. Here you need to know what your soul is telling you to do.
you have to make some decision. Stop and listen to the rustling of the morning stars. And if your mind has already made a decision and you remember about the rustling with a delay, try to restore in your memory what feelings you had when you made the decision. These feelings can be characterized as “I feel good” or “I feel bad”. If the decision was given to you with reluctance, if there was an oppressive state, then it is definitely “bad”. In such a case, if the decision can be changed, change it.
It is not difficult to determine the state of mental comfort. It is difficult to remember in time that you need to listen to your feelings, because the mind reasoning is authoritarian and does not listen to anyone but yourself. The thunderous rumble of common sense not only drowns out the whispering of the soul. Reason always tries in every possible way to justify and prove its rightness. You are faced with a choice: “yes” or “no”. The soul tries to timidly object: “no”. The mind realizes that the soul says “no”, but pretends not to hear it and convincingly justifies its “yes” on the basis of “sound reasoning”. After reading these lines, put them on a separate shelf of your memory and the next time you make a decision, remember them. You will be convinced that everything happens just like that.
I suggest you to memorize a simple and reliable algorithm for determining your soul's “no”: if you have to convince yourself and persuade yourself to say “yes”, then your soul is saying “no”. Remember, when your soul says “yes”, you do not need to persuade yourself. Later we will refer to this algorithm again.
It is necessary to constantly observe what signs the surrounding world gives you. But you should not try to see signs in everything. “Here are birds flying high. Why is that?” They are not afraid of heights, so they fly. You should only take the signs into account and remember that they can be guiding. As soon as you forget about it, you are immediately taken in a turn of pendulums, and you can become a victim of circumstances.
Especially scrupulously it is necessary to check desires and deeds that can fundamentally change your fate. If the desire causes some discomfort and there is an opportunity to refuse it - refuse. It does not come from the soul, but from the mind. The desires of the mind are always imposed by pendulums. The same is true of actions. If you ignore mental discomfort, in most cases nothing terrible will happen, but sometimes you will have to regret. Therefore, it is better, if possible, to refuse desires and actions that cause discomfort, doubts, fears and guilt. This will greatly simplify your life and get rid of a lot of problems.
True, there is one “but”. If as a result of wrong actions tied up a tangle of problems, the principle of refusal will not always be appropriate. In some cases, you will have to do “uncomfortable” things, such as saying the wrong thing or going to a hateful job. However, when these tangle is untied, you can safely use the principle of refusal.
That's all there is to say about the guiding signs within the Transurfing model. Only you can notice and interpret your own signs. There is no need to teach you how to do it. You will understand everything yourself if you observe yourself and the world around you. You should not only give insufficiently clear signs excessive importance and include negative interpretations in your life scenario. In order not to run aground and not to hit the threshold, it is enough just not to
. create excessive potentials. In this case, you can do without signs. After all, we are not given to clearly understand their meaning. The only sign to which special attention should be paid is the state of mental comfort during decision-making. To the rustle of the morning stars is really worth listening to.
Letting go of the situation
The existence of flows in the flow of options frees the mind from two impossible loads: the need to rationally solve problems and constantly control the situation. Provided, of course, that it allows itself to be freed. For the mind to allow this, it needs a more or less rational explanation. As you've noticed, there's a lot of irrationality in this book that doesn't agree with the common sense position. And though the purpose of Transurfing is not to explain the structure of the surrounding world, I somehow or other constantly have to justify all these shocking conclusions.
And how could I do it otherwise? The monolith of common sense is very difficult to shake. The mind is not used to taking things on faith. It requires justification and proof. Proof you will get yourself,
if you test the principles of Transurfing in practice. I can only give some justifications to calm down the distrustful mind. Otherwise you wouldn't not only check these principles, but also wouldn't read further at all. And after all, this is just the beginning. There are many amazing discoveries ahead of you.
The two weights mentioned above have been placed on the mind since childhood. We were constantly taught: “Think with your head! Do you realize what you are doing? Explain to me what you are doing! Learn your lessons, only with your mind you can achieve something in life. Your head is useless! Are you going to be smart or not?” Educators and circumstances have molded the mind into a “soldier”, ready at any moment to find an explanation, to give an answer to a question, to assess the situation, to make a decision, to keep control over what is happening. The mind is trained to act expediently from the point of view of common sense.
Don't think that I'm so arrogant that I'm ready to dismiss common sense out of hand. On the contrary, common sense is the minimum necessary set of rules for how to behave in the world around us in order to survive. Except that the error of reason is that it follows this code of rules literally and too directly. A fixation on common sense prevents the mind from looking around. the mind from looking around and seeing what doesn't agree with the rules. And divergences from common sense abound in the world. The proof of this is the inability of reason to explain everything and save a person from problems and troubles. There is a very simple way out of this situation: to rely on the flows in the flow of options. The reasoning behind it is also very simple: the flows contain what the mind is looking for - expediency. As you know, flows follow the path of least resistance. The mind tries to reason sensibly and logically, relying on cause-and-effect relations. But the imperfections of the mind do not allow it to navigate the world without error and find the only correct solutions. Nature is originally perfect, so there is more expediency and logic in the flows than in the wisest reasoning. And no matter how convinced the mind is that it thinks sensibly, it will still be wrong. However, the mind will make mistakes in any case, but much less if it moderates its zeal and, if possible, allows problems to be resolved without its active intervention. This is called letting go of the situation. In other words, you have to loosen your grip, reduce your control, let things flow, give more freedom to the world around you. You already know that putting pressure on the world is not only useless, but also harmful. By not agreeing with the current, the mind creates excessive potentials. Transurfing offers a completely different way. First of all, we ourselves create obstacles by pushing excessive potentials. If we reduce the importance, the obstacles will be eliminated by themselves. Secondly, if the obstacle does not yield, it is necessary not to fight with it, but simply bypass it. fight against it, but simply bypass it. Guide signs will help in this.
The trouble with the mind is that it tends to perceive events that do not fit into its scenario as obstacles. The mind usually plans everything in advance, calculates, and if then happens the unforeseen, begins to actively fight it in order to adjust events to its scenario. As a result, the situation gets even worse. Of course, the mind is not able to plan events perfectly. This is where we need to give more freedom to the current. The current is not interested in breaking your destiny. Again, it is not expedient. Destiny is broken by the mind with its irrational actions.
Expediency, from the mind's point of view, is when everything goes according to a planned
scenario. Anything that is not consistent is perceived as an undesirable problem. And the problem has to be solved, which the mind takes up with great zeal, generating new problems. In this way the mind itself piles a lot of obstacles in its way.
Think about it: when people are happy, satisfied, satisfied with themselves? When everything goes according to plan. Any deviation from the script is perceived as a failure. Inner importance does not allow the mind to accept the possibility of deviation. The mind thinks, “After all, I have planned everything in advance, calculated everything. I know better what is good for me and what is bad for me. I am reasonable.” Life often gives people gifts that they accept reluctantly because they didn't plan for them. “That's not the toy I wanted!” The reality is that we rarely get exactly the planned toys, so we go around all angry and dissatisfied. Now imagine how much more joyful life would be if the mind lowered its importance and recognized the right for deviations in the script to exist!
Everyone can regulate their own level of happiness. The lower bar of this level is highly inflated in most people, so they do not consider themselves happy. I am not advocating to be content with what you have. A dubious formula like “you want to be happy, be happy” is no good for Transurfing. You will get your toy, but we'll talk about that later. Now we are talking about how to avoid trouble and reduce the number of problems.
It is the mind's unwillingness to allow deviations in its script that prevents it from taking advantage of ready-made solutions in the stream of flowing options. The mind's manic tendency to keep everything under control makes life a struggle against the current. How can he let the current take its course without submitting to his will? Here we come to the most important mistake of the mind. The mind seeks to control not its own movement along the current, but the current itself. This is one of the main reasons for all sorts of problems and troubles.
A purposive flow that follows the path of least resistance cannot create problems and obstacles - it is the idle mind that creates them. Activate the Caretaker and observe, at least for one day, how the mind tries to control the
the current. Something is offered to you and you refuse, something is tried to inform you - you dismiss it. Someone expresses their point of view and you argue, someone does it their way - you instruct them on the way. Someone offers you a solution and you object. You expect one thing, but you get another and express dissatisfaction. Someone interferes and you get angry. Something goes against your scenario - and you rush into a frontal attack to direct the current in the right direction. Maybe it's a little different for you personally, but there's still some truth to it. Right?
Now try loosening the grip of your control and allowing more freedom to flow. I'm not suggesting you agree with everything and accept everything. Just change your tactics: shift your center of gravity from control to observation. Strive to observe more than to control. Don't rush to dismiss, object, argue, argue, argue your point, interfere, control, criticize. Give the situation a chance to resolve itself without your active intervention or opposition. You will be if not dumbfounded, then certainly surprised. And a completely paradoxical thing will happen. By relinquishing control, you will have even more control over the situation than you had before. An outside observer always has a greater advantage than a direct participant. That's why I keep saying: rent yourself out.
When you look back, you will see that your control was going against the tide. The suggestions of others were not without merit. There was no need to argue at all. Your intervention was unnecessary. What you saw as obstacles were not obstacles at all. Problems are already being resolved safely without your knowledge. What you got wrong was not so bad at all. Randomly thrown phrases do have power. Your mental discomfort served as a warning. You didn't waste any extra energy and you were satisfied. This is the dewy-eyed gift of the current to the mind that I spoke of at the beginning.
And, of course, in addition to all this, let us remember about our “friends”. Pendulums hinder us from moving in harmony with the current. They provoke people at every step, making them pound their hands on the water. The presence of flow in the current does not satisfy the pendulums for a simple reason. for the simple reason that the flow itself goes in the direction of minimal energy expenditure. The energy expended by the person fighting the current goes to create excessive potentials and to feed the pendulums. The only control worth paying attention to is controlling the level of internal and external importance. Remember that it is the importance that prevents the mind from letting go of the situation.
Letting go is in many cases much more effective and useful than insisting on what you want. People's desire for self-assertion since childhood gives rise to the habit of proving their importance. Hence comes the tendency to prove one's rightness at all costs, which is harmful in every respect. This desire creates excessive potential and comes into conflict with the interests of others. Often people try to prove themselves right even in cases when the verdict in one or the other side does not directly affect their interests.
In some people, the sense of internal importance is so hypertrophied that they seek to insist on their own in any little thing. Inner importance grows into a mania to keep everything under control: “I'll prove myself to everyone, no matter what it costs me”. A bad habit.
It makes life very difficult, first of all, for the defender of truth himself.
If your interests are not badly affected by it, let the situation go and let others and leave it to others to beat their hands on the water. If you do this consciously, it will immediately become easy on the soul, even easier than if you prove your point of view. You will be satisfied with the fact that you have risen a step higher: did not, as usual, to defend their importance, and acted as a wise parent with unwise children.
Here is another example. Excessive zeal at work is as harmful as carelessness. Let's say you got a prestigious job, which you have long dreamed of. You make high demands on yourself, because you believe that you have to show yourself to the best of your ability. This is correct, but, taking on the case too zealously, most likely, you can not withstand the strain, especially if the task is difficult. At best, your work will be ineffective, and at worst, you will earn a nervous breakdown. You may even come to the false belief that you are unable to cope with this work.
Another option is possible. You develop a flurry of activity and thereby disrupt the established order of things. It seems that there are many improvements that can be made at work, and you are you're pretty sure you're doing the right thing. However, if your innovations entail a violation of the usual way of life of your employees, do not expect anything good. This is a case where initiative is punishable. You have been put in a slow but calm and balanced current, and you are pounding your hands on the water trying to swim faster.
So, now it turns out that you can't say a word against it and shouldn't stick out at all? Well, not quite so tough. We should approach this issue from a mercantile point of view. You can only be indignant and scold what directly interferes with you, and only if your criticism can change something for the better. Never criticize something that has already happened, that cannot be changed. Otherwise, the principle of going with the flow should not be applied literally, agreeing with everything and anything, but only by shifting the center of gravity from control to observation. Observe more and do not rush to control. The sense of proportion will come to you by itself, you do not have to worry about it.
The mind interprets information with a set of established labels. The soul does not think or speak, but feels and knows.
The mind can only create a relatively new version of a house out of old cubes. Fundamentally new discoveries come from unrealized sectors.
The soul serves as an intermediary between the fundamentally new information and the mind. The soul perceives unrealized information as knowledge without interpretation. If the mind manages to interpret the soul's information, a discovery is born. The mind is able to unambiguously determine the state of soul comfort.
Make it a habit to pay attention to soul comfort.
By giving up importance, you get freedom of choice of your destiny.
Freedom of choice allows you not to ask, not to demand and not to fight, but to go and take. The structure of information is organized into chains of cause-and-effect relationships.
Cause-and-effect relationships generate a flow of choices.
Paths of least resistance are organized into separate flows.
The streams in the flow of options already contain the solutions to all problems. Internal and external importance throws the mind out of the optimal flow. It is the mind that leads you to the waterfall, not the streams in the current of options.
Everything is made much simpler than it seems. Surrender to that simplicity. It is not the omen itself that works, but your attitude towards it.
Guiding signs indicate a possible turn in the flow of options. Life lines are qualitatively different from each other.
Signs are alarming because they appear at the transition to another line. Signs are different because they create a feeling as if something is wrong. Spontaneous phrases can be taken as a guide to action. A state of mental discomfort is a clear sign.
If you have to talk yourself into it, it means that your soul is saying “no”.
If it is possible to refuse a discomforting decision, refuse. You need to loosen your grip and accept the unforeseen event into your script. Accepting the possibility of deviating from the script is hindered by importance.
The mind seeks to control the current itself rather than its own movement downstream. Shift the center of gravity from control to observation.
By relinquishing control, you will gain true control of the situation. If you move with the flow of options, the world will move towards you.