Chapter Three

Chapter III.
Wave of Fortune
The metaphors “bluebird” or “wheel of fortune” have a very material basis. It is known that luck and bad luck follow each other like white and black stripes. How to eliminate black stripes from your life?
Your thoughts return to you boomerang.
The antipode of the pendulum
Now let's check your homework. Which pendulums can be called constructive pendulums? Answer: there are no constructive pendulums. It sounds paradoxical, but it's true. Don't take offense, dear Reader, the question was provocative. The main and only purpose of any pendulum is only to receive energy from adherents. If the energy is not forthcoming, the pendulum stops.
The pendulum is constructive only towards itself, not towards you. What is constructive, creative about energy being taken away from you? Of course, different pendulums are destructive and aggressive to different degrees. For example, it's hard to imagine a beach volleyball club turning against a walrus club. And then, being a member of a beach volleyball club is unlikely to break your life. However, this pendulum also feeds on the energy of the adherents, and if they get bored with the activity, the club will die. But this is nothing compared to being a member of a gang, where you can be deprived of your freedom and life.
One could argue: if I go to a fitness club where I am doing only myself, then how am I giving energy to the pendulum of the club? Still, even if you do only yourself there, you are obliged to follow certain rules. At home you can do whatever you want, but in a club all its members somehow act in one direction, fulfill the established rules of the system and thus give the collective energy to the pendulum. If all members of the club scatter, the pendulum will stop receiving energy and will stop.
The question can be put in another way: are there energy structures that do not need your energy? As it turns out, there are. One of them is a wave of luck, or a favorable coincidence of circumstances for you personally. Each person has his own waves of luck. It often happens like this: you get lucky in something, and then a cascade of other pleasant surprises follows. It is as if a white streak in life has come. Such a cascade does not always happen, but necessarily only if the first good fortune pleased you and created an elevated mood.
“Wheel of fortune” or ‘bluebird of luck’ are not just abstract metaphors. A wave of luck is formed as an accumulation of favorable life lines for you. There is everything in the space of options, and that includes goldmines like this. If you hit the extreme line of such heterogeneity and catch luck, you can inertially slide to other lines of accumulation, where new lucky circumstances follow. But if after the first success again went black streak, it means that you were caught by a destructive pendulum and led away from the wave of luck.
The wave of luck brings happiness without taking away energy. It can be compared to a sea wave, which brings a swimmer who is exhausted to the shore. The wave of luck takes you to the happy lines of life. Just like a pendulum, it does not care about your fate, but it does not need your energy either. Want - lie on it and float, do not want - it will pass by without regret. Wave of luck - a temporary formation, it does not capture other people's energy, so eventually fades away, like the sea waves crashing on the shore.
A wave of good luck can make itself known in the form of good news. It carries information from other lifelines. These echoes on the current line are perceived as good news. The task is to get a hold of this rope and pull yourself to the line where the good news came from. There will be not just news, but fortunate circumstances.

We will assume for simplicity that the wave comes and goes. In reality, a wave of good fortune does not move, gain strength, or weaken. In the model we have adopted the term “wave” for ease of perception. As already mentioned, the wave of luck exists stationary in the space of options, in the form of a cluster of favorable lines. It is you, moving along the lines of life, who meet this heterogeneity as a wave and pick it up, letting it into your life, or move away from it, carried away by the pendulums.
The wave is not interested in you, so it is easy to lose it - it will pass by and will not return. Hence the universal belief that the bird of happiness is hard to catch. In fact, you don't need to make an effort to ride the wave of luck. It is just a matter of your choice. If you accept it into your life, it is with you. If you succumb to the influence of the destructive pendulum and are imbued with its negative energy, you are moving away from the wave of luck. People always do this: “If you have, you don't keep; if you lose, you cry.” The bird of happiness does not mind pecking grains from your hand. It does not need to be caught. It is quite enough just do not chase it away.
This is one of the most paradoxical aspects of freedom of choice. People do have the freedom to choose their own happiness and luck. And at the same time, they are not free from pendulums leading away from the wave of luck. We are back to the old theme again. To take the freedom to choose for oneself, one must give up dependency. We also have the right to be free from the influence of alien pendulums. All that remains is to find out how we can take these rights for ourselves.
Every person has some thoughts constantly spinning around in his head. If we let this process go on its own, negative thoughts will take over, because we are most concerned about what scares, worries, bothers, angers or causes dissatisfaction. This is how the human psyche has been shaped for thousands of years by destructive pendulums that benefit from keeping people in fear in order to manipulate them successfully. That is why people have a vague idea of what they really want, but know exactly what they do not want.
To give vent to the negative thought-mixer means to engage with the destructive pendulum and radiate energy at its frequency. This is a very unprofitable habit. It is in your best interest to replace it with another habit - to consciously control your thoughts. Whenever your mind is not particularly occupied with anything, for example, you are riding in transportation, just walking, or doing work that does not require concentration - turn on positive thoughts. Do not think about what you could not achieve - think about what you want to achieve, and you will get it.
Let's say you don't like the house you live in. You say to yourself, “I'm sick of this house. Everything here annoys me. When I move to a new place, I will be happy, but for now I can't help myself - I hate it!” Keep in mind, with such thoughts you will not get what you expect. Even if the move to a new place - the question is solved, in a new home you will be a lot of disappointment.
Okay, you may say, but I'm leaving this barn and moving into a luxury mansion! What other disappointments could I possibly have there? You don't have to worry about that. The more dislike you feel for the house that sheltered you, the more unpleasant surprises await you in the new palace. And there will be all kinds of trouble. Faucets will break, paint will peel, walls will crumble, neighbors will pester - in general, there will be everything to keep the parameters of your negative radiation. New house, or old house - who cares? There will always be lines of living with all the amenities where you will still be dissatisfied. There are plenty of luxurious homes in the options space for you where you will feel like hell.
If you don't have anywhere to move to yet, then all the more so, you will remain living in an environment that is shabby to you. After all, you are not tuned into the frequency of that lifeline where your dream home awaits you. At the moment you are thinking about what you do not like, emitting negative energy, and it just fits to the line you are on. So you have to stay on it until you change the frequency of your radiation. And to do this is not so difficult.
First of all, accept and give up resentment and dislike. Always and in everything you can find good sides and reasons for small joys. You may not like the house, but you should at least be grateful to it for sheltering you. It's windy outside, it's raining. it's raining. The house takes it all in and keeps you safe and warm. Isn't that at least

deserves gratitude? If you are now grateful for what you have, if you feel love for all the things that surround you and help you to exist, you are radiating positive energy. Then, if you want to, you can count on improving your conditions. And when you move in, be sure to thank everything around you. Even the things you throw away deserve gratitude. At such moments, you broadcast positive vibrations to the world around you, and they will definitely come back to you.
Secondly, think about the very home you want to have. This is harder to do than getting annoyed with the things around you at the moment. But the goal is worth it. Which is better, habitually reacting like an oyster to external stimuli, or making a little effort and changing your habits? Look at flyers with pictures of houses, go shopping for furnishings, live with all your thoughts on what you want to have. We always have what is firmly in our thoughts. Our thoughts always boomerang back to us.
There are many more examples of how your negative attitude can ruin your life. Let's say you are going on a vacation to the south. And right now, where you live, the weather is just disgusting. You're walking down the street, shivering in the cold wind and soaking in the rain. Obviously, it's hard to be happy about this weather. Then at least be neutral to ignore this destructive pendulum. If you actively express your dissatisfaction with the weather, it means that you are accepting the pendulum and swinging it even more.
You say to yourself: “Soon I will come to the south, and I will be happy with the sun, warm sea. And now, this swamp be damned!” So, with such an attitude you are not tuned to the line of life where paradisiacal pleasure awaits you. You're not going to get there. Do you already have a plane ticket? So what? You'll only be at your destination, but bad weather or other troubles await you there. Things will get better, though, once you tune into a positive frequency.
Obviously, it's not enough to keep negative energy out. You also need not to emit it yourself. For example, you yelled at someone in irritation. You can be sure that after that you will have some trouble or problem. In this case, the parameters of your radiation satisfy the life lines where you experience irritation. That's where you are being transported. On these lines the density of troubles is higher than average. There is no need to soothe yourself with the excuse that this trouble was not to be avoided anyway. I don't need to convince you or prove anything. Just observe for yourself how any negative reaction of yours is followed by new annoying things.
The conclusion from all this is very simple and clear: you are always on those life lines, the parameters of which are satisfied by your energetic radiation. You let in negative energy - troubles will be in your life. You radiate negative energy - it will return to you in the form of new problems, like a boomerang.
Instead of accepting the play of destructive pendulums, look for pendulums that play in your favor. This means getting in the habit of paying attention to all the good, positive things. As soon as you see, read or hear about something good, pleasant, encouraging - fix it in your thoughts and rejoice. Imagine you are walking through a forest: there are beautiful and pleasant flowers and there are poisonous thorns. Which will you choose? If you pick elderflowers, bring them home and put them in a vase, you will soon get a headache. Why would you do that? It is also harmful to react to destructive pendulums. It is better to pick a jasmine flower, admire it and enjoy its fragrance. Let everything positive into yourself, and then on your way will meet more and more good news and favorable opportunities.
Here you felt inspired and joyful. But then you get sucked back into the routine. The holiday goes away and everyday life comes. How to keep in yourself the state of holiday? First of all, to remember it. We are in the habit of plunging headlong into monotonous everyday life, forget about something good, and it ceases to please. Bad habit - to forget. Pendulums make us forget.

You need to keep the holiday spirit alive, nurture that feeling. Observe how life changes for the better, grasp at any straw of joy, look for good signs in everything. This, at least, is not boring. It is necessary to remember every minute that you are engaged in Transurfing, you are consciously going to your dream, and therefore you control your destiny. This alone gives you calmness, confidence and joy, which means that the holiday is always with you. When the feeling of holiday will become a habit, then you will constantly be on the crest of the wave of good luck.
Rejoice in everything you have at the moment. This is not an empty call to be happy by definition. Sometimes circumstances are such that it is very difficult to be happy. But from a purely practical standpoint, expressing dissatisfaction is very disadvantageous. After all, you want to get to those lines of life where you are happy with everything, right? But how will you get there if your radiation is filled with dissatisfaction? On the contrary, the frequency of such radiation satisfies exactly those lines where you feel bad. Good lines are distinguished by the fact that you feel good on them and your thoughts are filled with joy and satisfaction.
Good news is not so exciting and is quickly forgotten. Bad ones, on the other hand, elicit a lively response because they carry a potential threat. Keep bad news out of your heart and therefore out of your life. Close yourself off to bad news and open yourself to good news. The slightest positive changes should be noticed and cherished. These are harbingers of a wave of good fortune. As soon as you hear even the slightest encouraging news, do not forget about it immediately, as you did before, but instead savor it, discuss it, hunt for it. Consider this news from all angles, rejoice, make predictions, expect further improvement. In this way you think on the frequency of the wave of luck and tune in to its parameters. There will be more and more good news, life will get better and better. This is not mysticism or a property of the human psyche to filter information, when a pessimist looks at the world through black glasses and an optimist through pink ones. This is the reality: you move to the life lines that correspond to the parameters of the energy of your thoughts.
When you are in a good relationship with yourself and the world around you, you broadcast harmonious radiation into the world around you. You create an area of harmonious vibrations around you, where everything turns out to be successful. A positive attitude always leads to success and creation.
Negativism, on the contrary, is always destructive, aimed at destruction. For example, there is a category of people who are looking for problems rather than solutions. They are always ready to lively discuss difficulties and find all new obstacles. Such people usually find it difficult to offer a real solution, because they are initially focused not on the solution itself, but on the search for difficulties. Aiming at finding problems brings them in abundance, but things don't move. Aiming to find and criticize the negative sides also always brings the corresponding results: there is plenty of harm, but no benefit. Look around, and you are sure to find such people among your surroundings. They are neither bad nor good. They just sit firmly on the hook of destructive pendulums.
Most people take any undesirable event in their life in a flip-flop. As a rule, an undesirable event for us is an event that does not fit into the script we have made up. Conversely, we take as good luck only that which is in line with our expectations. It happens that a person misses an airplane that is supposed to crash and gets very upset about it. And vice versa, he misses a unique chance only because it was not part of his plans.
The worse a person thinks about the world around him, the worse this world becomes for him. The more he gets upset about failures, the more readily all new ones come. “What goes around, comes around.” If a person has chosen this way of existence, he is doing Transurfing in reverse every day: he is sliding on the line of life, where a living hell awaits him. Take the opposite position: rejoice in spite of failures, find the slightest benefit in them - it is always possible. The glass is not half empty, but half full. The banal saying “what is not done - all for the best”, works without fail, if this is your credo. It is necessary to stubbornly adhere to the installation on the good, to abandon the old habit of getting upset and annoyed about anything.
An alternative way of perceiving failures - to rejoice in every failure or undesirable
or undesirable development. Each failure, at least, serves as a useful lesson, makes you stronger

and more experienced. Rejoice in every manifestation of your world, and it will turn into a paradise. This is, of course, a very unusual way of behavior. But the goal is also very unusual - to become a genie who fulfills his wishes. Is it possible to achieve this by ordinary methods?
At first it is given with difficulty, because the old habit of reacting negatively to the undesirable is very strong. The main thing is to learn to remember at every unfortunate circumstance that it is the pendulum trying to catch you. As soon as you remember, you can consciously make a choice: to give energy to the pendulum, splashing out your negative emotions, or to leave it with nothing, and thus win.
. If you have remembered, it is not difficult at all to fail or extinguish the pendulum. We always give energy to the pendulum unconsciously. As already mentioned, pendulums pull us by the strings of our feelings, and the starting lever of the mechanism of capturing our thoughts is our habits. Even after reading this chapter, and setting out to remember, you will again react negatively to the undesirable. Then you will realize that at that moment you simply forgot and acted unconsciously, out of habit. However, when you remember in time, the situation is under your control. You grin to yourself: “Oh, it's you, pendulum? Ehehe, now I can't be so easily caught.” You are no longer a puppet, you are free to consciously accept or repel the pendulum.
If you practice this technique persistently, eventually the old habit will be replaced by a new one. But until that happens, the pendulums will try to get at you in every possible way. You will notice how, as if on purpose, a lot of annoying troubles pile up on you. Don't despair, they will be mostly minor troubles. If you do not give up and learn to remember, your victory will be very impressive, you will see.
. And the result will be this: when you once again meet a wave of luck, the pendulum will not be able to take you away. Thus, the bird of happiness will remain in your hands. Well, to lure it, you need to broadcast positive energy around you. That is to be not only an exceptionally positive receiver, but also a transmitter. As a result, the world around you will change very quickly for the better. You will easily slide into ever more successful lines of life. Eventually you will wait, a wave of good fortune will come to you, which will pick you up and carry you swiftly to success. But do not think that Transurfing is limited only to gliding on the wave of luck. This is only the first steps. Further you are waiting for many more amazing discoveries.
Magical rituals
In conclusion of this chapter let's consider one particular case of the technique of tuning to the frequency of the wave of luck. In different situations, people sometimes unconsciously tend to tune into the frequency of the wave. For example, at the beginning of the day, merchants are willing to give the first customer a significant discount. They intuitively feel that the first buyer is very important - it is necessary to make a start, to make a trade. In the language of Transurfing this means to tune into the frequency of the line of successful trade. It is difficult to simply tune your thoughts to a successful trade. And the first buyer gives real hope and faith, so the tuning happens by itself. The merchant sits on the wave of successful trading and emits the energy of thoughts with the appropriate parameters. He himself believes that his goods are quickly dispersed, and it is worth it to mention it aloud to the buyer, as the latter is immediately “captured” by this radiation and obediently buys the goods, convinced that he is lucky today.
. Let's take another example. Traders at the market sometimes use a kind of magic ritual - they touch their goods with money. Of course, such a ritual itself has no power, so there is no magic in essence. However, if the merchant believes in the power of the ritual, it helps him to tune in to the frequency of the line of successful trading. Tuning occurs on a subconscious level. With the mind a person only realizes the external side: the ritual somehow inexplicably works. And it really works, but not by itself, but as a theatrical prop. The main role is played by the mental energy of the actor.
For different professions in different situations there are many such “magical” rituals. People believe in them and successfully apply them in order to tune in to the frequency of a successful life line and ride the wave of luck. In principle, it does not matter what people will believe in - in magical properties of the ritual, or in tuning to the frequency of the lines. As you yourself understand, only the practical result is important.

A wave of luck is a cluster of favorable lines in the space of options. A cascade of good fortune follows only if you are imbued with the first success. Destructive pendulums take you away from the wave of luck.
By throwing off your dependence on pendulums, you gain freedom of choice. Accepting and broadcasting negative energy, you create your own hell.
By accepting and broadcasting positive energy, you create your paradise. Your thoughts always boomerang back to you.
Pendulums will not take you off the wave if you have the habit of remembering. The habit of remembering is developed by systematic practice.