Chapter Five

Chapter V
Induced Transition
Why does every older generation believe that life used to be better? How many
generations have passed since the beginning of human history! And every generation is sure that the world has gotten worse. Does this mean that the world tends to degenerate? But if that were so, then only a few dozen generations would be enough for mankind, and then everything should just go to hell. So what's going on?"
Don't let negative information in.
Generational Shift
At all times, all people have thought, “There used to be a time!” As a person gets older, life seems worse and worse. He recalls his younger years, when all colors were juicy, impressions were bright, dreams were achievable, music was better, climate was more favorable, people were more friendly, even sausage tasted better, not to mention health. Life was full of hope, joy and pleasure. Now, after so many years, one does not get the same joyful experiences from the same events. For example, a picnic, a party, a concert, a movie, a holiday, a date, a vacation at the sea - all seem to have the same quality, if we judge objectively. The holiday is fun, the movie is interesting, the sea is warm. But still, it's not the same. Colors faded, experiences dulled, interest faded.
Why was everything so great in my youth? Does a person's perception lose its sharpness with age? But with age a person does not lose the ability to cry and laugh, to perceive colors and tastes, to distinguish truth from falsity, to distinguish between good and bad. Or is the world really going down the hole? In fact, the surrounding world itself does not degrade and does not get worse.
It is getting worse for everyone individually. Parallel to the negative line of life there are lines that he once left and where everything is still good. By expressing dissatisfaction, a person sets himself up for really worse ways. And if so, he is really drawn to them.
According to the Transurfing principle, there is everything and for everyone in the space of options. For example, there is a sector where life for a given person has lost all its colors, but for others it remains the same. A person, emitting negative energy of thoughts, gets into such a sector where the scenery of his space has changed. At the same time for other people the world remained the same. And it is not even necessary to consider such radical cases when a person became an invalid, lost his house, loved ones or became a drunkard. Most often during his life he slowly but surely slides to the line where all the colors of the scenery fade. That's when he remembers how alive and fresh everything was years ago.
When a person is born, he first accepts the world as it is. A child simply does not know yet whether it can be worse or better. The young are not yet very spoiled and fastidious. They just discover the world and enjoy life because they have more hopes than
claims. They believe that everything is not bad now, and it will be even better. But then failures come, a person begins to realize: not all dreams come true, other people live better, and you have to fight for a place under the sun. Over time, there are more complaints than hopes. Dissatisfaction and whining is the driving force that pushes a person to unsuccessful lines of life. Expressing in terms of Transurfing, a person radiates negative energy, which carries him to life lines corresponding to negative parameters.
The world becomes worse the worse you think about it. In childhood, no one really thought much about whether it was good or not, but took everything for granted. You were just starting to discover the world and didn't really abuse criticism. The biggest offenses were against your relatives, who, for example, did not buy a toy. But then you began to seriously resent the world around you. It began to satisfy less and less. And the more you complained, the worse the result was. Everyone who survived adolescence and lived to maturity knows that many things used to be better.
Here is such a harmful paradox: you meet with an unfortunate circumstance, express your dissatisfaction, and as a result, the situation gets even worse. Your dissatisfaction returns in a threefold boomerang. First, the excess potential of discontent turns the equilibrium forces against you. Second, discontent serves as a channel through which the pendulum siphons energy out of you. Third, by radiating negative energy, you cross over into your respective life lines.
The habit of reacting negatively is so ingrained that humans have lost their advantage over lower living beings - consciousness. The oyster, too, reacts negatively to an external stimulus. But man, unlike the oyster, can consciously and intentionally regulate his attitude to the external world. However, he does not take advantage of this advantage and responds with aggression to the slightest inconvenience. He misinterprets aggression as his strength, but in reality he is just fluttering helplessly in a web of pendulums.
You believe that life has gotten worse. However, to those who are young now, life seems wonderful.
Why is that so? Maybe because they don't know how good it was when you were their age? But then there were people older than you who complained about life and remembered how good it used to be. The reason here is not only in the property of human psyche to erase the bad from the past and leave the good. After all, dissatisfaction is directed at what exists now, because it is supposedly worse than what was before.
It turns out that if we accept the fact that life is getting worse and worse every year, then the world should have fallen apart a long time ago. How many generations have already passed since the beginning of human history? And each one believes that the world has gotten worse! For example, any older person will confidently say that Coca-Cola used to be better. However, Coca-Cola was invented in 1886. Can you imagine how disgusting it is now! Could it be that taste perception dims with age? Hardly. After all, any other quality - furniture or clothes, for example - has become worse for the elderly.
If the world were one for all, then after the change of several dozens of generations it would simply turn into hell. How to understand this paradoxical statement that the world

is not one for all? We all live in the same world of material realization of variants. But its variants are different for each person. On the surface there are clear differences in destinies: rich and poor, prosperous and downcast, happy and unhappy. They all live in the same world, but it is different for everyone. Here, it would seem, everything is as clear as the fact that there are poor and rich neighborhoods.
However, it is not only the scenarios of destinies and roles that differ, but also the scenery. This difference is not so obvious. One person looks at the world from the window of a luxury car, and another from a garbage can. One is cheerful at a party, while the other is preoccupied with his own problems. One sees a cheerful group of young people and the other a swaggering gang of hooligans. Everyone is looking at the same thing, but the resulting pictures are as different as a color movie from a black-and-white one. Each person is attuned to his or her own sector in the space of options, so everyone lives in his or her own world. All these worlds overlap in layers and form what we understand as the space we live in. This may be hard for you to visualize. It is impossible to separate one layer from another. Each person forms their own reality with their thoughts, and at the same time this reality intersects and interacts with the world around them.
Imagine an Earth where there is not a single living thing. Winds blow, rain falls, volcanoes erupt, rivers flow - the world exists. A man is born and begins to observe all this. The energy of his thoughts generates material realization in a certain sector of the space of variants - the life of this person in this world. His life represents a new layer of this world. Another person is born - another layer appears. A person dies - the layer disappears or, perhaps, is transformed in accordance with what happens there, beyond the threshold of death.
Mankind vaguely guesses that there are other living beings who are supposedly in some parallel universes. But let's assume for a moment that there are no living beings in the world at all, yet. Then what energy gave birth to the material realization of the space where there is not a single living being? We can only speculate about that. Or maybe if the last living being dies, then the world will disappear? Who can confirm that the world exists if there is no one in it? After all, if there is no one who can say that the world (as we understand it) exists, then it is out of the question.
Well enough, let's not go further into the maze and leave all this. Do not forget that Transurfing is just one of many models. All people's ideas about the surrounding world and life in it are nothing more than models. Remember the importance and do not create an external importance of the Transurfing. Otherwise you can become an apologist of a useless idea and prove to everyone the truth of your worldview. Truth is an abstraction. We are given to cognize only some manifestations and patterns. And our goal is only how to get practical benefit from our model.
Let's go back to the generational worlds. Each person during his life is rearranged from one sector of the space of variants to another and thus transforms a layer of his world. Since he or she is more willing to express dissatisfaction and emit more negative energy than positive energy, there is a tendency for the quality of life to deteriorate. A person may gain in age. material prosperity as he ages, but he's not happier. The colors of scenery fade, and life pleases less and less. A representative of the older generation and a young man drink the same Coca-Cola, swim in the same sea, ski on the slope of the same mountain - everything seems to be the same as it was many years ago. However, the older one is sure that everything was better before, and for the younger one everything is just wonderful now. When the younger one grows old, history will repeat itself all over again.
There are deviations in this trend, both for the worse and for the better. It happens that a person with age just begins to feel the taste for life, and sometimes, and quite prosperous slides into a deep hole. But in general, the generations are more or less unanimous that the quality of life is deteriorating. This is how the layers of generations are shifting. The layer of the older generation shifts to the worse side, and the layer of the younger generation lags behind, but moves the same way. This shift occurs in stages, each time starting from an optimistic position. That is why the world as a whole does not turn into hell. Everyone has his own layer that he chooses for himself. Man does have the ability to choose his own layer, what he-'//does. The picture is already gradually becoming clear to you of the ways in which he does this to his own detriment.

We have already talked about how not to create hell in your layer in previous chapters. And how to get back your former world, to return to the lines where life is so full of colors and hopes, as it was in your childhood and youth? And with this task too you can cope with the help of Transurfing technique. But first we need to understand how we leave those prosperous and full of hopes lines to the place where we can be asked: “Well, how did you get to such a life?”
Pendulum Funnel
The human psyche is so organized that it reacts more strongly to negative stimuli. This can be unwanted information, hostile actions, danger or simply negative energy. Of course, positive influences can also cause strong emotions. But fear and rage far outnumber joy and exhilaration. The reason for this disparity goes back centuries, when fear and rage were crucial to survival. What good is joy? It helps neither to defend oneself, nor to avoid danger, nor to get food. And then life, filled with hardship and deprivation throughout history, brought more grief and fear than joy and fun. Hence the tendency for people to succumb more easily to dull thoughts and depression, and
and joy fades quickly. Have you ever heard of a normal person suffering from excessive cheerfulness? And stress and depression are all around.
Such peculiarities of human perception are actively used by pendulums and, in particular, by mass media. In news programs you will rarely hear good news. Usually they do the following: they take some negative fact, spin it, new details come out, all this is savored and dramatized in every possible way.
Other negative news is presented according to the same principle: catastrophes, natural disasters, terrorist acts, armed conflicts and so on. Pay attention to one regularity. Events develop as if in a spiral: first there is a plot, then the spin, more and more tension is building, then the climax, emotions are already blazing, and finally the denouement - all the energy is dissipated into space, and there is a temporary lull. Remember how waves hit the shore. Endless television series are built on the same principle. From an objective point of view, there is nothing so special in them, all the “drama” is literally sucked out of the finger. But after watching two or three episodes, it's exciting. Why? Because nothing so interesting happens in these soap operas. Because the frequency of mental radiation is captured by the pendulum of the series and human attention is fixed on this sector.
Let's consider the mechanism of unwinding of the above-mentioned spiral. First, a person is confronted with a fact, which theoretically may or may not excite him. Let's say it is news about a negative event somewhere in another country. This is the first push of the destructive pendulum. If the news touches a person, he begins to respond to the impact: he expresses his attitude, worries, and thus radiates in response the energy of the same order as the first push, at the same frequency. This person, like thousands of others, responded to the pendulum with his interest and participation' The radiation came into resonance with the pendulum and its energy increased. The media continues its campaign. The person of interest and the pendulum is energized again. This is how the pendulum draws adherents into its net and siphons energy out of them. Interested persons let the negative energy into themselves and get involved in the game so far as outside observers.
At first glance, nothing special has happened, it's just business as usual. So what if a person gave part of his energy to feed the destructive pendulum? It practically did not affect his health. However, in fact, radiating energy at the frequency of a negative event, a person passes to the life lines where similar events occur closer and closer to himself. The person takes part in the entanglement and finds himself in the zone of action of the spiral, which unwinds and draws him into himself like a funnel. The interaction between man and the pendulum becomes closer and closer, and man accepts the mentioned event as an inevitable part of his life. His attention starts to work selectively, he gets new facts in different countries everywhere. The person discusses this news with his acquaintances and relatives, receives a response from them in the form of interest and sympathy. The energy of the pendulum grows, and the person is getting closer by the frequency of his radiation to the lines

events, where he is no longer an outside observer, but a direct participant.
Let us define such a phenomenon of being drawn into the vortex as an induced transition to the life line, where the adherent becomes a victim of the destructive pendulum. His response to the push of the destructive pendulum and the subsequent mutual feeding with the energy of the oscillations induce a transition to the life line, close in frequency to the oscillations of the pendulum. As a result, the negative event is included in the layer of the world of the given person.
Many people, in one way or another, allow the theoretical possibility of getting into a catastrophe. But not everyone lets such a possibility into the layer of their world. There are people who do not watch TV series, are not interested in the news, they are not touched by events happening somewhere and with someone. They live in their own layers and are followers of other pendulums. They don't care if an airplane crashes somewhere. They listen to the news of such events while chewing their dinner indifferently. They have enough to worry about. Induced transition is more susceptible to those who are interested, anxious, worried about disasters happening somewhere to other people. If a person's life is not very full of worries and experiences, he tries to make up for this deficit by shifting his attention to events in other people's layers. Such a person regularly reads the tabloid press, or watches soap operas, or waits for new reports about disasters and natural calamities. The tabloid chronicles and soap operas represent the activity of small and harmless pendulums. Adherence to them merely fills the deficit of information, emotions and experiences. But the manifestation of interest in destructive pendulums of catastrophes and natural disasters carries a real threat. They are strong and very aggressive.
The frequency of mental radiation of a person who has paid attention to such events is captured in the same way as in the case of soap operas. A person interested in negative information will always receive it in abundance. At first, he assumes the harmless role of a bystander. It is as if he is sitting in the stands and watching a soccer match. He becomes more and more fascinated by the game and becomes an active fan. Then he goes down to the field and starts running around without getting the ball yet. Gradually and imperceptibly he gets more and more involved in the game and finally receives the ball. The observer has turned into a player, that is, into a victim of catastrophe.
And how could it be otherwise? After all, catastrophes have become part of human life, he himself let them into his layer, unwittingly accepted the fate of the victim and materialized the unfortunate version. Of course, he didn't want the role of victim, but that doesn't matter. Roles are assigned by the pendulum if the person has accepted its play. Therefore, while for many other people this disaster is just a fateful coincidence, for our victim it is a natural logical end. The probability for our hero to be in the right place at the right time is already above average.
If you ignore the jolts of destructive pendulums, you will never get into a catastrophe. Let's say that the probability of it will be close to zero. You may object: how do people die by thousands during catastrophes or natural disasters, do they all think about catastrophes at the same time? The fact is that you do not live alone in this world. You are surrounded by a mass of people actively working on destructive pendulums and radiating energy in the spectrum of these pendulums.
No one is perfectly insulated from this radiation. The field of radiation captures you, and you, without realizing it, begin to radiate at the same frequencies. The roots of such behavior come from the depths of ages, when the herd instinct helped to avoid dangers. That is why the energy field of the induced transition grows avalanche-like and draws you in like a funnel.
The task is to stay as far away from the center of the vortex as possible. This means not to let in information about catastrophes and disasters, not to be interested in it, not to worry about it, not to discuss it, in general, to let it pass by your ears. Note: not to walk away from information, but not to let it in. As you know from the previous chapters, avoiding an encounter with a pendulum is the same as seeking an encounter with it. When you oppose something, do not want it, or express dislike for it, you are thereby actively radiating energy at the frequency of what you want to avoid. Keeping it out means ignoring it, not reacting to negative information, and shifting your attention to harmless TV programs and books.
If you cannot react, then you can only rely on your guardian angel.

For example, if you are afraid to fly on airplanes, don't fly. If there is fear, it means that there is a frequency in the spectrum of your radiation that resonates with the life line, which is marked by a catastrophe in the air. It doesn't mean that you will necessarily fall on that line, but there is still a possibility. If you just don't think about danger on an airplane, there is nothing to be afraid of. On the contrary, if you are experiencing unusual anxiety before the flight, it is wise to skip the flight. If not flying at all is impossible, then you need to learn to hear the rustling of the morning stars. What it is and how to do it, you will still learn.
War arises, in fact, in about the same way as an elementary fight. First, one side expresses its opinion to the other. The other side has an opposing opinion, so the statement works as a push of a destructive pendulum. The second side responds to the first push with a slightly larger swing. In response to this, the first party in turn responds again with even greater aggression. And so on and so on, until the matter comes to hand-to-hand violence.
There is a simple and clear picture of the battle of two pendulums, which, hitting each other, swing more and more strongly. When war or revolution breaks out, there are many factors at work, but the essence is the same. but the essence is the same. First, people are told that they are living badly. Everyone quickly agrees - the first swing of the pendulum is accepted. Then there is an explanation that our people are prevented from living better by strangers. This causes resentment - the pendulum swings. Then comes a provocation from one side or the other, which causes a storm of indignation - the pendulum has gained strength, and war or revolution can begin. Each blow of the pendulum generates a response, further amplifying the oscillations. There is an avalanche-like transition to the life line, where the tension is increasing.
The situation can be changed only at the very beginning, then it is already out of control. At the moment of the beginning of the spiral twisting, if the first lunge of the pendulum to respond peacefully or just step aside, the pendulum will be failed or extinguished, therefore, the transition to a new spiral, that is, to another line, will not be. If we accept the oscillations of the pendulum, then the frequency of the participant's radiation will be matched by parameters to the line of the new coil of the spiral.
. Unfortunately, if an individual participant of events does not react to the pendulum, it does not guarantee that he will not be drawn into a war or revolution. If caught in a powerful whirlpool, then, no matter how hard you try, it is almost impossible to get out. However, in case of rejection of the game of the pendulum, the participant at least gets additional chances to stay alive and get out with the least losses. Here it is only necessary to have a good idea of what it means to reject war or revolution. You may hate it or you may actively fight it. But the pendulum does not care whether you are against it or for it. The energy of any sign suits it. If the energy is emitted on the frequency of war, there is a shift to this line. You accept the war, participate in it - you are on the battlefield. Fight against the war - it swallows you anyway.
Not to accept the pendulum means to ignore it. Of course, it is not always possible to ignore it - that is the danger of induced transition. At the very least, one should not accept the position of either supporters or opponents of war. At all times there have been neutral states that have stood by and watched whole nations annihilate each other. Note the demonstrations and rallies where people vehemently protest against
against military action. For the pendulum trying to wage battle with its opponent, they are as loyal and welcome supporters as the supporters of the battle. Active protest is the most natural aiding and abetting of war, though naive adherents are convinced otherwise. Peaceful proposals and revealing the true face and motives of the pendulum are the actions that extinguish war. Remember the allegory of the wild bees' nest? The pendulum announces to its adherents that the bees are dangerous, so they must be destroyed. But what does the pendulum really want? Perhaps their honey?"
As already mentioned, one can participate in the game of the destructive pendulum in different ways, both supporting it and rejecting it. The second is perhaps even more dangerous, as the desire to avoid collision with the pendulum creates an excessive potential that draws you into the vortex of transition. Losing a job is now feared by all or almost all. The induced transition to the street is very insidious. It starts small and harmless. It can be a weak first signal: you have overheard that things are not as good as they used to be at your company. Or who-

one of your acquaintances has lost their job, or there are rumors that there are going to be layoffs, or something like that.
Subconsciously, unbeknownst to you, a red light bulb has gone off. This is followed by another signal, such as inflation going up. This already alarms you, and the people around you, by the way. Conversations begin, and the unemployment pendulum is energized. News about the fluctuations in the stock market already appear, and the general tension rises. Worry quickly turns to anxiety and then to fear. You are already generating energy at a life line frequency where you see yourself out of work.
When you carry the fear of being among the fired, you may think you can see it as clearly as if you hung a sign on your chest that says, “I can be fired.” If you think you can hide this fear, you are sorely mistaken. The fleeting gestures, the nuances of intonation in your voice sometimes say more than words. Once you lose confidence in yourself, you are no longer as effective a worker as you used to be. What used to be easy, now doesn't work. There is tension with your coworkers, and they are in the same position. Nervousness you transfer to the family, and there instead of support you and blame you. That's it, stress develops, and you're not an employee. you're no longer an employee, you're wearing a “ready to quit” sign on your chest. The reason for the fear of being fired lies in the guilt that smolders or burns bright
in your subconscious. Who gets fired first? The worst. If you have allowed yourself to believe that you can be worse than others, then you are the one who blacklisted yourself. Let go of the guilt. Allow yourself the luxury of being yourself. And if that doesn't work, start the process of looking for another job. The excess potential of worry is dissipated by action. Some people start looking for a new job as soon as they get a position. They don't do this because they intend to change to a new job right away. Insurance instills confidence: there's a backup in case something happens. If you are calm about your future, the action of equilibrium forces will not affect you.
You probably think that here - no, it is out of the question about some life lines, a person gets sick, because he was simply infected. And you would be right, but only in the fact that the person has allowed himself to be infected. I don't mean to say that the sick person should have walked around with gauze - it wouldn't have saved him. You don't believe me? Well, I can't prove it speculatively, nor can I prove anything in this book. But you wouldn't walk around in a gauze bandage during a flu epidemic to check either, would you? So I'm just going to tell you what I know, and believe it or not, it's up to you.
All right, let's get your medical history. The reason you're sick is because you voluntarily agreed to participate in a game called “Epidemic.” It starts with rumors that an epidemic of, say, influenza is already raging somewhere. All normal people know that influenza is easily transmitted by airborne droplets, so you, as any normal person, quite admit the idea that it can happen to anyone too. In your head you immediately replay the movie: you have a fever, you sneeze and cough. Everything, from this moment you are already in the game, because you are emitting the energy of thoughts at the frequency of the destructive pendulum.
. You are subconsciously already looking for confirmation that an epidemic is coming, and your attention begins to work selectively. There are sneezing people around. They are always there, you just didn't pay attention to them before. At work and at home, every now and then someone brings up the subject. Your assumption that an epidemic is coming is finding new evidence. Even if you're not specifically looking for confirmation and you don't particularly care about the topic. It happens somehow by itself.
If you are tuned to the frequency of the destructive pendulum from the very beginning of the game, your attachment to it will become stronger and stronger, regardless of your conscious participation. Well, if you don't mind cheering or you are in a doomed mood, it means that you are already the most active follower of the pendulum. Or no, you have decided not to get sick and you insinuate yourself that you are absolutely healthy and will not get sick. It will not work. You are thinking about illness, so you are radiating at the frequency of illness. The direction of thoughts for or against does not matter. In other words, if you try to convince yourself that you will not get sick, you initially allow such a possibility, and no persuasion will not help.
Words spoken aloud are just a shaking of air, words to yourself are nothing at all,

but faith is a powerful energy, even if you can't hear it. You will not be saved even if you run to get vaccinated. You will still get sick in one form or another. The first symptom of illness puts you before a choice: will you be sick in the end or not? You weakly resist and accept the disease. This makes the final correction in your radiation and you move into the life line where the disease goes full blast.
The induced transition began the moment you accepted the pendulum. If you really don't care about this epidemic, there will be no transition. Or if you are on vacation, don't talk to anyone, don't listen to the news and don't know anything about the epidemic, the pendulum won't touch you. It will just fall as if into the void.
Have you ever wondered why doctors don't get infected by patients? Many of them are even brave enough to work without bandages. It's not because they're immunizing themselves. You can't vaccinate yourself against all diseases. The point is that doctors are also actively playing the game of the disease pendulum, but their role is quite different. By analogy, observe the stewardesses in an airliner. These kind fairies strongly recommend to everyone to fasten the belts, and they themselves flutter as if they themselves in case of what can, like hummingbirds, hover in the air.
“Well, what about infants infected with AIDS? -- the meticulous Reader will ask. - Do they emit transition energy, too?” First of all, here we are dealing with the issue of epidemic as a trend. Secondly, I am not trying to prove that there is no infection, but only emission of mental energy at the frequency of the disease. Transurfing is not a dogma and not the final instance of truth. One should not elevate any idea to an absolute. One can only take note of regularities. And the truth - it is always “somewhere near”, but where exactly - it is unknown.
This is the most intense and rapid induced transition. Panic most contrastingly emphasizes all its features. First, the spiral is very tenacious, because the signal of real danger always sounds very convincing and a person is immediately included in the game of destructive pendulum. For the same reason the increase of the pendulum oscillations is very fast, almost avalanche-like.
Secondly, a person almost completely loses control over himself, which means that he turns into a sensitive receiver and at the same time an active repeater of the pendulum's oscillations. And, finally, the pendulum itself finds an ideal materialization in the form of a crowd. Unfortunately, all these factors make the task of its failure or extinguishing very difficult. A person at such a moment will not even think of thinking about the methods of fighting them.
However, if you master yourself and do not give in to panic, you can save the life of yourself and loved ones with a high probability. For example, on a sinking ship is always formed a dump near several lifeboats, while next to other boats stand empty. And it only takes a moment to look around. But that's the insidious property of the induced transition, that it works like a funnel, sucking in everything that is even a little bit affected by it.
Poverty. If we reason sensibly, how can a simple person born in a slum get rich? We will not consider the criminal way, beautiful stories about millionaires too. So, reasoning based on common sense will lead to nothing. Then what use is conventional logic to you? Transurfing does not fit into the framework of common sense, but it allows you to do what seems impossible.
By acting logically, people get the corresponding result. If a person was born in poverty, he is surrounded by poverty, he is used to it and is tuned to emit energy on the frequency of his poverty line. It is very difficult to change to the line of one's affluence if one has only hatred for one's poverty, envy for the rich, and a desire to become affluent oneself. Or no, I would say that with only these three things in place, it is almost impossible to shift to your wealth line. Let's explore why.
Probably one of the first discoveries of all children entering life is this fact: just because you don't want something doesn't mean you will be spared from it. Sometimes a cry of despair just bursts from the soul: “But I don't want it so much! I just hate it! Why

it won't leave me alone? Why does it always happen to me?” Such a question in a fit of indignation is asked not only by children, but also by adults. In fact, it is difficult to accept the situation that if you do not want something, it happens anyway, and if you hate it, it just persists. You can hate your poverty, your job, your physical disabilities, neighbors, vagrants on the street, alcoholics, drug addicts, dogs, thieves, gangsters, insolent youth, the government,.... The more you hate it, the more of it you'll find in life. And you already know why. It hurts, you think about it, so you radiate on the frequency of the life lines where the object of your discontent is present in abundance. It doesn't matter what polarity this radiation has: “like” or “dislike”. The second one is even more effective, because emotions are stronger. On the other hand, what you dislike is a destructive pendulum for you, so you swing it even more with your experiences. Finally, if you are actively hating, then you are creating excess potential. The equilibrium forces will be directed against you, because it is easier for them to eliminate one opponent than to change the world that someone is not satisfied with. Can you imagine how many harmful factors are embedded in a negative attitude to life!
Let's go back to the man born into poverty. He has a dream of becoming rich. But one one wish, as you know, doesn't change anything. You can collapse on the couch and lazily pull: “It would be nice to have a plate of strawberries here. But where to get it, because it's impossible, it's winter.” This is approximately how a poor person dreams of becoming rich.
If a person is not ready to act to get what he wants, he will not get it. And he does not act because of the belief that nothing will happen anyway. This is such a vicious circle. Desire has no power. It cannot even move a finger. Intention, i.e. the determination to act, does. Intention also includes the willingness to have. A person can say, “Well, I can't take that away from me! It's so easy, because I want to be rich!"
No. Again, there is a deep gulf between “want” and “willingness to be.” For example, a poor person feels “out of place” in a rich environment or in an expensive store, even though he tries hard to convince himself and others otherwise. Deep down, he believes that he is not worthy of it all. Wealth is not in the poor man's comfort zone, not because being rich is uncomfortable, but because he is far from it all. The new chair is more comfortable, but the old one is more comfortable.
The poor are familiar only with the external side of wealth: luxurious houses, expensive cars, jewelry, clubs.... If you put a poor person in such an environment, he will feel discomfort. And give him a suitcase with money, so he will start doing all sorts of stupid things and in the end he will lose everything. The frequency of the energy he broadcasts is in sharp dissonance with such a life. And until the beggar lets the attributes of wealth into his comfort zone, until he learns to feel himself the owner of expensive things, he will remain poor, even if he finds a treasure.
Another obstacle on the way to wealth is envy. As we know, to envy means to be annoyed at someone else's good fortune. In this sense, nothing constructive this feeling does not carry. But envy has one very strong destructive element. Human psychology is organized in such a way: if he envies what he would like to have, he tries to devalue it in every possible way. Here is the logic of “black envy”: “I envy what he has. I do not have it and I am unlikely to have it. “and I'm not likely to have it. But how am I worse than him? So, the thing he has is bad, and I don't need it."
This is how the desire to have turns into a psychological defense, and then grows into rejection. Rejection comes at a subtle level, because the subconscious understands everything literally. The consciousness devalues the object of envy only for the sake of appearance, for self-assurance, but the subconscious takes everything seriously. And here it does a bear service, doing everything not to receive the devalued and rejected.
Thus, you see what tenacious forces keep a person on a poor life line. Events are even more dramatic when there is an induced transition from an affluent to a poor life line. It happens that quite prosperous person loses everything and finds himself on the street. All the insidiousness of induced transition to poverty is manifested in the fact that its spiral unwinds slowly, imperceptibly at first, and then more and more rapidly, so that it can no longer be stopped.
. This spiral begins with temporary financial hardship. Notice that temporary financial difficulties can be there for anyone and everyone. It is as normal an inevitability as,

say, rain on the day you're going on a picnic. If you don't get angry, depressed, anxious or resentful about life, the swing of the destructive pendulum will go out without being energized. Induced transition begins when you grasp the tip of the spiral. In order for the spiral to spin, your response to the destructive pendulum is necessary.
Your first reaction is dissatisfaction. For the pendulum this is still too weak support, and if your emotions are exhausted at this point, it will fade away. Another reaction is indignation, and this is already stronger, and the pendulum has perked up, it sends you information that someone is to blame for your financial difficulties. You respond to this second push with negative feedback or actions towards the culprits. At this point, the destructive pendulum is already quite revitalized and a new spiral begins: you receive the next salary even less, or prices have jumped, or you are required to pay your debt. Pay attention, at this stage you do not yet realize that there is a process going on. It may just seem like an unfortunate mishap. In fact, it is a directed process that you yourself induce by responding to the oscillations of the pendulum. The frequency of your energetic radiation is increasingly shifting from the lines where you are prosperous to the lines where you are deprived and resentful. where you're deprived and resentful. Therefore, you are transferred to the lines corresponding to these new parameters.
And so your situation gets worse and worse. Bad news starts coming from everywhere: prices are rising, things are not going well at your home enterprise. You begin to actively discuss this negative news with your friends and relatives. As a rule, the discussion is destructive, i.e. complaints, dissatisfaction and aggression towards the alleged perpetrators. This is especially evident in enterprises where things are very bad. There the day starts with the postulate that “there is no money”, as with the morning prayer.
At this stage you are already completely captured by the spiral, your radiation is tuned to the frequency of the destructive pendulum. As things are getting worse, you are gripped by anxiety. The energy of anxiety, in spite of its small value, is very well assimilated by the pendulum, it becomes more and more insolent. In such a state you will inevitably create excessive potentials around you: dissatisfaction, aggression, depression, apathy, resentment and so on. Now, when the destructive pendulum is joined by the equilibrium forces, the situation gets out of control and starts to develop avalanche-like. You feel fear and go into all sorts of mischief.
You feel as if you were taken by hands and spun, spun, and then abruptly thrown. You flew off to the side, fell and remained lying in shock. It's a scary picture. And it all started with small financial difficulties. The pendulum does not need your money, it is interested in the negative energy that you emit when they float away from you. As a result, when the spiral unfolded, the unfortunate person lost a lot at best, and at worst - everything. For the destructive pendulum he is no longer of interest - there is nothing more to take from him. Further events may develop differently: the unfortunate person will either remain lying on an unsuccessful life line, or will start to climb out with difficulty. Such an induced transition can happen either with an individual or with a large group of people. In the second case, as you realize, it is not just a spiral, but a real whirlpool, from which it is very difficult to get out.
The only remedy for the induced transition is not to grab the tip of the spiral, not to get involved in the game of the destructive pendulum. It is not enough to know how this mechanism works. It must always be remembered. Your Caretaker must not sleep. Restrain yourself whenever you habitually, as in a dream, accept the game of the pendulum, i.e. you show discontent, indignation, show anxiety, participate in destructive discussions and so on. Remember: everything that causes you a negative reaction is a consequence of provocative actions of destructive pendulums. The same thing happens in a dream: until you realize that it is a dream, you are a puppet in someone else's game and you may be haunted by nightmares. As soon as you wake up, shake off the obsession, realize what is the game - that's it, you are the master of the situation and will not become a victim of circumstances, while all around are in a zombie state.
Each person creates a separate layer of the world in which he lives.
The world of people as a whole consists of separate layers superimposed on each other. Radiating negative energy, a person himself worsens the layer of his world.

Aggression is mistaken for strength and resentment for a normal reaction. The response to a negative event induces a transition to negative life lines. The induced transition incorporates the negative event into the individual's layer. Do not let any negative information into the layer of your world.
To keep out means not to avoid, but to intentionally ignore, not to be interested.