Chapter II. Pendulums
Groups of people thinking in one direction create energy-informational structures - pendulums. These structures begin to develop independently and subordinate people to their laws. People do not realize that they unwittingly act in the interests of pendulums. How to wake up from the viscous obsession?
. Rent yourself.
Destructive pendulums
Since childhood we have been taught to obey someone else's will, to fulfill duties, to serve our fatherland, family, political party, firm, state, idea.... To anyone, but to ourselves only in the last place. Everyone, to a greater or lesser degree, has a sense of duty, responsibility, necessity, guilt. Every person, in one way or another, is “in the service” of various social groups and organizations: family, club, educational institution, enterprise, political party, state and so on. All these structures originate and develop when a separate group of people begin to think and act in one direction. Then new people join, and the structure grows, gains strength, forces its members to follow the established rules and eventually can subjugate large sections of society.
At the level of material realization, the structure consists of people united by common goals and material objects such as buildings, facilities, furniture, equipment, machinery, and so on. But what is behind it all at the energetic level? A structure is created when the thoughts of a group of people are directed in the same direction, and therefore the parameters of the mental energy are identical. The mental energy of individual people creates an interference pattern in the energy field. In such a case a separate independent energy-information structure - an energy pendulum - is created in the middle of the ocean of energy. This structure begins to live its own life and subordinates people involved in its creation to its laws.
Why a pendulum? Because it swings the more strongly, the more people - adherents - feed it with their energy. Each pendulum has its own characteristic frequency of oscillation. For example, a swing can only be swung by applying effort at a certain frequency. This frequency is called the resonance frequency. If the number of adherents of the pendulum decreases, its oscillations fade away. When there are no adherents left at all, the pendulum stops and as an entity dies. Here are some examples of extinct pendulums: ancient pagan religions, stone tools, ancient weapons, old fashion trends, vinyl records, in other words, everything that used to be and is not used now.
You may be wondering: are all these things really pendulums? Yes, any structures with their attributes created by the mental energy of people are pendulums. In general, any living beings capable of radiating energy in one direction sooner or later create energy pendulums. Here are examples of pendulums in living nature: colonies of bacteria, populations of living beings, flocks of fish, herds of animals, forests, prairies, anthills - any, more or less ordered and homogeneous structures of living organisms.
. Each separate living organism is itself an elementary pendulum, as it is an energy unit. When a group of such unitary pendulums begin to swing in unison, a group pendulum is created. It stands above its adherents as a superstructure, exists as a separate independent structure, and sets rules for its adherents to keep them together and gain new ones. Such a structure is independent in the sense that it develops on its own, according to its own laws. The adherents do not realize that they are acting according to the laws of the pendulum, and not according to their own arbitrariness. For example, the bureaucratic apparatus develops as an independent structure, independent of the will of individual officials. Of course, an influential official can make independent decisions, but these decisions cannot go against the laws of the system, otherwise such an adherent will be rejected. Even a singular person, who is a pendulum, is not always aware of his or her motivations. For example, an energy vampire.
Any pendulum is inherently destructive because it takes energy from
its adherents and exerts its power over them. Destructiveness of the pendulum is manifested in the fact that he does not care about the fate of each individual follower. The purpose of the pendulum is only one - to receive the energy of the adherent, and whether it will benefit the adherent or not - does not matter. A person who is under the influence of the system is forced to build his life in accordance with the laws of this system, otherwise it will chew him up and spit him out. It is very easy to fall under the influence of a destructive pendulum and break your destiny. To get out without losses, as a rule, is difficult.
If a person is lucky, he finds his place in the system and feels like a fish in water there. He, as a follower, gives energy to the pendulum, and the pendulum provides him with an environment for existence. As soon as the adherent begins to violate the laws of the structure, the frequency of his radiation no longer coincides with the resonance frequency of the pendulum's oscillations. The pendulum cannot receive energy and throws out or destroys the stubborn adherent.
If a person is carried far away from the lines favorable for him, then life in the structure of an alien pendulum turns into hard labor or just a dull existence. Such a pendulum becomes purely destructive for the adherent. A person who has fallen under the influence of a destructive pendulum loses his freedom. He is forced to live according to the laws of the pendulum and be a cog in a big mechanism - whether he likes it or not.
A person can fall under the patronage of the pendulum and achieve outstanding results. Napoleon, Hitler, Stalin and the like are all favorites of destructive pendulums. But in any case, the destructive pendulum does not care at all about the welfare of its adherents, but only uses them for its own purposes. When Napoleon was asked if he was ever really happy, he counted only a few days of his life.
The pendulum uses sophisticated methods to lure new adherents who fly like moths to the light. How often people, seduced by the advertising gizmos of the pendulum, go far away from the happiness that was very near! They join the army and die. They enter an educational institution and in vain learn a profession that is not theirs. They find a strange but supposedly prestigious job and drown in a swamp of problems. Bind their lives with a stranger and then suffer.
The activity of the pendulum very often leads to the destruction of the destinies of adherents, although he is trying to hide his motives by all sorts of virtuous and justifying masks. The main danger for a person who succumbed to the influence of destructive pendulum, is that the pendulum takes its victim away from the lines of life, where a person will find happiness. Let us note the distinguishing features of the destructive pendulum.
The pendulum feeds on the energy of its adherents and at the expense of this increases its oscillations.
The pendulum seeks to attract as many adherents as possible to get as much energy as possible.
The pendulum pits its group of adherents against all other groups. (We are what we are, and they are different, bad.)
The Pendulum aggressively accuses anyone who does not want to become a follower and tries to either bring them to its side or neutralize or eliminate them.
Pendulum uses plausible attractive masks, covers himself with high goals, plays on people's feelings to justify their actions and win as many adherents as possible.
Pendulum, in its essence, is an egregor, but this is not all said. The concept of “egregor” does not reflect the whole complex of nuances of human interaction with energy-informational entities. Pendulums play an immeasurably greater role in human life than it is commonly believed.
How a pendulum absorbs the energy of its adherents can be clearly illustrated by the following example. Imagine a filled stadium, there is a tense soccer match, passions are heated, fans raging. Here is one player makes an unforgivable blunder, which leads to the defeat of the team. A storm of indignation pours over the player.
fans, they're ready to tear him apart. Can you imagine what a mass of negative energy falls on the head of the unfortunate? From such a monstrous blow he should simply die on the spot. But it does not happen, he is alive and well, though he is suppressed by the feeling of his guilt. Where did the negative energy directed at the player go? The pendulum took it away. If it was not so, then the object of the crowd's hatred would die, and the idol would simply fly into the air.
I'm not going to judge whether the pendulum is an animated energy entity, or just an energy form. But it doesn't matter for the Transurfing technique. The main thing is to recognize the pendulum and not to accept its play without benefit for yourself. It is very easy to recognize a destructive pendulum by one distinctive feature. A destructive pendulum always competes with its peers in the struggle for people. The goal of the pendulum is only one - to capture as many adherents as possible to get as much energy as possible. The more aggressive the pendulum acts in the struggle for adherents, the more destructive it is, i.e. it is a danger for the destiny of an individual person.
One can object that there are charitable organizations, societies for the protection of nature, animals and others. What is destructive in them? For you personally, it is the fact that they feed on your energy, no matter how you look at it, and they do not care about your personal happiness and well-being. They call to be charitable to others while remaining indifferent to you. If this suits you and you really feel happy doing this kind of work, then this is your calling and you have found your pendulum. But here you have to be honest with yourself: are you not wearing the mask of a benefactor? Are you really sincerely giving your energy and money for the benefit of others, or are you playing charity to make yourself look better?"
Destructive pendulums have weaned people from choosing their destiny. After all, if a person is free to choose, he will gain independence. Then the pendulums will not attract such a person into their adherents. Human consciousness is so accustomed to the fact that fate is a fate that it is really very difficult for a person to believe in the possibility of simply choosing such a fate, which is more to his liking. It is profitable for pendulums to keep their devotees under control, so they invent all sorts of ways to manipulate their servants. From the further statement it will become clear to you how they do it.
Transurfing can also become a pendulum, if you make a cult, a movement or a school out of it. Different pendulums are, of course, destructive to varying degrees. Transurfing, even in the worst case, would be the least destructive, because it serves not some common outside purpose, but solely for the benefit of each individual. Therefore, it would be a very unusual pendulum, a kind of community of individualists engaged exclusively in their own destiny. By the way, here is your homework: what pendulums can be called constructive?
But why am I telling you this? Because to explain what it means to choose your destiny and how to do it. Be patient, dear Reader, everything is not so simple, but gradually the picture will start to become clearer.
Battle of the Pendulums
The main distinguishing feature of a destructive pendulum is that it aggressively seeks to destroy other pendulums in order to draw adherents to its side. To do this, it constantly pits its adherents against other adherents: “We are like this, and they are different! Bad!”. The adherents involved in this struggle lose their way and go toward false goals that they mistakenly perceive as their own. This is where the destructiveness of pendulums manifests itself. The struggle against the adherents of others is fruitless and leads to the destruction of the lives of the adherents - both their own and those of others.
Take the extreme manifestation of the battle for adherents - war. To persuade his adherents to go to war, the pendulum makes arguments appropriate to a particular historical epoch. The most primitive method used in the past is simply to order that what belongs to others be taken from them. As society became more civilized, the arguments took on a more refined form. One nation is declared superior and others inferior. The good cause is to pull these underdeveloped nations to the top, and if they resist, force is used. Well, the modern concepts of war look something like this. There is a bee's nest hanging from a tree in the forest.
Wild bees live there, extracting their honey and raising their babies. But now a pendulum approaches the nest and announces to its followers, “These are wild bees, they are very dangerous, so they must be destroyed or at least the nest must be razed. Don't believe me? Look!” Then he starts to hit the nest with a stick. The bees fly out and start stinging the adherents. And the pendulum triumphs: “You see how aggressive they are! We must destroy them."
Whatever justifying slogans are used to cover wars and revolutions, the essence of them is the same - it is a battle of pendulums for their adherents. The forms of the battle may vary, but the only goal is to win as many adherents as possible. Adherents are the life necessity of the pendulum, without them it will stop, so the battle of the pendulums is a natural and inevitable struggle for existence.
After wars and revolutions come less aggressive but rather tough forms of battle. For example, the struggle for markets, the rivalry of political parties, competition in the economy, all kinds of marketing, advertising campaigns, ideological propaganda, and so on. The environment of people's existence is built on pendulums, so all spheres of activity are covered by competition. Rivalry goes on at all levels, from state disputes to competition between club teams and individuals.
The new, the unusual, the incomprehensible, always struggles to make its way. Why should it? Is it just inertia of thinking? The main reason is that old pendulums are disadvantaged by the appearance of a newcomer who will draw adherents to his side. For example, internal combustion engines, which so badly pollute the atmosphere of cities, could have become a thing of the past long ago. After all, many alternative, environmentally friendly engine models have been developed. However, this threatens to kill the pendulums of oil corporations, and they are still very strong, so they will not allow some inventors to remove themselves from the scene so easily. It comes to the point that these monsters literally buy up patents on models of new engines and keep them secret, while announcing their low efficiency.
Realizing their structure on the material level, pendulums strengthen their position with financial means, constructions, equipment and, of course, human resources. Favorites of pendulums are put at the head of human pyramids. Favorites are leaders of all ranks, starting from small chiefs and ending with presidents of states. The favorite does not necessarily have to possess especially outstanding qualities. As a rule, favorites are adherents whose parameters fit best into the structure of the pendulum. It may seem to the favorite that he has achieved impressive results in his life due solely to his personal merits. To some extent this is true, but most of the work of nominating favorites is done by the self-organizing structure of the pendulum. If the parameters of the favorite cease to meet the requirements of the system, he is ruthlessly eliminated.
The battle of the pendulums is destructive to their adherents in that it seems to the adherents as if they are acting on their personal conviction in doing the will of the pendulums. The personal belief of the adherents is in most cases captured by the pendulums. Once a person has tuned into the frequency of the pendulum, there is an interaction between the person and the pendulum on an energetic level. The frequency of the devotee's mental energy emission is captured and maintained by the energy of the pendulum. There is a kind of capture, a feedback loop. The adherent radiates at the resonant frequency of the pendulum, and the latter in turn also feeds a little energy to the adherent in order to maintain the influence.
At the level of material realization we observe such interaction in the form of a familiar picture. For example, the pendulum of a political party conducts agitation, hooks the adherent and gives him some energy feeding in the form of feeling of rightness, satisfaction, dignity, importance. It seems to the adherent that he has control over the situation - he can choose. In fact, it is he who is chosen and has control over him. Outwardly, it looks like the adherent's conviction that he realizes his will. However, this will is artificially and imperceptibly imposed on him by the pendulum. Then the adherent enters the information field of the pendulum, communicates with others on topics related to the pendulum, enters into an energetic connection and thus fixes his frequency. Then the adherent's expectations can be deceived, thoughts against the pendulum appear, and the frequency of radiation falls out of the loop
capture. The strength of the capture varies according to the degree of power of the pendulum. In some cases the adherent is allowed to simply walk away, while in others such a heretic may be imprisoned or deprived of life.
Frequency hijacking can be illustrated by such a visual example. You are humming a tune to yourself. But at that moment you hear other loud music. Now, when you hear a different melody, it will be very difficult for you to continue playing the former motive to yourself.
For the purposes of Transurfing, it is not important how the interaction between the pendulum and the adept occurs on an energetic level. We will investigate this interaction using a simplified model of a physical pendulum and ordinary human concepts. This is quite sufficient. No one will be able to explain in detail and precisely what and how it actually happens, because then the question will arise: what is to be understood by “actually”? And so on, according to the infinity of the process of cognition. It is a thankless occupation. So, we will have to be satisfied with little. All right, the head is not a trash can. We should be happy that we are able to understand something after all. Let's see how pendulums manipulate their adherents.
Puppet threads
Let's ask ourselves: how can pendulums force their followers to voluntarily give up energy? A large and powerful pendulum can force its adherents to act according to certain rules. But how do weak pendulums do it? When a person does not have the power to forcefully make another do something, he uses reasonable arguments, persuasion, entreaties, promises. All these are weak methods, inherent exclusively in human society, removed from natural forces. Pendulums also sometimes use such methods, but they have much more powerful weapons. Pendulums are energy-informational entities, so they obey and act in accordance with the powerful and immutable laws of existence of this world.
A person gives energy to a pendulum when he emits mental energy at the resonance frequency of the pendulum. For this purpose a person does not have to consciously direct his thoughts in favor of the pendulum. As you yourself realize, most of the thoughts and actions of people lie in the realm of the unconscious. This property of the human psyche is used by pendulums. Pendulum manages to get energy not only from its adherents, but also from ardent opponents. You can probably guess how.
Imagine a group of old ladies on a bench, cursing the government of the country. They are not supporters of the pendulum of government, they hate it for a variety of reasons. However, what is going on? The old ladies berate the government for how inept, venal, cynical and stupid it is. Thus they intensely radiate mental energy at the frequency of this pendulum. In fact, the pendulum does not care from which side you swing it. Both positive and negative energy is suitable for the pendulum. The main thing is that the frequency of radiation should be resonant.
So, the main task of the pendulum is to catch, hit a person alive, it does not matter how, only if the person's thoughts were occupied by the pendulum. With the advent of mass media, the methods of pendulums are becoming more and more sophisticated. A person becomes more and more dependent. Have you noticed that news programs are usually dominated by bad news? They arouse strong emotions - anxiety, fear, indignation, anger, hatred. It is the job of the media to attract attention. The media, being pendulums themselves, are in the service of more powerful pendulums. The proclaimed goal is free access to any information. The actual goal is the same - to tune in all possible ways to the frequencies of the pendulums.
One of the pendulum's favorite ways to access your energy is to throw you off balance. Once out of balance, you begin to “swing” at the frequency of the pendulum and thus swing it. Let's say prices have risen. You react negatively - you start to resent, complain, exchange information with acquaintances. Quite normal and normal and appropriate reaction. But this is exactly what the pendulum expects. You radiate negative energy in
the surrounding world at the frequency of the pendulum, it receives energy and swings even more strongly - the situation worsens.
The strongest string the pendulum can pull you by is fear. The oldest and strongest feeling. It doesn't matter what exactly you are afraid of, but if the fear is connected to any aspect of the pendulum, it will receive your energy. Anxiety and worry are already weaker, but still quite strong threads. These feelings are very good at capturing the emission of mental energy at the frequency of the pendulum. If something is bothering you, you find it hard to focus on anything else.
Guilt is also one of the widest channels through which the pendulum siphons energy out of you. Guilt has been forced upon us since childhood. It is a very convenient method of manipulation: “If you are guilty, you have to do what I say”. It is very uncomfortable to live with guilt, so people try to get rid of it. And how can you get rid of it? To be punished, or to work off the guilt. Both imply submission, obedience and working of thoughts in a certain direction. The feeling of duty is a special case of guilt. Owe means to owe something, to obey, to fulfill. As a result, the “guilty”, whether true or imagined, walk with drooping heads and carry their toll to the pendulum in the form of energy. Induced, suggestible guilt is a favorite weapon of manipulators, and we will come back to it again.
We should especially note all kinds of psychological complexes of people. A complex is when something touches your heart. Inferiority complex: I have an unattractive appearance, I have no abilities and talents, I lack intelligence or wit, I do not know how to communicate with people, I am not worthy. Guilt complex: I am guilty, everyone is judging me, I have to bear my cross. Warrior complex: I must be tough, I declare war on myself and everyone around me, I will fight for a place under the sun, I will take my strength. Truth-teller complex: I will prove myself right at any cost and prove to others that they are wrong. These and other complexes are personal keys to the energy of individuals. The pendulum, hitting a person by the heart, intensively siphons energy out of him.
You yourself can continue the list of threads, for which pendulums pull their puppets: justice, pride, vanity, honor, love, hate, greed, generosity, curiosity, interest, hunger, and other feelings and needs. Feelings and interest allow us to fix the flow of thoughts in a certain direction. If the topic does not arouse either interest or emotion, then it is very difficult to concentrate on it. Therefore, pendulums produce a capture of the flow of thoughts, hitting the feelings and needs of a person.
As a rule, people have a habit of reacting to negative external stimuli in a standardized way. Negative news triggers resentment, disturbing news triggers a reaction of worry or fear, resentment triggers dislike, and so on. Habits serve as the starting lever to trigger the grasping mechanism. For example, the habit of getting irritated or worried for minor reasons, the habit of responding to provocation, in general, to respond with a negative reaction to a negative stimulus. A person may realize that negative thoughts and actions do not bring anything good, but by habit makes old mistakes.
Thus, habits often create problems and make you act ineffectively, and it is difficult to get rid of them. Habits are an illusion of comfort. A person trusts more what has long been familiar. Everything new causes apprehension. The old, the familiar, has already proven itself through experience. It is like an old chair in which you sit down to rest after work. Maybe the new one is more comfortable, but the old one is more comfortable. Comfort is characterized by such concepts as convenience, trust, positive experience, predictability. The new has these qualities to a much lesser extent, so it takes considerable time for a new habit to become an old one.
So, in general terms, we have considered the methods of influence of pendulums on people. Can a person free himself from the influence of a pendulum? We will speak further about the methods of liberation. However, it often happens that a man rebels and openly opposes the pendulum that enslaved him. In such a fight a person is always defeated. A pendulum can only be defeated by another pendulum. One man can do nothing. If he has gone out of obedience and entered the struggle, he will only lose energy, and at best be thrown out of the system, and at worst be crushed. The adherent who dares to break the rules established by the pendulum is declared out of the system. the rules of the pendulum are outlawed. Outwardly, this manifests itself as condemnation for the deed.
In fact, the fault lies not in the deed itself, but in the fact that the adherent has gone out of obedience, that is, has ceased to supply the pendulum with energy.
Why is it that “the sword does not cut off the guilty head”? Because a person who has accepted guilt is fully prepared to submit to the power of the pendulum. For the pendulum, the adherent's remorse for the deed committed does not matter. Only the restoration of lost control matters. Pendulum will immediately become kinder, if you give him the opportunity to manipulate you. Well, if the culprit does not submit, then he can be eliminated, because there is nothing more to take from him. The true motives of the pendulum, as a rule, veiled by moral principles. They say that he who repents of what he has done is not such a villain. You yourself can easily distinguish where the moral principle operates, and where the interests of the system are affected, if you always remember what the pendulums are and what their true goals are.
You get what you don't want
As shown above, pendulums can gain energy from both their adherents and opponents. But losing energy is half the trouble. If the pendulum is sufficiently destructive, damage is done to a person's well-being and destiny.
Every person from time to time faces negative information or undesirable events. These are all provocations of the pendulums. A person does not want it in his life, but always reacts according to one of two options. If the information does not affect him very much, he lets it pass by his ears and quickly forgets it. If the rod, thrown by the pendulum, irritates or frightens, i.e. gets into the soul, then there is a capture of mental energy in the loop of the pendulum and the person tunes in to the resonance frequency.
Further events develop according to the scenario known to you. A person gets angry, indignant, worried, afraid, expresses discontent violently, in general, actively radiates energy at the frequency of the destructive pendulum. This energy comes not only to the pendulum. The parameters of the mental energy are such that the person is transported to life lines where what he wants to avoid is in abundance. As you remember, if the emission of a person's mental energy is fixed at a certain frequency, it is transferred to the corresponding life lines. The destructive role of the pendulum here is to fix the frequency with a capture loop.
Suppose you let information about catastrophes and natural disasters pass your ears. After all, if it does not affect you, why do you need unnecessary disorders? In such a case, as a rule, there is a disaster somewhere, but you personally are on the life line where you are not a victim, but an observer. That line where you are the victim is left out. And vice versa, if you let information about catastrophes and misfortunes into you, and discuss it with acquaintances, it is quite possible that you will soon move to the line where you are a victim.
It turns out that the stronger your desire to avoid something, the more likely you are to get it. To actively fight against what you don't want is to make every effort to have it in your life. You don't even have to take active action, i.e. fight, to move to undesirable life lines. Negative thoughts laced with emotions are quite enough. You don't want bad weather and think how much you dislike rain. You are annoyed by noisy neighbors, and you constantly fight with them or quietly hate them. You are afraid of something and it bothers you a lot. You are bored with your work, and you savor your dislike for it.
You are haunted everywhere by something you actively don't want, i.e. you fear, hate, despise. On the other hand, there are many things that you don't want either, but that you don't really care about at the moment. In that case, you don't have it in your life. But as soon as you let the undesirable into yourself, get dislike and start to cherish this feeling, the undesirable will definitely materialize in your life.
. The only way to eliminate the undesirable from your life is to free yourself from the influence of the pendulum that has captured your mental energy. And from now on, do not give in to the pendulum's provocations and do not get involved in its game. There are two ways to get out from under the influence of a destructive pendulum: to fail it or to extinguish it. Let's consider in detail how it is done.
Failure of the pendulum
It is useless to fight with the pendulum. As it was already shown above, to fight with the pendulum means
to give it your energy. The first and the most important condition for successful struggle with the pendulum is to refuse to fight with it. First of all, the more actively you fight off pendulums that annoy you, the more actively they will attack you. You can endlessly repeat: “Leave me alone! Leave me alone!” It seems to you that you fight them off, but in fact you feed the pendulums with your energy, and they stick to you even more.
Secondly, you have no right to judge or change anything in this world. You have to accept everything as exhibits in a museum, whether you like them or not. There may be many exhibits in a museum that you will not like. However, it does not occur to you to demand that they be removed from there. Once you have recognized the pendulum's right to exist, you have the right to walk away from it, not to be influenced by it. But the main thing is not to fight with him, not to judge, not to get angry, not to lose your temper, because all this will mean your participation in his game. On the contrary, you should calmly take him for granted, as an inevitable evil, and then walk away from him. Showing rejection in any form, you give energy to the pendulum.
Before you can understand what it means to choose, you must learn to refuse. People tend to be vague about what they want. But everyone knows exactly what they don't want. In an effort to get rid of unwanted things or events, many do the opposite. In order to refuse, it is necessary to accept. The word “accept” here means not to let it in, but to recognize its right to exist and pass it by indifferently. To accept and let go means to let it pass through you and wave goodbye. On the contrary, to accept and leave means to let it in, and then get attached or resist it.
If you are plagued by thoughts of something you don't like, it will be in your life. Imagine that one person does not like apples. He just hates them, they make him sick. The person could just ignore them, but he is not satisfied with the fact that in the world he lives in there is such a nasty thing as apples. They irritate him whenever they catch his eye, and he actively expresses his disgust. This is on a material level. However, on the energetic level it is similar to how a person greedily pounces on apples, stuffs his mouth, slurps loudly and yells that he hates them, fills his pockets, chokes on them and complains again about how sick of them he is. It doesn't occur to the person that you can just throw apples out of your life if you don't want them.
Whether you love something or hate it, it doesn't matter. The main thing is that if your thoughts are fixated on the object of your feelings, the energy of the thoughts is fixed at a certain frequency, so you get captured by the pendulum and are carried to the corresponding lines of life where the object of fixation is present in abundance.
If you don't want to have something, just don't think about it, pass it by indifferently, and it will disappear from your life. To throw it out of your life means not to avoid it, but to ignore it. Avoid means to allow it into your life, but actively try to get rid of it. Ignore means to not react in any way, and therefore not to have.
Imagine that you are a radio receiver. Every day you wake up and listen to a radio station you hate - the world around you. So retune to a different frequency!"
You may think that by putting an iron curtain between yourself and the world, you will keep yourself from unwanted pendulums. This is nothing more than an illusion. Being in an iron shell, you say to yourself: “I am a blank wall. I see nothing, hear nothing, know nothing, tell nothing to anyone. There is no access to me.” To maintain such a protective field, it is necessary to expend energy, and a lot of it. A person who tries to deliberately shut himself off from the world is constantly under tension. In addition, the energy of the protective field is tuned to the frequency of the pendulum against which the protection is directed. And this is exactly what the pendulum needs. It does not care how you give energy - with or without desire. What then is the defense against the pendulum? Emptiness. If I am empty, I have nothing to grab onto. I don't engage the pendulum, but I don't try to defend myself against it either. I just ignore it. The energy of the pendulum flies by without hitting me and dissipates into space. The play of the pendulum doesn't bother me, doesn't touch me. In relation to him I am empty.
The main task of the pendulum is to attract as many adherents as possible and get energy from them. If you ignore the pendulum, it will leave you alone and switch to others, because it acts only on those who accept its play, that is, it starts to radiate on its frequency.
The crudest example. A barking dog follows you. If you turn around, it will bark even louder. If you take it seriously and start bickering with it, it will run after you for a long time, because its purpose is to find someone to fight with. But if you ignored her, she will switch to another object. And mind you, she won't even think of resenting you for not paying attention to her. She is too absorbed in her goal of getting energy to think about anything else. If you replace the dog with a squabbling person, this model will work the same way.
In one school, there was a boy in the junior class who was very fond of bullying everyone. He was responded to with words and deeds, but he enjoyed it either way. He literally “got everyone” and no one knew how to get rid of him. But the amazing thing is, there was a girl in the class that he didn't touch. No, he had no sympathy for her, but he didn't hurt her either. The teacher couldn't figure out why. It turned out that the girl just didn't pay any attention to the bully. For her, he simply did not exist. Other children always reacted adequately to his antics, responded to provocations, in other words, radiated energy at the frequency of the pendulum. So unwittingly the children became followers of this provocateur, and he bathed in their energy. Adherents in this case are not admirers. It is indifferent for the pendulum whether it is loved or not. The main thing is that they give him energy.
If someone is bothering you, try on him the model of a destructive pendulum, it will certainly suit him. If you cannot extinguish it, then simply do not respond to provocations - ignore it. It will not leave you until you stop giving it your energy. You can give energy both directly, by confronting him, and indirectly, by silently hating him. To stop giving energy means to not think about him at all, to put him out of your mind. Just say to yourself “To hell with him!”, and he will go out of your life.
However, it often happens that it is not possible to ignore the pendulum. For example, your boss calls you on the carpet. Simply refusing or defending yourself will mean a loss of energy, since both are fighting the pendulum. In such cases, you can pretend to engage the pendulum. The main thing is that you should realize that you are playing the game for fun.
Imagine a big guy swinging a sledgehammer at you and hitting you with all his might. You don't mind, you don't defend yourself, you don't attack. At that moment you just calmly step aside, and the brat, together with the sledgehammer, flies into the void. This means that the pendulum can't get a hold of you and fails.
This is the principle behind Aikido fighting. What literally happens there is as follows. The attacker is taken under the handle, walks along with him as if seeing him off, and then is easily released and sent flying in the direction where his energy was directed. The whole secret is that the defender has nothing against the attack. He agrees with the attacker's line, goes along with it for a while, and then lets go. The attacker's energy falls into the void, because if the defender is “empty,” then he has nothing to hold on to.
The technique of such a soft withdrawal is that you respond to the first lunge of the pendulum with agreement, and then diplomatically retreat or unobtrusively direct the movement in the direction you want. For example, an agitated boss wants to dump a job on you and vigorously demands that it be done exactly the way he thinks it should be done. You know it should be done differently, or it's not your responsibility at all. If you start objecting, arguing, defending yourself, he will demand obedience in a harsh manner. After all, he has made the decision and you are going against him. Do the opposite. Listen carefully, agree with everything, let the first impulse run out. And then calmly begin to discuss the details of the work with him. At this moment you have accepted the energy of your boss and are radiating on his frequency. His impulse, meeting no resistance, gets stuck for a while. You don't tell him you know better how to do the job, you don't refuse or argue. You simply consult with your boss about how you could do the job faster and better, or maybe another performer will do it better. You swing with the pendulum, but you do it consciously, not participating in the game, but as if observing from the side. He swings fully immersed in the game. It is his game - he makes a decision, and you agree and consult with him. You will see that the energy, previously directed at you, will go away - towards another decision or another performer. Thus the pendulum for you personally will fail.
It is only necessary to be careful in applying this technique to individuals, so as not to descend to the usual meanness.
Extinguishing the pendulum
There are cases when a pendulum that has become arrogant cannot fail. That is, neither ignore nor escape from it can not.
I had a friend, malleable, good-natured, but endowed with incredible physical strength. He and I were riding on a streetcar late one night, and there was a group of aggressive bullies - a real destructive pendulum. There are many of them, they feed each other with their negative energy and feel complete impunity. But to gain even more energy, such a company, as a rule, needs to constantly bully someone to get a boost from the outside.
They started harassing my buddy, because the good-natured and peaceful expression on his face did not inspire any danger. They tried to tease him with taunts and insults, but he sat silent and did not respond to the provocations, that is, he tried to fail the pendulum. I did not interfere either, as I knew that he was in no danger, but the company was at great risk. Finally, my friend, unable to stand it, headed for the exit, but he was blocked by the greediest and most insolent follower. Then my friend, cornered, grabbed the asshole by the scruff of the neck and delivered a monstrous blow.
The victim's face immediately turned to mush. The other heroes were stunned with surprise and horror. Buddy turned and grabbed the next one, but the latter mumbled in a trembling voice: “That's it... man, that's it... nuh-uh-uh...” The energy of the pendulum was instantly extinguished and the adherents, fumbling and stumbling, tumbled out of the streetcar.
Of course, good for those who can stand up for themselves. But if not, what then? If there is really nowhere to retreat to, you can do something extraordinary - something that no one expects from you.
I was told such a case. One guy was cornered by a pack of “brave” adherents of a street gang and was going to beat him up. Then he approached the leader, stared at him with a crazy look and said: “What do you want to break: nose or jaw?” This was clearly not the way to ask the question, and the ringleader was stunned for a moment. Then the boy exclaimed with unhealthy enthusiasm: “Let me rip your ear off!” And with all his five fingers he clutched at his ear. And he screamed. The whole show, which the gang was accustomed to play, was disrupted. The ringleader had no thoughts of hitting anyone, he had only one concern - to free his ear. The guy was left alone as a psycho, but he avoided reprisals.
So, if you find yourself in a situation where you know the standard scenario, do something - no matter what - that doesn't fit that scenario. The pendulum will be extinguished. The point is that as long as you are acting according to the scenario, you are playing the game of the pendulum and giving your energy at its frequency. But if your frequency is very different, you get into dissonance with the pendulum, and thus knock it off the rhythm.
At the same time, you should not get into a fight if you are dealing with a pendulum that has nothing to lose. If you are attacked with the purpose of robbery, it is better to immediately give the money. Some people even carry a dozen dollars in cash for such cases. For example, if the robber is a drug addict or psycho, he can easily take your life, even if you are a master of martial arts. Therefore, he should not be messed with like a rabid dog. Your death will be unjustified and ridiculous.
A sense of humor and imagination can help in extinguishing it. Turn your irritation into a game. For example, you are annoyed by crowds of people on the street or in transportation who are rushing somewhere and disturbing you. Imagine you are in Antarctica at a bird market. People are penguins, and they are very funny, hustling and bustling. What are you? A penguin. After this transformation, people already inspire more sympathy and curiosity than irritation.
Of course, it may seem difficult when you want to tear and throw on the contrary. In such moments it is most difficult to remember that it is only a pendulum harassing your energy and that you should not give in to provocations. Pendulum, like a vampire, uses a kind of anesthesia -
your habit of reacting negatively to the stimulus. Even now, reading these lines, you
might get distracted a few minutes later, and irritably answer an unwanted phone call. But if you set yourself the goal of getting the habit of mindfulness, you will eventually develop immunity to the provocation of pendulums.
Pay attention, when you encountered some unfortunate circumstance and reacted with irritation, dissatisfaction, negative emotions, immediately follows the continuation and development of the negative situation in the same spirit, or new troubles appear. This is how the pendulum swings. You are the one who is swinging it. Do the opposite: either do not react in any way, or respond with a completely opposite reaction. For example, you can meet the unpleasantness with feigned enthusiasm, or with idiotic delight. This is the quenching of the pendulum. You will make sure that no continuation will follow.
As you remember, the habit of reacting negatively to unfortunate circumstances is the starting lever of the pendulum's mechanism for capturing your mental energy. This habit will fade if you play a kind of game in which you deliberately make the following substitutions: fear - confidence, despondency - enthusiasm, indignation - indifference, irritation - joy. Try to react at least to small troubles “inadequately”. What do you lose? Let it be ridiculous, but this style of play will leave no chance to the pendulum. This way seems ridiculous because pendulums have accustomed us to play only games that are favorable to them. Try now to impose your own game on them, you will enjoy it, and you will be surprised to find out how powerful this technique is. The principle here is the same: radiating at a frequency different from the resonance frequency, you enter into dissonance with the pendulum, it in relation to you dampens and leaves you alone.
There is another interesting way of soft extinguishing. If someone annoys you, i.e. creates a problem for you, try to determine what this person lacks, what he needs. Now imagine this person having what they lack. It could be: health, confidence, mental comfort. If you think about it, these are the three basic things we need to feel satisfied. Think about what he really needs at this moment in time?
Let's say your boss yelled at you. Maybe he's tired, or he's having trouble with his family? Then he needs mental comfort. Imagine him relaxing in a cozy chair by the TV, or by the fireplace, or with a fishing rod by the river, or in the bathhouse with a mug of beer. Do you know what he likes? Maybe he's been pressured by higher officials, and he's afraid of responsibility? Then he needs confidence. Imagine him gliding confidently on downhill skis, or in a sports car, or at a party when he's the center of attention. Maybe he's in pain. Imagine him cheerful and alert, swimming in the sea, cycling, playing soccer. Of course, it's better to imagine what he's into. But guessing is not necessary, let it not bother you. It is quite enough to imagine this person in a situation where he is happy.
What's going on here? Here he has appeared on your horizon with a problem for you. (And it could be a burglar, among other things.) Distract yourself from the problem he is bringing to you. That way you won't put your head in a frequency hijacking loop from the start. Imagine this person getting what they need. (What does the mugger want? A meal, a drink, a shot?) Visualize to yourself a picture of that person being satisfied. If you succeed, consider the problem over. After all, the pendulum started swinging for a reason. Something has thrown him off balance. He, consciously or unconsciously, is looking for something that will bring him back to balance. And here, the energy of your thoughts at a certain frequency gives it to him, though indirectly. He will immediately change from aggression to favor. Is that hard to believe? Check it out!
Despite the fact that this technique resembles shamanism, it is based on the principle of damping the pendulum. A pendulum man comes to you with a problem, and you satisfy it, but not explicitly, but on the energy level. You have given him your energy, but only a small part of it, compared to what you could lose. In addition, you have done a good deed - at least for a while you have helped someone in need. What is interesting, later he will change his attitude to you to a more friendly. He will not know why he feels comfortable in your company. Let it be your little secret.
This technique can be successfully applied in cases when you need to get something from a person. and they're preoccupied with their own problems and are reluctant to give it to you. You need a signature
An official? First “feed” him with a beneficial visualization, and he will do everything for you.
One last thing. Where do you think the energy of the pendulum, which you extinguished, goes? It goes to you. You become stronger. If you have coped with a problem, you have become stronger. Next time it's not a problem for you anymore. Isn't it? And if you fight the problem, you're giving energy to the pendulum. you're giving energy to the pendulum that caused the problem. Failure and pendulum damping techniques are known to psychologists and psychotherapists as
as professional techniques. In this sense, these methods are not fundamentally new. But for a person who is not familiar with the techniques of practical psychology, these methods are valuable because they provide clarity and understanding of how and why psychological defenses work.
Simple Solutions to Complex Problems
Another applied value of failing or extinguishing the pendulum is the ability to solve all sorts of problems. It can be a difficult life situation, a conflict, an unfavorable circumstance, a predicament, or simply a task. For any complex problems there are simple solutions. The key to the solution is always on the surface, the only question is how to see it. To see it is hindered by the pendulum that created the problem.
Destructive pendulum has the purpose to get energy from you. To do this, it needs to fix the frequency of radiation of your thoughts on the problem. This is easiest to do by convincing you that the problem is difficult. If you accept such rules of the game, you can be calmly taken by the handle and led into the confusing labyrinth. Only then comes the realization that “the box simply opened.”
If a person is frightened, worried, puzzled, or play on his complexes, then he will easily agree that the problem is complex, and will sit on the hook. But you don't have to scare them. For a lot of problems, the popular belief that they have no simple solutions has already been established. Anyone throughout life is constantly faced with different difficulties, especially if it is something new, unfamiliar. As a result, everyone has a firmly ingrained habit of meeting problems with apprehension, and sometimes even with awe-inspiring fear. At the same time, a person always weighs his ability to cope with the problem on the scales of doubt. This is how each person grows a very good hook for pendulums.
The pendulum can act both through its adherents, i.e. people who are somehow connected with the problem, and through inanimate objects. It fixes the emission of mental energy at a certain frequency and sucks the energy while the person is tormented with the problem. It would seem that fixing the frequency on an object helps to focus. How can it interfere with the solution of the problem?
The thing is that a pendulum fixes human thoughts in a very narrow sector of the information field. And the solution may lie outside this sector. As a result, it turns out that a person thinks and acts within a narrow corridor and has no opportunity to look at the problem wider. Non-standard and ingenious solutions come exactly when a person frees himself from the pendulum and gets freedom to think in another direction. The whole secret of geniuses is that they are free from the influence of pendulums. While the thought frequencies of ordinary people are captured by pendulums, the thought frequencies of geniuses are able to freely rearrange themselves and enter unknown areas of the information field.
What to do in order not to fall into the loop of capture? Do not dive headfirst into the problem, do not let yourself be drawn into the game of the pendulum. Rent yourself out. Act as you normally would in such cases, but not as a participant in the game, but as an outside observer. Look at the situation from a detached perspective. Remember that they want to take you by the handle and lead you into the maze. Do not let the problem frighten you, capture you, disturb you, puzzle you. Remember for starters that there is always a very simple solution, and you want to impose a complex one.
If you are faced with a problem or obstacle, catch yourself in your attitude toward the problem. The problem can generate confusion, fear, resentment, discouragement, and so on It is necessary to replace the habitual attitude to the problem to the exact opposite, and it will either eliminate itself, or it will be solved quickly and easily. Contrary to the stereotypes and
habits, meet any problem not as an obstacle to overcome, but as
part of the path to be traveled. Do not leave room in yourself for the problem. Be empty in relation to it.
If you need to solve some problem where you need to think, don't immediately rush into logical reasoning. Your subconscious mind is directly connected with the field of information. The solution to any problem is already there. Therefore, first relax, discard the slightest fear and anxiety about the solution. After all, you know that the solution is there. Let yourself go, stop the flow of thoughts, contemplate the emptiness. It is very likely that the solution will come at once, and very simple. If it didn't work, don't be annoyed and turn on the thinking machine. You will get it another time. This practice is good for developing the ability to access intuitive knowledge. It is only necessary to make it a habit.
This technique really works if you manage to free yourself from the pendulum and “rent yourself out”. However, this is easier said than done. Further from this book you will learn new secrets on how to do it. After all, this is just the beginning. Don't you think I'm the one taking you by the handle and leading you into the maze? That's right, stay free even from those who tell you about your freedom.
Suspended State
Once you are free from the influence of destructive pendulums, you are free. But freedom without purpose is a suspended state. If you are carried away by the failure and extinguishing of the pendulums around you, you risk finding yourself in a vacuum. The conflicts that happened earlier disappear somewhere, the worries that tormented you recede, troubles occur less and less often, anxiety and worry quietly disappear. All this happens imperceptibly, as if the storm slowly subsides.
However, you soon discover that there is a flip side to the coin. If before you were at the center of events, now they are happening away from you. For others you cease to have the former importance, they pay less and less attention to you. Concerns are reduced, but also new desires do not come. The pressure of the outside world is weakening, but it does not bring special dividends. You have a decreasing number of problems, but and achievements are not added.
. What's going on? The point is that the whole environment of human existence is built on pendulums, so if he completely isolates himself from them, he finds himself in a desert. A suspended state is not much better than dependence on a pendulum. For example, children who have everything in abundance are tormented by the fact that “they have nothing more to want”. They themselves are tormented and torment others with their whims. Man is so organized that he always needs to strive for something.
Freedom is needed only from pendulums that are alien to you. There are pendulums that will be useful for you. These are your pendulums. In other words, it is only necessary to free yourself from the goals that have been imposed on you, in the struggle for which you are moving further and further away from the lines of your happy life. The challenge is to choose, while remaining free, the lines of life on which true success and happiness awaits you personally. The difficulty is how to find yours among the many pendulums. But this problem is also solvable. We will talk about it in the next chapters.
A pendulum is created by the energy of people thinking in one direction. The pendulum is an energy-informational structure.
The purpose of the pendulum is to establish its power and take away energy.
The pendulum fixes the mental energy of the adherent on its frequency. There is a fierce battle between pendulums for adherents. Destructive pendulum imposes on adherents alien goals. The pendulum plays on people's feelings, drawing them into its nets.
If you don't actively want something, it will be in your life. To free yourself from the pendulum means to throw it out of your life. To throw it out of your life means not to avoid it, but to ignore it.
To extinguish a pendulum, you need to disrupt its script. Beneficial visualization gently extinguishes the human pendulum. The energy of the extinguished pendulum passes to you.
Problems are solved by failure or extinguishing the pendulums that created them.