Chapter One

I. Variant Model
This chapter gives a theoretical introduction to Transurfing. The conceptual basis of Transurfing is the model of variants - a fundamentally new view on the structure of our world. A man does not know that he can not achieve, but simply get what he wants. Why is it possible?
Dreams do not come true.
The rustling of the morning stars. I woke up to my neighbor's dog barking. That vile thing, it always wakes me up. How I hate it! Why do I have to be awakened by the sounds of this vile brat? I should go for a walk, calm down and somehow distract myself from the urge to set fire to the neighbor's house. What kind of dog, what kind of owners. Always some creep crawling into my life and trying to get at me. I dress nervously. My slippers are missing again. Where are you dodgy bastards? When I find them, I'll throw them away! It's foggy and damp outside. I was walking on a slippery path through a gloomy forest. Almost all the leaves had fallen, revealing the gray trunks of half-dead trees. Why do I live in the middle of this gloomy swamp? I take out a cigarette. I don't feel like smoking, but an old habit says I should. Should I? Since when did cigarettes become an obligation? Yes, it's quite disgusting to smoke in the morning, on an empty stomach. Earlier, in a merry company, a cigarette gave pleasure, was a kind of symbol of fashion, freedom, stylishness. But the holidays are over, and rainy gray weekdays with puddles of viscous problems come. And each problem you eat a cigarette several times, as if you say to yourself: now I will smoke, take a breath, and plunge back into this shameful routine.
The smoke from the cigarette got into my eyes, and for a minute I covered them with my hands, like an offended child. How boring everything is. And then, as if in confirmation of my thoughts, the branch of a birch tree, insidiously bent, painfully hit me in the face. Bastard! I broke it in a frenzy and threw it aside. It hung on the tree and began to sway and bounce like a blowhard, as if showing me my powerlessness to change anything in this world. I wandered dejectedly onward.
Whenever I tried to fight this world, it would first give in, encouraging me, and then give me a good punch in the nose. It's only in the movies that heroes go to the goal, sweeping away everything in their path. It's not like that in life. Life is like a game of roulette. First you win once, then another, then a third. You imagine yourself a winner, you think you've got the whole world in your pocket. But in the end, you're always the loser. You're just a goose at a feast, being fattened up to be roasted and eaten to the sound of cheerful music and laughter. You're wrong, it's not your party. You were wrong...
So, floundering in these unhappy thoughts, I went out to the sea. Small waves were biting the sandy shore viciously. The sea unfriendly blew cold dampness on me. Fat seagulls lazily walked along the shore and pecked at some rot. There was no emotion or reason in their eyes. just a cold black emptiness. In those eyes it was as if the whole world around me was reflected, so as cold and hostile.
Some bum was collecting empty bottles on the shore. Get out of here, you swamp scum, I want to be alone. to be alone. No, I think he's headed my way. He's probably going to beg. I'd better go home. There's no peace anywhere. I'm so tired. This tiredness is always with me, even when I'm resting. I live like I'm serving a prison sentence. It seems that soon everything will change, a new life will begin, and then I'll be different and I'll be able to enjoy life. But that's all in the future. Until then, it's the same dreary hard labor. I'm waiting, and the future is not coming. Now, as usual, I will eat my tasteless breakfast and go to my boring job, where I will again squeeze out of myself the results that someone needs, but not me. Another day of a burdensome and meaningless life...
I woke up to the rustling of the morning stars. What was this dreary dream I was having? It was as if some fragment of my old life had returned. It was a good thing it was just a dream. I stretched with relief, as my cat does. Here he is, the lazy one, lying sprawled out, and only his ears show that he is aware of my presence. Get up, mustachioed face. Will you come for a walk with me? I ordered myself a sunny day and went to the sea. The path went through the forest, and the rustling of the morning stars gradually dissolved into a discordant chorus of bird people. One in particular was trying hard there in the bushes, “Feed! Feed!” Ah, there he was, the rascal. Little furry little thing, how do you manage to squawk so loudly? It's amazing, it never occurred to me before: all birds have such different voices, but none of them is in dissonance with the general chorus, and it always turns out such a slender symphony that no sophisticated orchestra can reproduce.
The sun stretched its rays between the trees. This magical illumination brought to life the three-dimensional depth and richness of the colors, turning the forest into a marvelous hologram. The path carefully led me to the sea. The emerald waves whispered quietly with the warm breeze. The shore seemed vast and desolate, but I felt cozy and calm, as if this overpopulated world had reserved a secluded corner for me. Some people believe that the world around us is an illusion that we create ourselves. Well no, I do not have enough conceit to claim that all this beauty is only a creation of my perception.
While still under the oppressive impression of the dream, I began to remember my former life, which was indeed so dull and hopeless. Very often I, like many others, tried to demand from the world what was supposedly due to me. In response, the world turned away indifferently. My advisors, wise men of experience, told me that the world would not yield so easily, it had to be conquered. Then I tried to fight against the world, but I never achieved anything, only exhausted myself. The counselors had a ready answer for this case: you are bad yourself, first change yourself, and then demand something from the world. I tried to fight with myself, but it turned out to be even more difficult.
But one day, I had a dream as if I was in a nature reserve. I was surrounded by inexpressible beauty. I was walking and marveling at all this splendor. Then an angry old man with a gray beard appeared - as I understood, the caretaker of the reserve. He watched me silently. I headed toward him, and just as I opened my mouth, he sharply cut me off. He said in a cold tone that he did not want to hear anything, that he was tired of capricious and greedy visitors who were always dissatisfied, always demanding something, making loud noises and leaving behind mountains of garbage. I nodded understandingly and went on my way.
The unique nature of the reserve simply stunned me. Why hadn't I been here before? Like a mesmerized man, I walked without a definite goal and gazed around. The perfection of the surrounding nature could not be adequately expressed by any thoughts, let alone words. Therefore, my mind was a kind of rapturous emptiness.
Soon the Caretaker reappeared in front of me. The stern expression on his face had softened somewhat. He motioned for me to follow him. We climbed to the top of a green hill, and we had a view of a valley of marvelous beauty. There was a settlement of some sort. The toy houses were drowned in greenery and flowers, as if showing an illustration of a magical fairy tale. One could look at the whole picture with emotion, if it did not
if it didn't seem so unreal. I had a suspicion that such a thing could only happen in a dream. 

I looked questioningly at the Caretaker, but he only grinned into his beard, as if to say, “There's more to come!”
We were descending into the valley when I began to realize that I didn't remember how I had gotten to the reserve. I wanted to get some explanation from the old man. I think I made a clumsy remark about how lucky people must be to be able to afford to live among such beauty. To which he replied irritably, “Who's stopping you from being one of them?”
I went on a hackneyed rant about how not everyone is born into luxury, and no one can choose their destiny. The caretaker looked at me like I was an idiot and said: “That's the thing, everyone is free to choose whatever fate they want. The only freedom we have is the freedom to choose. Everyone can choose whatever they want."
Such a judgment did not fit my idea of life, and I started to object. But the Caretaker wouldn't even listen: “Fool! You have the right to choose, but you don't use it. You just don't understand what it means to choose.” It's crazy, I couldn't help myself. How can I choose whatever I want? You'd think everything was allowed in this world. Suddenly, I realized it was just a dream. Puzzled, I didn't know how I should behave in such a strange situation.
As far as memory serves me, I had hinted to the old man that he was free to talk nonsense in his dreams as well as in real life. But this remark did not seem to hurt him at all, and he only laughed in reply. Realizing the absurdity of the situation (why did I get into a discussion with a character from my own dream?), I began to wonder if it would be better to wake up. It was as if the old man had guessed my thoughts. “Well, that's enough, we don't have much time,” he said. “I didn't expect them to send me a cretin like you. Still, I'll have to fulfill my mission."
I started to question him about what that “mission” was, and who “they” were. He ignored my questions and asked what I thought was a stupid riddle: “Everyone can have the freedom to choose whatever they want. Here's a riddle for you: how do you get this freedom? If you guess it, your apples will fall into the sky.”
What apples? I was beginning to lose patience and said that I was not going to solve anything - it is only in dreams and fairy tales that all sorts of miracles are possible, but in reality apples always fall to the ground in the end. To which he replied, “That's enough! Come, I have something to show you."
Upon waking up, I regretfully realized that I did not remember the continuation of the dream. However, I still had a clear feeling that the Caretaker had put some information into me that I was unable to put into words. Only one incomprehensible word was imprinted in my memory - Transurfing. The only thought in my mind was that there was no need to organize my world myself - everything had already been created without my participation and for my own good. Nor should I fight with the world for a place under the sun - it is the least effective way. It turns out that nobody forbids me to simply choose for myself the world in which I would like to live.
At first such an idea seemed absurd to me, and I would most likely have forgotten about this dream. But soon, to my great surprise, I found that a clear picture began to emerge in my mind of what the Caretaker meant by the word “choose” and how to do it. The solution to the Riddle of the Caretaker came by itself, like knowledge out of nowhere. Every day something new was revealed to me, and every time I experienced a tremendous surprise, bordering on fright. I am unable to rationally explain where all this knowledge came from. Only one thing I can say with absolute certainty: nothing like this could have been born in my head.
Since I discovered Transurfing (or rather, I was allowed to do it), my life has been filled with new joyful meaning. Everyone who has ever been involved in any kind of creative work knows what joy and satisfaction a work created by one's own hands brings. But this is nothing compared to the process of creating one's own destiny. Though, the term “creation of destiny” in its usual sense does not quite fit here. Transurfing is a way to choose your destiny - literally, like a product in a supermarket. What this all means is what I want to write about. You will learn why apples can “fall into the sky”, what is “the rustling of the morning stars”, as well as many other very unusual things.

The Caretaker's Enigma
There are different approaches to interpreting fate. One of them is that fate is fate, something predetermined in advance. No matter how you spin it, you cannot escape fate. On the one hand, this concept of fate is depressing in its hopelessness. It means that if a person has a fate of not the highest sort, there is no hope for improvement. But on the other hand, there are always people who are satisfied with this state of affairs. After all, it is convenient and reliable, when the future is more or less predictable and does not frighten with its uncertainty.
And yet, the fatal inevitability of fate in such an understanding cannot but cause feelings of dissatisfaction and inner protest. A person, deprived of luck, complains about his fate: why is life so unfair? One has everything in abundance, and the other is constantly in need. One person gets everything easily, while the other spins like a squirrel in a wheel, and everything is fruitless. One is endowed by nature with beauty, intelligence and strength, and the other, it is not clear for what sins, all his life is labeled as second-class. Why such injustice? Why does life, which has no boundaries in its diversity, impose some restrictions on certain groups of people? What are the faults of those less worthy?
A deprived person feels resentment, if not indignation, and tries to find, at least for himself, some explanation for his inferior position. And then all sorts of teachings appear, like karma for sins in past lives. One would think that the Lord God only does what he does to educate his negligent children, but even with all his power, he has difficulties with this very process of education. Instead of punishing sins in life, God for some reason postpones retribution for later, though what is the point of punishing a person for what he does not remember.
There is another version of inequality, reassuring that those who need and suffer now will receive a generous reparation, but again, either somewhere in heaven or in some next life. Be that as it may, such explanations cannot fully satisfy. Whether these past and future lives exist or not is practically unimportant, because man remembers and realizes only one, this life, and in this sense it is his only one.
If one believes in the predetermination of fate, then the best remedy for longing is humility. Again new explanations are found, like “If you want to be happy, be happy.” Be optimistic and be content with what you have. A person is given to understand that he is unhappy because he is always dissatisfied and wants too much. But one should be content by definition. One should be happy in life. The person seems to agree, but at the same time, it is somehow awkward for him to meet the gray reality with joy. Doesn't he have the right to want something more? Why should he force himself to be happy? After all, it's like forcing himself to love.
There are always some “enlightened” personalities bustling around calling for universal love and forgiveness. A person can pull this illusion over himself like a blanket over his head in order not to face the harsh reality directly, and it really becomes easier for him. But deep down, man still cannot understand why he must force himself to forgive those he hates and love those he is indifferent to. What good does it do him? Some kind of happiness is not natural, but tortured. As if joy should not come by itself, but should be squeezed out of yourself like paste from a tube.
Of course, there are people who do not believe that life is so boring and primitive that it is reduced to one predetermined fate. They do not want to be content with what they have and prefer to rejoice in the achievements rather than the given. For such people there is another concept of fate: “A man is the blacksmith of his own happiness”. Well, and for happiness, as you know, you have to fight. And how can it be otherwise? “Knowledgeable” people will say that nothing is given so easily. It would seem that the fact is indisputable: if you do not want to accept happiness as it is given to you, then you have to work with your elbows and achieve your own.
The cautionary tales show how heroes bravely fought and selflessly worked day and night, overcoming unthinkable obstacles. Only after going through all the hardships and deprivations did the heroes win their place under the sun. But even here, all is not well. Millions fight and labor, and only a few achieve true success. You can do it all.

What a burdensome necessity it is to fight against the world and achieve one's own. And if the world does not give in, then you must fight with yourself. If you are so poor, sick, ugly, unhappy, it is your own fault. You yourself are imperfect, and therefore you are obliged to change. A person is put in front of the fact that he is initially an accumulation of flaws and vices, which must be worked on hard. It is a depressing picture, isn't it? So, if a person was not lucky and was not born rich and happy, then his destiny is either to bear his cross humbly, or to devote his whole life to struggle. Somehow I can't rejoice in such a life. Is there no light in all this hopelessness?
. And yet, there is a way out. The way out is so simple, as well as pleasant, unlike all the above mentioned, because it lies in a completely different plane. The concept of destiny in Transurfing is based on a fundamentally different model of the world. Do not hurry to wave your hands disappointedly and exclaim that they are trying to stick you with some new chimera. Agree, because each of the known concepts of destiny is based on a certain worldview, which, in turn, is based on some unprovable starting points.
. For example, materialism is based on the assertion that matter is primary and consciousness is secondary. Idealism asserts the exact opposite. Neither claim is unprovable, yet they are used to construct models of the world, each of which is very convincing and finds devoted defenders. Each direction in philosophy, science and religion explains the world in its own way and each direction is right and wrong in its own way. We can never describe absolute truth with absolute precision because the concepts we use are themselves relative. The famous parable of the three blind men tells how one of them felt the trunk of an elephant, another the leg, the third the ear, and then each made his own judgment about what the elephant was. So proving that one description is the only true one and the other is not is completely pointless. The main thing is that this description works.
You are probably familiar with the well-known idea that reality is an illusion that we create ourselves. Although, no one has ever really explained where this illusion comes from and how it works. So, are we all watching a “movie”? It is certainly very doubtful, but in a certain sense, there is some truth in it. There is another opinion that everything is quite the opposite - the material world is only a mechanism acting according to rigid laws, and our consciousness cannot determine anything here. And in this too there is an undeniable share of truth.
But human mind is so organized that it strives to have a solid ground under its feet, devoid of ambiguity. So it wants to smash in a puff of dust and ashes one theory, and put on a pedestal another, which is actually and do scientists for thousands of years. After each battle for truth, on the battlefield remains undefeated only one fact: any theory represents only a separate aspect of the manifestation of multifaceted reality.
Every theory works, and therefore has a right to exist. Every concept of destiny works the same way. If you have decided for yourself that fate is something predetermined that you cannot change, then so be it. In that case, you voluntarily put your fate in someone else's hands, no matter whose, and become a ship sailing on the will of the waves. If you believe that you create your own destiny, then you consciously take responsibility for everything that happens in your life on yourself. You are fighting the waves, trying to steer your ship. Notice what happens: your choice is always realized. What you choose, you get. Whatever worldview you choose, the truth will be on your side. And others will argue with you precisely because they too are right.
If any phenomenon of reality manifestation is taken as a starting point, i.e. it is considered as a starting point, then it is possible to derive a whole branch of knowledge from it. And this knowledge will be internally consistent, and will successfully reflect one of the manifestations of reality. For the basis of the whole knowledge it is enough to take only one or several facts, which are not completely clear, but still take place.
For example, quantum physics is based on several unprovable truths - postulates. They are unprovable because they themselves serve as the initial, starting point of knowledge. The object of the microcosm in quantum physics behaves in some cases as a particle, and in other cases as a wave.

Scientists have been unable to interpret such dualism unambiguously, so they have simply accepted it as given, that is, as a postulate. The postulates of quantum physics reconcile the diversity of forms of manifestation of reality as if blind men agreed that an elephant in one case behaves as a pole and in another as a snake.
If, when describing an object of the microcosm, we choose its particle property as the main one, then we get the model of the atom, which was built by the famous physicist Niels Bohr. In this model electrons rotate around the nucleus, like planets in the solar system. If, on the other hand, we choose wave as the basic property, then the atom becomes a superposition of waves. Both models work by reflecting separate forms of reality. Again, we get what we choose.
In general, any manifestation can serve as a postulate, the starting point of a branch of knowledge that will certainly work and have the right to exist. In their pursuit of truth, people have always sought to understand the nature of the world by studying its individual aspects. Arrays of scientific knowledge were created as descriptions and explanations of certain natural phenomena. This is how separate branches of knowledge emerged, often contradicting each other.
The nature of the world is one, but constantly shows different guises. People do not have time to properly consider and explain one face, as immediately appears another, which does not agree with the previous one. Scientists make attempts to unify the various manifestations of reality to eliminate contradictions, but it is difficult to succeed. There is only one single, unquestionable fact that unites and reconciles all branches of knowledge - the diversity and multifaceted forms of manifestation of reality. Multivariance of our world is its first fundamental property.
Fascinated by attempts to explain individual manifestations, adherents of various branches of knowledge for some reason bypass this very fact. Indeed, it would seem that what else can be extracted from it? Multivariability serves as a starting point, like zero on a coordinate grid. Any starting points of various branches of knowledge are secondary in relation to it. However, the initial point itself is not paid attention to, as if it does not carry any information. And yet, there is information, and quite surprising.
To solve the Riddle of the Caretaker, we will take the property of multivariability as a starting point. In other words, we will take as a postulate the fact that reality has an infinite variety of forms of manifestation. Despite the general character of our postulate, you will see how interesting and unexpected knowledge it opens.
To begin with, the forms of manifestation of reality must have a source where all this diversity comes from. Where are all the laws of our world “written down”? Our world manifests itself as the movement of matter in space and time. This movement obeys certain laws. As you know, points are located on the graph of a function according to a certain mathematical formula. We can say that the law of motion of a point on the graph is the formula of the function. But formulas, as well as laws, are abstract inventions of human mind, created for convenience of understanding. It is highly unlikely that nature stores all these formulas somewhere.
How else could the location of points on a graph be stored? Of course, in the form of an infinitely large array of coordinates of all points. Human memory capacity is limited and cannot handle infinity. But for nature, infinity is not a problem. It does not need to generalize the location and motion of points on a graph in the form of a formula. If we break the line of a function into infinitesimal points, then each point can be seen as a cause and the points following it as an effect. As a result, any motion of a material point in space and time can be represented as an infinitely long continuous chain of infinitesimal causes and effects.
In our knowledge we represent the motion of matter in the form of a law, while in nature this motion is laid down in natural form - as an infinite number of causes and effects. Roughly speaking, data about all possible points of matter motion are stored in a certain field of information, which we will call the space of variants. It contains information about everything that was, is and will be.
The space of variants is a quite material informational structure. structure. It is an infinite field of information containing all possible variants of any 

events that can happen. We can say that the space of variants contains everything. We will not guess how this information is stored - it does not matter for our purposes. The only important thing is that the space of variants serves as a template, a coordinate grid of any movement of matter in space and time.
In each point of space there is a variant of this or that event. To make it easier to understand, we will assume that a variant consists of a scenario and scenery. The scenery is the appearance, or form of manifestation, and the scenario is the path along which matter moves. For convenience, we can divide the space of variants into sectors. Each sector has its own scenario and decorations. The greater the distance between sectors, the greater the differences in scenarios and scenery. The fate of a person is also represented by many variants.
Theoretically there are no restrictions on scenarios and decorations of human destiny, as the space of variants is infinite. Any insignificant event can influence on a turn of destiny. Human life, like any other movement of matter, is a chain of cause and effect. A consequence in the space of options is always located close to its cause. One thing follows another, which is why the sectors of destiny line up in the lines of life. Scenarios and decorations of sectors on one life line are more or less homogeneous. A person's life flows measuredly along one line until an event occurs that changes the scenario and scenery. Then fate makes a turn and moves to another life line.
Imagine that you have watched a play. The next day you went to the theater again for the same play, but it was on a different set. These are closely spaced life lines. In the next theater season you saw a play with the same actors, but with significant changes in the script. This life line is further away. And finally, having seen the same production in another theater, you saw a completely different interpretation of the play. This life line is already quite far from the first one.
Reality manifests itself in all its diversity precisely because the number of variants is infinite. Any starting point results in a chain of cause and effect. Having chosen the starting point, you get this or that form of reality manifestation. You could say that reality unfolds along the line of life, depending on the chosen starting point. You get what you choose. You have the right to choose precisely because an infinity of options already exists. No one forbids you to choose your destiny to your liking. The whole management of destiny comes down to only one simple thing - to make a choice. Transurfing answers the question of how to do it.
So, there is an information structure containing an infinite number of potentialities - variants, with their own scenarios and decorations. The movement of material realization takes place in accordance with what is embedded in this structure. The process of matter movement through the space of variants can be demonstrated in the form of the following mental experiment.
Imagine a tube of water. A cooling ring moves slowly along the tube so that the water quickly freezes only inside the ring. You get an ice crystal moving along the tube of water. The water molecules remain in approximately the same places in a relatively free state. As the ring passes, the molecules inside it are locked into a frozen crystal of a certain structure, and then the water in that spot thaws again, and the molecules are released. The crystal itself does not move. In other words, in this case, ice in water does not float. It is not the ice crystal itself in the tube of water that moves, but the structure, that is, the frozen state.
By analogy, the water in the tube is the space of variants, and the ice crystal is the material realization of variants. Molecules are people, and their position in the structure of the crystal is realized as a variant of fate. There is no unambiguous answer to the question of what the cooling ring is analogous to. In other words, how and why does an information structure turn into matter? In the microcosm, matter can manifest itself as a clot of energy. It is known that in vacuum there is a constant birth and annihilation of microparticles. Matter as if there is, but at the same time it has no material substance. Only one thing is clear: what can be touched has an intangible energy basis.

I hope I haven't bored you too much with physics. So far we are only at the starting point of Transurfing. But what you will learn about in this book may shock you to a certain extent. So it is inevitable that I have to give at least some theoretical justification, so that the mind does not lose ground under its feet. So please have a little more patience.
A sea wave can serve as another analogy illustrating realization in the space of options. Suppose a wave is formed in the sea as a result of an earthquake. It moves along the sea surface in the form of a hump, but the water itself remains in place. It is not the mass of water that moves, but the realization of energy potential. Only near the shore the water spills out onto the land. Any other waves behave in the same way. In this analogy, the sea is the space of options, and the wave is material realization.
So, on the one hand, the material realization moves in space and time, and on the other hand, the variants remain in place and exist forever? So, everything was, is and will be? And in fact, why not? Time is actually as static as space. The flow of time is felt only when the movie film is spinning and the frames follow each other. Unwrap the movie film and look at all the frames together. Where has time gone? All the frames exist at the same time. Time is static until we start viewing frame by frame sequentially. This is what happens in life, which is why the idea that everything comes and goes is deeply ingrained in our minds.
In fact, everything that is recorded in the field of information has always been there, and will always remain. Life lines exist like movie tapes. What has passed has not disappeared, but remains. What is yet to come is there now. The current segment of life is the material realization of the space of options on this segment of the life line.
Many may express their indignation with questions: “How is it possible that countless variants of my destiny exist stationary? Who and why could this be necessary? God? Natural laws? Why?” Then try to imagine a point on a coordinate plane. Back in school we were offered such a model: a point on the plane can have any coordinates x and y. Notice, any coordinates, and from minus to plus infinity. Why does it never occurs to anyone to ask the question: why can a point have any coordinates? Now imagine a point walking along the line of a function and wondering: “How can it be that my traveled path has always existed, and will always remain? And how can it be that the path I have yet to take was already preordained?” But you are looking at the path of the point from above, so there is nothing surprising for you.
The space of options serves as a template, it determines how material realization should manifest itself. Imagine a dark forest and a man with a flashlight. The person walks through the forest and illuminates a small area around him. Realization manifests as a spot of light. The whole dark forest is the space of variants, and the illuminated area is the realization of the variant in this area. So what serves as the “illumination”? In other words, what “lights up”, i.e. materializes the pattern variant?"
To answer this question, we have to choose one more starting point. In our time it is no longer a questionable fact that thoughts are material. Reality shows itself to us in two forms: on the one hand, being determines consciousness, and on the other hand, there is undeniable evidence to the contrary. Thoughts are not only a motive for human actions, but also have a direct impact on the surrounding reality. For example, our worst expectations tend to come true. Of course, it can be argued that here is not the materialization of thoughts, but a premonition of coming troubles. Indeed, in paranormal phenomena a lot of unclear and ambiguous. But this does not mean that this form of manifestation of reality can be ignored. There are many facts confirming the direct influence of thoughts on the surrounding reality.
One way or another, a person's consciousness shapes his or her destiny. The whole book is about exactly how all this happens. As a starting point, we will take the following statement: the emission of mental energy induces the material realization of a variant. We are quite right to do this, since reality also manifests itself in the form in which
consciousness determines reality. This is confirmed not only by the facts of common life, but also experiments in quantum physics. The very mechanism of interaction of mental radiation with the space of variants is not of fundamental importance for us. It is still unclear how the process of information transfer proceeds: on an energetic or some other basis. For convenience, we will simply assume that the radiation of mental energy “illuminates” a certain sector of the space of variants, as a result of which the variant receives its material embodiment. The radiation, just like the sector, has certain parameters. The mental radiation finds its sector, the variant is realized, and thus it turns out that consciousness determines reality.
One should not forget that this is only one form of manifestation of reality. One cannot just sit and form one's reality by contemplation alone. Although, there are people who can literally materialize objects out of thin air. But there are only a few of them, and they do not advertise their abilities. And yet, thoughts have the same strong influence on the fate of a person, as well as his specific actions. People are accustomed to the fact that actions entail visible and easily explainable consequences. The influence of thoughts is invisible, and therefore inexplicable and unpredictable. It may seem difficult to establish a clear causal link between thoughts and subsequent events. But you will soon find that human thoughts shape reality in a very direct way. Man receives what he chooses.
Someone may object: “So these seas, mountains, planets, galaxies are all the product of my mental radiation?” Man sometimes thinks of himself as the center of the universe. In fact, he occupies only a tiny niche in this world. Our world is inhabited by many living organisms, and each one contributes to the formation of reality. Each being has its own parameters of mental radiation. If you are uncomfortable with the mental radiation of a plant, call it something else, the point is the same. You cannot even say with certainty that inanimate objects do not have anything similar to the radiation of living organisms. Not to mention the One Spirit that permeates all things, and which we call God. Each being has its own consciousness and forms a layer of its own world. We can say that everything in this world carries a particle of God in it, and thus He governs the whole world.
Every human being follows his own line of life. And at the same time, all people live in the same world. The material world is the same for everyone, but the concrete realization is different for each person. Suppose you are a tourist and you are walking through a beautiful city. You admire the sights, marvel at the beauty of architecture, see flower beds, fountains, park alleys, smiling faces of prosperous citizens. As you walk by, a homeless man stops by a trash can. He is just as much in the same world as you are, not in another dimension. And yet, he sees a very different thing than you do. He sees the empty bottle in the trash can; he sees the dirty wall; he sees his competitor who didn't get to the bottle sooner and is now wondering if he should take it away; he sees the policeman casting a suspicious glance. You live on one lifeline and he lives on another. Your life lines have crossed at a point in the space of variants, so this world as a material realization is one for both of you.
All manifestations of material nature have an energetic basis. The field of energy is primary, all other physical manifestations are secondary. Scientists are trying to unify the different manifestations of energy into a single field theory, and soon they will have something. But then they will have to unite something again, because the number of forms of reality manifestation is infinite. We will not go into all these subtleties, and we will consider energy as some abstract force that is invisible, but nevertheless objectively exists. For our purposes it is quite enough to accept the fact that the energy of human thoughts is quite material. The energy of thoughts does not spin, closed in a person's head, but spreads into space and interacts with the surrounding energy field. This fact now few people will dispute.
For convenience, as a parameter of mental radiation we can take its frequency, similar to the frequency of radio waves. When you think about something, the frequency of energy of your thoughts is tuned to a certain area in the space of variants. When the energy gets into a sector of the space of variants, a material realization of this variant occurs. Energy has a complex structure and permeates everything in this world. Passing through the human body, energy modulated by thoughts, and at the output it acquires parameters corresponding to these thoughts. A radio transmitter works on the same principle. The parameters of energy absorb the characteristics of thoughts. Thus, the output is a mental radiation that transforms a sector of the space of options into material realization. When you think about bad or good, you radiate thought energy into the variant space. The modulated energy is superimposed on a particular sector, and this makes the appropriate changes in your life.
Life circumstances are shaped not only by specific actions, but also by the nature of a person's thoughts. If you are hostile to the world, it will respond to you in the same way. If you constantly express your dissatisfaction, there will be more and more reasons for it. If your attitude to reality is dominated by negativism, then the world will turn to you its worst side. Conversely, a positive attitude will change your life for the better in the most natural way. A person gets what he or she chooses. That's reality, whether you like it or not.
As long as your thoughts are more or less uniform in direction, you are on the same life line. As soon as your attitude to reality changes in one direction or another, the parameters of mental radiation acquire new characteristics, and the material realization of the layer of your world moves to another line. There events unfold according to another scenario, in accordance with the parameters of your radiation. If the scenario does not suit you, you will struggle, trying to change the situation. When you encounter obstacles, you react negatively, expressing dissatisfaction or becoming discouraged. Your mental radiation is rearranged to a line where the obstacles become even greater. As a result, it appears that life is rolling somewhere on an inclined plane.
This process seems uncontrollable, but in fact it is you, with your thoughts, who directs your realization into the problem areas of the space of options. You think that you overcome obstacles with your actions. But in reality, it turns out that you get what you choose. You choose to fight obstacles, and you get them in abundance. You are consumed with thoughts of problems, and they are always present in your life. Your actions are aimed at making a difference in your current lifeline. But the thing is, you cannot change the scenario in the space of options. You are only capable of choosing a different one. In trying to change what you are not happy with in the scenario, you are thinking about exactly what you don't like. Thus your choice is successfully realized, and you get what you do not want.
In this life line, you cannot change anything. In the same way, when you are in a museum, you cannot remove or rearrange an exhibit that you do not like. You are not the master here. But no one forbids you to turn around and move to another room to look at what you prefer. Of course, moving to a life line where you have what you want doesn't just happen at will. Not all thoughts are subject to realization, and not all desires are fulfilled. And the point here is not the content of the thoughts, but the quality of the thoughts. Just having a dream or a wish is not yet a choice. Dreams do not come true. It is necessary to fulfill certain conditions, which you will learn about by reading this book.
In the space of choices there are infinite lines of destiny for each person. We have no reason to resent our destiny because we have been given the right to choose. Our only problem is that we do not know how to do it. The world shows itself in all its diversity, it is as if it was created to please every taste. Everyone can find in this world whatever his or her heart desires. Even in different directions of knowledge, the world turns to us the side we want to see. For example, idealism asserts that the world is an illusion, and the world agrees. Materialism asserts the opposite, and the world again disagrees. People quarrel among themselves, imposing their view of the world on each other, and the world shows that they are all right. Isn't that wonderful?! The space of options are so-called illusions, and material realization is what is meant by the material world. We always get what we choose.
Those who are familiar with the principles of the Islamic religion know what the words “man's destiny is sealed in the Book” mean. It means that fate is predetermined and there is no escape from it. Similar statements are found in other religions. Indeed, man's destiny is already predetermined. The error of religions is only in the fact that the variant of this destiny is not one, but an infinite variety. There is no escape from destiny. And this is true to some extent, because you cannot change the scenario of a variant. Fighting with the world around you to change your destiny is a very difficult and thankless task. There is no need to fight - you can just choose the option to your liking.
Of course, all this is very unusual and raises reasonable doubts. But I did not expect you to readily accept the model of options. I myself did not believe until I was convinced that Transurfing works, and without fail. There is no sense to give preference to this or that model, only in order to achieve some absolute truth. It is not the model itself that matters, but the practical result it allows you to get. Different mathematical models may represent the same physical phenomenon in different ways. Wouldn't it be funny if experts in analytic geometry suddenly turned against mathematical analysis and started to prove that geometry is the only true mathematical discipline? Mathematicians could agree among themselves, but philosophers and religious figures could not.
Where is it, this space of options? This question is very difficult to answer. From the point of view of our three-dimensional perception, we can say that it is everywhere and nowhere. Imagine an infinite plane, without beginning and end, in which two-dimensional people live. They do not suspect that there is a third dimension. It seems to them that the plane is the only world, and they can't understand how it could be anything else beyond it. But nevertheless, we know that it is worth adding a third dimension to this model, and an infinite number of such planes can be created. So don't let it bother you that we are not able to visualize how an infinite number of parallel worlds can exist alongside our world.
It is hard to believe in the reality of existence of parallel worlds. But on the other hand, is it easy for you to believe in the theory of relativity, according to which, as the speed of a body increases, its mass increases, its size decreases, and time slows down? It's not yet possible to verify this with personal experience. The important thing is not whether we understand it or not, but what practical benefits we can derive from it.
In the face of infinity, arguing about the merits of one model or another is ridiculous and petty. Imagine infinity in the direction of increasing distances. There's no end to it out there in the distance. Infinity in the direction of decreasing distances, oddly enough, has no end either. We can only observe a limited portion of the visible universe. Both the telescope and the microscope have their limits. Infinity toward the microcosm is no different from infinity toward the macrocosm.
There is a hypothesis that the universe we see came about as a result of the “Big Bang”. Since then, it has supposedly been continuously expanding. Bodies move through space at tremendous speeds. But on the other hand, taking into account also huge distances, it seems to us that the expansion of the Universe is very long and slow.
It is also known that in vacuum, at every moment of time, elementary particles are born from nowhere and disappear at once. Taking into account the relativity of space and time, nothing prevents us from considering each such particle as a separate Universe like ours. After all, we don't know the structure of elementary particles. For physicists, they appear as waves or particles. Moving further and further into the microcosm, the relative distances become just as enormous, and time slows down again for the inner observer. To the external observer, our universe exists for one moment as a particle born and extinguished in the void, but to us as internal observers, the universe lives for billions of years.
When you take a sip of coffee, think about this: how many Universes have you swallowed? An infinite number, because infinity is not divisible. It is as far and long to “fly” into the microcosm as it is to the boundless expanse of outer space. Time, like space, is infinite both forward and backward. Time segments can be both infinitely small and infinitely large. Any point on a time segment can be considered as a reference point, on both sides of which the infinity of time extends. Moving the point of reference along the time segment changes nothing in front or behind.

All this infinity of nested worlds exists simultaneously. The center of the universe is at every point at the same time, because any point on any side is surrounded by the same infinity. And all events exist simultaneously for the same reason that the Center of the Universe is simultaneously at any point. It's hard to imagine. But it's also impossible to encompass infinity in one glance. No matter how much you move mentally through the universe, infinity is just as far away. There are even more confusing theories, according to which, our visible Universe turns into a finite sphere in four-dimensional space. But that doesn't make it any easier, because theoretically, again, there could be an infinite number of dimensions. Not being able to imagine all this, we have to be content with our narrow horizons and pretend that we understand something.
In modern science there is a lot of incomprehensible and inexplicable, however, it does not prevent us from using its fruits. Using the principles of Transurfing, you will get stunning results. Let's just agree not to torture ourselves with questions about why and how exactly it works. A child may as well ask a physicist: “Why are bodies attracted to each other?” The scientist will answer, “Because the law of gravity works.” This will be followed by a new question: “Why does the law of gravitation work? Still, why are bodies attracted to each other?” There is no answer. So let's leave this thankless occupation, something to explain, and we will just use the results of the model of variants. We are not given to know and understand everything.
It follows from the model of variants that a person creates his own destiny. And, nevertheless, the concept of destiny in Transurfing differs from the well-known ones. What is the difference? It is that one can choose one's happiness, not fight for it. Do not rush to immediately accept the model of options or reject it. Just ask yourself a question: have you managed to achieve a lot in the struggle with the world for your happiness? Everyone decides for himself whether to continue his struggle in the same spirit, or to try another way. After all, you can spend your whole life fighting, but never achieve anything. Isn't it easier to make the world come to you? After all, it only does what realizes your choice.
The chosen order is always and unconditionally fulfilled. But the choice is not a wish, but something else that you have to learn about. Wishes are fulfilled only in fairy tales. It is not without reason that the belief is ingrained that it is either very difficult or impossible to fulfill wishes. We have only taken the first step in solving the Caretaker's Riddle. Soon you will learn why wishes are not granted and dreams do not come true.
Reality has an infinite variety of forms of manifestation.
The multivariability of the world is its first fundamental property. Any model represents only a separate aspect of the manifestation of reality.
Any branch of knowledge is based on a selected aspect of the manifestation of reality. Your choice is always realized. What you choose is what you get.
The space of options is a field of information about what was, is and will be. The field of information contains potential variants of any events.
A variant consists of a scenario and scenery.
The space can be divided into sectors, each of which contains a different variant. The greater the distance between sectors, the greater the differences in variants. Sectors with approximately homogeneous parameters line up in life lines. Material realization moves in space as an energy potential. The emission of mental energy induces the material realization of a variant. Each organism contributes to the formation of material realization. When the emission parameters change, there is a shift to another lineage.
You cannot change the scenario, but you are able to choose another one.
You don't have to fight for happiness - you can just choose the variant you like.